12-02-1964 Regular MeetingREGULAR MEETING PLANNING COMMISSIOrT A regular meeting of the City of Clermont Planning Commission was held in the Municipal Court Room on Wednesday, December 2, 1964. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P. M. by Commission Chairman Bakeman with the following members present: Messrs: VanderMeer, Colegrove, Seaver and Cantwell. The meeting was devoted primarily to discussion of aims and accomplishments of the past year and plans for the future. Mr. Colegrove moved that it be RESOLVH'D that the City Council and Mayor make further study"of a desirable location for a Community Building, giving full consideration to the offer made by Mr. ~?inther for free land, and that if at all feasible proceed with the financing and construction as soon as possible. That the services of_ a professional Municipal Planner be procured as soon as possible and that following the study the feasibility of a sewer system have full consideration. The motion was seconded by Mr. Seaver and carried. *~eeting adjourned. Frank Bakeman, Chairman