R-44-010 .. .... /D RESOLU'.rIOJ( COJIFIRJIIJ(G ASSESSIDØT ROLL WHEREAS, G. A. Nash, Tax Assessor of 'the City ot Clermont, has completed the Assessment Roll of property within the City ot Clermont for the year 1944, and presented the same to the City Council; and. WHERBAS, pursuant to a due and legal notice as required b7 the Charter of the City ot Clermont, the said City Council did giv. notice that it would sit a. an Equalization Board at the City Ball in Clermont, Florida, at 7:30 P. X., on August 15, 1944, for the purpose of hearing complaints a. . to the said Assessment Roll and equalizing and confirming the aame, and, at such metting, the said City Council, sit- ting a. a Board of Equalization, did hear all complaints and did adjust and equalize the .aid Tax Assessment Roll and the same is now equalized and adjusted, therefore. BE I-T RESOLVED by the City CoucU of the City of Clermont. that the Assessment Roll of the City of Clermont tor the year 1944, as prepared by G. A. .ash, Tax Assessor ot the City of Clermont, and as equalized by the City Council sitting a. a Board of Equalization, ,be and the same is hereby ratitied, approved, and confirmed. ------------------------------------------------------------- PAsmm ABD .ADOPTED by the City CouncU ot the City ot Clermont at its regular meeting held on the 5th day of September, A. D., 1944. Cit7 Clerk