R-44-009 1 RES 0 LUU T ION -- ViliEREAS, Dorothy Hilton, a resident of the City of Clermont, County of Lake and state of Florida, is the owner of Lot 6 in Block 52 according to the Official Map of the City of Cle~nont as recorded in Plat Book 8, pages 17 to 23, inclusive, public records of Lake County, Florida; and, that the property lying directly North of said Lot 6 is owned by the City of Clermont and is dedicated to the Public as a City Park and said property is more particularly described as follows, to-wit: That triangular portion of the City Park surrounding Sparkling Wa,ter Lake ths.t lies between tÌ1e following described boundaries: Begin at the Northeast Corner of Lot 6, Block 52, City of Clermont, and run due North to the waters edge of Lake Minneola; then Southwesterly aleng the waters edge of Lake Minneola to the North- west Corner of said Lot 6; then Southeasterly along the boundary of said Lot 6 to the Point of Beginning; WHEREAS, the said property hereinabove described is not kept in an improved condition by the City and is not generally used by the public as a Park; and, the said Dorothy Hilton having ex- pressed a desire to the City Council to have the privilege of re- moving all grass and underbrush from the abovesaid triangular parcel of property and has asked for the right to set out grass, trees, and shrubs on said property and to generally improve same; and, it appea.ring to the City Council 'of the City of Clermont that it would be a decided improvement to that portion of the sa.id City Park as hereinabove described to have same set out in grass, flowers, and shrubs; therefore, BE IT RESOLVED that the said Dorothy Hilton is hereby given the right to clean up and improve the above described triangular parcel of property and exercise possession and control of same until such time in the future as said parcel of property is needed by the City of Clermont in connection with said City Park, and that the City shall give the said Dorothy Hilton 30 days notice of its desire to terminate her rights under this resolution in and to said property and that she shall have the right to remove any and all improvements that she has made on said property; it being understood by the said Dorothy Hilton that such right to use and improve the above described parcel of property does not em- brace the right to construct any buildings, docks, or fences on the above triangular parcel of property. Passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Clermont at its regular meeting held on the 4th day of April, A. D., 1944. City Clerk ..