03-04-1964 Regular Meeting ~s regul~~r meeting of the ::'l,.nning Commission of the City of '~l~r:rAont ~:r~~s held in the office of t:e City Clerk on Wednesday, Iviarch 4, 164. The meeting; was called to order a 7:50 F. I°i. by :hairman {rank Wakeman, ~:vith the followings named members present: I`e,=srs. eaver, Cant~~re'.1, Pc~;uistion, ~~inther and BakeLL:an. ~?~cordins; ;secret _ ry ~abert Johnson wu.s also present. Chairm.~!n /a'ieman s ~:ated that ne :wished to extend his sincere thanks to ~~akl~y Seaver and Charles :Root for their fine t==Turk on t'r1e proposed si; •n ordin~~:nce v:Thich had been recommended to the City Council for p~::ssage. Upon the recommend~~tion of ~h ~rmUn Wakeman mot ~ on ~,as made by i°ir. 'ic`~wuistion, seconded by I~ir. ,ainther and unanimously carried that the ~='lannin~ Commission extend 'Lo i`r. prank Innis, former ch~:iruZan, their sinceY'e ~pprec: tion for his efforts in behalf of the Commission and t~~ rit;,~, ~?~rin~; iris tenure in office. notion by '1r. ~inther, seconc3.ed by T~~. _eaver, th-~t the minutes cf the ~~~~eci`11 T'_eeting helc% on February 26, 1U~.-4 be approved as written. Chairrr~a.n B~:kem~.n submitted an outline of possible are.s in ~rhich the ~ lanning Commission mi;ht 'oe of assistance a.nd requested that t'_ne membership make recommendations at the next meeting. rig. Martin ~inther submitted a plot plan for a possible location for a Community Building. The proposed area is a part of ~~Jest Gate Flaza and I'~Ir. ~Ninther stated that i1e would donate the property to tree City of Clermont for a Community Building location if tl~ey were interested. Clerk Johnson agreed to a request by the Commissso~ to have his ¢~~~'ice contact all Commission members, on the morning p~oeeding t'~eir meeting-;, in an effort to determine whether or not tried will be pre ent. I'~otion was made by I's. Cantr~aell, seconded by 1`r. `~Jinther that the meeting; <~djourn. y rare ~?akeman, Cha.i~~man