2010-05FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN LAKE COUNTY AND THE CITY OF CLERMONT RELATING TO THE CLERMONT SPRAYFIELD PYZOPERTY This is a First Amendment to the Agreement bettiveen Lake Cotutty, Itereitafter referred to as "County", and the City of Clermont, hereinafter refeued to as "City", relating to the Clermont Sprayfield Property. WHERb;AS, on or about August 11, 2009, the patties entered into art Agreement for property Located in Lake Count}j, Florida, whic[t is described as foltativs: See atfaclred Exhibit A, attached hereto anti incorporated herein by reference. WHEREAS, Paragt•aph 5 of t[te Agreement states that County shall have one-hundred and i~ti~enty (120) days after the Effective Date to determine ~ti~hether the Property is acceptable to Cotntty for use as recreational park/baU parks; acrd WIiEREAS, the parties have been unable to complete the necessary due diligence and additional tithe is needed; and WHEREAS, Ilse patties no~v desire to amend the Agreentettt to extend the due diligence period by approximately sixty (GO) days. NOW, THEREF OItE, IN CONSIDERATION of the terms, conditions, premises, payments and covenants contained heteitt, the parties agree as follows: 1. Recitats. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are incarporated hereit by reference. 2. Anreudnrenf. a. Section 5 of the original Agreement dated August I1, 2009, shall be amended to extend the dne diligence period to February 8, 2010. Should the contingencies be fulfilled, the closing shad occur uo later than March 16, 2010. 3. Other Provisions. All other provisions of the original Agreement dated August 11, 2009, shall remain in fitll force and effect. S:1I)OCtttyfENI120ttg1COUt~T1 PROPERTY1Clennont Sprayfield Properq~C+irsr Amendnte~tt to r~grecment_t2-09-09.does 1 Tirst Amendment to Agreement Between Lat~-e County and City of Clermont Relating to the Clemtont Sprayfield. IN WITi~ESS ~YHEREOF, the patties have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly at,dtorized tepresetttatives. CITY CITY Ol? CLERMONT, through its'TO~'~'NMANAGER Wa a aunders This day of, , 2009. COUNTY LAKE COUNTY thraugit its COUNT MAN ER Sanford A. l~iinkoff I,ttet'im County Manager Zo I O Tltis 1 Z day of ---, , X899: ,~~ Approved as to form and legality: `XY1 ivfelanie Marsh Acting County Attorney S:IDOCUtv1GACl120091COUt~tTY PROPERTI'1Clcnnout Spraydield Propert~'tFirst An,endrtunt to Agrcement_t2-tt9.09.docx 2