3025 East South Street. Orlando, Florida 32803
Telephone 305-425-8691
John T. Briskey, PE, Vice Pres
Waltar R. Fritz, PE. Vice Pres
James C. Westbrook. P.E. Vice Pres
Hill Stigglns. A.I.A. Vice Pres
March 23, 1971
Mr. Robert Hopkins, City Manager
City of Clermont
City Hall
C Ief'mont, Florida
Re: WS-Fla-166 (PFL-Fla-124) WPC-Fla-222
Sanitary Sewer System
Clermont, Florida
Dear Bob:
The following is an up-to-date existing and tentative status outlining the progress of
subject project.
(a) Bids taken Novermer 24, 1970
(b) Resolution of Tentative Awards, January 5, 1971
(c) Approval of Low Bidders - HUD- January 14,1971; FWPCA - Feb. 1, 1971
(d) End of 100 day period for withdrawing bids, March 4, 1971
(e) Revenue Bonds Validated, February 26, 1971
(f) Revenue Bond 30 day appeal period ends March 26, 1971
(g) Formal Contract Award, March 29, 1971
(h) Pre-construction conference, Apri I 7, 1971
(i) Notice to Proceed - commence work - Apri I 15, 1971
Of course some dates set forth above are predicated on everythtng proceeding smoothly
without any problems.
We also received a letter from Mr.. John F. Stimpson, dated March 12, 1971, requesting that
we consider payment to Bumby and Stimpson of $200.00 per day in liquidated damages until
the award is issued. The period of time involved would be from March 4, 1971 (the end of
the 100 day period) until approximate I y March 29, 1971, which would amount to
$5,000.00, with the provision that no payment would be necessary until final completion
of the project.
Of course if Bumby and Stimpson overrun the time of contract, this will cancel out part
or all of the money. Also, in the course of a project of this magnitude, often a "swap"
of money through minor construction changes can be made to lessen or remove the additional
Report. - Appraisal. - Designs - Supervision
Mr. Robert Hopkins, Clermont
Re: Bumby and Stimpson Sewer Project
March 23, 1971
It is customary procedure to award the contract within 30 to 60 days after bidding.
Bumby and Stimpson are as good as any contractor in the State and are low bidder
by about $94,000. Bumby and Stimpson have the right to withdraw their bid at this
It is our feeling that their proposal as per their attached letter be honored. Immediate
approval by the City should be given them in writing.
Very truly yours, ,
James c. Westbrook
Bumby & Stimpson, Inc
March 12, 1971
Michaels -Stiggins, Inc.
3025 East South Street
Orlando, Florida 32803
Attention: Mr. James C. Westbrook
Subject: City of Clermont, Florida - Sanitary Sewer System.
We are in receipt of your letter dated March 11, 1971.
Upon reviewing our bid at this time, we feel we can extend our time to
Apri I 15, 1971, or beyond, as necessary,with the following conditions.
Since the additional time will place our contract further into the rainy
season, we anticipate increased costs to us since much work was planned
to be underway during the spring dry season. Some material prices have
also increased since January I, 1971.
The contract specifications cal I for a $200.00 per day 1 iquidated damage
clause. For our firm to continue to honor our bid, we must ask for $200.00
per calendar day to be paid to us from March 4, 1971, to the day our
contract is awarded.
Payment of the total sum accumulated during this period may be postponed
untiI completion of this project. Thus, should our project time overrun,
subject to conditions for extension of time as per the specifications,
change of project scope, but not less than 365 calendar days in any event,
such overrun may be deducted from the amount accumulated during this time.
If this arrangement is satisfactory to you and the City of Clermont, then
this letter wiII serve as our notice to you binding our bid untiI the award
of the contract.
We,would appreciate your confirmation in writing to us as soon as possible.
Several material suppliers have indicated that there wiII be price increases
Michaels- S~isgins, Inc.
comi,ng along as of June I, ]971.
-,pg. 2-
March 12, 197[
We urge your immediate action on this matter so we may continue to assure our
suppl iers that we wi I) have a contract for this project.
J FS/ms
,Very truly yours,
John F. Stimpson