Road Closure, DeSoto & Hunt SeK,!J (I) "'" r' ~c,,~t ~t "l. ç- .-" ...."'P.'" '7 ' /~t141 ~~ Mr. (/J? ". Z~ Mr. ~.~:!~:::'lng -::l:t:::O:::d ~:p.ed: WHEREAS, The state Road De;wrtment of Florlde., has surveyed and located a pa.rt of Federal ROll to 19 in Lak~: COU1'1 ty, de fÜ~na tad a ~ ..' '. Project 175-G, aa ahown by a map 01' plan cf 8G.id location on flle 1." . te office and in the office ~f tte Jlerk of the Ci~Qu1t Caurt cf " said Lake County, and WHEREAS, the said Department has found 8.nd 1et~rmlned tha.t it ie n~cessary, wise and expedient, to cl0ge certaIn streets or avenues ..i thin the ~ I1mi ts of Cler'mont, a.nd ~¿p WHEREAS, the Said Departmen't, nn8 reql1e!3ted the 01 ty GIv.~ t_ ~d of Clermont to permanently close tho following streets or avenues, to-wlt: ~ " DeSotc' Street, HUIì t Strt~e t. t...,p-r~.P THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED ~ the C~ty '_Ir\,,"-,nl~ of Clermont, .in re€:ulA.r session, th:3.t the sald StrlP'etFl and Avenuee. to-Vl1t; De Sot/) Stree t , H"mt S'cr-e€:, t , be and they are hereby permanently closed to traffic at the po~nt where said streets a.nd avenues lnteruE'!ct the right of way of Jaid ProJect 175-G, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED t>:.'1.t. the Clerk f;.;rniet. :l copy of this re sollltl::m. to the State Road Depa..rtrr:e n t" DONE 1n refšular sessioJî, tLla the _~ dHY Of~~ 1937. ~ ) COUNTY OF LAKE ) I, cP.;77~ STATE OF FLORIDA . Cl er°j¡ of the 7 ot Clermont, Florida, hereby certify tha t the above an". foregoing is a ~~~d true and correct copy of the sa.ld resol utlon pa.ssed by the G----..-,~ ..,-~ of the ~ ~ of Clermont, Lake County, F'lorlda, 1n regtÜar on the ~ da.y Of~ 1937. WITNESS I:1Y hand and off 1c1a.l seal at Cletol1Jon t, Ji'lorlds, tht s day OfJ;:,~ 1937. ~.,':" ession '\ , ' ~ ( SUL) -~~~ .,. ~ 'j, J f' 'S ~ . f' 'Ii t ~ ~ ~ ¡~ . or: ,. .. r I ~ , ~. ~ ,~ :~ .¡ , , ~ ~ "; ¡ !' i . ~ ,; I I , , ~ ! '.'~ . ::.7:.. ~~~~~~:r,'" '. '," 'ur' '. ·-...-..--."" . ,-f FLORIDA STATE JOHN R. PHILLIPS CHAIRMAN -,.....-.....-.. \ ROAD DEPARTMENT MEMBERS TALLAHASSEE WARREN M. CASON RALPH POWERS WILLIAM T. MAYO JOHN H. MONAHAN A. MAX BREWER TAMPA. LA.KE CaTY TALLAHASSEE FORT LAUDERDALE TITUSVILLE January 12, 1962 In Re: Section 11200-Project 175G - state Road 25 - Lake County Mr. Irving F. Morse City Attorney, Clermont Clermont, Florida Dear Sir: Enclosed is copy of Resolution SRD No. 89 on the above project adopted by City of Clermont on June 1, 1937, wherein D~soto and Hunt Streets were closed at the intersection of this highway. please advise this office if any further action will be re- quired to open DeSoto Street, as stated in your letter of January 9. DWB: ca I:nclosure cc: Richey Green yours very truly, M. N. YANCEY Engineer of Rights of Way '~ ~.~ '" ,--,'~ .. '"'~