1977-09 r l e e A G R E E M E ~ T TIllS AGREEMENT, HADE AND E~TERED I~TO TIllS DAY OF , 1977, BY AND BETlo/EEN THE nOA~D OF COUNTY COM- HISSIONERS, LAKE COUNTY, A POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OF TilE STATE OF FLORIDA, HEREINAFTER CALLED TIlE "COUNTY", AND HEREINAFTER CALLED THE "AGENCY". \-i iI ERE AS, T II E CO :\ G R 1:: S S 0 F THE U ~n TED S TAT ESP ASS ED IN 19 7 3 '1 r: r: C 0 ~l PRE II ENS I V E E :-1 P L 0 Y X E ~ TAN D T R A I N I N G ACT, C ETA, W U ERE B Y FUNDS ARE MADE AVAILABLE TO STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING JOB TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES WHICH WILL LEAD TO FULL AND MAXIMUM EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES AND ENHANCE SELF-SUFFICIENCY, AND WHEREAS, THE COUNTY HAS BEEN DeSIGNATED BY THE STATE OF FLORIDA AS A PROGRAM AGENT AND HAS RECEIVED A GRANT PURSUANT \ TO TIlE COHPREUENSIVE EHPLOYMENT AND TltAINING ACT OF 1973, AND HHEREAS, TITLE I I OF THE CO!-fPREHENS IVE EMPLOYNENT AND 7RAINI~G ACT PROVIDES FOR THE ESTABLISliXENT OF AND OPERATION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT PROGRAMS FOR CERTAIN ELIGIBLE PROGRAM AGENTS CO:ITAINED IN THE BALANCE OF STATE PRH1E SPONSOR, AND \-1HEREAS, THE COCNTY QUALIFIES AS AN ELIGIBLE PROGRAM AGENT AND WISliES TO ESTABLISH A PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM TO REDUCE UNEMPLOYMENT IN THE AREA, NOW THEREFORE, THE COUNTY AND TUE AGENCY, DO MUTUALLY ACREE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: The Agency agrees to participate in the County's Public Employment Program and to provide jobs to ~ualified applicants pursuant to the County's Comprehensive Title II/Title VI Plan. SECTION II: The Agency will adhere to a plan of Affirmative Action. with reference to nondiscrimination on b~sis of race, color, religion, creed, national origin, sex or age, as ~andated by the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972 and the Civil RiGhts Act of 1964. Further, the Agency will not hire a person into a Title II/Title VI funded posi- tion if a member of that person's immediate family is employed in an adcinistrative capacity by the Agency; (l) For the pur- p"se of this section, the term "immediate family" includea; wife, husband, (cont'd on next page) e e 1, ~ -3- SECTIO~ IX: This Agreement is not assignable by either party without the express written consent of the other party. SECTION X: This Agreement 1s binding on the parties hereto and their prospective successors and ARs1gnA. 1 SECTIO~ XI: This Agreement shall remain in effect from to or until termi- nation by the County or the Agency 1n the following manner; (a) The Agency may terminate this Agreement on thirty (30) day notice in writinR to the County, or without such notice if the Agency certifies in writing that it is unable to legally co~rly with all or any part of this Agreement, (b) The County may terminate this agreement on thirty (30) day notice in writing to the Agency, or without such notice if 1) through the loss or decrease of funds the County is no longer able to comply with this Agreement, or 2) after affording the Agency an opportunity for a hearing, the County finds that the Agency has failed to comply with all or any part of this Agreement. SECTION XII: It is mutually understood and agreed that this Agreement is contingent upon receipt of the grant funds by the County. THE FOREGOING AGREEXENT IS HEREBY ACCEPTED UPON TilE TERMS AND CONDITIONS NAMED HEREIN. DATE: LAKE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONER BY (Title) ATTEST: DATE: JIJd:lIi/ L'J; /'/77 f!I~ ??!c c:;r / (S EAL) BY ATTEST: