06-03-1964 Regular MeetingPLANNING COMMISSION A regular meeting of the Clermont Planning Commission was held in the office of the City Clerk on Wednesday, June 3, 1964. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P. M. by Commission Chairman Frank Wakeman with the following named members present: Messrs. Seaver, Winther, Vander Meer, Colegrove and Cantwell. Recording Secretary Albert Johnson was also present. Chairman Wakeman reported that a joib.t meeting of two Council members, Mr. Hutchingson and Mr. Hoskinson, and three members of the Planning Commission, Messrs. Oakley Seaver, Forrest Colegrove and himself and City Clerk Johnson had met and discussed the proposed sign Ordinance; that some minor changes had been made at the request of the Council members after which the Ordinance had been adopted by the City Council at their meeting last Tuesday, Hune 2, 1964. Mr. Wakeman further reported that the City Council was in the process of divorcing the Water Department from all other City operations. Motion was made by Mr. Colegrove, seconded by Mr. Winther and carried, that the minutes of the meeting held May 6, 1964 be approved as written. Mr. Colegrove presented a RESOLUTION which he had been requested to prepare. Following a discussion of the RESOLUTION motion was made by Mr. Winther, seconded by Mr. Vanderffieer and carried that the following RESOLUTION be adopted. WAS various outside influences are known to be constantly endeavoring to produce discontent and discord among the colored citizens of Clermont with whom we have always had excellent relations, and WHEREAS certain information leads us to believe that, in some cases they are meeting with some success, The Planning Commission of the City of Clermont recommends that the City Council establish a bi-racial committee to meet at stated periods to discuss any situations that may develop or minor complaints from our local colored citizens which, if allowed to continue, might develop into major complaints. The Committee should consist of a certain number of influential citizens of both races who have lived in this area for a sufficient length of time to know enough about the community, its past history, and such other information as will enable them to act wisely on this Committee. Minutes of each meeting should be made and a copy submitted to the City Council after each meeting. Chairman Wakeman advised the Commission that he had drawings and cost estimates of a proposed City Auditorium, which had been prepared by Mr. Hill Stiggins of Orlando. Mr. Wakeman called to the attention of the Commission the fact that the proposed building, as drawn, was located on property in West Gate Plaza which Mr. Winther had offered to the City of Clermont for such use. A general discussion followed and it was agreed by the Commission that the building should face in the opposite direction as that shown. It was also agreed that some room for expansion should be provided. Mr. Winther immediately offered to include an additional approximately 40 x 100 feet of property in his offer to donate. Mr. Richard Harris arrived during the above noted discussion. The members of the Commission were in unanimous agreement that they recommend to the City Council that the property located in West Gate Plaza, previously under consideration, as well as the additional approximately 40 x 100 feet, being offend as a donation to the City of Clermont by Mr. Martin Winther as a site for an auditorium be accepted by the City Council and that there be erected thereon an auditorium basicly as provided in the accompanying sketch, with the exception that the building be reversed and face in the opposite direction in order to provide for future expansion as may be recommended by the architect. That the cost of the building be financed by the sale of approximately X100,000.00 in Revenue Certificates bearing such rate of interest as will promote their sale locally; that the Council establish a schedule of fees for the use of the building; that the offices of the Chamber of Commerce be located in the building, as indicated by the sketch, so that at least some operating expense may be eliminated by using Chamber of Commerce personnel for the maintenance of a cale:nd~.r of reservations and available dates of the building's facilities and also permitting the Chamber of Commerce personnel to contact people visiting and/or making inquiries concerning the city. Be it further recommended that the City Council give this matter their early and serious consideration as it is considered by the Planning Commission to be of the greatest importance. Chairman Bakeman made the following Committee Chairmanship appointments: Oakley Seaver, "Merchant Situation", Martin Winther, "Services Provided by the City"; Dr. Cantwell, "Educational Facilities and Youth Facilities". Forrest Colegrove, "Growth Trends". Jay Vander Meer, "Community Improvements"; Arthur Ekiert, "Fiscal Policies", and Richard Harris, "City Employees". Motion was made by Mr. Seaver, seconded by Mr. Cantwell and carried that the meeting adjourn. Fr Bakeman, Chairman