01-12-2010 CRA Meeting City of Clermont
Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting
January 12, 2010
The Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) met on Tuesday, January 12, 2010 in the Council
Chambers at City Hall. Mayor Hal Turville called the meeting to order at 6:30pm with the following
CRA memhers present: Mary Jo Pfeiffer, Bob Bowman, Keith Mullins, Ray Goodgame, Robert
Thompson and Jack Hogan. Other City officials present were: City Manager Saunders, Assistant City
Manager Gray, and Deputy City Clerk Noak.
. Approval of Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency meeting minutes of September 17, 2009.
. Council Member Goodgame moved approval of the minutes; seconded by Council
Member Mullins. The motion passed with all members present voting "aye ".
Revised Community Redevelopment Agency Plan
City Manager Saunders commented there were changes made to the plan to cover the items we would like
to do with the grant programs.
Planning Director Hitt provided a summary of the changes to the Redevelopment Plan. A resolution
adopting the plan will go before Council on January 26, 2010.
Council Member Goodgamc suggested removing the words "through contracting ".
After discussion, Council agreed to replace the language with "including contracting ".
Mayor Turville opened the public hearing. There were no comments. Mayor Turville closed the public
Council Member Mullins moved to adopt the Redevelopment Plan as amended; seconded
by Council Member Thompson. The motion passed with all memhers present voting
"aye ".
Community Redevelopment Agency Grant Programs
Planning Director Hitt reviewed the Impact Fee Assistance Program, Building Permit Refund Program,
Building Code Assistance Program. and the Facade Improvement Grant Program criteria.
Council Member Goodgame inquired about the grant approval process. Planning Director Hitt responded
Council approves the grants.
Mayor Turville opened the public hearing. There were no comments. Mayor Turville closed the public
Mayor Turville inquired if an applicant with a non - conforming use would he eligible to apply.
City of Clermont
Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting
January 12, 2010
• Planning Director Hitt commented an applicant would not be able to expand the non - conforming use. If
there was something non - conforming in the hack of the property and they were applying for something in
the front of the property, they would not he required to bring the back of the property into conformance.
City Attorney Mantzaris stated a non- conforming use has to he consistent with the grant. It would he
difficult for the CRA to deny a request for a grant which does not expand the non - conforming use of the
property. A non - conforming use retains the non - conforming use until it is expanded or ordinary useful
life has not expended.
Mary Jo Pfeiffer inquired if the grant monies were renewable each year.
City Manager Saunders responded the CRA recommends a budget to Council for adoption each budget
• year.
Council Member Thomson moved acceptance of the grant program as written; seconded
by Council Member Mullins. The motion passed with all members present voting "aye ".
. Adjourn: With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:55pm.
- arold S. Turville Jr., Mayor
Tracy Ackro, d, City Clerk '
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