2010-46 •
'J ...171 t /14,1/ AW Tochrtic ai Sel vices
C.; isd OW er Cte riiS MAO j'Inn Ihvtictz
: 107
Ciynf CIi:noiil Dale: S.:A/:Jab: 16, 2010
september 1,6, 2010
3335 Thinceek Rd.
Ciermoni, IL. 2 t 1
yllogig, 352-241-0178
Pio:: 352-241-0542
1311iitil:Th1dep;ri)eleiniontll tag
Attu: Jana's kingler
4 N0.4310$ 2.120
The City of Clermaid iidentk Ic piggyback City of Orlando contract B108-2399 nom
15epteitiber 16 2 through September 1(, 2010 Idle, ;)iggyhil option can be tent:wed
431) his irdeHicd.
Ail conditions tnd (et ins of the city of otiando ct,ffilaut 4)8-2379 ',VIII be accepted by
Both rAW Rowed: Sy,ttenis Ant! the (idly Cermont oughutit th3 September 16 •
2011 renewal date.
Pleas 3 sign and fax back to 30 423 3017 Lilemiti1 to 1
Offered 13v: Robert Rghers Dire, 51,epteinber_16 2010
Customet Acknowlctigerneelt 1'o I touted
1 ,
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- - Dc 1Gj3/(0
Tidu: P15 11\4 t‘citer 0: