2010-49 LAKE COUNTY FL OR1 DA MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT 1. Modification No : 1 2. Contract -0824 Effective Date: September 21, 2010 Effecuve Date: September 21, 2010 3 Contracting Officer: Roseann Johnson, CPPB 5. Contractor Name and Address: Telephone Number: (352) 343 -9765 Done Right Fire Gear Repair, Inc 6203 Massachusetts Avenue 4. Issued By: New Port Ritchey, FL, 34653 Procurement Setvices Lake County Administration Building 315 W. Main St., Suite 416 Tavares, Florida 32778 -7800 6. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Contractor is required to sign 13lock 8 showing acceptance of the below written modification and return this form to address shown in Block 4 within ten (10) days after receipt, preferably by certified mail to ensure a system of positive receipts. Retain a photocopy of the signed copy of this modification and attach to original of contract, which was 'previously provided. 7. DESCRIPTION OF MODIFICATION: Add to contract: Semi on site rt $70.00 per set (coat and pants) to include washing, drying, testing thermal barrier, testing moisture harrier and tacking. This cloes not include repairs. 8. Contractor's Signature Not Required 9. Lake County, Florida Name: By: MI) d �c62�i ✓t(i Title: Senior Codtracddg Officer Date: — 4.1c"...rJ..e-t'i . • /0 Date 10. Distribution: Original - Bid No 10 -0824 Copies - Contractor Contracting Officer Depts.: Public Safety 1'0 ROX 7860.315 W MAIN ST. AVAItES. FI.32778 • 1'352.343 0839; P352.343-9473 hoard afcounty C oormissio,,ers • i i u.laLecoun017.go' JINNIFF.R 1101. FIAINI ILFNICA< JIMMY CONNER LINDA STFWARF W L Of , : G. CADW Di.�trict .1 !liana 2 District 3 Dietrich 4 Divtrlct 5 • LAKE COUNTY • FL"OF1DA CONTRACT NO. 10 -0824 For PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT INSPECTION, CLEANING AND REPAIR LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, a political subdivision of the state of Florida, its successors and assigns through its Board of County Commissioners (hereinafter "County ") does hereby accept, with noted modifications, if any, the Proposal of Done Right Fire Gear Repair, Inc. (hereinafter "Contractor ") to supply Personal Protective Equipment Inspection, Cleaning and Repair to the County pursuant to County Proposal Number 10 -0824 (hereinafter "Proposal "), - closing dated August 25, 2010 and Contractor's August 11, 2010 Proposal response thereto with all County Proposal provisions governing. Special Clauses: Public Records All electronic files, audio and /or video recordings, and all papers pertaining to any activity performed by the CONTRACTOR for or on behalf of the COUNTY shall be the property of the COUNTY and will be turned over to the COUNTY upon request. In accordance with Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, each file and all papers pertaining to any activities performed for or on behalf of the COUNTY are public records available for inspection by any person even if the file or paper resides in the CONTRACTOR's office or facility. The CONTRACTOR shall maintain the files and papers for not less than three (3) complete calendar years after the project has been completed or terminated, or in accordance with any grant requirements, whichever is longer. Prior to the close out of the Contract, the CONTRACTOR shall appoint a records custodian to handle any records request and provide the custodian's name and telephone number(s) to the COUNTY. Prohibition against Contingent Fees The CONTRACTOR warrants that they have not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the CONTRACTOR to solicit or secure this Contract and that they have not paid or agreed to pay any person, company, corporation, individual, or firm, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the CONTRACTOR, any fee, commission, percentage, gift or other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this Contract. This Contract shall be_binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of each of the parties and of their respective successors and permitted assigns. This Contract may not be amended, released, discharged, rescinded or abandoned, except by a written . instrument duly executed by each of the parties hereto. The failure of any party hereto at any time to enforce any of the provisions of this Contract will in no way constitute or be construed as a waiver of such provision or of any other provision hereof, nor in any way affect the validity of, or the right thereafter to enforce, each and every provision of this Contract. During the term of this Contract the CONTRACTOR assures the COUNTY that it is in compliance with Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, as amended, and the Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992, in that the CONTRACTOR does not on the grounds of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability or marital status, discrimination in any form or manner against the CONTRACTOR employees or applicants for employment. The CONTRACTOR understands and agrees that this Contract is conditioned upon the veracity of this statement of assurance. • 2 A copy of the Contractor's signed Proposal is attached hereto and incorporated herein, thus making it a part of this Contract except that any items not awarded have been struck through. The attachments noted below (if any) are attached hereto and are also made a part of this Contract. Attachments: N/A No financial obligation shall accrue against the County until Contractor shall make delivery pursuant to order of the County Procurement Services Director. Contractor shall submit the documents hereinafter listed prior to commencement of this Contract: Proof of Insurance to all participating entities (Certificate Holder) The County's Procurement Services Director shall be the sole judge as to the fact of the fulfillment of this Contract, and upon any breach thereof, shall, at his or her option, declare this contract terminated, and for any loss or damage by reason of such breach, whether this Contract is terminated or not, said Contractor and their surety for any required bond shall be liable. This Contract is effective from September 21, 2010 through September 30, 2011 except the County reserves the right to terminate this Contract immediately for cause and /or lack of funds and with thirty (30) day written notice for the convenience of the County. This Contract provides for four (4) one (1) year renewals at Lake County's sole option at the terms noted in the Proposal. Any and all modifications to this Contract must be in writing signed by the County's Procurement Services Director. LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA y .� x By: 7A.i..? C., :r . jfl % - J C ✓ / .. Senior Contracting Officer Date: v L /:,9_ Distribution: Original - Proposal File Copy- Contractor Copy -POOL Entities • • • "Earning Community Confidence through Excellence in Service" Office of Procurement Services 315 W. Main, Suite 416 P.O. Box 7800 Tavares, Florida 32778 -7800 Ph (352) 343 -9839 Fax (352) 343-9473 LAKE COUNTY FLORIDA REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT INSPECTION, CLEANING AND REPAIR P.O.O.L. (Procu Offices of Lake) Entities REP Number: 10 -032 Contracting Officer: Roseann Johnson • Pre Proposal -- - - - - -- - Proposal Due Date: August 25, 2010 Conference Date: Not applicable Proposal Due Time: 3:OOPM REP Issue Date: July 30, 2010 4A`B13,:ief F i : :Viry,t:i.. }� i ✓ t�tH .:;i �+r.+:' f s u` ' ::, r6 t.s. bi:. r T`r OF .,C�ON`I�E'lYlilS;'x.si^:::RiA: �:?.:. „'..r.;r. .. :i5"J�t. r. tv. 7s �. C„ �.., s'+. r P. v h:-. 3$�.:�'`�',Y:;' °S..k= ..w� =3�> SECTION 1: Special Terrns and Conditions Pages 2 -20 ' SECTION 2. Statement of Work Pages 21 -22 SECTION 3 General Terms and Conditions Paces 23 -26 SECTION 4: Pricing/Certifications /Signatures Pages 27 -32 SECTION 5 Attachments Pages 33-36 • SPECIRIC`S_Q XG CA IQ�V ?RIv , i iTh ' i I� ` iii ? s ' � -xm s ! ' 'j'::4".d "., S'1VOT'ED7 T » Proposal and/or Performance Bond: Not applicable — ... --- - - -- -- --------------- Certificate of Competency /License: I Not applicable lndemmfication/lnsurance: See Section 1.8 Pre - Proposal Conference/Walk -Thru: Not applicable • At the date and tittle specified above, all proposals that have been received in a timely manner will be opened, recorded, and accepted for consideration. The names of the vendors submitting proposals will be read aloud and recorded. The proposals will be available for inspection during normal business hours in the Office of Procurement Services within ten (10) working days after the due date. When counter - signed by an authorized County representative, this document and any specifically identified attachments may form the contract document binding the parties to all performance specified herein. Vendors shall complete and return the entirety of this RFP, and attach all other information requested in this RFP (see Provision 1.13). Failure to sign the proposal response, or to submit the proposal response by the specified time and date, may be cause for rejection of the proposal. NO- RESPONSE REPLY If any vendor does not want to respond to this solicitation at this time, or, would Like to be removed from Lake County's Vendor List, please mark the appropriate space, complete name below and return this page only. ❑ Not interested at this time; keep our firm on Lake County's Vendors List for future solicitations for this product / service Please remove our firm from Lake County's Vendor's List for this product / service. VENDOR IDEN'PIFICATLON • Company Name: 04.4 F 2G Clevt. 22#0 Number: "2— Q/ E -mail Address: re.:,l • C0M _- Contact Person: jr Fi �i94ifeiL SECTION 1— SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS RFP Number: t0 - 0324 Section 1.1: Purpose The purpose of this solicitation is to establish a contract for the inspection, cleaning, and repairing of personal protective equipment as needs may be determined by the Lake County Board of County Commissioners (hereafter "County ") and all P.O.O.L. (Procurement Offices of Lake) participating entities. This is an indefinite quantity term contract with no guarantee services will be required. Neither the County nor any P.O.O.L. participating entity guarantee a minimum or ' maximum dollar amount (if any) to be expended on any contract(s) resulting from this Request for Proposal. • P.O.O.L entities that may participate in this action include the Lake County Board of County Commissioners, Lake County School Board, .Lake County Sheriff's Office, Lake Sumter Emergency Medical Services, Lake County Water Authority, Cities of Clermont, Eustis, Fruitland Park, Groveland, Leesburg, Mascotte, Minneola, Mount Dom, Tavares, Umatilla and the Towns of Astatula, Lady Lake and Montverde. Other governmental entities, not listed above may purchase under this agreement only with the permission of the County and the contractor. All entities identified shall be included in the vendor's proposal. No proposal shall be considered unless all entities are contemplated by the vendor. An award will be made by the County and each organization collectively. All sales derived from the award of this request shall be made in accordance with the prices, terms, and conditions of this proposal request. Each entity will issue its individual order by phone, fax, entity purchasing card, purchase order or contract throughout the contract period as said needs are determined. Each entity will schedule and expedite its own orders and will' be billed separately. Each entity will receive, inspect, and test hid goods on an individual basis and when non - conforming shipments occur, each entity will initially seek their own remedy with the contractor. The contractor will service personal protective equipment as required by this proposal request. All controversies relating to specifications or other provisions of the proposal request and the evaluation of proposals or to subsequent contractual matters including failure to comply with specified services is the responsibility of the County. Any other controversies with which the County has no control. should not be accountable, or have to resolve, such violation of the contractual conditions, including late payment on the part of other participating entities, shall be resolved with that entity and the vendor. Section 1.2: Designated Procurement Representative Questions concerning any portion of this solicitation shall be directed in writing [fax and e -mail 2 • SECTION 1 — SPECIAL, TERMS AND CONDITIONS REF Number. 10 -082 accepted] to the below named individual who shall be the official point of contact for this solicitation. To ensure reply, questions should be submitted no later than five (5) working days before the proposal due date. %Roseann Johnson, CPM, CPPB. Contracting Officer Lake County BCC Procurement Services office 315 W. Main Street, Room 416 PO BOX 7800 \ Tavares, FL 32778 -7800 I'hone : 352.343.9839 Fax : 352.343.9473 E -mail: nson a lakecounty17 nov No answers given in response to questions submitted shall be binding upon this solicitation unless released in writing as an addendum to the solicitation by the Lake County Procurement office. Section 1.3: Method of Award Award will be made to the vendor who submits the overall proposal that is judged to provide the best value to the County. Proposals will be evaluated based upon the following criteria: 1. Qualifications of proposed personnel. 2. Proposed materials and plans to accomplish task. 3. Proposed costs / fee schedule. 4. Reports from direct and indirect references. 5. Responsiveness and completeness of the written proposal to these instructions with regard to the Scope of Services. 6. Other relevant criteria. Section 1.4: Pre - Proposal Conference / Site Visits Not applicable to this solicitation Section 1.5: Term of Contract — Twelve (12) Months This contract shall commence on the first calendar day of the month succeeding approval of the contract by the Board of County Commissioners, or designee, unless otherwise stipulated in the Notice of Award Letter distributed by the County's Office of Procurement Services; and contingent upon the completion and submittal of all required pre -award documents. The initial contract term shall remain in effect for twelve (12) months, and then the contract will remain in effect until completion of the expressed and /or implied warranty period. The contract prices resultant from this solicitation shall prevail for the fall duration of the initial contract term unless otherwise indicated elsewhere in this document 3 SECTION 1 — SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS RFP Number. '.0 - 0824 Section 1.6: Option to Renew for Four Additional One (1) Year Period(s) (With Price Adjustment) Prim to, or upon completion, of the initial term of this contract, the County shalt have the option to renew this contract for four additional one (1) year period(s). Prior to completion of each exercised contract term, the County may consider an adjustment to price based on changes in the following pricing indexes published by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics (http:///www.bls.gov), Product, Wage, Earnings and Benefits Calculators.. It is the vendor's responsibility to request in writing any pricing adjustment under this provision The vendor's written request for adjustment should be submitted thirty (30) calendar days prior to expiration of the then current contract term. The vendor adjustment request must clearly substantiate the requested increase. The written request for adjustment should not be in excess of the relevant pricing index change. if no adjustment request is received from the vendor, the County will assume that the vendor has agreed that the optional term may be exercised without pricing adjustment. Any adjustment request received after the commencement of a new option period shall not be considered. The County reserves the right to reject any written price adjustments submitted by the vendor and /or to not exercise any otherwise available option period based on such price adjustments. Continuation of the contract beyond the initial period, and any option subsequently exercised, is a County prerogative, and not a right of the vendor. This prerogative will be exercised only when such continuation is clearly in the best interest of the County or participating entity. Section 1.6.1: Price Redetermination - Fuel If the below - identified price index for firel (gas and /or diesel as applicable to the vendor's operation) increases by ten percent (1 0%) or more from the price index in effect on the beginning date of any contract resulting from this solicitation, the vendor may petition the Procurement Services Director in writing for an appropriate increase in the contract price(s). Any increase in the contract price(s) will be applied considering the relation of fuel cost to the contractor's total cost for the contracted product or service. Any price re- determination will be solely based upon the percentage change between the base index and the current month index as documented by the: - State of Florida Department of Management Set vices http: / /dms.myflorida.com /business operations /state purchasing /vendor information /state contra cts agreements and price lists /state term contracts /gasoline and fuel oil /price sheets daily rice /price sheets current pricing for unleaded gas, Florida PAD 1, Orlando The base index will be the index number for the month prior to the bid due date stated in the solicitation. The current [north index will be the last month's index published before the request for a price re- determination is made. The vendor shall provide (in writing) a cost analysis as described below for each contract price for which the vendor is requesting adjustment. This analysis must include the percentage 4 SECTION 1 — SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS RFP Number: 10 increase calculation between the base and current month indices; a clear and detailed representation of the fuel cost component of any contract price for which an adjustment is requested; and a calculation showing the original contract price, the requested adjustment, and the proposed revised price. As an example: if the fuel index increases by twelve percent (12 %) and the fuel cost accounts for ten percent (l0 %) of the cost of the product or service, then the contract price may be increased by 1.2 % (012 / 0.10). The vendor may submit additional clarifying or justifying information for the County's consideration. Failure to provide sufficient detail in the manner described above shall result in rejection of the vendor's request for pricing adj ustment. If the Procurement Services Director grants any increase in any contract price based upon this clause, the increased price(s) may be adjusted downward on a unilateral basis by the County if the fuel index (es) used to support any previous increase then decrease by ten percent (10 %) or more. Any such decrease will be based on the calculations submitted by the vendor pertaining to any previous price increase. This clause may be used in addition to any other price redetermination clause in this i nvitation/contract. Section 1.7: Method of Payment - Periodic Invoices For Completed Purchases The vendor(s) shall submit invoices to the County or participating entity after each individual purchase has been completed. In addition to the general invoice requirements set forth below, the invoices shall reference, as applicable, the corresponding delivery ticket number, packing slip number, or other acceptance document that was signed by an authorized representative of the County or participating entity at the time the items were delivered and accepted. Submittal of these periodic invoices shall not exceed ten (10) calendar days from the delivery of the goods or services. Under no circumstances shall the invoices be submitted to the County or participating entity in advance of the delivery and acceptance of the items. All invoices shall contain the contract and /or purchase order number, date and location of delivery or service, and confirmation of acceptance of the goods or services by the appropriate County or participating entity representative. Failure to submit invoices in the prescribed manner will delay payment, and the vendor may be considered in default of contract and its contract may be terminated. Payments shall be tendered in accordance with the Florida Prompt Payment Act, Part VII, Chapter 218, Florida Statutes Section 1.8: Insurance (Purchase Over 525,000) Each vendor shall include in its solicitation response package proof of insurance capabilities, including but not limited to, the following requirements. [This does not mean that the vendor must have the coverage prior to submitted, but, that the coverage must be in effect prior to a purchase order or contract being executed by the County or participating entity.] An original certificate of insurance, indicating that the awarded vendor has coverage in accordance with the requirements of this section, shall be furnished by the vendor to the 5 SECTION 1— SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS RFP Number: 10 -0824 Contracting Officer within five (5) working days of such request and must be received and accepted by the County prior to contract execution and/or before any work begins. The vendor shall provide and maintain at all times during the term of any contract, without cost or expense to the County or participating entity, policies of insurance, with a company or companies authorized to do business in the State of Florida, and which are acceptable to the County or participating entity, insuring thc vendor against any and all claims, demands or causes of action whatsoever, for injuries received or damage to property relating to thc performance of duties, services and /or obligations of the vendor tinder the terms and provisions of the contract. The vendor is responsible for timely provision of certificate(s) of insurance to the County or participating entity at the certificate holder address evidencing conformance with the contract requirements at all times throughout the term of the contract. Such policies of insurance, and confirming certificates of insurance, shall insure the vendor is in accordance with the following minimum limits: General Liabi insurance on forms no more restrictive than the latest edition of the Occurrence Form Commercial General Liability policy (CG 00 01) of the Insurance Services Office or equivalent without restrictive endorsements, with the following minimum limits and coverage: Each Occurrence /General Aggregate $1,000,000/2,000,000 Products- Completed Operations $2,000,000 Personal & Achy. Injury • $1,000,000 Fire Damage $50,000 Medical Expense $5,000 Contractual Liability Included Automobile liability insurance, including owned, non - owned, and hired autos with the following minimum limits and coverage: • Combined Single Limit 51,000,000 Workers' compensation insurance based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts in accordance with Chapter 440, Florida Statutes, and/or any other applicable law requiring workers' compensation (Federal, maritime, etc). If not required by law to maintain . workers compensation insurance, the vendor must provide a notarized statement that if he or she is injured; he or she will not hold the County responsible for any payment or compensation. Employers Liability insurance with the following minimum limits and coverage: Each Accident 51,000,000 Disease -Each Employee $1,000,000 Disease- Policy Limit $1,000,000 Professional liability and/or specialty insurance (medical malpractice, engineers, architect, consultant, environmental, pollution, errors and omissions, etc) insurance as applicable, with minimum limits of $1,000,000 and annual aggregate of $2,000,000. 6 SECTION 1– SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS RIP Number 10 -0824 The following additional coverage must be provided if a dollar value is inserted below• Loss of Use at coverage value: $ Garage Keepers Liability at coverage value: $ — Lake County, a Political Subdivision of the State of Florida, and the Board of County Commissioners, shall be named as additional insured as their interest may appear on all applicable liability insurance policies. The certificate(s) of insurance shall provide for a minimum of thirty (30) days prior written notice to the County or participating entity of any change, cancellation, or nonrenewal of the provided insurance. It is the vendor's specific responsibility to ensure that any such notice is provided within the stated timeframe to the certificate holder. Certificate(s) of insurance shall identify the applicable solicitation (ITB /RFP /RFQ) number in the Description of Operations section of the Certificate. Certificate holder shall be: LAKE COUNTY, A POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, AND THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. P.O. BOX 7800 TAVARES, FL 32778 -7800 • Certificates of insurance shall evidence a waiver of subrogation in favor of the County or participating entity, that coverage shall be primary and noncontributory, and that each evidenced policy includes a Cross Liability or Severability of Interests provision, with no requirement of premium payment by the County or participating entity. The Vendor shall be responsible for subcontractors and their insurance. Subcontractors are to provide certificates of insurance to the prune vendor evidencing coverage and teems in accordance with the Vendor's requirements. All self- insured retentions shall appear on the certificate(s) and shall be subject to approval by the • County. At the option of the County, the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such self - insured retentions or the vendor or subcontractor shall be required to procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related claims expenses. The County or participating entity shall be exempt from, and in no way liable for, any sums of money, which may represent a deductible or self - insured retention in any insurance policy. The payment of such deductible or self - insured retention shall be the sole responsibility of the vendor and /or sub contractor providing such insurance. Failure to obtain and maintain such insurance as set out above will be considered a breach of contract and may result in termination of the contract for default. Neither approval by the County of any insurance supplied by the vendor or Subcontractor(s), nor 7 • SECTION 1 — SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS Rif Number 10 -0824 a failure to disapprove that insurance, shall relieve the vendor or Subcontractor(s) of full responsibility for liability, damages. and accidents as set forth herein. Note: The selected vendor shall provide a separate Certificate of Insurance that complies ss ith the requirements stated above to each participating entity citing that entity as a certificate holder. Section 1.9: Bonding Requirements Not applicable to this solicitation. Section 1.10: Completion of Work The vendor will guarantee to complete the work, repair, and /or service upon coordinating with the County authorized representative and each participating entities authorized representative for an appropriate location and time schedule to complete the scope of services. All work shall be performed in accordance with good commercial practice. The work schedule and completion dates shall be adhered to by the vendor(s), except in such cases where the completion date will be delayed due to acts of God, strikes, or other causes beyond the control of the vendor. In these cases, the vendor shall notify the County of the delays in advance of the original completion date so that a revised delivery schedule can be appropriately considered by the County. Section 1.10.1: Shipping Terms • • • The F.O.B. point for any product ordered as a result of this solicitation shall be F.O.B.: DESTINATION — INSIDE DELIVERY. The title for each item will pass from the contractor to the County or participating entity only after the County or participating entity receives AND accepts each item. Delivery will not be complete until the County or participating entity has accepted each item. Delivery to a common carrier shall not constitute delivery to the County or participating entity. Any transportation dispute shall be between the contractor and the carrier. The County will not consider any bid or proposal showing a F.O.B. point other than F.O.B.: Destination — Inside Delivery. Section 1.10.2: Packing Slip /Delivery Ticket The vendor shall enclose a complete packing slip or delivery ticket with any personal protective equipment item to be serviced in conjunction with this solicitation. The packing slip shall be attached to the shipping carton(s) which contain the items and shall be made available to the County's or participating entity's authorized representative during delivery. The packing slip or delivery ticket shall include, at a minimum, the following information: purchase order number; dale of order; a complete listing of items being delivered; and backorder quantities and estimated delivery of backorders if applicable. 8 SECTION 1 — SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS RFP ]Number. 10 - 0824 Section 1.10.3: Delivery Times Specified The awarded vendor(s) shall only be authorized to deliver items per County and each participating entity instructions. Each entity will coordinate with the awarded vendor(s) their delivery instructions after award of contract. Section 1.10.4: Delivery During Emergency/Hurricane /Disasters or Events It is hereby made part of the RFP that before, during, and after a public emergency, disaster or event, hurricane, flood or other acts of God the County and or participating entity under this contract shall require a first priority basis for services. It is vital and imperative that the majority of citizens are protected from any emergency situation which threatens public health and safety, as determined by the County. The County or participating entity expects to pay contractual prices for the services required during an emergency situation. The vendor shall furnish a twenty four (24) hour phone number in the event of such as emergency in the pricing section of this 1TB. • Section 1.11: Acceptance of Goods or Services The services provided as a result of an award from this solicitation shall remain the property of the contractor, and .services rendered under the contract will not be deemed complete, until a physical inspection and actual usage of the product(s) and/or service(s) is (are) accepted by the County or participating entity and shall be in compliance with the terms herein, filly in accord with the specifications and of the highest quality. Any goods and/or services purchased as a result of this solicitation and/or contract may be tested/inspected for compliance with specifications. In the event that any aspect of the goods or services provided is found to be defective or does not conform to the specifications, the County reserves the right to terminate the contract or initiate corrective action on the part of the vendor, to include retum of any non - compliant goods to the vendor at the vendor's expense, requiring the vendor to either provide a direct replacement for the item, or a full credit for the returned item. The vendor shall not assess any additional charge(s) for any conforming action taken by the County or participating entity under this clause. The County or participating entity will not be responsible to pay for any product or service that does not conform to the contract specifications. In addition, any defective product or service or any product or service not delivered or performed • by the date specified in the purchase order or contract, may be procured by the County or participating entity on the open market, and any increase in cost may be charged against the awarded contractor. Any cost incurred by the County or participating entity in any re- procurement plus, any increased product or service cost shall be withheld from any monies owed to the contractor by the County or participating entity for any contract or financial obligation. Section 1.11.1: Deficiencies in Work to be Corrected by the Vendor The vendor shall promptly correct all apparent and latent deficiencies and /ur defects in work, and/or any work that fails to conform to the contract documents regardless of project completion status All corrections shall be made within five (5) calendar days after such rejected defects 9 • SECTION 1 — SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS RFP Number 10 • deficiencies, and/or non - conformances are verbally reported to the vendor by the County's project administrator, who may confirm all such verbal reports in writing. The vendor shall bear all costs of correcting such rejected work. If the vendor fails to correct the work within the period specified, the County may, at its discretion, notify the vendor, in writing, that the vendor is subject to contractual default provisions if the connections are not completed to the satisfaction of [he County within five (5) calendar days of receipt of the notice. If the vendor fails to correct the work within the period specified in the notice, the County shall place the vendor in default, obtain the services of another vendor to correct the deficiencies, and charge the incumbent vendor for these costs, either through a deduction from the final payment owed to the vendor or through invoicing. If the vendor fails to honor this invoice or credit memo, the County may terminate the contract for default. Section 1.12: Warranty The 'vendor agrees that, unless expressly stated otherwise in the proposal that services furnished as a result of an award from this solicitation shall be covered by the most favorable commercial warranty the vendor gives to any customer for comparable quantities of products and/or services and the rights and remedies provided herein are in addition to said warranty and do not limit any right afforded to the County or participating entity by any other provision of this solicitation. If any damage results to equipment and/or parts directly caused by a deficiency of any product, the vendor shall pay for the repair to the equipment and /or parts, provided the equipment was used under normal operating conditions and maintained according to the equipment manufacturer's recommendations. The vendor hereby acknowledges and agrees that all materials, except where recycled content is specifically requested, supplied by the vendor in conjunction with this solicitation and resultant contract shall be new, wan for their merchantability, and fit for a particular purpose. Section 1.13 Deliveries and Completion of Solicitation Response • Section 1.13.1: Delivery of Solicitation Response Unless a package is delivered by the vendor in person, all incoming mail from the U S. Postal Service and any package delivered by a third party delivery organization (FedEx, UPS. DHL, , private courier, etc.) will be opened for security and contamination inspection by the Lake County Clerk of the Circuit Court Mail Receiving Center in an off -site secure controlled facility prior to delivery to any Lake County Government facility, which includes the Lake County Office of Procurement Services. To be considered for award, a bid or proposal must be received and accepted in the-Procurement, Services Office prior to the date and time established within the solicitation. Allow sufficient time for transportation and inspection. Each package shall be clearly marked with the applicable solicitation number, title, and company name, Ensure that your bid or proposal is securely sealed in an opaque envelope /package to • t0 • SECTION 1 — SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS RFP Number 10 - 0824 • provide confidentiality of the bid or proposal prior to the due date stated in the solicitation. If you plan on submitting your bid or proposal IN PERSON, please bring it to: LAKE COUNTY PROCUREMENT SERVICES 315 W. MAIN STREET 4TH FLOOR, ROOM 416 TAVARES, FLORIDA If you submit you' bid or proposal by the UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE (LISPS), please mail it to: LAKE COUNTY PROCUREMENT SERVICES PO BOX 7800 TAVARES, FL 32778 -7800 • If you submit your bid or proposal by a THIRD PARTY CARRIER such as FedEx, UPS, or a • private courier, please send it to: LAKE COUNTY PROCUREMENT SERVICES MAIL RECEIVING CENTER 416 W. MAIN STREET • TAVARES, FL 32778 Facsimile (fax) or electronic submissions (e -mail) will not be accepted. Section 1.13.2: Completion Requirements for Request For Proposal (RFP) The original proposal and four (4) complete copies of the proposal submitted by the vendor shall he sealed and delivered to the Office of Procurement Services no later than the official closing date and time. Any proposal received after this time will not be considered and will be returned unopened to the submitter. The County is not liable or. responsible for any costs incurred by any vendor in responding to this RFP including, without limitation, costs for product and /or service demonstrations if requested. When you submit your proposal, you are making a binding offer to the County. The vendor's proposal will consist of two separately bound sections The first section will be the vendor's Technical Proposal. The second section will be the vendor's price proposal Each proposal section will be prepared in accordance with the following information and directions. A. Economy of Presentation Each proposal shall be prepared simply and economically, providing a straightforward, concise description of the proposer's capabilities to satisfy the conditions and requirements of this RFP Fancy bindings, colored displays, and promotional material are not desired. Emphasis in each proposal must be on completeness and clarity of content. The County emphasizes that the 11 SECTION 1 — SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS RFP Number. 10-0824 • proposer concentrate on accuracy, completeness, and clarity of content. 13. Proposal Guidelines To facilitate analysis of its proposal, the proposer shall prepare its proposal in accordance with the instructions outlined in this section. If the proposal deviates from these instructions, such • proposal may, in the County's sole discretion, be rejected. Cross Referencing - To the greatest extent possible, each section shall be written on a stand- alone basis so that its contents may be evaluated with a minimum of cross- referencing to other sections of the proposal. Information required for proposal evaluation, which is not found in its designated section, will he assumed to have been omitted from the proposal. Indexing - Each section shall contain a more detailed table of contents to delineate the subparagraphs within that section. Tab indexing shall be used to identify sections. Glossary of Abbreviations and Acronyms - Each section shall contain a glossary of all abbreviations and acronyms used, with an explanation for each. Glossaries do not count against the page limitations for their respective sections. If no abbreviations and /or acronyms are used, then a Glossary is not required. Page Size and Format - Page size shall be 8.5 x 11 inches, not including foldouts. Pages shall be . single - spaced. The text size shall be 11 point or larger. Use at least one (1) inch margins on the top and bottom and three- quarter (3/4) inch side margins. Pages shall be numbered sequentially by section. Legible tables, charts graphs and figures shall be used wherever practical to depict organizations, systems and layouts, implementation schedules, plans, etc. These displays shall be uncomplicated, Legible and shall not exceed eleven (I1) by seventeen (17) inches in size. Foldout pages shall fold entirely within the section, and may only be used for large tables, charts, graphs, diagrams, and schematics. Binding and Labeling - All Sections of the proposal should be identified by section tabs, A cover sheet should be bound in each separate proposal copy, clearly marked as to RFP title, solicitation number, copy number, and the Proposer's name. C. Technical Proposal Sections: Proposals shall be organized into the following major sections Tab 1 - Proposer Profile & Required Information A Statement of Interest & Understanding of Project B Firm Profile / Firm History • 12 • SECTION I — SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS RFP Numbci 10 - 0824 C Program Manager: List the name, business address, telephone number and e -mail address of the individual that will act as the program manager for the project. Provide a resume of the individual's background and skills in managing similar • projects. List the following information: - Years of experience within the area of specialty - Length of and type of service with firm. - Education and formal training, including certifications. D. Any required licenses or permits. • Tab 2 - Proposed Solution Description(s) • A. Multiple alternate solution proposals may be submitted by the same proposer. For each different proposed solution, include the following minimum information. Each different solution shall be tabbed numerically (Solution #l, Solution #2, etc) and shall be complete. B. Exceptions - any exceptions that the proposer may have concerning any item(s) set forth in the RFP document or associated addendum. Tab 3 - Proof of Insurability Provide either a completed Accord form or a signed letter from your insurance agency on its letterhead stating that you have or can get the required insurance coverage. • Tab 4 - References . Provide at least three (3) recent references where the proposed product /service have been used within the past 3 years. Please use the form attached. Tab 5 - Litigation • Provide information on the nature, magnitude, and outcome of all litigation and proceedings for the previous three (3) years where you or your organization has been involved in any matter related to you or your organization's professional activities. "Tab 6 - Subcontractors / Joint Ventures - • Provide a list of any proposed sub- contractors or joint venture arrangements that may be used on the project. Provide the same information required in the Pricing Proposal Tab 3 for each sub- contractor or joint venture participant. 13 SECTION 1— SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS RFP Number: 10 . Tab 7 - Other Information Provide any information that will provide insight to the County about the qualifications, fitness and abilities of the proposer. This information should be succinct. D. Price Proposal Section: The Proposer shall organize its proposal into the following major sections. Tab 1 - Completed solicitation A. Include a copy of a fully completed and signed RFP. B. Acknowledgment of Addenda (if any) Tab 2 - Completed Pricing Back -up Section - Provide supporting documentation for the prices proposed sufficient to evaluate and determine price realism. Tab 3 - Financial Stability Each proposer shall certify and provide a statement that it is financially stable and have the necessary resources, human and financial to provide the services at the level required by County. Each proposer shall be prepared to supply a financial statement upon request, preferably a certified audit, but'a third party prepared financial statement and the latest'D & B report will be accepted. The County reserves the right to use a third -party company to verify financial information provided in each proposal If a subcontractor or joint venture arrangement is being proposed, provide similar information for those participants in the proposal. Tab 4 - Other Information Provide any information that will provide insight to the County about the financial qualifications, fitness and stability of the proposer. This information should be succinct. Section 1.13.3: Selection Process Lake County personnel will evaluate all proposals. Lake County reserves the right to negotiate any and all elements of any proposal received. Section 1.14: Additional Facilities Although this solicitation and resultant contract identifies specific entities to be serviced, it is hereby agreed and understood that a participating entity may be added to this contract with the 14 • SECTION 1— SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS REP Number: 10 permission of the County and awarded vendor. When required by the pricing structure of the contract, vendor(s) under this contract shall be invited to submit price quotes for these additional participating entities. If these quotes are determined to be fair and reasonable, then the additional work will be awarded to the current contract vendor(s) that offers the lowest acceptable pricing. The additional entity(s) shall be added to this contract by formal modification. The County may obtain price quotes for the additional entity(s) from other vendors in the event that fair and reasonable pricing is not obtained from the current contract vendors, or for other reasons at the County's discretion. Section 1.15: Compliance with Federal Standards All items to be serviced under this contract shall be in accordance. with all governmental standards, to include, but not be limited to, those issued by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the National Institute of Occupational Safety Hazards (NIOSH), and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Section 1.16: Deletion of Facilities Although this solicitation identifies specific entities to be serviced, it is hereby agreed and understood that any County or participating entity may be deleted when such service is no longer required during the contract period, upon fourteen (14) calendar day's written notice to the • . vendor. Section 1.17: "Equal" Product If a product or service requested by this ITB has been identified in the specifications by a brand name, and has not been notated as a "No Substitute" item, such identification is intended to be descriptive and not restrictive, and is to indicate the quality and characteristics of product or • service that will be acceptable. Vendors offering an alternate product will be considered for award if such product is clearly identified in the bid or proposal and is determined bythe County to fully meet the salient characteristic requirements listed in the specifications An alternate product will not be considered for any item notated "No Substitute ". Unless the vendor clearly indicates in its bid or proposal that it is proposing an alternate product, the bid or proposal shall be considered as offering the same brand name referenced in the specifications. If the vendor proposes to furnish an alternate product or sei vice, the brand name of the product or service to he furnished shall be clearly identified. The evaluation of the bid or proposal and the determination as to acceptability of the alternate product or service shall be the responsibility of the County and will be based upon infom finished by the vendor. The County will not be responsible for locating or securing any information which is not included in the bid or proposal. To ensure that sufficient information is available, the vendor shall furnish as part of the bid or proposal all descriptive material necessary for the County to determine whether the 15 • SECTION 1 — SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS RFP Number: 10 • product offered meets the salient characteristics required by the specifications. Section 1.18: Licenses, Permits and Fees The vendor shall obtain and pay for all licenses, permits and inspection fees required for this project and shall comply with all laws, ordinances, regulations and building code requirements applicable to the work contemplated herein. Damages, penalties and /or fines imposed on the County, participating entity or the vendor for failure to obtain required licenses, pemnits, inspection fees, or inspections shall be borne by the vendor. Section 1.19: Limited Contract Extension to Maintain Service Levels It is hereby agreed and understood that this contract may be extended for an additional thirty (30) day transitional period after the stated expiration date of the contract including any contract extensions exercised under the initially established option period terns of the contract. During this transitional period the vendor agrees to continue the same or a reduced level (if such reduction is mutually agreed to and appropriately documented) of service to the County or participating entity at the same prices while the new contract, also in force,. is being mobilized. Section 1.20: Omission from the Specifications The apparent silence of this specification and any addendum regarding any details, or the omission from the specification of a detailed description concerning any point, shall be regarded as meaning that only the best commercial practices are to prevail, and that only materials and workmanship of first quality are to be used. All interpretations of this specification shall be made upon the basis of this agreement. Section 1.21: Patents and Royalties A. The Vendor, without exception, shall indemnify and hold harmless the County or participating entity, its employees and officers from liability of any nature or kind, including cost and expenses for or on account of any copyrighted, patented, or un- patented invention, process or article provided by the Vendor. The Vendor has no liability when such claim is solely and exclusively due to the combination, operation, or use of any article supplied hereunder with equipment or data not supplied by the Vendor or is based solely and exclusively upon the County's alteration of the article. The County or participating entity will provide prompt written notification of a claim of copyright or patent infringement. B. Further, if such a claim is made or is pending, the vendor may, at its option and expense, procure for the County or participating entity the right to continue use of, replace or modify the article to render it non - infringing. (1f none of the alternatives are reasonably available, the County or participating entity agrees to return the article on request to the vendor and receive full reimbursement of all monies paid to the vendor). If the vendor uses any design, device, or materials covered by letters, patent or copyright, it is mutually agreed and understood without exception that the bid proposal price(s) include all royalties and/or costs arising from the use of such design, device or materials in any way involved in the work. 16 SECTION 1— SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS RFP Number 10 - 0824 C. The vendor will defend, at its own expense, any action brought against the County or participating entity to the extent that it is based on a claim that the article supplied by the vendor under the contract infringes a patent, industrial design, or any other similar right, and the vendor will pay any costs and damages finally awarded against the County or participating entity in any such action, where they are attributable to any such claim, but such defense and payments are conditional on the following: • the vendor will be notified promptly in writing by the County or participating entity of any notice of such claim received by the County, and • the vendor will have the sole control of the defense of any action or such claims, and all negotiations for its settlement or compromise. Section 1.22: Purchase of Other Items Not Listed Within this Solicitation Based on Price Quotes While the County has listed all major items within this solicitation which are utilized by County or participating entity in conjunction with their operations, there may be ancillary or similar items that must be purchased by the County or participating entity during the terns of this . contract. Under these circumstances, a County representative will contact the primary vendor to obtain a price quote for the ancillary items. If there are multiple vendors on the contract. the County representative may also obtain price quotes from these vendors. The County reserves the right to award these ancillary items to the primary contract vendor, another contract vendor based on the lowest price quoted, or to acquire the items through a separate solicitation. Section 1.23: Stock Levels The vendor(s) shall ensure that adequate stock levels are maintained at its place of business in order to assure the County or participating entity of prompt delivery. If the delivery teens specified in the solicitation are not fulfilled by the vendor, the County or participating entity • reserves the right to cancel the order, purchase the goods elsewhere, and charge the vendor for any re - procurement costs incurred by the County or participating entity. If the vendor fails to honor these re procurement costs, the County may terminate the contract for default. Section 1:24 Work References (Attachment A) A contact person shall be someone who has personal knowledge of the vendor's performance for the specific requirements listed. Do not list persons who will be unable to answer specific questions regarding the requirements in this RFP. Section 1.25: Administrative Reports Consistent with the administrative needs of the County or participating entity, certain relevant data regarding purchases of goods and /or services under County contracts is to be gathered and maintained. Accordingly, each vendor under this contract is to provide quarterly reports to the . County as to the nature of the goods and /or services purchased from them by the County or participating entity during the preceding three months. • • 17 SECTION 1— SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS RFr Number: 10 - 0324 • The reports shall include the quantity, description and unit price(s) of the goods and /or services. The reports are to be submitted in writing to: Lake County Department of Public Safety • Jack Fiilman, Assistant Chief - Administration Lake County Fire Rescue ' 315 West Main Street PO Box 7800 Tavares, FL 32778 0 352- 343 -9458 F 352 -343 -9516 The reports shall be submitted no later than fifteen (15) calendar days after the expiration of the third (3rd) month of each contract period. Failure to submit such reports in a timely manner may be considered a breach of performance and sukject to formal proceedings in that regard. • Section 1.26: Minimum Wages Under this contract, the wage rate paid to all laborers, mechanics and apprentices employed by . the vendor for the work under the contract, shall not be less than the wage rates for similar classifications of work as established by the Federal Government and enforced by the U.S. Department of Labor, Wages and Hours Division, and Florida's Minimum Wage requirements in Article X, Section 24 (1) of the Florida Constitution and enforced by the Florida Legislature by statute or the State Agency for Workforce Innovation by rule, whichever is higher. Section 1.27: Background Screening (Applicable to School Board Deliveries Only) The vendor represents and warrants to the SCHOOL BOARD that the vendor has read and is familiar with Florida Statute Sections 1012.32. 1012.465, 1012.467, and 1012.468 regarding background investigations. Vendor covenants to comply with all requirements of the above -cited statutes and shall provide SCHOOL BOARD with proof of compliance upon request. Vendor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the SCHOOL BOARD, its officers, agents and employees from any liability in the form of physical injury, death, or property damage resulting from the vendor's failure to comply with the requirements of this paragraph or Florida Statute Sections 1012.32, 1012.465, 1012.467 and 1012.468. Section 1.28: Emergency Planning Since the County, School Board, and other entities have been designated as a "first responder" during a disaster, each vendor shall include a clear and concise capability plan and process as described in Section 1.10.4 of this solicitation with their bid submittal regarding services that may be needed preceding an emergency such as a hurricane, and immediately following. The daily cost, if any, associated with this service should he included in your bid response 18 • • SECTION 1 — SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS RFP Number. 10 Section 1.29: Exceptions /Additions It shall be unacceptable for any vendor to make the statement "see specifications" in lieu of listing all exceptions /additions from the preceding specifications It shall also be unacceptable for any vendor to submit manufacturer's literature in lieu of specifically noting all exceptions /additions from the preceding specifications. All exceptions /additions to ou specifications shall be either handwritten or typed on an attached separate sheet and submitted 1,vith the initial bid response. - Section 1.30: Key Contractor Personnel In submitting a proposal, the Proposer is representing that each person listed or referenced in the proposal shall be available to perform the services described for the County or participating entity, barring illness, accident, or other unforeseeable events of a similar'nahue in which case the Proposer must be able to promptly provide a qualified replacement. In the event the Proposer wishes to substitute personnel, the Proposer shall propose a person with equal or higher qualifications and each replacement person is subject to prior written County approval. In the event the requested substitute person is not satisfactory to the County or participating entity and the matter cannot be resolved to the satisfaction of the County, the County reserves the right to cancel the contract for cause. Section 1.31: Labor, Materials, and Equipment Unless otherwise stated in this solicitation the vendor shall furnish all labor, material and equipment necessary for satisfactory contract performance. When not specifically identified in the technical specifications, such materials and equipment shall be of a suitable type and grade for the purpose. All material, workmanship, and equipment shall be subject to the inspection and approval of the County or participating entity. Section 1.32: Service Facilities Offers will only be accepted from vendors which have service facilities that are located in Florida. Service facilities are defined as facilities that can provide a full range of parts and repairs for the items covered by this solicitation and resultant contract. The County reserves the right to perform an inspection of these service facilities during the offer evaluation period, and any time during the term of the contract, and to use this inspection as a means for determining the vendor to which award will be made tinder this solicitation. The acceptability of the size, location, level of security, and overall functionality of the service facility shall be determined by the County in consideration of the contract requirements. The County's and participating entities best interests shall prevail in this regard, and the decision of the County shall be final Section 1.33: Work Orders Shall be Generated for Each Project The County or participating entity's authorized representative shall generate and issue a Work Order for each service to be performed under the contract resulting from this solicitation. The 19 • SECTION 1 — SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDTTIONS RFP Number: 10 Work Order shall include the location, description and plans, if necessary, Covering the scope of work to be completed. The Work Order shall also include a cost estimate calculated by the County or participating entity for the work listed on the Work Order. This estimate shall be based on the unit or other pricing established through this 'solicitation. For purposes of identification and payment, the Work Order shall be numbered and dated. The preliminary Work Order describing the description of work and cost estimates shall be issued to the vendor which has been qualified to perform work under this solicitation and resulting contract. The vendor(s) shall be required to supply the County's or participating entity's authorized representative with a written price offer within a time frame specified by the County or participating entity. The price offer shall be evaluated and, if appropriate, accepted, provided that the price does not exceed the dollar estimate calculated by the County or participating entity. The selected vendor's name shall then be entered on the Work Order and that order will then be issued to the vendor. The Work Order shall also direct the vendor to commence work on a certain day and it shall specify the amount of time allotted for completion of work covered by the Work Order. All work covered by a Work Order shall constitute a Contract Schedule. • • 20 SECTION 2 — STATEMENT OF WORK RFP Number. 10 -0324 SCOPE OF SERVICES The purpose of this solicitation is to establish a contract for the inspection, cleaning, repairing, and tracking of personal protective equipment from experienced, qualified vendors as needs may be determined by the County and all P.O.O.L participating entities. • The County and participating entities goal is to improve member safety through the use of professional clothing management services with the economics and expertise their capitalization and specialization allows. - Personal protective equipment is to consist of but not limited to turnout gear, suspenders, . helmets, boots and miscellaneous items. Vendor bids shall include: • - Availability of services for all NFPA #1851 required traclting /reporting, preferably Total Fire Group Advanced Protective Tracking (APT) System - Availability of services for all NFPA #1500 and NFPA #1851 required periodic advanced cleanings - Availability of services for all NFPA #1500 and NFPA #1851 required periodic advanced inspections - Availability of services for all NFPA #1500 and NFPA #1 851 required basic and advance repairs -All necessary costs for services associated with surveying, tracking, cleaning, inspecting and repairing of existing personal protective equipment Record Tracking: Proposal submittals shall include details on how ALL NFPA #1851 required record keeping and reporting at NO additional cost to the County or participating entity will be provided. Proposal shall include details for any hardware needed to support the record keeping /traclting program. Bid shall include details on the software being utilized to support the record keeping /tracking program. Proposal shall include details on whether the tracking program being offered utilizes interactive databases. Proposal shall include details on whether the tracking program being offered allows the County or participating entities data manipulation capabilities without hidden fees for programming keys or supplier required intervention into programming. Proposal shall include details for training and implementation to designated County or participating entities staff for the record keeping /tracking program. 21 • SECTION 2 — STATEMENT OF WORK RFP Number. 10 - 0824 Proposal shall include details for a computerized inventory system to track and maintain • information for distribution, inventory control, tracking of repairs and replacements, tracking of cleanings and invoicing of items and services throughout the history of all personal protective equipment; items issued, returned, loaned and re- issued. Proposal shall include details for tracking information on all County or participating members including, but not limited to: name, employee ID number, work location, rank, size, item type, size and quantity of items distributed, date distributed, repairs, replacements requested, and alterations. For each item, provide details for how the system will track the date distributed, dates of personal protective equipment cleanings, person distributed to, and repairs performed. Quality and Features of Cleaning and Repair Program' Proposal shall include details on how cleaning, inspections, and repairs will he performed. • Proposal shall include assurance that advanced cleanings, advanced inspections, and basic /advanced repairs shall adhere to NFPA 1500 and NFPA 1851. Proposal shall include assurance of openness of cleaning /repair facility for department inspection both before and during any contract award. Proposal shall include assurance that, after repairs completed by contracted vendor, any sizing error correction becomes the responsibility of the vendor and not the department. • • 22 SECTION 3 - GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS RFP Number: 10 -0824 3.1 DEFINITIONS C. Request for Additional Information Addenda: A written change to a solicitation Any communication or inquiries, except for clarification of process Contract: The agreement to perform the services set forth in this or procedure already contained in the solicitation, are to be made in document signed by both parties with any addenda and other writing to the attention of the procurement lepresenlatrve Identified attachments specifically incorporated in the solicitation no later than five (5) working, days prior to the . Contractor : The vendor to whom award has been made proposal due date Such inquiries or request for information shall County: Shall refer to Lake County, Honda be submitted to the procurement representative in writing and shall Modification: A wntten change to 0 contract. contain the requester's name, address, and telephone number If Proposal: Shall refer to any offers) submitted in response to a transmitted by facsimile, the request should also include a cover Request for Proposal sheet with the bidder's facsimile number. Proposer: Shall refer to anyone submitting an offer in response to Procurement Services may issue an addendum in response to any a Request for Proposal, inquiry received, which changes or clarifies the tens, provisions, Request for Proposal (RFP): Shall mean this solicitation or requirements of the solicitation The proposer should not rely documentation, including any and at addenda. An RFP involves on any representation, statement or explanation whethei written or • evaluation of proposals, and award may be made on a best value verbal, other than those made in this solicitation document or 111 basis with price, technical, and other factors considered any addenda issued Where there appears to be a conflict between Solicitation; the wntten document requesting either bids or this solicitation and any addenda, the last addendum issued shall proposals from the ntai kelplacc prevail It is the proposer's responsibility to ensure receipt of all Vendor: a general reference to any entity responding to this addenda and any accompanying documentation The proposer is solicitation or performing under any resulting contract required to submit with its proposal a signed "Acknowledgment of Addenda" form, when any addenda have been issued Failure to The County has established for purposes of this Request for acknowledge each addendum may prevent the proposal from being Proposal (RFP) that the words "shall ", "must ", or "will" are considered for award equivalent 111 this RFP and indicate an essential requirement or D. Contents of Solicitation and Proposers' Responsibilities condition, the material deviation from which may not be waived It is die responsibility of the proposer to become thoroughly by the County. A deviation is material if, in the County's sole familiar with the requirements, terns, and conditions of this discretion, the deficient response is not in substantial accord with solicitation Pleas of ignorance of these matters by the proposer of this RFD's mandatory requirements 1he words "should" or conditions that exist or may exist will not be accepted as a basis for "may' are equivalent in this RFP and indicate very desirable varying the requirements of the County, or the compensation to be conditions or requirements, but are permissive in nature paid to the proposer E. Restricted Iiscussions 3.2 INSTRUCTIONS 10 PROPOSERS from the date of issuatue of this solicitation until final County A. Proposer Qualification action, iendors should not discuss the solicitation or any part It is the policy of the County to encourage full and open thereof with any employee, agent, or any other rcpt esentatve of competition among all available qualified vendors All vendors the County except as expressly authorized by the designated regularly engaged in the type of work specified in the solicitation procurement representative. The only communications that shall are encouraged to submt proposals. Vendors may enroll with the he considered pertinent to this solicitation are appropriately signed County to be included on a nailing list for selected categories of written documents from the s ardor to the designated procurement goods and services To be recommended for award the County representative and any relevant written document promulgated by requires that vendors provide evidence of compliance with the the designated procurement representative requirements below upon request P. Cha age or Withdrawal of Pr opusals L Disclosure of Employment Changes to Proposal - Prior to the scheduled proposal due date, a 2. Disclosure of Ownership proposer may change its proposal by submitting a new proposal 3. Drug -Free Won kplace specified in the solicitation with a letter on the firm's letterhead, 4. W -9 and 8109 Forms — The vendor must furnish these foots signed by an authorized agent stating that the new submittal as required by the Internal Revenue Service replaces the original submittal. The new submittal shall contain 5. Social Security Number —The vendor oust provide a copy of the letter and all information as required for submitting the original the primary owner's social security card if the social security proposal number is being used in lieu of the Federal Identification Withdrawal of Proposal — A proposal shall be irrevocable unless Number (F EI.N ) the proposal is withdrawn as provided herein A proposal may be 6. Americans with Disabtimes Act (A D.A ) withdrawn, either physically or by written notice, at any time prior 7. Conflict of Interest to the proposal due date. If withdrawn by written notice, that 8. Debarment Disclosure Affidavit notice must be addressed lo, and received by, the designated 9. Nondiscrimination procurement representative prior to the designated receipt date and 10. Family Leave time A proposal may also be withdrawn after expiration of the 11. Antitrust Laws — By acceptance of any contract, the vendor designated acceptance period, and prior to award, by submitting a agrees to comply with all applicable antitrust laws. letter to the designated procurement representative for the R. Public Entity Crimes - solicitation The withdrawal letter must be on company letterhead Pursuant to Section 287 I33(2)(a) of die Honda Statutes, a person and signed by an authorized agent of the proposer. or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list G. Conflicts within the Solicitation following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity, there appears to be a conflict between the General Tenus entity, niay not submit a bid on a contract with a public entity for and Conditions, Special Conditions, the Technical Specifications, the constmction or repair of a public building or public work, may the Pricing Section, or any addendum Issued, the order of nut submit bids on leases of real property to a public entity, may precedence shall be the last addendum issued, the Proposal Price not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, Section, the Technical Specifications, the Special Conditions, and ' subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public then the General Terms and Conditions It is Incumbent upon the entity, and may not transact business with any public entity in vendor to identify such conflicts to the designated procurement excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287 017 of the representative poor to the proposal due date Florida Statutes, for CATEGORY TWO for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list II. Prompt Payment Terms It is the policy of the County that payment for all purchases by , County agencies shall be made in a timely manner and that interest 23 - • SECTION 3 - GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS REP Nu nber: 10 -0824 payments will be made on late payments in accordance with Part documents as stipulated in the solicitation VII, Chapter 218, Plorida Statutes, known as the Honda Prompt Payment Act The proposer may offer cash discounts for prompt 3.6 CONTRACT EXTENSION payrnents, however, such discounts wail) not be considered in The County reserves the unilateral right to extend a contract for up determining the lowest price during proposal evaluation • to ninety (90) calendar days beyond the current contract period In Proposers aie requested to provide prompt payment terms in the such event, the County will notify the vendor(s) in writing of such space provided on the signature page of the sohatation extensions. This contract may be extended beyond the lotto; ninety (90) day extension upon mutual agreement between the 3.3 PREPARAT ION OF PROPOSALS County and the vendor(s) Exercise of the above options requires A. The Proposal Pricing Section of this solicitation defines the prior approval of the Director of Procurement Services. requirements of items to be purchased, and must be completed and submitted with the proposal Use of any other 3.7 WARRANTY form or alteration of the form may result in the rejection of All warranties express and implied, shall be made available to the the bid County for goods and services covered by this solicitation All 13. The proposal submitted must be legible. Biddeis shall use goods furnished shall be fully guaranteed by the vendor against typewriter, computer or ink All charges must be crossed out factory defects and workmanship At no expense to the County, and initialed in ink Failure to comply will these the vendor shall correct any and all apparent and latent defects that requiremments may cause the bid to be rejected may occur within the manufacturer's standard warranty period C. An authorized agent of the proposers firm must sign the The special conditions of the solicitation may supersede the proposal FAILURE TO SIGN THE PROPOSAL 31A1' manufacturer's standard warranty. 13E CAUSE TO REJECT THE PROPOSAL. 1). The proposer may submit alternate pioposal(s) for the same 3.8 EST1fLATED QUANTITIES ' solicitation provided that such offer is allowable under the Estimated quantities or dollar values are for proposer's guidance terms and conditions, Time alternate proposal must meet or only No guarantee is expressed or implied as to quantities or exceed the minimum requirements and be submitted as a dollars that will be used during the contract period The County is separate proposal marked "Alternate Proposal ". not obligated to place any order for a given amount subsequent to E. When there is a discrepancy between the unit prices and any the award of This solicitation The County may use these estimates extended prices, the unit prices will prevail to determine the proposer selected for award Estimated quantities T. Any proposal received after the designated receipt date through do not contemplate or include possible additional quantities that no fault or error of the County will be considered late, and, may he ordered by other government, quasi - governmental or non- . except under the most exceptional circumstances, may not be profit entities utilizing this contract In no event shall the County considered for award be liable for payments in excess of the amount due for quantities of goods or services actually ordered 3.4 CANCELLATION OF SOLICITATION _ The County reserves die right to cancel, in whole or in part, any 3.9 NON - EXCLUSIVITY Request for Proposal when it is in the best interest of the County It is the intent of the County to enter into an agreement that will satisfy its needs as described within this solicitation. However, dote 3.5 AWARD County reserves the right as deemed in its best Interest to perform, A. fhe contract resulting from this solicitation may be awarded or cause to be performed, the work and services, of any portion to the responsible proposer which submits a proposal thereof, herein described in any manner it sees fit la no case will determined to piovide the hest value to the County with the County be liable for billings in excess of the quantity of goods price, technical, and other applicable factors considered The or services actually provided under this contract County reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, to waive irregularities or technicalities and to re- advertise for all 3.10 CONTINUATION OF WORN • or any part of this solicitation as deemed in its best interest Any work that commences prior to and will extend beyond the The County shall be the sole judge of its best interest expiration date of the current contract period shall, unless B. When there are multiple line items in a solicitation, the terminated by niatuat written agreement between the County and • County reserves the right to award on an individual item the vendor. continue until completion at the same prices, terms and basis, any combination of items, total low bid or in conditions. whichever manner deemed in the best interest of the County This provision specifically supersedes any method of award 3.11 PROTEST OF AWARD criteria stated In the solicitation when such action is clearly A vendor wishing to protest any award decision resulting from this necessary to protect the best Interests of the County solicitation shall do so as set forth in the County's Purchasing C. 1 he County reserves the right to reject any and all proposals Procedure Manual It is incumbent upon the vendor to be aware of if It is determined that prices are excessive or determined to the posting of any associated award recommendation Any protest . he unreasonable, or it is otherwise determined to be in the received after the actual contract award date may be rejected. County's best interest to do so D. Award of this solicitation will only be made to firms that 3.12 RULES, REGULATIONS AND LICENSES satisfy all necessary legal requirements to do business with The vendor shall comply with all laws, ordinances, and regulations the County. 1 he County may conduct a pre -award Inspection applicable to provide the goods and/or services specified in this of the proposer's site or hold a pre -award qualification solicitation The vendor shall be familiar with all federal, state and lieanng to determine if the proposer is capable of performing local laws that may affect the goods and/or services offered the requirements of Ili solicitation. E. The proposer's performance as a prime contractor or 3.13 SUBCONTRACTING ' subcontractor on previous County contracts shall be taken Unless otherwise specified in dos solicitation, the vendor shall not into account in evaluating the responsibility of a proposer subcontract any portion of the work without the prior written that submitted a proposal under this solicitation. consent of the County. The ability to subcontract may be further F. Any tie situations will be resolved in consonance with current _ limited by the Special Conditions Subconb acting without the written procedure in that regard prior consent of the County may result in termination of the G. Award of the contract resulting Boni this solicitation may be contract for default predicated on compliance with and submittal of all required 24 SECTION 3 - GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS RFP Number: 10 -0824 3.14 ASSIGNMENT such notice, the vendor shall not incur any additional costs under The vendor shall not assign or transfer any contract resulting from this contract. The County shall be liable only for reasonable costs this solicitation, including any rights, title or interest therein, or its incurred by the vendor prior to notice of termination The County power to execute such contract to any person, company or shall be the sole Judge of "reasonable costs" corporation without the prior written consent of the County 3.21 TERMINATION DUE TO UNAVAILABILITY OF 3.15 DELIVERY FUNDING IN SUCCEEDING FISCAL YEARS Unless otherwise specified in the solicitation, prices quoted shall When funds are not appropriated or otherwise rrade available to be F 0 B Destination Freight shall be included in the bid price support continuation of performance in a subsequent fiscal year, the contract shall be cancelled and the vendor shall be reimbursed 3.16 RESPONSIBILITIES AS EMPLOYER for the reasonable value of any non - recurring costs incurred The employee(s) of the vendor shall be considered to be at all amortized in the price of the supplies or services /tasks delivered times its employee(s), and not an employee(s) or agent(s) of the under the contract County or any of its departments The contractor shall provide employee(s) capable of performing the work as required The 3.22 TERMINATION FOR DEFAULT County may require the contractor to remove any employee it The County reserves the right to terminate this contract, in part or deems unacceptable All employees of the contractor may be in whole, or place the vendor on probation in the event the vendor . required to wear appropriate idernrficabon fails to perform in accordance with the terms and conditions stated herein Tlic Count) further reserves the right to suspend or debar 3.17 INDEMNIFICATION the vendor n accordance with the appropriate County ordinances, To the extent permitted by law, the vendor shall mdcmn fy and resolutions raid/of administrative orders. The vendor will be liold harmless the County and its officers, employees, agents and notified by letter of the County's 1111001 to terminate In the event instrumentalities from any and all liability, losses or damages, of termination for default, the County may procure the required including attorney's fees and costs of defense, which the County or goods and/or services from any source and use any method deemed its officers, employees, agents or instrumentalities may incur as a in its best interest All re- procurement cost shall be borne by the result of claims, demands, suits, causes of actions or proceedings vendor of any kind or nature arising out of, relating to or resulting from the perfomiance of the agreement by tie vendor or its employees, 3.23 FRAUD AND MISREPRESENTATION agents, servants, partners, principal; or subcontractors The vendor Any individual, corporation or other entity that attempts to meet its shall pay all claims and losses in connection therewith, and shall contractual obligations with the County through fraud, investigate and defend all claims, suits or actions of any kind or misrepresentation or material misstatement, may be debarred for nature in Inc name of the County, wilere applicable, including up to five (5) year; The County as a further sanction may appellate proceedings, and shall pay all costs. judgments, and terminate or cancel any other contracts with such individual, , attorney's fees which may be incurred thereon. The vendor corporation or entity. Such individual or entity shall be expressly understands and agrees that any insurance protection responsible for all direct or indirect costs associated with required by this Agreement or otherwise provided by the vendor termination or cancellation, including attorney's fees ,shall in no way limit the responsibility to indemnify, keep and save harmless and defend the County or as officers, employees, agents 3.24 RIGHT TO .AUDIT and instrumentalities as herein provided The County resenies the right to require the vendor to submit to an audit by any auditor•of Inc County's choosing. The Contractor 3.18 COLLUSION shall provide access to all of its records, which relate directly or Where two (2) or more related parties, as defined herein, each indirectly to this Agreement at its place of business during regular submit a proposal for the same contract, such proposals shall be business (hours The vendor shall retain all records pertaining to presumed to be collusive The foregoing presumption may be this Agreement and upon request make them available to the rebutted by the presentation of evidence as to the extent of County for twee (3) years following expiration of the Agreement. ownership, control and management of such related parties in The vendor agrees to provide such assistance as may be necessary preparation and submittal of such proposals Related parties shall to facilitate the review or audit by the County to ensure compliance mean proposer or the principals thereof which have a direct or with applicable accounting and financial standards. Indirect ownership interest in another proposer for the same . contract or in which a parent company or the principals thereof of 3.25 PROPRIETARY /CONFIDENT IAL INFORMATION one proposer have a duect or indirect ownership interest m another Proposers are hereby notified that all information submitted as part proposer for the same contract Furthermore, any poor of, or in support of proposal submittal will be available for public understanding, agreement, or connection between two (2) or more inspection after the proposal due date in compliance with Chapter corporations, firms, or persons submitting a proposal for the same 119 of the Florida Statutes (the "Public Record Act "). The — materials, supplies, services, or equipment shall also be presumed proposer shall not submit any information 111 response to this ' to be collusive Proposals found to be collusive shall be rejected solicitation, which the proposer constricts to be proprietary or Proposers which have been found to have engaged in collusion confidential The submission of any information to the County In may be considered non - responsible, arid may be suspended or connection with this solicitation shall be deemed conclusively to debarred, and any contract resulting from collusive bidding may be be a waiver of any protection which would otherwise be available terminated for default 0 Inc proposer unless such information is exempt or confidential under the Public Records Act 3.19 MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT Any contract resulting from this solicitation may be modified by 3.26 CONTRACTING WITI1 COUNTY EMPLOYEES mutual consent of duly authorized parties, in writing through Inc Any County employee or member of his or her immediate family issuance of a modification to the contract and/or purchase order as seeking to contract with the County shall seek a conflict of interest appropriate This presumes the niod ification itself is in compliance opinion from the procurement representative designated herein with all applicable County procedures- prior to submittal of a response or application of any type to contract with the County The affected employee shall disclose the 3.20 TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE employee's assigned function within the County and interest or the The County, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to teminate interest of his or her immediate family in the proposed contract and this contract upon thirty (30) days written notice Upon receipt of the nature of the intended contract. 25 SECTION 3 - GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS RFP Number. 10 -0824 3.27 INCURRED EXPENSES 3.33 OTIIER AGENCIES This RFP does not commit the County to make an award nor shall With the consent of the vendor, other agencies may !naive the County be rc:,ponnble for any cost or expense which may be purchases in accordance with the contract Such purchases shall be incurred by any proposer in preparing and submitting a proposal, governed by the same tenns and conditions as stated herein with • or any cost or expense incurred by any proposer prior to the the exception of the change in agency name execution of a purchase order or contract agreement By submitting a proposal, the proposer also agrees that the County 3.34 NO CLAM \I FOR DAtIAGES hears no responsibility for any costs associated with the No claim for damages or any claim other than for an extension of preparation of the proposal and/or any administrative or judicial time shall be made or asserted against the County because of any proceedings resulting from this solicitation process delays No interruption, interference, inefficiency, suspension, or 3.28 COUNTY IS TAX- EXEiYIPI' delay in the commencement or progress et the Work shall relieve the vendor of duty to perform, or give rise to any right to damages The County is generally exempt from Federal Excise Taxes and all or additional compensation from the County. The vendor's sole State of Honda sales and use taxes. Do not include any tax on any remedy shall be the right to seek an extension to the contract time item or service The County will sign an exemption certificate if Hovvever, this provision shall not preclude recovery of damages by submitted by the contractor Contractors doing business with the the vendor for hindrances or delays due solely to fraud, had faith, County are not exempt from paying sales tax to their suppliers for or active interference on the part of the County materials to fulfill contractual obligations with the County, nor shall any contractor be authorved to use any of the County's Pax 3.35 TRUTH IN NEGOTIATION CERTIFICATE Exemptions m securing such materials Cur all lump -sunk or cost -plus fixed fee agreements exceeding • • 3,29 GOVERNING LAWS 5150,000, t fiem ae n mu truth m ncgouaton he cerifivate s[a warded hug th that agree hive ;a ge rates ust and oth te a factual • The interpretation, effect, and validity of any contract(s) resulting unit costs are accurate, complete and current, at the time of from this RFP shall be governed by the laws and regulations of the contracting Any agreement requiring this certificate shall contain State of Florida, and Lake County, Florida Venue of any court a provision that the original agreement price and any additions • action shall be in Lake County, Florida. In the even[ that a sun is shall be adjusted to exclude any significant sums by which the • brought for the enforcement of any term of the contract, or any owner determines the agreement price was increased due to right arising there from, the parties expressly waive their respective inaccurate, - incomplete, or non- current wage rates and other factual rights to have such action tried by jury trial and hereby consent to unit costs All such agi eenhent adjustments shall be tirade within the use of non -jury trial for the adjudication of such suit one (1) year following the end of the contract Execution of this Agreement constitutes execution of the Truth in Negotiation 3,30 STATE REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS Certificate. Any corporation submitting a proposal in response to this REP shall either be registered or have applied for registration with the 3.37 GRANT FUNDING - Florida Department of State in accordance with the provisions of In the event any part of the contract is to be funded by federal, Chapter 607, Florida Statutes. A copy of the registration/ state, or other local agency monies, the vendor hereby agrees to application may be required prior to award of a contract Any comply with all regmrenrcnts of the funding entity applicable to ' partnership submitting a proposal in response to this RFP shall the use of the phonies, including full application of requirements • have complied with the applicable provisions of Chapter 620, involving the use of minority firms, women's business enterprises, Florida Statutes For additioihal information on these requirements, turd labor surplus area firms Vendors are advised that payments please contact the Florida Secretary of State's Office, Division of under the contract may be withheld pending completion and Corporations, 800 755 5111 (hug /Avow dos slate II us) submission of all required forms and documents required of the vendor pursuant to the grant funding requirements A copy of the 3.31 PRI11IE CONTRACTOR requirements shall be supplied to the vendor by the County upon 1 h vendor awarded the contract shall act as the prime contractor request for all required items and services and shall assume full responsibility for the procurement and maintenance of such items or services The vendor shall be considered the sole point of contact with regard to all stipulations, including payment of all charges and meeting all requirements of this REP All subcontractors will be subject to advance review by the County in . . regards to competency and security concerns After the award of • _ the contract no change in subcontractors will be shade without the consent of the County. The vendor shall be responsible for all insurance, permits, licenses, and related shatters for any and all subcontractors. Even if the subcontractor is self - Insured, the County may require the contractor to provide any insurance certificates required by the work to be performed 332 FORCE DIA,IEURE The parties will exercise every reasonable effort to meet their respective obligations hereunder, but shall not be liable for delays resulting from force majeure or other causes beyond their reasonable control, including, but not limited lo, compliance with any Government law or regulation, acts of nature, acts or _ omissions of the other party, Government acts or omissions, fires, strikes, national disasters, wars, riots, transportation problems and /or any other cause whatsoever beyond the reasonable control of the parties Any such cause will extend the perfomhance of the delayed obligation to the extent of the delay so incurred 26 SECTION 4 — PRICING/ CERTLFICATIONS/ SIGNATURES RFP Number: 10-0824 RFP TITLE: PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT INSPECTION, CLEANING AND REPAIR NOTES: -• Lake County is exempt from all taxes (Federal, State, and Local). Pricing should be less all taxes. A Tax Exemption Certificate will be furnished upon request. • The vendor shall not alter or amend any of the information (including, but not limited to stated units of measure, item description, or quantity) stated in the Pricing Section. If any quantities are stated in the pricing section as being "estimated" quantities, vendors are advised to review the "Estunated Quantities" clause contained in Section 3 of this solicitation. • Each price offered in your RFP shall be a firm -filed price, exclusive of any tax. Any bid containing a modifying or "escalator" clause not specifically allowed for under the solicitation will not be considered. • All pricing shall be FOB Destination unless otherwise specified in this solicitation document. • All pricing submitted shall remain valid for a 90 day period. By signing and submitting a response to this solicitation, the vendor has specifically agreed to this condition. • Vendors are advised to visit our website at littp: / /www.lalcecouutvtLgov and register as a potential vendor. Vendors that have registered on -line receive an e -mail notice when the County issues a solicitation matching the commodity codes selected by a vendor during the registration process. ACICNOWLEDGEMENT OF ADDENDA • INSTRUCTIONS: Complete Part 1 or Part 11, whichever applies ''1 ' •4 !i:t'q�i,du'".;?.q}� o,� i `,�°r?:. °io-`w "y+�'bs �s {i: i ':3a gz .rr:; :.i i¢'.5i l:�r i ..: ,.r - ::r. aw e.....,� a "i"'y'SZ` �- fri-A„ - ' t: .... .e.«�v. t'�2`. § .i: .;;. G$':: -K': Y1 ib:e - 5 % * 21 C . Al �r.z,,:e.v t �. ; io.Y a.. �� 4..'v 9.'( ::..t 'FGQ4..R. :rtvtRC.N n.'{`:'.: The bidder must list below the dates of issue for each addendum received in commotion with this RFP Addendum #l, Dated: Addendum 42, Dated: Addendum #3, Dated: Addendum #4, Dated: i } w" °�•.rK"`c i "", - i y� te`1s+ � rj�n • �i ... , r a :.c - . ; ,, ya^ r4V. , 7 `.�_. M "' 'r: i � ^�� �bs��� . r� 'F- ^5„"`a ;' vN.:.t:;ck ...�-:•.�.., ......s...;:t'u $ v:%aN= _.e.::_ ▪ .::it;y+s r'3.- '�'^:.;,.s:r:"� llm..:.:; .'',. ` ... �f .T...�y- t _..t. e s .: �:. .. :� a�t; No Addendum was received in connection with this RFP. • Note: Due to the current economic times and our next year budget processes presently being conducted, estimated quantities are not listed. Prices shall be quoted per unit price. Actual quantities are unknown at this time. For bidding purposes we are estimating this contract value at ' $15,000.00 annually. 27 • SECTION 4 - PRICING/ CERTIFICATIONS/ SIGNATURES RFP Number: 10 - 0824 1 SHIP TO ADDRESS: INVOICE TO: • As requited by each entity As required by each entity 2. Name and telephone of person to contact for emergency service: Name 694✓5e2 / - — o Telephone /Cell /Paget/Number 7c)7 y / -a(Da r / 7a?' W8 - - 5 1 0 / Q 3 Disaster assistance: Name: 2E "95 Alla ✓e Home Telephone /Cell /Beeper Numbers: Sp,r,2 iµa /44Vr 4. Exceptions /Additions to specifications: Yes* No .%" If yes, attach sheet detailing same. 5. Will your firm cept an E- Payahle form of payment? - Yes No If E Payable would be acceptable please note a contact person /telephone number to set up payment information 4 /lam 7a ?t, � 20/ 9 - - - -- 6 Calendar days required to commence contract: days 7 Are your products packaged and /or shipped in material containing recycled content? • Yes yes _ N 8 Minimum order Of Any) Ak/-J6 / 9. Handling fee if less than minimum order Note It shall be unacceptable for any bidder to make the statement Asee specifications in lieu of listing all exceptions /additions from the preceding specifications. It shall also be unacceptable for any bidder to submit manufacturer =s literature in lieu of the above. All exceptions /additions to our specifications shall be either handwritten or typed on an attached separate sheet. • 28 SECTION 4 — PRICING/ CERTIFICATIONS/ SIGNATURES RFP Number: 10 - 0824 PRICING SECTION Inspections, Washes and Repair Items at-74 :A'': �i „. * .;. 1 ,N E4§ k . �, * ti..., , yon::. - al :"�'?`+mti•4'Vnit ,�y;• �{ :L; '�S "' q '...:: y,` n Yy'...''a S.4 ,yg����� n�I' tein ' " T,. µ .Vi ..a,v- �a..�.l.."w' ' Pne '"" z... o,±: U ,:.�.z .;C�'�S "Ctepn Ie�c�C4Riop<,�.a® °•�T.°�.r- r..,....., y.... ; :�P,nce... ,.;��.,. INSPECTION . 1. Inspect Bunker Gear Coat Rdy is 2 s 2. , Insect Bunker Gear Pants q) v � ,,/ P. 3. Inspect Brush Gear 6 4. Inspect Jumpsuits _ 0 5. Inspect Helmets I'/ /c . p p 6. Inspect Boots I� o , re WASHES 7. Regular Wash Bunker Gear / • 8. Regular Wash Brush Gear se , , • 9. Bio Wash Bunker Gear cd /S' 017 10. Bio Wash Brush Gear g !. 11 Heavy Duty Wash Bunker Gear / . T 12 Heavy Duty Wash Brush Gear 1/ , 13 1 Clean/Polish Boots 0.1 14 Clean/Polish Hehnetsfprer / 15 Regular Wash Miscellaneous Items _ //-r../-4) 16 Bio Wash Miscellaneous Items I'f/k •o') REPAIR ITEMS X 17 Replace Suspender button _ d,j . 18 Replace D Ring 19 Replace Grommet 4 4.2 . p o 20 Replace or Add Hook - I6 21 Replace or Add MIC Tab d 22 I Replace Rivet ' 1 i • 23 replace Accessory Strap _ _ qL p X 24 I Replace Strap Handles on Bag "y 25 Add Postman Buckle /Strap 4,23 ; 00 L 26 Add Leather Tab -✓r,c !V 4 27 Re•lace Thumb Loo ,_ _ /e 28 I Replace Wristlet 29 Replace Snap _ 4 ,3 — e p a 30 Replace Zipper on Bunker Gear {/ 3,3 ad 31 Replace Zipper on Bag / 3, a) 32 Replace Zipper on Jumpsuit I 3 • w 33 Sew on Letters or Numbers ' ✓ 2.4 D 34 ; Make Reflective Letters or Numbers 35 I Make and Add New Name Plate _ i f .2 6. D 36 Install Pre -Made Name Plate on Coat 29 SECTION 4 - PRICING / CERTIFICATIONS / SIGNATURES RFP Number: 10 - 0824 • 7.a !k •It C �.�e^x 7 , x it t 7 ,�a^ a ;LLB' 7*- .+ 37 Move Name Plate __ '9 v". 0 0 • 38 1 Make and Add Name Plate w/Velcro on back kr 3 /. <Co 739 j Sew on Emblem Patch _ I- Cr. t _ 40 Install or Replace Flashlight Tab I' 4'o_., TO 41 Move Both Knee Pads H 3 ; oil 42 Re stitch Seams 0 43 1 Sew Our Patch on Coat 1 pp 44 Patch Gear with Advance Material 1 /5. p'p 45 Patch Gear with Arashield Material -''5'. r0 46 Patch Gear with Basolfil Material y'/ 4.3 pa 47 Patch Gear with Black Advance Material _ i4 /y_• rt . 48 Patch Gear with Leather '' /a . //D _ 49 Patch Gear with Nomex Material _ 'Cif pU i 50 Patch Gear with PBI Material '/./0 /./d . 6i0 51 Patch Pocket with Kevlar Material e /,- , //D 52 Patch Gear with Aluminized PBI Material . ' _ i 53 Patch Gear with Ripstop Material f/'u (/U r 54 Patch Elbow Patch / 55 Replace Knee Pad with Arashield ' J0 _ IR) _ — i 56 Replace Knee Pad with Black Advance '' e) 57 Patch Tarp with Cordura Material 1 /0 • //U r 58 Replace Scotchlite on Jumpsuit as , o 59 I Replace Scotchlite on Entire Coat ✓f 20 pt 60. Replace Scotchlite on I- Iorizontal Strip 4 7o` . re 61 Replace Scotchlite on Vertical Strip 4' /S . !/o L 62 Replace Scotchlite on Ann _ __ 4/ . d0 63 Replace Scotchlite on Leg -,( /o": rb o - 1 k 64 Replace Scotchlite on Tail // /ff 65 Replace Scotchlite on Pocket 4 /0 •0"D 66 Scotchlite Patch i r LJ - . 0 67 Sew Reflective Trim on Jumpsuit - t,2 - 70 i. 68 Replace Reflexite Strip Around Coat moo, //0 69 Replace Reflexite on Entire Coat PO • 0 70 Replace Reflexite Vertical Strip /j .. r p I 71 Replace Reflexite on Ann 4.1 /d: 02) 72 Replace Reflexite on Le / pa 73 Replace Reflexite on Tail - , 74 Replace Reflexite on Pocket ' /0 • r 75 Triple Trim Patch " /5-•. rb 76 Replace Velcro on Chin Guard ,`e/ /0 • (0 ' 77 t Replace Velcro on Collar d/ / «0 78 Replace One Piece of Velcro on Collar 1 / /a`• /V 79 1 Replace Velcro on Neck ` /o • to 30 • SECTION 4 — PRICING/ CERTIFICATIONS/ SIGNATURES RFP Number: 10- 0824 tsn. r .. +ww3.,riwhs�, .... •sue " „..�., -�. , Bt•P'ra ,w 80 Replace Velcro on Flashlight Strap "5. in 81 Replace Velcro on Arm Cuff r o , 82 Replace Velcro on Fly ( 17,/ bit GO 83 Replace Velcro on Hem of Coat s (0 84 Add Velcro to Cuffs of Jumpsuit • ' y jr. Pt 85 Replace Velcro Around Knee Pad / d - dD • 86 Replace Velcro on Bellow Pocket I K. tap 87 Replace Velcro on Radio or Back Pocket 88 Replace Velcro on Storm Flap /1. (D 89 Replace Velcro on Liner's Fly y. •90 Replace Velcro on Harness tabs 4 2 . n _ 91 Shorten Liner of Pants S/ , . , 009 92 Shorten Pants e'/ c.2(5 (0 93 Shorten Pants and Liner _ 4 ,5 - 0 . 01) 94 Create Rapid Rescue Opening in Coat c'o . ro 95 Rapid Rescue Harness for Above , '' u 0 • 0-0 96 Fabricate 10 Foot Howd Strap di 97 I Fabricate 6 Foot Howd Strap 0r) 98 j Fabricate SCBA Tags -Blk Adv w /3Letters or numbers '' if. (Z I 99 Letter and Numbers for SCBA Tags >// / oa Note: Include additional costs for services associated with surveying, tracking, cleaning and inspecting of the personal protective equipment, including cost of pick -up and delivery (trip charges- portal to portal) if any, with your proposal in the Price Proposal Section, Tab 2. • • 31 SECTION 4 — PRICING/ CERTIFICATIONS/ SIGNATURES RFP Number: 10-0824 By Signing this Proposal the Proposer Attests and Certifies that: • It satisfies all legal requirements (as an entity) to do busmess with the County. The undersigned vendor acknowledges that award of a contract may be contingent upon a determination by the County that the vendor has the capacity and capability to successfully perform the contract • The proposer hereby certifies that it understands all requirements of this solicitation, and that the undersigned • individual is duly authorized to execute this proposal document and any contract(s) and /or other transactions required by award of this solicitation. Certification Regarding Acceptance of County Electronic Payable Process Vendor will accept payment using the County's V1SA -based electronic payment system Yes ❑ No Purchasing Agreements with Government Agencies This section is optional and will not affect contract award. If Lake County awarded you the proposed contract, would you sell under the same terms and conditions, for the same price, to other governmental agencies in the State of Florida? Each governmental agency desiring to accept to utilize this contract shall responsible for Its own purchases and shall be liable only for materials or services ordered and Iecelved by it. Yes ❑ No (Check one) Certification Regarding Felony Conviction Has any officer, director, or an executive perfornyt g equivalent duties, of the bidding entity been convicted of a felony during the past ten (10) years? ❑ Yes [ ' No (Check one) Conflict of Interest Disclosure Certification Except as listed below, no employee, officer, or agent of the firm has any conflicts of interest, real or apparent, due to ownership, other clients, contracts, or interests associated with this project, and, this bid is made without prior understanding, agreement, or connection with any corporation, firm, or person submitting a proposal for the same services, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. ONk _ DUNS Number (Insert if this action involves a federal funded project): (f '� �� ' �� to 1 - fk A'�': �: a ? ;� Z,j^Yf�';'{T.�i �4' R "•>,+'t7 :"v''. �'..M. 1. �' '} d, s. xk 7:t:r5 I4t.. e en o o i. ti i w i i x , •t > . . rnr n � � °Kt° e c �,.¢ , • #:x.; �l.. ��3 c•c..� a32:�h+�uu.:.. ,,_f.4a e�i,":SS,,,,¢y, ..� f. a :... -.... �;''F ?t ... _ls.•k?:. pia � iS. Firm Name: T ) oNE r e i r f - i 6t4 A e n f 1/4 - ; c,- Street Address: 6 r 9, O /y ss as e. -1- 4V E . — Mailing Address (if different) /V w ' , , c �J e- y PL. 3 - ? 6 S TelephbneNo.: 7J7 &VS" ? /O/9 Fax No.. 777 - %' - %O) , O' / E - mail: p v, 1- C_A_e1 FEIN No. 4 /1 - ?.Sys 7 Prompt Payment Terms 0 % to days, net 3 fl / U G W` a.Yt ".lie ' T..• lc{�gi A:It.' K ;SiiE.' ..M - �ifE 1 1A�a "r "d$of..Cosh aci�by�the `'G^nouptty,:�'(�f;�c�alr�, Jse�,Only) 3:. <.,:.�, r � -. tt..,.,. . ..::: >.5 .._at. <:ks s.. By, signatw below, the County confirms award to the above - identified vendor udder the above identified - I solicitation A separate purchase order will be generated by the County to support the contract Vendor awarded as:,� .M Sole vendor • ❑ Pre - qualified pool vendor based on price ❑ Pre - qualified pool vendor (spot bid) ❑ Primary vendor for items: ❑ Secondary vendor for items. ❑ Other status: t � Signature of authorized County o "'S�':LT" / { , i - ,r.t/ l2�gke: > rl _ % - .2 /- /L Printectname: f�?:'fMiJ. t . 2 iI S'ir /? �C6' 17�Y/'Li'. c %77 /•;•./ Purchase Order Number assigned to this contract for billing purposes •' • 32 • • • SECTION 5 — ATTACHMENTS RFP Number 10 - 0824 THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS ARE ATTACHED • Attachment 1: Work References Attachment 2: Vendor Profile Form Attachment 3: Similar Projects Form • • • 33 • SECTION 5 — ATTACHMENTS RFP Number. 10 -0823 WORK REFERENCES Agency V // © /U5 1 �' a t ILI • • co-. c G - Address o / '� 0,6-1 // , �2� l.�l�/ _ .4 2E. City,State,Z IP s , / rL Contact Pelson r I b e_ V O• T T elephone S6 — 3 8 —7 - �& J 7 Dates) of 07oo r� Service Type of orzeg J t /21,- GL4/t c ,&.SGv P.. I t/. Service •Cammenfs, Agency / ` e R— tit 1 _ 12, Address 6/0 F - ' / </; S C,ty,State,ZIP (I r /—t 3 37-s (0 Contact Pelson CA; S1 ev �_0 A—) • Telephone -. 7 c ) 1 " &c y- -7 ?C 7 ' Date(s) of V Service ( 7 00 3, Type of G € 4 / 0 � < Repw 2 F . j - t . 4 iy e • Service e-S sl e. r Continents sr/9A_, 73' o ' t• `/` o?9c.J • Agency // Od l EY R 5 t 0 e Address g i. -"c'(J I «AT a.V Lpv�.T City,State,ZlP ,DrQ� S -' o,,/ Y5-9/4/ Contact Person pl p • „ /J "�f � Q 9.-vi / Telephone 3 ' � 3 7a - � � ( a / 6/0- O p — ICJ) 1 5 (.X). Date(s) of c"-- 0 0 • 5 Service Tvpe of 4)4 ' w0fr- CW t A- Service tr. SLpoA-I Comments 34 SECTION 5 - ATTACHMENTS REP Number 10-0824 VENDOR PROFILE FORM • 1 Bidder Name & Address. 1d. Licensed to do business in the State of Florida? 1 beiN E e FIR-1 AA& e-/Ja.; ✓ Yes No • 20 n "v �vsc,fl -3 #B ✓E _ N > 1'oz k`c_h r ` • le. Name, Title & Telephone Number of Principal to 6513 Contact 3�f 6 QG� amts �a� S/9 �o3i 'Mg; / % v / h A d 7g - �('F1' o/ 1f. Address of office to perform work, if different from Item 1a FEIN # I 1 1 b. Year Firm was established e:N lc. Are you a Not for Profit" 501(c)(3) organization? Yes • No If you answered-yes, please provide proof 2 Please list the key personnel that your firm will commit to the County project and attach a copy of each key 1 person's � resume. 4 Nr'r+ do / /,v ref e; Nov / fa✓ 3 The foregoing is a statement of facts. • Signature Date g - a- ? O P I I 6 ,u sc c,i OI DtJ (Typed or Printed Name) (Title) I' 35 • SECTION 5 - ATTACHMENTS RFP Number: 10 - 0824 SIMIT,AR PROJECTS FORM Work by firm of individual which best illustrates current qualifications relevant to the Cotmty's project that has been/is being accomplished by personnel that shall be assigned to the County's • project. List no more than ten (10) projects. (This form may be reproduced.) Project Name, Entity Name, Address & Location j Contact Person: QSC /a Co ✓ •v -7 y Fire £asco /daze/ ordKe 1 7 07 S67t Jv-ir Trail lCtsa,mYn e @ F-l. , Title: 3 Completion Date (Actual or Estimated) Telephone Number • Project Cost: $ ti n - 933 - -cif33 Scope of Entire Project: List the tasks accomplished (Attach samples of deliverables, outlines or ' descriptions of items). . N FPIM 12,57 lidva,fot Z,✓svec -i0,.) SOer o n) 4 /.3 • I nadvo,, cQ e /eaNt &5 �. Firm's personnel (name /project assignment) that worked on the stated project that shall be assigned to the County's project. pat r DC GAJ'er r - 'Ier€. J fin v /tOni 36 . SECTION 5 — ATTACHMENTS RFP Number: 10 -0824 SIMILAR PROJECTS FORM Work by finn or individual which best illustrates current qualifications relevant to the County's project that has been/is being accomplished by personnel that shall be assigned to the County's project. List no more than ten (10) projects. (This form may be reproduced.) Project Name, Entity Nance, Address & Location I Contact Person: ClearckWrer (-ire Redeye i S, 5 6/0 Frca&kl, St. C(earwdnPr, FI. Title: 33 )370 C.Hi #{ " I 1 i Completion Date (Actual or Estimated) Of in) Telephone Number [Proieetcosso:e 4J 7,17- 2, V- 73J • { Scope of Entire Project: List the tasks accomplished (Attach samples of deliverables, outlines or descriptions of items). _ n)FNl9 f J/ ildvaNee 1,NJ7PCr /0^' S ecriu,.. y•3 »dvcLvice C • Firm's personnel (name /protect assignment) that worked on the stated project that shall be assigned to the County's protect. •' f n ci t Ga ev.r er ,vd eollra -r re resii rktav/roN • 36 • SECTION 5 — ATTACHMENTS RFP Number: 10-0824 SIMILAR PROJECTS FORM Work by firm or individual which best illustrates current qualifications relevant to the County's project that has been/is being accomplished by personnel that shall be assigned to the County's , project. List no more than ten (10) projects. (This form may be reproduced.) Project Nance. Entity Name, Address & Location Contact Person: Vo!alp CouMI7 CI; 14St•,ue Mo Gruber 360 1Joril, PEI ware /Q'Q• fOaidmoi r/. Title: n7.2y I oord1Na • /Y177errt?�l Completion Date (Actual or Estimated) 0 /' C Telephone Number 'Project Cost: $ o f' C= / 3 $C, Lc-2 ` Scope of Entire Project: List the tasks accomplished (Attach samples of deliverables, outlines or descriptions of items). FPi9 i�/ HolvoNc@ l�dddvice L' /ed,vi.vj (eefoir „ )y Firm's ersormel name /.ro ect assienment that worked on the stated •ro&ect that shall be assigned to the County's project. / rc /C Ga »ser r l9N,dd Coll' —'j Yer2.rd hi O U /7 • 36 SECTION 5 — ATTACHMENTS RFP Number: 10 - 0824 SIMILAR PROJECTS FORM Work by firm or individual which best illustrates current qualifications relevant to the County's project that has been/is being accomplished by personnel that shall be assigned to the County's • project. List no more than ten (10) projects. (This form may be reproduced.) Project Name, Entity Name, Address & Location Contact Person: toortk Nap'PJ Fire Pe-rcve To et Ledmer 6LIV T&y Road /Udp1es (l. Title: CdP rer 3c 00 Lo9rs cc /- Completion Date (Actual or Estimated) 0 , E ✓ Telephone Number Project Cost: $___O SE. » 2 3,9 — q rG 9,5;.5` Scope of Entire Protect: List the tasks accomplished (Attach samples of deliverables, outlines or descriptions of items). N ppiq fkSi odva,vc e Srv.rpeeTeo Sect,oN 5.3 /40 vde)ce C/ea.u,tii • • uersonnel (name / project assi anent) that worked on the stated project that shall be assigned to the County's project. POT (leg Gc ? /?rdN A co//,4s 1 ereia Ploy lro4/ 36 SECTION 5 — ATTACI-INI RFP Number: 10-0824 SIMILAR PROJECTS FORM Work by firm or individual which best illustrates current qualifications relevant to the County's project that has been/is being accomplished by personnel that shall be assigned to the County's project. List no more than ten (10) projects. (This form may be reproduced.) I Pro ect Name. Entity Name, Address & Location Contact Person: Ga t ue4 v t l/P rate pea e Jo wru�e. I c 6 I loa3 Ne 1 Gal Ne,r vrlle, P CG red 3.2ra Title: prs rr+cr Completion Date (Actual or Estimated) p p r ,,-) Telephone Number Project Cost: S o per 30 33 y " .2i5i -- Scope of Entire Project: List the tasks accomplished (Attach samples of deliverables, outlines or descriptions of items). • 4F 1E5 Rdvc)r✓ce_ Xi✓.fiec ' Secrrv U • nd✓ati te C led,a,ay Finn's personnel (name /protect assignment) that worked on the stated project that shall be assigned to the County's project. f dr't elL Gd,&$ er r ,1,�a.) a Co f (,;vs Tar6.,ra Vnoo(te -t/ 36 DONE RIGHT FIRE GEAR REPAIR 6203 MASSACHUSETTS AVE NEW PORT RICHEY, FL. 34653 OFFICE # 727- 848 -9019 FAX # 727 -8.48 -9020 E -MAIL drfgr @verizon.net www.DoneRightFireGearRepair.c om CONTRACT PRICE LIST ADVANCE INSPECTION TO HAVE TRAILER ON SITE -PER SET 515.00 SUITER TEST MOISTURE BARRIER COAT $10.00 SUITER TEST MOISTURE BARRIER PANT $10.00 LIGHT TEST THERMAL BARRIER COAT $10.00 LIGHT TEST THERMAL BARRIER PANT $10.00 INSPECT HELMETS $15.00 INSPECT/POLISH BOOTS 515.00 WASHES ADVANCE WASH 515.00 REGULAR WASH -CRASH SUITS $25.00 BIO WASH $18.00 HEAVY DUTY WASH $18.00 PATCHES OUTER SHELL PATCH (EACH) 515.00 THERMAL PATCH (EACH) $25.00 AIRASHELD PATCH (EACH) 515.00 SCOTCH LITE PATCH (EACH) $15.00 TRIPLE TRIM PATCH (EACH) 520.00 MOISTURE BARRIER PATCH (EACH) $50.00 MOISTURE BARRIER SEAL (EACH) 525.00 VELCRO VELCRO STORM FLAP $15.00 VELCRO COLLAR 515.00 VELCRO RADIO POCKET 54.00 VELCRO CHIN GUARD 510.00 VELCRO FLY FRONT $15.00 VELCRO BELLOW POCKET 58.00 VELCRO BACK POCKET 54.00 VELCRO HEM 01? COAT $5.00 TRIM REPLACE SCOTCH LITE TRIM WHOLE COAT 580.00 REPLACE TRIPLE TRIM WHOLE COAT 590.00 REPLACE SCOTCH LITE TRIM SLEEVE/LEG 515.00 REPLACE TRIPLE TRIM SLEEVE/LEG • _ • $20.00 HARDWEAR REPLACE D -RING 55.00 REPLACE HOOK $5.00 RIVETS (EACH) 51.00 REPLACE SUSPENDER BUTTONS (EACH) 55.00 REPLACE SNAPS (EACH) $5.00 REPLACE GROMMET (EACH) 52.00 REPLACE TAKE UP STRAP BUCKLE $10.00 REPLACE COAT ZIPPER $35.00 REPLACE PANT ZIPPER $35.00 NAME PANELS NAME PANELS BOTTOM OF COAT 526.50 NAME PANELS BOTTOM OF COAT WITH VELCRO S31.50 SHOULDER DEPARTMENT PATCH $29.50 A1)D LETTERS (EACH) $1.00 MISCELLANEOUS RESTITCH N/C HEM PANTS AND LINER $50.00 ADD MIC TAB 55.00 RELOCATE MIC TAB $5.00 ADD RADIO POCKET 550.00 RELOCATE RADIO POCKET $20.00 ADD BELLOW POCKET (SET) 583.00 RESCUE HARNESS OPENING WITH HARNESS 5130.00 RESCUE HARNESS OPENING COAT 550.00 ADD FLASHLIGHT STRAP . 55.00 *IF YOUR OPEN WE'RE OPEN* PAT'S CELL 727 -919 -2031 •