02-05-1964 Regular Meeting\i PLANNING COMMISSION A regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City ,; of Clermont was held in the City administration Building on Wednesday, February 5, 1964. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P. M. by Chairman Frank Innis with the following named members present: Messrs. Cantwell, Root, Colegrove, `~linther, McQuistion, Bakeman, Seaver and Mesdames Carringt_n and Van Nostrand. Recording Secretary Albert Johnson and Councilman Harold Turville were also present. Chairman Innis stated th~:t he was retiring from the Commission and, therefore, the first order of business was the nomination and election of a chairman. Mrs. VanNostrand nominated Mr. Charles Root. Dr. Cantwell seconded the nomination. Mr. Root expressed his thanks for the honor extended him, but stated th~~t he could not serve as the chairman. Mr. Colegrove nominated Mr. Frank Bakeman. Mrs. Carrington moved that the nominations be closed and that the Clerk cast a unanimous ballot for Frank Bakeman as ~'hairman. The motion was seconded by Mr. Root and unanimously carried. Mr. Bakeman thanked the Commission for their confidence. after being seated as Chairman, rlr. Bakeman stated that the next order of business was the nomination and election of a Vice Chairman and that nominations were in order. Mr. Seaver nominated Dr. Cantwell. Mr. Colegrove seconded the nomination. When the vote was taken the result was unanimous in favor of Dr. Cantwell as Vice Chairman. It was decided that the first `~Iednesday in each month would be continued as the meeting date for the commission. Recording Secretary Johnson reported to the commission that the City Councib has requested that they assist in the preparation of an ordinance pertaining to signs in areas other than residential. Secretary Johnson further reported that the Council would like to have the recommendation for the proposed ordinance within three weeks, if possible. Chairman Bakeman appointed the following named, to prepare a sample ordinance as requested by the Council, Root, Seaver. Secretary Johnson invited Chairman Bakeman to attend a meeting of the City Council being held on February 11, 1964 at 7:30 P. M. at which time matters of municipal planning would be discussed with representatives of the Florida Development Commission. Chairman Bakeman stated that he desired and expected full and open discussion, by all members, on any subject coming before the commission, but that he hoped that such discussion would be limited to the subject at hand and not stray to completely unrelated matters. Chairman Bakeman requested each member to prepare a list of items which they considered worthy of consideration by the Commission and to present them at the next regular meeting. Chairman Bakeman appointed a committee to make a report on the reasons they believed to be the causes of the lack of growth of Cler~.,,ont and the decline in business. A special meeting was called for February 26, 1964 Motion by Mrs. Carrington, seconded by Mr. weaver, and carried, th~~t meeting adjourn. Frank Bakeman, Chairman ary