H 11;
" . " ~
.1li:'.iH.t!.¡.\,S t.he Cl '\7 of Clermont. gr~mtfìd f4 l1cense to the
Unit." ~}'~t.. Go'femae.t on June 22, 1943 to construct, operûte.
ae1a'a1a, ren.., ~Dd ,..ove pipe 11nes 810ng. ~oross, beneath.
8nd over tne r1ght-of-1UI7 ot oerie1n streets 1n tb.e Clty ot
Clermont, Florida, d..ørlbed eft folloP.8, to-w1t:
 strip ot land 6 r.., wlde, aore or 1.... 'he oenter
line ot ~hlch 1s more p~rtlcul~r11 desorlbed 81 follow.:
Coameaee at a point appro~1~,ta11 3 ree' ".s' of tbe
ie.~.rly aur tJ or. ~..t £treet f.i.n4 f).ppro~iSIJt.el)' ~ feet
North of the Nortb.arlr curb ,;n ¡{ontro..Jtfte" tnence
run ~":!9t perullel to fin ì:'ppz'ox1aat.el¡ .3 tee' North of
the North o~rb on ~outro8. ~tre.t e ú1øt~noe ot ß69 teet,
more ox less. thence rWl ,i:)uth j;>flI'Iì:llel to ana e:pproJ.l-
IAl::tely 3 teet ¡;est to t.he ûeaterlr curb ani'.nth street,
a dlst6nce of 338 tee', more or lei., thence run ~.s,
to tbe ~.., boundary or Tenth Ctreet. 1c tne City of
C'lermont, County or Lake ,Jtl!te of florid..
WH.i;Bii;Aß.the Unlted 3t8t.8 Government by and through it.
component agencr, the \.er .Jepertaent. (Ud oonstruct, operete,
..lntain, end ley a pipe 11ne composing 1902 feet ot 6 tach
CA8tIrcn pipe J 370 teet ot 4 inoh CHat Iron ?lpe; and, 4. tire
pluS. f;long aRid Roo"e desoribed atr1p ot 1l1nû; lìftd,
¡.ff¡!~hÂA';j, 1t 18 tQe desire of the C1ty Qt Clermont and the
United "tt;!t.a OoTernaent tû relcuH,e eaob other' und.er tHlld 11a~n¡M
e. or Msrah 6, 1945; end the sn1d Governlt1€n.t desireø to relinquish,
trenater f:.nd deliver to the City ot Clerm.ont the above de.oribed
pipe and tire µ1~g8 for the sum of ~500.00 _hIoh represents the
d1fferenoe be\we.n the ~ðlt. or sald lmprovement3 and the e.t1&~t.d
ß~5t of tUt :r~ t.:ïz',;ti::m r~ ¡¡.¡ired b.¡ sé:1J 11c..:;ns@; the;i toy ::if
~lermont, ~1~en6Qr, des1reû to p~y sc1ù s.m 01 ~bOO.OO And accept
tHe trGDßfer of zH31a 1mprove_nie, ti.1E1r.fol'~,
Ü,5. I';' ;,,,., LV.;'; t.hl",t tne City Council of t.ne ;;1ty of ,:¡e!'mol1t
do peT to t.he United ~tþte. Go~ernmeni or its co.ponent ~genc7,
the ,¡,ar úepert_nt.. tlUi sum or 1#500.00 tor &¡;là 1I1lpro~em;;!!ftts. and.,
aiS ITFURTH~R ßl3CH. nD t.hô t tne ~"'Jror of !¡'¡-'l1d~;1 ty tilnd 1 ts
Clty Clerk be author1~ed to enter 1nto 1mmeð1ete negot1etl~ne And/or
agreementa to arteat seld tren.ter upon the pDyment ot said aODe,
end to release the Uni tet .;;>t.t.a Govern.ent , 1 t8 ottioers, llgents,
end emplo7ee8 trom any gnd ~ll aot1ons. l1abillties. 6n4 claim. tA.'
'=- .--:;
. :.
, .-':
, ~j
';;\, '
, ;. .,~{~
tho C~ty of Clormopt ~y now have under Itßor1¡¡;inal lioense to
, ,
the United Gtates G~vernmqnt.
, Pesned by the City Counoll òf the 01 ty of Glarmont at
, ' ,
ita Rågulor Meeting held' on Maroh
(Signed·) "
, F. HC:I~G;í'7
, ' ~ '-
City Olc;-k
...... ,'~
~ "." d
~ .~..
I, U. H. McQ.ui.s'tion, C¡erk of the City of Clermont, the same
being en incorporated City in Lake County, Florida, do hereby certify
that the foregoing is a true copy of the original Reso¡ution as
passed by the City Council ,of the City of Clermont at its regular
, meeting held on 6th day of Mar,ch, 1945, the original of which is of
record in the Ordinance Book of the City of Clermont'. '.
. .
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'(Official·c13èa:.L of the
, C1 tY ~oJ: Ci!!rDÍont.)
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If. ~ '?n C~d9-¿: ~ "
Clerk 'of the City of Clermont ,
, .
, .