02-26-1964 Special MeetingFLt'~1V1\IN~; t~':=;l~iI~~~IC: N .~ especial i=eetin~; of the W~l~~nning Commission of the City of Clermont was held in the office of the Cite Clerk on `.ni`ednesday, February 2r~, 164. `rhe meeting was c~:lled to order at 7:30 ~'. l by Commission Chairman Frank fsakeman with the followinz named members present: Cantwell, Colegrove, T~c~uisition, weaver, and T,'.oot. Others present ::ere 'councilman Herold `~'urville and ?~.ecordin" secret~.ry Al~~ert Johnson. Chairman Wakeman stated. ~h~t the purpose of the meeting was to hear a report from a ~:~pecial Committee relative to t~~e regulation of signs in the City of Cler~aont. The ~olnmittee, consisting of Cakley ~ea.ver and Chi-Arles ~~oot .submitted t~.eir report accompanied by conies of a_~roposec~. ordinance . The proposed ordinance, as submitted by the Special Co~mittee ti~aas discussed section by section r.:nd paragraph by paragraph. xt the conclusion of the discussion motion was made by Tir. i~-oot, seconded by r1r. Colegrove and unanimously carried that the Fl~nning Commission recomiuend to the City Council of the Ci ~y of Cler~_~ont the adoption of a proposed ordinance which they ~f~aere presenting. x copy of the proposed ordinance aupears immediately following; t__ese ruinutes. Recording ;secretary filbert Johnson was reGUested to furnish each member of the City Council and t"rie 1"Iayor a copy of the proposed ordinance prior to t~~eir regular meeting bein held next Tuesday, T°iarch 3, 1g64. ~.s there -eras no other business to be considered by the Commission the Chairm~-_n adjourned the meetinv at approximately ~ :45 P. Pi. crank Bakeman, Chairman klbe rs. ~onnso ~Rec di aecr ary