04-01-1964 Regular MeetingPLANNING COMMISSION A regular meeting of the local Planning Commission was held in the office of the City Clerk on Wednesday, April 1, 1964. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Frank Wakeman at 7:30 P. M. with all members present with the exception of Mrs. Juliett Carrington and Mr. Charles Root. Recording Secretary Albert Johnson was present and Col. Ream was present as a visitor. Upos motion of Mr. Winther, seconded by 3~r. Seaver, and unanimously carried, the minutes of the meeting held March 4, 1964 were approved as written. Chairman Wakeman reported that letters of resignation had been written to the City Council by Juliett Carrington and Charles Root. Motion was made by Dr. Cantwell, seconded by Mr. Winther and unanimously carried that the Commission Chairman write letters to Mrs. Carrington and Mr. Root expressing the apprecia- tion of the members of the Commission for the excellent work done by them during their tenure in office. Chairman Wakeman read a list of matters which he recommended that the Commission should undertake. He also read a copy of a letter from Clerk Johnson to Council Chairman Norris Hutchingson making definite recommendations for studies and reports on various phases of City government, programs of improvement, business affairs, growth and other related matters. Chairman Wakeman invited Commission members to make comments regarding the proposals which he was submitting. Mr. Seaver recommended that a program of sidewalk repairs and construction and acquiring additional land for Parks and Play Grounds be included in the study. Mrs. VanNostrand suggested that the study include the pros and cons of a City Manager form of Government. Mr. McQuisition asked that a sewerage disposal system be included for study. The list of suggestions submitted b Mr. Wakeman, was divided into eight sections (A through $~ with the intention that members of the Commission serve as Chairmen for each section. Each Commission member is to advise Mr. Wakeman of their order of preference after which definite appointments will be made by the Chair. After appointment, each section Chairman is to select three persons from the general public to assist them, with the understanding that no person may serve on more than one Committee. The need for semi-monthly meetings, for the next several months, was discussed as well as the possibility of holding the extra meeting in the afternoon. No action was taken but an expression from the membership was requested. Commission members were unanimous in their agreement that the best approach to the problem was as outlined in the foregoing paragraph and City Clerk Johnson agreed to mail each member of the Commission a copy of the program which is to be undertaken. Chairman Wakeman read a letter from Mr. Martin Winther, wherein Mr. '~inther offered to purchase certain property in West Gate Plaza at a cost of $11,000.00 and donate such land to the City of Clermont for a community building site. A copy of the letter follows these minutes. Chairman Wakeman introduced Col. Ream to the Commission members. Colonel Ream stated that he had enjoyed the meeting and that he was extending an invitation to the members of the Commission to attend the meeting of the Home Owners Civic Improve- ment Association being held on Friday, April 10, 1964. Colonel Ream stated that the speaker, at the meeting, would be the City Manager of Winter Park and that the advantages of a City Manager form of Government will be his topic. Chairman Bakeman stated that if there was no further business that a motion for adjournment was in order. Motion was made by Dr. Cantwell, seconded by Mr. McQuisitios, and carried, that meeting adjourn. ry Frank Bakeman, hairman