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WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of
Clermont, Lake County, Florida 'at a.meeting held November 5, 1991,
recommended approval of the Conditional Use Permit for a Planned
Unit Development to construct a shopping center at the following
LEGAL DEBCRIPTIONz Commence at the northwest corner of Section 29,
Township 22 south, Range 26 east, Lake County, Florida; Thence SOO
16'29"W along the west boundary of said Section 29, also being the
centerline of right-of-way for Grand Highway, 236.89'. Thence S89
43'31"E 30.00' to the easterly right-of-way line of said Grand
Highway and the POS; Thence continue S89 43'31"E 20.00'; Thence NSl
23'43"E 682.29'; Thence S30 32'07"E 16.46'; Thence S29 50'12"E
112.88'; Thence S30 58'43"E 115.06'; Thence S40 07'29"E 125.22';
Thence Sll 25'47"E 70.84'; Thence Sll 10'30"W 48.04'; Thence S32
44'55"W 106.29'; Thence S68 18'30"E 179.57'; Thence S21 41'30"W
20.00'; Thence N68 18'30"W 179.57'; Thence S10 38'04"W 110.79';
Thence S05 40'00"W 106.48'; Thence S33 18'38"E 169.97'; Thence S54
23'12"E 112.87'; Thence S70 45'11"E 153.92'; Thence N65 25'40"E
102.82'; Thence N77 46'36"E 68.87'; Thence SOO 18'23"W 323.43' to
the northerly right-of-way line of State Road 50; Thence N89
41'37"W along said northerly right-of-way line, 194.89'; Thence N83
29'59"W along said northerly right-of-way line, 481.47'; Thence S03
32'30"W along said northerly right-of-way line, 35.05'; Thence N83
29'59"W along said northerly right-of-way line, 425.03'; Thence N00
16'29"E 297.28'; Thence N83 29'59"W 206.22' to the easterly right-
of-way line for Grand Highway; Thence N00 16'29"E along said
easterly right-of-way line 779.16' to the POS.
GENERAL LOCATION= North of State Road 50 and east of Grand
The City Council deems it advisable in the interest of the general
welfare of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida to grant the
Conditional Use Permit;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City
of Clermont, Lake County, Florida that:
Section 1
The application for a Conditional Use Permit for a Planned
Unit Development to construct a shopping center in C-2 General
Commercial Business District and the R-2 Medium Density Residential
District be granted subject to the following conditions:
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~eneral OonSitions
1. The property shall be developed in substantial accordance
with an approved site plan and Operation/Reclamation Plan
incorporating all conditions of this Conditional Use
Permit. Said plans shall be submitted for review and
approval of the Site Review Committee.
2. No further expansion of the use or additions to this
facility shall be permitted except as approved by another
Conditional Use Permit.
3. Ail applicable rules and regulations shall be met,
including but not limited to, final site plan approval,
landscaping, drainage, parking and sign regulations, and
all yard setbacks. All required landscaping must be
served with a permanent irrigation system and must be
properly maintained. The drainage and stormwater
retention requirements of the City and the appropriate
regulatory agencies shall be met, and approved by the
City Engineer. These areas shall be properly maintained.
4. Ail inspection costs will be borne by the applicant. This
shall include final inspection and ongoing random
inspections for compliance with Conditional Use Permits
5. Performance bonding shall be required for all
infrastructure (transportation, potable water, and waste
water systems) and reclamation improvements, including
on-site and off-site locations, evidencing impact by the
proposed development. An estimate of costs shall be
prepared, certified and submitted by the Engineer of
record and approved by the city Engineer. The City shall
then determine the bond amount in accordance with adopted
City Code regulations.
6. If any of the stated conditions are violated, the
applicant understands and agrees that the City Council
may revoke this Conditional Use Permit by resolution.
7. This permit shall become null and void if substantial
work has not begun within one (1) year of the date of
issuance of this Conditional Use Permit.
Section 2.
Operation Plans (Excavation, Grading, an5 Reclamation)
are to be outline5 for site alteration in an attaohe~
manual and submitted by the applicant:
1. Geotechnical information regarding the soil to be placed on
the property must be submitted. This information will be
required before a development permit is issued.
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2. Density tests will be conducted at a maximum of 2 foot
intervals in order to prove compaction requirements. Fill
shall be compacted to 95% density of modified proctor.
3. The applicant shall submit a detailed excavation, grading and
erosion control plan for the entire site during the site plan
review process which must be approved by the City Site Review
Committee prior to initiation of development activity.
4. Prior to any site development activity the boundary of
the designated 100-year flood plain shall be physically
delineated. Upon formal delineation, silt barriers and
hay bales shall be utilized for protection of all
identified flood plain areas. Encroachment in any manner
shall be disallowed.
5. Noise levels shall not exceed those recommended by F.D.E.R.
Vibratory compaction shall be limited to the hours of 8:00
A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Monday thru Saturday only. Vibrations shall
be limited to avoid any damages to neighboring persons or
properties. Heavy Equipment and normal work operations will
be allowed on the site between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 7:00
P.M. Monday thru Saturday. Heavy Equipment or heavy machinery
engines will not be started earlier than 7:00 A.M.
6. A dust abatement plan shall be submitted to the City detailing
measures to be taken in eliminating the migration of dust
particles from the site. The plan must specifically outline
those measures recommended by F.D.E.R.
7. Ingress/egress to the site for construction shall be from
Highway 50 east of Quincy's Restaurant. No ingress or egress
of machinery or trucks shall be allowed on Grand Highway.
8. A DOT permit will be required and filed with the City for fill
activity along Highway 50 right of way prior to issuance of a
Development Permit by the City.
9. The applicant will be required to maintain swales or other
acceptable erosion protection along the existing temporary
haul road which runs between Jacks Lake north and south in the
event the roadway is utilized for soil delivery to the
property. This work will be inspected and approved prior to
any fill activity.
10. Ail excavated material shall be stored in a location
approved by the City Engineer.
11. Any areas being modified to a slope of three (3)
horizontal to one (1) vertical (3:1), such as water
retention areas, shall be sodded. Any areas being
modified to a slope greater than two (2) horizontal to
one (1) vertical (2:1) shall be stabilized with an
approved geotechnical system and then sodded with a long-
stemmed grass species appropriate for prevention of
erosion according to standards acceptable to and approved
by the U.S.D.A. Soil Conservation Service.
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12. Ail disturbed slopes in the fill areas shall be planted
with a mixture of approved conifer trees, to be
determined at the time of Site Review, at a ratio of two
hundred (200) per one (1) acre (200:1).
13. Both temporary and permanent grassing including fertilizer
shall be done in accordance with an approved plan acceptable
to the City and the U.S.D.A. Soil Conservation Service located
in Tavares.
14. The out-parcel located at the southeast corner shall be hydro
seeded and supplied with a source of irrigation.
Section 3.
With regarSs to a stormwater management plan, the following
are required:
1. Permeability tests must be submitted as part of the site plan
review process. Permeability shall be maintained.
2. Verification of the stormwater run-off data and other
assumption & calculations must be provided and approved prior
to any development activity.
3. A St. John's River Water Management District stormwater permit
will be required and filed with the City prior to any
development activity.
4. Final disposition of stormwater outfall shall be to the
existing south pond portion of Jack's Lake.
Section 4.
With regard to the general improvements/landscaping of
the site, the following shall be re~uired:
1. Sidewalks shall be required along all road frontages in
accordance with adopted FDOT and City Codes.
2. Buffering and screening shall be required from all
abutting uses in accordance with adopted City Codes and
in conformance with the approved site and landscaping
plan approved by the City Site Review Committee.
3. Ail dumpster and other equipment sites shall be enclosed
with masonry structures in accordance with plans approved
by the City Site Review Committee.
4. A site lighting plan shall be submitted and approved that
shall ensure all lighting is directed upon the site and
does not adversely impact abutting properties.
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5. Architectural finish and unobstructed roadway design
plans for the rear of the commercial center shall be
submitted and approved to ensure aesthetic and public
safety considerations are not adversely impacted.
6. All signage shall conform to adopted City Codes and
Regulations; Off site signage shall be disallowed.
7. Roadway improvement plans for State Road 50, Grand
Highway, and the commercial site, including but not
limited to, access drives, accel/decel lanes, turn lanes,
traffic signalization devices, and internal signage and
traffic movement lanes shall be submitted to and approved
by the City Site Review Committee, FDOT and Lake County
prior to commencement of any development activity.
8. The permittee Shall provide a minimum of 685 parking
spaces for the commercial center. The parking spaces to
be allocated for the Kmart store may be 9' x 18' and
double-striped, however, all remaining spaces shall be
the standard 10' x 20'; all spaces shall be designed and
built in conformance with adopted City Codes and
9. The existing billboard located on the out parcel shall be
removed prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
10. Commercial oriented laundry service uses shall be disallowed
on the site.
11. The permittee agrees to dedicate twenty (20) feet of right-of-
way the length of the site adjacent to Grand Highway for
conformance with adopted collector roadway standards.
12. The northern most ingress/egress driveway shall be directly
aligned with Almond Street.
E.~ty Clerk