11-04-1964 Regular MeetingPLANNING COMMISSION A regular meeting of the City of Clermont Planning Commission was held in the City Administration Building on Wednesday, November 4, 1964. The meeting was called to order by Commission Chairman Frank Bakeman with the following named members present: Messrs. Winther, Seaver, Colegrove, Cantwell and McHenry. Recording Secretary Albert M. Johnson was also present. Mr. Colegrove reported that a meeting of citizens of South Lake County was being held in Groveland and that the director of the East Florida Reginal Planning Council would give a report on their work to date. Motion was made by Mr. Cantwell, seconded by Mr. Seaver and carried that the meeting adjourn to the South Lake County Citizens Committee being held in Groveland Fr_~ank Bakeman, Chairman