1970-02Locke Well & Pump 2114 W. CHURCH ST. P. O. BOX 2927 ORLANDO, flORIDA 32802 phone 422-9869 night 295-6888 2-10-70 City Manager's gffice City Hall Clermont, Fla. Gentlemen: We are pleased to submit to you our quotation on the recasing of an existing 16 ' well to 12m as follows 1. Mobilization and demobilization of all equipment (lump sum) 2. 12w schedule 30 casing 607' @ $6.$0 per ft. 3. 12ll! steel drive shoe-- lump sum 4. Centralizers on 121tl casing-- lump sum $. Set casing in place and c~ent bottom 100' with $0 sacks-- lump sum $700.00 394$.$0 .,,/ 122.00 ....... 1$0.00/ 600.00 ./ 6. Additional Cement per bag $3.00 7. Drill 200 ft of 12lt hole per foot @ $7.00 2"\0'-\'1.3' 8. Install and remove test equipment-- lump sum 9. Perform 8 hour capacity test-- lump sum 10. Chlorinate well, 1 time-- each time Total 1400.00 600.00V' 1$0.00 ,./ 22$.00/ $7892.50 Rental of test pump and equipment for bacterlogical sampling by City-- per 24 hour day @ $20.00 Thank you for allowing to us to bid on this project, if we can be of any further service to you, please contact us. Yours very truly, Locke Well & Pump Co. Bill Locke irrigation specialists well drilling pumps of all kinds Peerless Turbine Pumps Jacuzzi Pumps