09.07.2022 - City Council MinutesCity of Clermont MINUTES FIRST BUDGET PUBLIC HEARING SEPTEMBER 7, 2022 CALL TO ORDER The City Council met in a Special Meeting on Wednesday, September 7, 2022 at City Hall. Mayor Murry called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm with the following Council Members present: Council Members Bates, Purvis, Entsuah, and Pines. Other City officials present were City Manager Bulthuis, City Attorney Mantzaris and City Clerk Howe. The agenda items will be discussed concurrently and voted on separately. Item No. 1— Resolution No. 2022-027R — Tentative FY 202212023 Ad Valorem Millage Rate A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT OF LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ADOPTING THE TENTATIVE LEVYING OF AD VALOREM TAXES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2022-2023; PROVIDING FOR COLLECTION OF TAXES; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Item No. 2 — Resolution No. 2022-028R — Tentative FY 202212023 Budget A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT OF LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ADOPTING THE TENTATIVE BUDGET FOR THE 2022-2023 FISCAL YEAR; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. City Clerk Howe read into the record Resolution No. 2022-027R in its entirety and Resolution No. 2022- 028R by title only. City Manager Bulthuis stated that this first budget public hearing is to adopt a tentative millage rate and tentative budget for Fiscal Year 2022/2023. Mr. Bulthuis reviewed the timeline of the budget workshops. On July 26, 2022, City Council authorized a tentative millage rate of 5.75 mills. Mr. Bulthuis further stated this is the first budget public hearing and the final public hearing will be held on September 20, 2022 for the adoption of the millage rate and budget. Mr. Bulthuis provided a Power Point presentation reviewing Clermont's millage rate compared to the other cities in Lake County. A breakdown of each fund the city has along with the budget allocation into each fund. Personnel and health insurance costs were explained and shown the estimated cost for the upcoming year. Mr. Bulthuis gave examples of millage rate effects on businesses as well as for homeowners. Also, he calculated a tax bill using different millage rates and provided an overview of the save our home benefit. Finally, there was a list of all the grants the city has applied for from 2019 to present and explained the allowable usage of those funds. Mr. Bulthuis commented on the current fiscal year budget and financial reports compared to actuals. Mayor Murry opened the public hearing. Tod Howard, 1986 Brantley Circle - Expressed concern with raising the millage rate. He requested Council maintain the existing millage rate at 4.2061. Leo Cloutier, 3972 Longbow Drive - Expressed concern with an increase in the millage rate. He suggested raising the millage rate gradually over time instead of all at once. Furthermore, he is supportive of raising taxes however requested the city consider all avenues for funding instead of the taxpayers. City of Clermont MINUTES FIRST BUDGET PUBLIC HEARING SEPTEMBER 7, 2022 Shauna Vaughan, 473 Blue Cypress Drive — Does not live in the city but owns a business in Clermont. In favor of raising millage rate appropriately, not all at once. She spoke regarding what effect raising the millage rate has on businesses. Dani Page, Tuscany Ridge — Inquired where ARPA funds have been spent. John Tidona, 3611 Briar Run Drive - Expressed concern with raising the millage rate. He spoke about current infrastructure. Chandra Myers, 1040 Glen Raven Lane — Opposed to increase in taxes. She suggesting making a list of wants and needs and urged the Council to consider another solution to generate funds. Chris Davis, 10302 Lake Minneola Shores — Spoke regarding rental properties not receiving tax exemptions. Tom Day, works for the City of Clermont Public Services — read the City of Clermont's mission statement. Spoke on the lack of employees and that effects of providing exceptional service to the residents. Chris Martin, 3600 US Hwy 27 — Thanked Council for being transparent with the budget process and commented on the millage rate having an effect on the Police Department. Charlene Forth, 939 W. Desoto Street — Spoke on property taxes and the Police Department. Duane Land, works for the City of Clermont Public Services — Appreciates the transparency with the budget process. He encouraged Council to resolve the deficits in the budget. Vincent Niemiec, 4569 Barrister Drive - Requested Council to increase in increments and not all at once. Otis Taylor, 3686 Caladesi — Requested the Council to resolve the budget issues and to make tough decisions. Mayor Murry closed the public hearing. Council Member Bates stated he is open to an increase in the millage rate. Mr. Bates suggested setting a tentative millage rate of 5.5 in order to keep discussions open and to give Council Members the opportunity to do more research and speak with staff. Council Member Entsuah expressed his feelings regarding setting the millage rate at 5.5 mills but was open to 5.5 as the tentative rate for discussion purposes. Discussion ensued regarding the reserve funds being at 26.77 percent. City Manager Bulthuis explained that if reserve funds are used then staff would only look at funding current projects as funding personnel positions requires the budget to have funds every year moving forward. Mayor Murry asked Mr. Bulthuis to explain the ARPA funds the city has received and where those funds have been used. Mr. Bulthuis explained the city will receive $19,000,000 over the span of two years. The city has received $9,000,000 to date and those funds have been used to offset the cost of projects that were over budget and to settle two (2) lawsuits. City Manager Bulthuis commented on impact fees and the status of the impact fee study approved by Council earlier in the year. Mr. Bulthuis reviewed the health care costs and noted the city is self- funded. City staff is aware the minimum wage law goes into effect in 2026 however the city is currently not able to fill positions with the salaries that are being offered. City of Clermont MINUTES FIRST BUDGET PUBLIC HEARING SEPTEMBER 7, 2022 Council discussed the new state law regarding CDL licenses and the hardship it is causing the Public Works department in finding and retaining employees. Discussion ensued regarding Return on Investments within the city. Mr. Bulthuis explained the city does consider cost effectiveness of either hiring a private company or having a project done with city employees. The city also bids out jobs to ensure the company awarded the project is the best and most cost effective. Mr. Bulthuis explained that the millage rate will need to be set at 5.75 mills for the funding to repair roads in the city. If the millage is set any lower than 5.75, then there will be not be funds available. Discussion was had regarding removing hiring new employees from the budget to offset a lower millage rate. Chief Broadway gave an update on the vacancies within the Police Department. Council Member Bates moved to approve Resolution 2022-027R for a tentative millage of 5 5• Seconded by Council Member Purvis. Passed unanimously 5-0 with all members present voicing aye. Council Member Bates moved to approve Resolution 2022-028R for a tentative budget based on a revenue number of $44,277,869.75, Seconded by Council Member Purvis. Passed unanimously 5-0 with all members present voicing aye. CLOSING COMMENTS The increase in millage rate of 5.5 would be a 30.76% increase above the current millage rate of 4.2061. The Final Budget Hearing will be held on September 20, 2022 at 6:30 PM. ADJOURN: With no further comments, this meeting adjourned at 8:31pm. APPROVED: i Tim Murry, Mayor ATTEST: Tracy Ackroyd Howe, MMC City Clerk