1993-37American R,ed Cross AGREEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING .. _ .. W- - : _._ __ _ BETWEEN Mid-Florida Chapter 341 White Street ' P.O. Box 9186 Daytona Beach, Florida 3212Q-9186 904-226-1400 FAX: 904-258-8848 THE AMERICAN RED CROSS MID-FLORIDA CHAPTER AND JENKINS AUDITORIUM WHEREAS, one of the primary responsibilities of the American Red Cross as a quasigovernmenta]. agency is the relief of human need resulting from non-enemy caused disaster; and, WHEREAS, the Red Cross has long served as a nationwide agency through which the American people voluntarily extend assistance to individuals and families with disaster-caused needs that they cannot meet with their own resources; and, WHEREAS, The Red Cross is already organized to extend emergency assistance to the citizens of our community during any hour of emergency and will follow the same with rehabilitation assistance to all those in need of such assistance; NOW, therefore this Agreement between the Mid-Florida Chapter and FOR the purpose of providing emergency mass care assistance. American Red Cross Representative ~., AN F.QUAL OPPORTUNfTY F.MPLOYF.R W ne Saunders, City Manager Ci of Clermont P-O. Box 120219 Clermont, FL 34712-0219 ' ~ .,I ~. ~ _, , ~` `~ ~~~~~~~ Flogler Servim Center West Volume Service Center Lake Coun[y Service Ctnur P.O. Box 2394 229 Last Graves Avenue P.O. Box 921 Bunnell, FloriJa 32110 Orange City, F7oriJe 32763 'favarcs, Florida 32"!78 'XW~i 37-3800 904-773-2777 9G4-343-3199 W' Nrti~'z Primary Atternl Altern2 Comments Comments Record >Y136 Type SNLA Name Jenkins Auditorium Addressl 691 Montrose Street Addreas2 P.O. BOX 219 County Lake City Clermont State FL Zip 34711 Phone 394-4081 eT- 3 ~ y - `1/ 9~ Capacity 180 ScLFt gas electric cap American R,ed Cross Mid-Florida Chapter 341 White Street P.O. Box 9186 Daytona Beach, Florida 32120-9186 904-226-1400 FAX: 904-258-8848 September 13, 1993 Dear Neighbors: In the past there has been an agreement between the American Red Cross and your organization for the use of your facility in the time of disaster. Recently we have been in the these agreements, a process doneceveryftwodyears. We have not received a returned agreement from your organization. Please sign the enclosed form, update the emergency telephone numbers and return it to us as quickly as possible. Together we can assure the caring continues Sincerely, Mariellen Teeters Director, Emergency Services Flagler Service Center West Volusia Service Center Lake County Service Center ~i~ P.O. Box 2394 229 East Graves Avenue ~ AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Bunneu, Florida 32l to P.O. Box 921 Orange City, Florida 32763 Tavares, Florida 32778 904-437-5800 904-775-2777 904-343-3199 American R,ed Cross Dear Shelter Provider: Mid-Florida Chapter 341 White Street P.O. Box 9186 Daytona Beach, Florida 32120-9186 904-226-1400 FA ~ C: 904-258-8848 Thank you for offering your facility as an alternate shelter for Lake County disaster operations. Your Shelter Agreement is enclosed. Please sign and date it and mail it in the en- closed envelope. After our representative signs it, the agreement will be returned to you and a copy retained for our files. Should we need to use your facility, your primary or alternate contact will be contacted by a staff member of volunteer of the American Red Cross. At that time, we assume all responsi- bility and liability. NOTE: YOU MAY OPEN WITHOUT THE DIRECTIVE OF THE AMERICAN RED CROSS; HOWEVER, IN THAT CASE YOU MUST ASSUME ALL LIABILITY. Trained workers will handle shelter management and family assistance, etc. Your staff/volunteers are not obligated to be present; however, if they wish to GJJ1Jl., they're welcome . to do so. The premises will be inspected prior to opening and after the shelter has officially closed. The cost of any damages in- curred during use as a shelter will be borne by the American Red Cross. At this time, you may also request reimbursement for any food or supplies used at the request of our staff or volunteers. Should you have questions regarding this letter or any other disaster-related issues, please call the Lake County Service Center at 357-8335 or the Mid-Florida Chapter house at 904-226-1400. We sincerely appreciate your support of our Lake County disaster relief efforts.