05-06-1964 Regular MeetingPL~~I`~I~ZNG COT1`iISSION A regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Clermont was held in the office of the City Clerk on Wednesday, clay 6, 1964. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Frank Bakeman at 7:45 P. M. with the following named members present: Messrs. Bakeman, `~inther, Seaver, Colegrove, and Westerman. Absent: Messrs. Harris, Cantwell, Ekiert and Mc~uisition. Motion was made by Mr. Colegrove, seconded by Mr. Winther and carried, that the minutes of the meeting held April 1, 1965 be approved as written. Chairman Bakeman stated that it was his opinion that any recommendations made to the City Council, by the Commission, should be based entirely on established facts; that it was his sincere hope that the Commission could start immediately on surveys, studies, reports and recommendations pertaining to the various areas of the program recently adopted but that an improvement in attendance was desired before this could be accomplished. Mr. Bakeman expressed his sincere thanks to those members present for their attendance. Mr. Johnson reported that Mr. `.d. H. Mc~uisition had resigned from the Commission and that he presumed that the vacancy would be filled at the next meeting of the Council. Following a general discussion it was the unanimous agreement of the Commission that a community building for the City of Clermont be the number one project for consideration. Motion was made by Mr. Seaver, seconded by Mr. Winther and unanimously c~~rried that this Commission recommend to the City Council that the 'dater Department of the City of Clermont be entirely separated from municipal operations; that a proper amount of the annual profits be set aside as a reserve and that only the remaining profits be reported as revenue. Chairman Bakeman requested Mr. Colegrove to prepare a Resolution for presentation to the City Council, after study and endorsement by the Commission, recommending that a Bi-Racial Committee be appointed. Motion by Mr. Seaver, seconded by Mr. i~Jinther and carried that meeting adjourn. Frank Bakeman, Chairman t ary