2010-14 City of Clermont Me To: Wayne Saunde From: Tamara Richarc CC: Date: March 25, 2010 Re: Third Street and Design and Perr BESH, Inc. City Manager n, PE, City Engineer ~--' ng Site The Engineering Departm nt requested a proposal for engineering services to design and permit the Third Street pr ject and the Pavilion site design. BESH, Inc., one of the City's continuing engineering c nsultants, provided a proposal to design, permit and perform bidding and construction p ase services for the two projects. The proposal provided by ESH, Inc. includes $21,381.00 for Third Street and $17,000.00 for the Pavilion site. The to al scope is $35,931.00. I recommend approval o the proposal from BESH, Inc. for $35,931.00 to perform engineering services relat d to the design, permitting and construction administration for Third Street and the Pavilio Site. 1 CIVIL ENGINEERING SERVICES PROPOSAL/AGREEMENT FOR 3RD STREET r: 'ROVEMENTS AND COMMUNITY BUILDING SITE PLAN CITY OF CLERMONT Duane K. Booth, P.E. BOOTH, ERN, STRAUGI 350 North Sinclair Avenu Tavares, Florida 32778 (352) 343-8481 Phone (352) 343-8495 Fax Tamara Richardson, P.E., City Engineer & HIOTT, INC. CITY OF CLERMONT 685 West Montrose Street Clermont, Florida 34711 (352) 241-7335 - Phone (352) 394-2379 - Fax tamararichardsonCa7clermontfl org PROJECT: 3RO Street Improvements and Community Building Site Plan, Clermont, Florida CLIENT: Tamara R chardson, P.E., City Engineer, City of Clermont DATE: February 8, 2010, revised March 16, 2010 PROPOSAL FOR SERVICES SCOPE OF SERVICE BESH is to design anc approximately 800 ft Additionally BESH is t~ associated site grading survey, environmental ; City of Clermont to BE; TASK I 3~d permit widening and resurfacing of 3~d street north of Carroll St o include storm water collection and treatment improvements. prepare a site plan and permit a new Community Building with storm water treatment and utilities. This proposal does not include services, or landscape /irrigation designs. Survey to be provide by ~H in ACAD format. Improvement Plans Preparation of fi al engineering plans and calculations in conformance with City of Clermont Land evelopment Regulations and Green Book Standards for design of local streets. D sign to include widening of existing 18ft wide street to 24ft wide street with `F' cu b on each side, 5' sidewalk on one side, new drainage collection system and utilit adjustments as needed. Final Engineering plans will include: A. Cover Sh et B. Demo Pla C. Geometry Plan D. Plan/Profit s E. Utility Adju tment Plan f=. Signing & triping Plan G. Road & Dr inage Details H. City of Cle mont Standard Notes FE $8,800.00 TASK II 3`d Street torm water Calculations: Prepare calculati calculations and pi LDR's. Per cony SJRWMD permitti ins for treatment of storm water, inlet capacity & spread ~e capacity calculations in conformance with the City of Clermont ~rsation with SJRWMD, widening of 3`d street is exempt from Ig requirements. FEES $2,300.00 PROJECT: 3RD Street Improvements and Community Building Site Plan, Clermont, Florida CLIENT: Tamara R chardson, P.E., City Engineer, City of Clermont DATE: February 8, 2010, revised March 16, 2010 TASK III Commu~ity Building Site Plan: Preparation of ite plan for construction of approximately 9000 sf Community Building. Desi n to include site grading, establishing finish floor of building, coordinating wi h Architect, providing water and sewer utilities to and from the building, and st rm water treatment system. Final Site plans will include: A. Cover S eet B. Demo PI n C. Geomet Plan D. Utility Pla E. Grading Ian F. Details G. City of CI rmont Standard Notes FE $5,800.00 TASK IV Commun~ty Building Storm Water Calculations &SJRWMD Permitting: Prepare storm ater calculations in conformance with City of Clermont and SJRWMD code. Prepare SJRWMD application for modification of existing 40C-42 permit for const uction of a new Community Building within the boundary of a previously permi ted storm water management system. This task shall include preparation and ubmittal of application and exhibits, and respond to any request for additional info mation (RAI) as requested by SJRWMD. An environmental site assessment will a required and wetland line established along Sparkling Water Lake and shown on survey for submittal to SJRWMD, this information is to be provided by the ity. FED: $3,500.00 TASK V Project Administration: The scope of services shall include administrative services necessary to coordinate all aspects of the roject through the planning, design and permitting phase. These services shall inc ude project scheduling with all regulatory agencies and public utility companies uring the design and permitting phase of the project. This task will also two (2) rai's with clude three (3) design meetings with City staff and response to RWMD. FEES $4,000.00 PROJECT: 3RD Street Improvements and Community Building Site Plan, Clermont, Florida CLIENT: Tamara R chardson, P.E., City Engineer, City of Clermont DATE: February 8, 2010, revised March 16, 2010 Task VI Geotecf~nical Services: See attached s~ope of work by Andreyev Engineering, Inc. FEE: $4,031.00 TASK VI Bid Doc~ments & Bidding Prepare bid do uments and solicit bids from approved contractors, conduct a mandatory pre- id meeting, answer bid questions or issue addendum as required, receive bids, pr pare spreadsheet and review bids for completeness and make recommendatio of lowest qualified bidder. E: $2,500.00 TASK VII Construction Administration All necessary in pections, final certifications and as-builts as required by permit conditions whic consist of the following: Booth, Er ,Straughan & Hiott, Inc., will advise and consult with Owner and act as its epresentative during construction. Booth, Ern, Straughan & Hiott, Inc., will ake one weekly visit to the site to observe the progress and quality of the a ecuted site work and to determine in general if the work is proceedi g in accordance with the construction drawings. Booth, Ern, Straugha & Hiott, Inc., will review and approve shop drawings, results of tests and nspections and other data that the contractor is required to submit. As-builts rvey data shall be conducted by a Professional Licensed Surveyor of the Sta a of Florida, as provided by the site contractor. Based up n the on-site observations and as-built survey data provided by the contra tor, Booth, Ern, Straughan & Associates, Inc., shall prepare and submit as built construction drawings and certifications of completions to the owner an the following State and local agencies as required. As-built of constructi n drawings shall be prepared in accordance with City of Clermont layering a d format requirements. A. Cit~of Clermont. B. St. ohns River Water Management District. $6,000.00 PROJECT: 3RD Street Improvements and Community Building Site Plan, Clermont, Florida CLIENT: Tamara R chardson, P.E., City Engineer, City of Clermont DATE: February 8, 2010, revised March 16, 2010 TASK 999 Reimbu sables Blueprints, copi s, mylars, reproductions, postage, etc. F E: $1,500.00 (to be billed at actual expense) NOTE: R imbursables to be billed based upon direct expense incurred by Both, Ern, Straughan & Hiott, Inc. THIS PROPOSAL DOES NOT INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Survey ervices Environ ental Assessments Landsca a/Irrigation NPDES ermitting Hardsca es design Lighting esign Advance ent of permit fees Game & ish permitting SUMMARY FEE SCHEDULE TASK I $ 8,800.00 TASK II $ 2,300.00 TASK III $ 5,800.00 TASK IV $ 3,500.00 TASK V $ 4,000.00 TASK VI $ 4,031.00 TASK VII $ 6,000.00 TASK 999 $ 1,500.00 T TAL $ 35,931.00 5 PROJECT: 3RD Stree Improvements and Community Building Site Plan, Clermont, Florida CLIENT: Tamara ichardson, P.E., City Engineer, City of Clermont DATE: February 8, 2010, revised March 16, 2010 HOURLY RATE SCHEDULE (2010) Professional Services call be charged at the following rate schedule: ENGINEERING PROFES ZONAL ENGINEER PRINCIPAL $145.00/HOUR P OFESSIONAL ENGINEER $130.00/HOUR PROJECT ENGINEER $110.00/HOUR NGINEER TECHNICIAN I $95.00/HOUR NGINEER TECHNICIAN II $75.00/HOUR ENIOR PLANNER - AICP $110.00/HOUR CANNING TECHNICIAN $75.00/HOUR C NSTRUCTION ENGINEER $85.00/HOUR SURVEYING PROFES ZONAL SURVEYOR PRINCIPAL $145.00/HOUR P OFESSIONAL SURVEYOR $110.00/HOUR 3 MAN FIELD CREW $145.00/HOUR 2 MAN FIELD CREW $125.00/HOUR CREW UTILI ING GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM $150.00/HOUR SURVEY TECHNICIAN I $95.00/HOUR URVEY TECHNICIAN II $75.00/HOUR URVEY TECHNICIAN III $30.00/HOUR TITLE RESEARCHER $110.00/HOUR PROJECT: 3RD Street Improvements and Community Building Site Plan, Clermont, Florida CLIENT: Tamara Richardson, P.E., City Engineer, City of Clermont DATE: February 8, 2010, revised March 16, 2010 All printing for this p oject shall be billed out at the following rate schedule, plus sales tax: (Outside Copying Services will be billed at cost) Engineering Bond Copies Black & White 11 x 17 .........................................$1.25 24 x 36 .........................................$2.50 Color Copies 11 x 17 .........................................$2.00 24 x 36 .........................................$6.00 Black ~ White Copies 8'/2 x 11 .........................................$0.10 8 '/2 x 14 .........................................$0.15 11 x 17 ..........................................$0.20 Color Copies 8'/Zx 11 .........................................$1.20 8'/2 x 14 .........................................$1.45 11 x 17 ..........................................$1.70 Other Printina Services 24 x 36 Vellum .....................................$9.00 24 x 36 Mylar ......................................$12.00 24 x 36 Photo Paper, Color ................ $36.00 24 x 36 Foam Board ...........................$20.00 Other Services Fax ............................................... $1.00/COPY Postage (Fed-Ex, Certified Mail, Etc)...@ cost Concrete Monuments .......................... $10.00 Rebar .................................................... $2.00 Mileage (T/M Projects Only) .................. $0.59 7 PROJECT: 3RD Stree Improvements and Community Building Site Plan, Clermont, Florida CLIENT: Tamara ichardson, P.E., City Engineer, City of Clermont DATE: February 18, 2010, revised March 16, 2010 TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. GENERAL C NDITIONS A. AGREE ENT: These t rms and conditions are attached to and made part of the proposal for services (the "Proposal for Services") by which Booth, Ern, Straughan & Hiott, Inc. ("BESH" has agreed to perform certain professional engineering and/or surveying services for and on behalf of City of Clermont ("Client"). The Proposal for Service ,these terms and conditions, the hourly rate schedule, and the executed authoriz tion to proceed attached to these terms and conditions shall constitute a contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement")for the provision of services by BESH t and on behalf of Client. B. TERMINATION: This Agr ement may be terminated by either party by furnishing written notice to the other pa y at least thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of termination. In the event th t this Agreement is terminated by either party, Client shall pay BESH for all servi es performed and expenses incurred through the date of termination. C. DOCUIV~ENTS: E All origi al drawings, computations, details, design calculations, and electronic media t at result from engineering services performed by BESH pursuant to this Agreem nt are and at all times shall remain the property of BESH. Upon payment in full fo services completed, Client, at Client's expense, may obtain copies of any docume is or reproducible copies of drawings. In doing so, Client agrees that no addition ,deletions, changes or revisions shall be made to any of said documents without he express written approval of BESH. SU All origii electron to this A and sea issuanc of time complei In doing made to ING DOCUM al drawings, computations, details, design calculations, field notes, and c media that result from surveying services performed by BESH pursuant reement are and at all times shall remain the property of BESH. Signed ed surveys may be obtained for a period of time up to ninety (90) days after of the survey, and certifications may be revised during that same period or a fee of $50.00 for each revision. Upon payment in full for services d, and within the same period of ninety (90) days, Client, at Client's may obtain copies of any documents or reproducible copies of drawings. so, Client agrees that no additions, deletions, changes or revisions shall be any of said documents without the express written approval of BESH. After PROJECT: 3RD Street Improvements and Community Building Site Plan, Clermont, Florida CLIENT: Tamara ichardson, P.E., City Engineer, City of Clermont DATE: February 8, 2010, revised March 16, 2010 ninety (9 )days and within one hundred eighty (180) days following issuance of the survey, ESH will revise certifications and will visually inspect the subject property for the p rpose of reissuing a signed and sealed survey, charging its then-current hourly ra es for performing said services and reissuing the survey. D. FEE REINEGOTIATION: The Pro osal for Services describes the specific services to be performed and tasks to be un ertaken by BESH for and on behalf of Client, and states the fee (the contract price) for each service and task. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreem nt, the contract prices quoted in the Proposal for Services shall remain in effect fo a period of two (2) years from the date of execution of this Agreement. After the expiration of two (2) years from the date hereof, the contract prices stated in the P posal for Services shall by renegotiated between BESH and Client with respect o all services and tasks that have not been completed by that date. The hourly r tes set forth in the hourly rate schedule that is part of this Agreement shall apply to all additional services requested by Client outside the scope of the services and tasks described in the Proposal for Services. Said hourly rates are applicab a through December 3151 of the year in which this Agreement was execute ,and are subject to renegotiation on January 1 of each year thereafter. E. REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS: The con ract prices and hourly rates set forth in this Agreement have been quoted based o all federal, state and local regulations in effect as of the date that the authoriz tion to proceed work is signed by the latter of BESH and Client. If any of said reg lations change during the permitting and design phase of this project, BESH r serves the right to increase fees for services that may be affected by regulato changes upon written notice to the Client. F. PERMI't< ACQUISITION BESH c nnot guarantee the acquisition of any or all of the permits and/or approvals that sha I be required for Client's project. BESH agrees that it shall exercise its best efforts t y to obtain all of the necessary permits and/or approvals. Nevertheless, Clients all be responsible for payment of all consulting fees due BESH regardless of agen y/governmental actions, including without limitation the failure of one or more g vernmental agencies to give the necessary approval for the project. 11. COMPENSA7CION A. ADDITIONAL SERVICES: BESH s~all be fully compensated by Client for all additional services performed by BESH, i cluding, without limitation, the following: anges made at Client's request to the scope of services defined in this reement. Client must sign a separate authorization to proceed form (a PROJECT: 3RD Street Improvements and Community Building Site Plan, Clermont, Florida CLIENT: Tamara ichardson, P.E., City Engineer, City of Clermont DATE: February 8, 2010, revised March 16, 2010 hange Order') for each change in scope of services requested by Client fore BESH is obligated to perform the revised scope of services. In the sence of a Change Order executed by Client, BESH shall proceed cording to the original scope of services as set forth in this Agreement. ~twithstanding the foregoing, BESH may choose to proceed with aClient- auested change in scope of services despite the absence of a Change 'der signed by Client. If BESH performs the requested change in scope services, BESH shall be entitled to full compensation from Client based ~ the prevailing prices or the hourly rates charged by BESH for such rvices at the time that BESH performs the changed scope of services for ient. B. C. 2. F~evisions made necessary as a result of changes to local, state or federal governmental requirements after the date of this Agreement. 3. ~edesign per Client after preliminary design has been submitted to the r levant approving agency. OUT-Op-POCKET EXPENSES: In additi n to the fee schedule set forth in the Proposal for Services and the hourly rates to be charge for all additional services performed by BESH, BESH shall be reimbur ed for all out-of-pocket expenses incurred by BESH, including, without limitatio :blueprints, copies, plots, aerials, express deliveries, specialized postage, overnig t courier services (such as Federal Express and UPS) and travel outside of the C ntral Florida area (greater than 25 miles from BESH's office located in Tavares, Florida). Printing and mileage expenses are set forth on the hourly rate schedul that is part of this Agreement. All other charges shall be billed to and paid by Clien based on the actual costs incurred by BESH. PAYMENT: BESH s all submit invoices to Client on asemi-monthly (twice per month) basis. On eac invoice, BESH will bill for its services in accordance with the hourly rate schedul included as part of this Agreement. The invoice also will identify the task or the t sks from the Proposal for Services on which BESH performed services during t e billing period. If the Proposal for Services states a lump sum dollarfigure for any articular task, the lump sum amount will represent a "not to exceed" figure for the t sk in question, and BESH will continue to bill by the hour for its services on that ask until the "not to exceed" figure has been billed in full. Thereafter, unless t e scope of services to be performed by BESH pursuant to said task has been c anged and the compensation to be paid to BESH has been modified pursua t to Section II.A. of these Terms and Conditions, BESH will continue to perform its services under that task without additional charges for its services until BESH as performed all work required by that task. Client shall notify BESH in writing ithin ten (10) days from the date of the invoice if Client has any questions about t e services performed for the charges for those services as reflected on the invoice. Client waives any and all challenges to the services performed and the charge for those services not raised within said ten (10) day timeframe. All 10 PROJECT: 3RD Street Improvements and Community Building Site Plan, Clermont, Florida CLIENT: Tamara Richardson, P.E., City Engineer, City of Clermont DATE: February 8, 2010, revised March 16, 2010 invoices hall be due and payable in full within fourteen (14) days from the date of the invoi e. All unpaid balances that remain unpaid after fourteen (14) days from the date f the invoice shall be subject to interest on the unpaid balance at the rate of 1.5% er month. All outs andin invoices shall be paid in full by Client prior to plan submittal to any p rmitting agency, preparation of Final Plans for building purposes, Final R cording of Record Plat, and/or Final Certification of Completion to state a d local agencies. BESH shall have no obligation under this Agreem nt to submit or prepare any of the foregoing materials unless and until Cli nt complies with this requirement. In addition, in the event that any balance remains unpaid for at least 45 days from the date of the invoice which include the unpaid balance, BESH shall have the right to terminate any and all furth r work on the project until Client has paid said balance in full. 111. MISCELLANEOUS A. FORCE IMAJEURE: BESH hall not be liable for any delays or failure in performance due to conting ncies beyond BESH's reasonable control including, without limitation, acts of God, ar, fire, explosion, flood, epidemic, severe weather, earthquake, rainstorm, riots, th ft, accidents, strike, work stoppage, acts or regulations of a governmental entity, s hortages of vehicles, fuel, power, labor or material, delays of other compan es or contractors, or any other causes whatsoever whether similar or dissimil r to those previously enumerated. In the event of delay caused by any of the fore oing, BESH's time for performance shall be extended for such time as may be yeas nably necessary to enable BESH to perform. B. LIMITA ION OF LIABILITY: UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL BESH BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDE TAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING WITHO T LIMITATION LOST PROFITS, LIQUIDATED DAMAGES, DELAYS, LOSS F PRODUCTIVITY, INEFFICIENCY, LOSS OF GOOD WILL, OR ANY OTHER DAMAGES WHICH ARE SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSE UENTIAL. THE LIABILITY OF BESH TO CLIENT, FORANY CAUSE OR COMBI ATION OF CAUSES ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THIS AGREE ENT, SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF THE COMP NSATION PAID BY CLIENT TO BESH PURSUANT TO THIS AGREE ENT. C. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This Ag Bement constitutes the entire agreement between BESH and Client and superce es any and all prior or contemporaneous understandings, representations and agr ements, oral or written. No amendment, modification or waiver hereof will 11 PROJECT: 3RD Street Improvements and Community Building Site Plan, Clermont, Florida CLIENT: Tamara R'chardson, P.E., City Engineer, City of Clermont DATE: February 8, 2010, revised March 16, 2010 be bindin on BESH unless made in writing and duly executed by an authorized re~resen ative of BESH. D. WAIVE The failu a of BESH to enforce any provision of this Agreement or to exercise any right acc uing through the default of the Client hereunder, shall not constitute a waiver o any other rights of BESH with respect to this Agreement. E. COSTS D ATTORNEY'S FEES: In the ev nt of any litigation to enforce the terms of this Agreement, BESH shall be entitled t recover court costs and reasonable attorney's fees for all proceedings, including at the trial court level, on appeal, and in connection with bankruptcy court proceedi gs. In the event that BESH retains the services of an attorney to collect from Cli nt any sums due hereunder, BESH shall be entitled to recover from Client all fees nd costs incurred with said attorney, whether suit is brought or not. F. GOVER ING LAW; VENUE: This Agr ement shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the State of Florida. enue for any proceeding based upon this Agreement shall lie exclusively in the st to court of competent jurisdiction in Lake County, Florida. G. SEVE BILITY: If any pr vision of this Agreement is held invalid or otherwise unenforceable, the enforce bility of the remaining provisions shall not be impaired thereby but rather this Agr ement shall be construed as if not containing the particular invalid or unenfor eable provision or provisions and the rights and obligations of the parties shall be onstrued and enforced accordingly. 12 PROJECT: 3RD Street Improvements and Community Building Site Plan, Clermont, Florida CLIENT: Tamara Richardson, P.E., City Engineer, City of Clermont DATE: February 18, 2010, revised March 16, 2010 AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED To acknowledge your < (consisting of the Propo; this Authorization to Prc Client's authorization to I the Authorization to Prop receipt of the executed ~ printing and similar expe the date of this proposal (90) days, BESH reserve cost figures set forth her ROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES DESCRIBED IN THE ATTACHED PROPOSAL reement with the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement I for Services, the Terms and Conditions, the Hourly Rate Schedule and sed), and to provide Booth, Ern, Straughan & Hiott, Inc. (BESH) with ~ceed with the work described in the Agreement, please fill out and sign led below and return it to our office. We will schedule the work upon thorization to Proceed. The contract prices, hourly rates, and costs for ses set forth in this Agreement shall be valid for ninety (90) days from If this Agreement is not accepted by Client within said period of ninety the right to modify any and all of the contract prices, hourly rates and n. Retainer Amount: $ N~A THIS PROPOSAL/AGR Booth, Ern, Straughan Signature ~~ ENT ACCEPTED THIS ~ DAY OF ,~i , 2010. By: Duane K. Booth, P.E. Title: Principal Client Signat By: ~Q~old S. `~urvi Ile, ~~. Title: ~~~,~ H:\amy\WordPerfect-9.O1Proposals\City oh Clermont\3rd Street Improvements\BESH -Proposal REVISED 3-16-2010.wpd 13