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Adoption of Interlocal Service Boundary Agreement. The City Council hereby adopts, and the and the Mayor is authorized to and shall execute, the Interlocal Service Boundary Agreement between.The City of Clermont, The Town of Montverde, The City of Minneola, Pine Island Community Development District and Lake County attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A" which shall be kept on file in the office of the City Clerk. SECTION 3. Severability. It is declared to be the intent of the City Council that, if any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions hereof. SECTION 4. Conflict. • Any portion of the Code of Ordinances, City of Clermont, Florida or any ordinance or part thereof in conflict with this ordinance is hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. . SECTION 5. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be published as provided by law and shall take effect immediately upon its Second Reading and Final Passage. • • CITY OF CLERMONT ORDINANCE NO. 2010-24-M PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida on this 12"' day of October, 2010. CITY OF CLERMONT Harold S. Turville, Jr., Mayor Attest: Tracy A� City Clerk 1 3 j • e. • • • 3 INTERLOCAL SERVICE BOUNDARY AGREEMENT BETWEEN The Town of Montverde, The City of Clermont, The City of Minneola, Pine Island Community Development District and Lake County August 2010 zeo Table of (Contents Cover Page 1 Table Of Contents 2 Recitals 3 -5 Pine Island and Annexation 5 Annexation by Montverde 5 -7 Green Mountain Scenic Byway 7 Ferndale Special Area 7-8 County Road 455 Road Right of Way 8 Wastewater Service /Pine Island Water and Wastewater Service 9 Clermont Annexation and Utilities North of Turnpike 9 Term of Agreement 9 Renewal of Agreement 10 Periodic Review 10 Termination of Agreement 10 Dispute Resolution 10 Notice 10 -11 Sole Benefit 11 Authority 11 Entire Agreement 11 Governing Law, Venue and Jurisdiction 11 Severability 12 Amendment of Comprehensive Plans 12 Compliance With Chapter 171, Part II, Florida Statutes 12 Adoption by Municipalities 12 Adoption by County 12 Adoption by Pine Island 13 Signature Pages • 14 -18 Exhibit "A" Stecher Property Exhibit "B" Black Still Property 'Exhibit "C" Woodlands Property Exhibit "D" Bella Collina Property Exhibit "E" Goals, Objectives and Strategies of the Green Mountain Scenic Byway Exhibit "F" Ferndale Special Area Exhibit "G" Right of Way along County Road 455 Exhibit "H" Interlocal Service Boundary Agreement Area • Exhibit "1" Black East Property Page 2 of 18 • S. IDOCUMENT201 %GROWTH MANAGEMENTISBMdomvrxdclkerlocal Service Boundary ArreemeaiFiNALISBAU1oniverde ISBA_FINAL_820.10.doex • INTERLOCAL SERVICE BOUNDARY AGREEMENT BETWEEN The Town of Montverde, The City of Clermont, The City of Minneola, Pine Island Community Development District and Lake County This Interlocal Service Boundary Agreement (the "Agreement ") is made and entered into this _ day of , 2010 (the "Effective Date "), by and between the Town of Montverde, a Florida municipality ( "MONTVERDE "), the City of Clermont, a Florida municipality ( "CLERMONT "), the City of Minneola, a Florida municipality ( "MINNEOLA "), Pine Island Community Development District, an independent special district created by Chapter . 190, Florida Statutes ( "PINE ISLAND "), and Lake County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida (the "COUNTY "). • RECITALS WHEREAS, Florida municipalities possess Municipal Home Rule Powers pursuant to Article VIII, Section 2(b) of the Florida Constitution and Section 166.021, Florida Statutes. • WHEREAS, the County possesses Home Rule powers pursuant to Article VIII, Section 1(b), of the Florida Constitution and Section 125.01, Florida Statutes. WHEREAS, the stated purpose of the Florida Interlocal Cooperation Act of 1969, • Section 163.01, Florida Statutes, is to "permit local govemmental units to make the most efficient use of their powers by enabling them to cooperate with other localities on a basis of • mutual advantage and thereby to provide services and facilities in a manner and pursuant to forms of governmental organization that will accord best with geographic, economic, population, and other factors influencing the needs and development of local communities." WHEREAS, the principal goal of the Interlocal Service Boundary Agreement Act, Section 171.20, Florida Statutes, is to "encourage local governments to jointly determine how to provide services to residents and property in the most efficient and effective manner while . balancing the needs and desires of the community." It is also intended to provide "a more flexible process for adjusting municipal boundaries and to address a wider range of the effects of annexation" ... "to encourage intergovernmental coordination in planning, service delivery, and boundary adjustments and to reduce intergovernmental conflicts and litigation between local governments" ... "to promote sensible boundaries that reduce the costs of local governments, avoid duplicating local services, and increase political transparency and accountability" ... and • Page 3of18 S DOCUMENTI2010\GROWTHMANAGEMEMVSBAsMontvenle Interlocal Service Boundary Agroemem ANAL ISBA\MomvWe ESBA_FINAL S2010Aocc "to prevent inefficient service delivery and an insufficient tax base to support the delivery of those services." WHEREAS, the Parties desire to identify lands that are Logical for future annexations into the Town of Montverde municipal boundary ( "Municipal Service Area "), and land that will not be annexed into a municipality but will instead remain unincorporated ( "Unincorporated Service Area "). WHEREAS, MONTVERDE, COUNTY and MINNEOLA acknowledge and agree that, provided existing rights and agreements are respected, adoption of and implementation of the Goals, Objectives, and Strategies of the Green Mountain Scenic Byway are beneficial to the citizens of each of their communities. WHEREAS, MONTVERDE, COUNTY and MINNEOLA each agree to adopt the Goals, Objectives, and Strategies of the Green Mountain Scenic Byway and to work to incorporate the same into their comprehensive plans. - WHEREAS, the Parties recognize the benefits of COUNTY, upon satisfaction of certain conditions, allowing utilization of County Road 455 right of way for construction of a sidewalk up to 8 feet in width that will extend an existing recreational trail that terminates approximately one -half mile south of the town limits of MONTVERDE to MONTVERDE'S property referred to as the Property. WHEREAS, the Parties agree that it is beneficial for MONTVERDE and COUNTY to work together to enforce the COUNTY'S sign code in the unincorporated area. WHEREAS, except for alternative water supply facilities, the Parties also desire to provide for the exclusion of utilities in the Ferndale Special Area unless approved in advance by COUNTY. WHEREAS, a waiver of rights by COUNTY and the other parties to contest future annexations of certain properties in the Municipal Service Area identified herein is a material inducement to MONTVERDE entering into this Agreement. WHEREAS, the agreement of MONTVERDE, CLERMONT, MINNEOLA and PINE ISLAND to preserve Ferndale, an Unincorporated Service Area, as an area of non - annexation is a material inducement to COUNTY entering into this Agreement. WHEREAS, MINNEOLA's being granted the rights to use COUNTY right of way for its alternative water supply facilities upon satisfaction of certain conditions, and the agreement of the parties hereto as to the provision of water and wastewater services within the interloeal services boundary agreement area, as provided herein, are material inducements to MINNEOLA and PINE ISLAND each entering into this Agreement. Page 4 of 18 S.\DOCUMEN112010\CROWIB MANAGEMEN'NSBA,Montverde Interlocal Service Boundary AptemcnaELNAL ISBA Montverdc ISBA_FINAI_B 20.10.docx • WHEREAS, the Parties find that the benefits of intergovernmental communications and coordination will accrue to all Parties. WHEREAS, the elected officials of the Parties have met and negotiated in good faith to resolve issues relating to annexation, joint planning and provision of infrastructure and wish to reduce their agreement to writing as set forth in this Agreement. WHEREAS, this Agreement is entered into pursuant to the authority of Article VIII of the Florida Constitution and Chapters 125.01, 163.3177, 166.021 and 171.203, 190.011 Florida Statutes (2009). NOW TIHEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants set forth in the Agreement, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: 1. RECITALS. The above recitals are true and correct and, by this reference, are hereby incorporated into and made an integral part of this Agreement. - 2. PINE ISLAND AND ANNEXATION. It shalt be noted that while PINE ISLAND does not object to the provisions concerning annexation contained herein, PINE ISLAND has no statutory authority to consent to the same. 3. ANNEXATION BY MONTVERDE. a. MONTVERDE is the owner of real property described and depicted in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein ( "Stetcher Property "). The Stetcher Property is vacant land to be developed by MONTVERDE as a recreational park and possibly, a cemetery. The Parties agree that MONTVERDE can annex the Stetcher Property • even though the Stetcher Property does not meet the requirements of §171.043, Florida Statutes. The COUNTY waives notice of said annexation as required by §171.044, Florida Statutes, but MONTVERDE shall provide COUNTY a copy of the annexation ordinance within five days of its approval, and the Parties further consent to said annexation. b. COUNTY agrees that if the owner of the property identified as Parcel ID 02- 22 -26- . 000200001401 (the 02 -22 -26 Property), which is shown in Exhibit "A" and which lies adjacent to the Stetcher Property, consents to annexation, then MONTVERDE may annex the 02 -22 -26 Property even though the 02 -22 -26 Property does not meet • Page 5 of 18 S :DOCUMENT]010\GROWTH MANAGEMENTUSBASNIOntverde Intedocal Service Boundary AgrcememWNAL1SBA Mantverde ISBA_EINAL docx the requirements of §171.043. The COUNTY waives notice of said annexation as required by §171.044, Florida Statutes, but MONTVERDE shall send COUNTY a copy of the annexation ordinance within five (5) days of its approval. c. The Black Still Property described and depicted in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein ( "Black Still Property "), is vacant land proposed for development as single - family residential development. Upon MONTVERDE obtaining consent to annex from the property owner /s and /or registered voters, as provided in §171.205(1), Florida Statutes, the Parties agree that MONTVERDE can annex the Black Still Property even though the Black Still Property does not meet the requirements of §171.043, Florida Statutes. The COUNTY waives notice of said annexation as required by § 171.044, Florida Statutes, but MONTVERDE shall provide COUNTY a copy of the annexation ordinance within five days of its approval, and the Parties further consent to said annexation. d. COUNTY agrees that if the owner of the Woodlands Property depicted in Exhibit "C" consents to annexation, then MONTVERDE can annex the Woodlands Property, even though the Woodlands Property does not meet the requirements of §171.043. The COUNTY waives notice of said annexation as required by §171.044, Florida • Statutes, but MONTVERDE shall send COUNTY a copy of the annexation ordinance within five (5) days of its approval. e. The Parties agree that MONTVERDE may, and that CLERMONT and MINNEOLA will not, annex in whole or in part the property described in Exhibit "D" (the Bella Collina Property), even though the Bella Collina Property does not meet the requirements of §171.043, upon satisfaction of the following conditions: 1) the owner of the property or properties consents to annexation; and 2) COUNTY consents to the annexation(s) in writing. The purpose of MONTVERDE having to obtain the written consent of COUNTY prior to annexing any property within Bella • Collina is to ensure that both MONTVERDE and COUNTY are satisfied that services will be provided to both the annexed and unincorporated portions of Bella Collina, if Page 6 of 18 S:IDOCUMENI\2010\GROWTH MANAGEMEN1VSBAs Interlocal Service Boundary Am ecmentlFlNAL ISBA \MOntverdc ISBA_ INAL_8.20.10 docx any, in an efficient and effective manner. MONTVERDE shall send COUNTY a copy of the annexation ordinance within five (5) days of its approval. 4. GREEN MOUNTAIN SCENIC BYWAY. The Green Mountain Scenic Byway begins at the intersection of Lake County Roads 455 and 561 and continues south along County Road 455. MONTVERDE and COUNTY have previously adopted the Goals, Objectives, and Strategies of the Green Mountain Scenic Byway and will be incorporating the same into their respective comprehensive plans. MINNEOLA agrees to consider for adoption the Goals, Objectives, and Strategies of the Green Mountain Scenic Byway in the form attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "E" and, if adopted, amend its comprehensive plan to include the Goals, Objectives, and Strategies of the Green Mountain Scenic Byway no later than 6 months from the Effective Date of this Agreement. If adopted after public hearings and comment, as provided in Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, MINNEOLA will implement the goals, objectives and strategies along any and all portions of County Roads 561 and 455 that lie within its municipal boundaries. Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall in any manner amend, abrogate, conflict, or be inconsistent with existing vested rights or agreements affecting the Sugarloaf Mountain DRI property. 5. FERNDALE SPECIAL AREA. The Parties agree that the "Ferndale Special Area" described and depicted in Exhibit "F" shall be unincorporated. The Ferndale Special Area is located within the 180 Utility Districts of MONTVERDE and MINNEOLA as identified and described in their respective ordinances establishing a utility district. With the exception of MINNEOLA'S alternative water facilities, MONTVERDE and MINNEOLA shall not construct utility lines or related utility facilities within the Ferndale Special Area to serve any property or properties within the Ferndale Special Area without the prior written approval of the Board of County Commissioners of Lake County ( "the County Commission "). In addition, MINNEOLA and MONTVERDE shall not annex any land within the Ferndale Special Area depicted in Exhibit "F" without amending this Agreement. COUNTY agrees to grant MINNEOLA the right to use its right of way or any other lands within the control of COUNTY for placement of MINNEOLA'S alternative water facilities, which may be located in the Ferndale Special Page 7of18 • S.DOCUMLND2010\GROWIH MANAGEMEN JSBAAMontverdc Intubcal Service Boundary AgreemcntWlNAL I SBA \Montverde BIDA_WNAL8.20.10.doce Area, so long as the following conditions are met: (I) in the COUNTY's opinion, sufficient right of way or other land within COUNTY's control exists; (2) the COUNTY approves the proposed location of MINNEOLA's alternative water facilities 'or related infrastructure on COUNTY right of way or other lands within COUNTY's control; and (3) MINNEOLA obtains all necessary permits, such as right of way utilization permits, from the COUNTY. 6. COUNTY ROAD 455 ROAD RIGHT OF WAY. a. A recreational trail currently exists and terminates approximately one -half mile south of the town limits of MONTVERDE. MONTVERDE desires to construct a trail, up to 8 feet in width, within the right of way of County Road 455 from its terminus to the Stetcher Property. COUNTY agrees to grant MONTVERDE permission to utilize the right of way along County Road 455, as depicted in Exhibit "G," attached hereto and incorporated herein, so long as the following conditions are met: (1) in the , opinion of the COUNTY's Public Works Department, sufficient right of way exists to accommodate the trail; (2) the COUNTY'S Public Works Department approves the design of the trail; and (3) MONTVERDE obtains a right of way utilization permit from COUNTY. If all three conditions are met, the COUNTY will grant MONTVERDE permission to utilize the right of way along County Road 455 as depicted in Exhibit "G ". MONTVERDE shall only be responsible for maintenance, repair and replacement of the trail constructed by MONTVERDE. b. COUNTY and MONTVERDE agree to work together in enforcing Lake County's sign code in the unincorporated area. MONTVERDE may notify the COUNTY of sign code violations, may remove signs in the right of way so long as MONTVERDE agrees to indemnify the COUNTY from any harm, liability or Loss arising from MONTVERDE's actions, and may attend and participate in COUNTY Code Enforcement hearings upon request by the COUNTY. Page 8 of 18 S.'DOCOMENT20101GROWrH MANAGEMENTISBAS'Mon,vade Imerlocal Service Boundary AgreemenAFINAL ISEMMon[vcrdc ISBA_MNAL_8 2010.docx 7. WASTEWATER SERVICE/PINE ISLAND WATER AND WASTEWATER SERVICE. If wastewater services are needed or desired within the Interlocal Service ' Boundary Agreement Area as depicted on the attached Exhibit "H ", MONTVERDE and MINNEOLA shall consult with one another on the provision of wastewater services to the area; provided, however, that notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, Lake County affirms and/or grants its consent and approval to the exercise of the powers by PINE ISLAND pursuant to Sections 190.012(1)(g)and 190.012(2)(a) and (d) , Florida Statutes. Furthermore, notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, PINE ISLAND shall not be prevented or otherwise prohibited from providing water and wastewater utility services within and outside of the legal boundaries of PINE ISLAND, described in Rule 4200 - 1.002, Florida Administrative Code, so long as PINE ISLAND is granted written consent from COUNTY, MINNEOLA, and MONTVERDE, and complies with all other applicable statutory and regulatory requirements to provide such services. In accordance with Paragraph 5 of this . Agreement, no utilities shall be located within the Ferndale Special Area without the prior written approval of the Lake County Board of County Commissioners. - 8. CLERMONT ANNEXATION AND UTILITIES NORTH OF TURNPIKE. CLERMONT shall not annex any property or extend any utilities north of the Turnpike without amending this Agreement to allow for the same, provided, however, that upon consent of MONTVERDE, and with regard to wastewater utilities, upon consent of MINNEOLA, CLERMONT may extend and provide utilities to the property, currently known as Black East, as more particularly described in Exhibit "I" attached hereto. . 9. TERM OF AGREEMENT. The Initial Term of this Agreement shall be twenty years from the effective date of this Agreement: This Agreement shall be effective upon final adoption of an Ordinance adopting this Agreement enacted by MONTVERDE, COUNTY, CLERMONT, and MINNEOLA, and upon adoption of a final order, resolution or other method consistent with the Pine Island Community Development District charter by PINE ISLAND. The Effective Date shall be the date of final adoption by the last party. • Page 9 of 18 s-DOCUMENT2010\GROWTH MANAGEMENTISBAs Mon[verde Interlocal SUvice Boundary AgrcemcaBLINAL ISBA Monlveade ISBA_FINAL 8.20.I0.docx 10. RENEWAL OF AGREEMENT. Pursuant to Chapter 171.203(12), Florida Statutes, the Parties shall initiate negotiations for the renewal or extension of this Agreement beyond the twenty year term no later than eighteen months prior to the termination of the Initial Term. 11. PERIODIC REVIEW. Pursuant to Chapter 171.203(12), Florida Statutes, (2009) this Agreement shall be periodically reviewed by the Parties in 2015 and 2025. 12. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement may not be terminated by any Party prior to its expiration, unless an amendment to the Agreement is approved by all Parties in writing. 13. DISPUTE RESOLUTION. In the event of any dispute related to this Agreement, the Parties agree to resolve the dispute consistent with the conflict resolution procedures established in Chapter 164, Florida Statutes. If there is a failure to resolve the conflict, no later than 30 days following the conclusion of the procedures established in chapter 164, a party may file an action in circuit court. 14. NOTICE. All notices, consents, approvals, waivers, and elections that any Party requests or gives under this Agreement must be in writing and shall be given only by hand delivery for which a receipt is obtained, or certified mail, prepaid with confirmation of delivery requested. Notices shall be delivered or mailed to the addresses and parties set forth below or as any Party may otherwise designate in writing. • Town of Montverde: Mayor P.O. Box 560008 Montverde, Florida 34756 Lake County: County Manager with cc to County Attorney's Office P. O. Box 7800 Tavares, Florida 32778 City of Clermont: City Manager P.O. Box 120219 Clermont, Florida 34711 Page 10 of 18 • S\DOCOMEM120I0\GROWTH MANAGEMEMVSBASNbMveNC lnterlocal Service Boundary AgreemenaINAL ISBAT heontverde 1SBA FLNAL docx City of Minneola: City Manager Post Office Drawer 678 Minneola, Florida 34755 Pine Island Community District Manager Development District: c/o Governmental Management Services Central Florida LLC 201 East Pine Street, Suite 950 Orlando, Florida 32801 15. SOLE BENEFIT. This Agreement is solely for the benefit of the Parties hereto, and no right or cause of action shall accrue upon or by reason hereof, to or for the benefit of any third party. Nothing in this Agreement, either expressed or implied, is intended or shall be construed to confer upon or give any person, corporation or governmental entity other than the Parties any right, remedy or claim under or by reason of this Agreement or any provisions or conditions hereof, and all the provisions, representations, covenants, and conditions herein contained shall inure to the sole benefit of and shall be binding upon the Parties, and their respective representatives, successors and assigns. 16. AUTHORITY. The Parties each represent and warrant to the other its respective authority to enter into this Agreement, acknowledge the validity and enforceability of this Agreement. The Parties hereby represent, warrant and covenant that this Agreement constitutes a legal, valid and binding contract enforceable by the Parties in accordance with its terms and conditions, and that the enforceability is not subject to any impairment by the applicability of any public policy or police powers. 17. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding of the Parties with respect to the subject matters addressed herein, and all prior agreements, understandings, representations and statements, oral or written, are superseded by this Agreement. 18. GOVERNING LAW, VENUE AND JURISDICTION. The laws of the State of Florida shall govern this Agreement, and venue shall be in Lake County, Florida. Jurisdiction shall only be in the Circuit Court of Lake County, Florida. Page 11 of 18 S iDOCtJMENT10IO\GROWTH MANACEMENIMSBAalontve de tmerlocal Servce Boundary Agrremen lNAL ISBANIumvcde ISBAj1NAL 820 .10 dxc • 19. SEVERABILITY. If any portion of this Agreement is declared invalid or unenforceable, then to the extent it is possible to do so without destroying the overall intent and effect of this Agreement, the portion deemed invalid or unenforceable shall be severed here from and the remainder of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect as if it were enacted without including the portion found to be invalid or unenforceable. 20. AMENDMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE PLANS. Consistent with §171.203(9), Florida Statutes, each of the Parties shall amend the intergovernmental coordination element of its comprehensive plan as described in §163.3177(6)(h)(1), Florida Statutes, if applicable to such Party, no later than 6 months of the Effective Date of this Agreement, - in order to establish consistency and compliance with this Agreement. However, to the extent permitted by law, this Agreement shall be enforceable even if one or more of the Parties is unable to effect a comprehensive plan amendment. Consistent with §171.203(11), Florida Statutes, and within the time frame established above, MONTVERDE shall adopt a municipal service area as an amendment to its comprehensive plan to address future possible municipal annexation. 21. COMPLIANCE WITH CHAPTER 171, PART II, FLORIDA STATUTES. The Parties agree that this Agreement meets the requirements of Chapter 171, Part II, Florida Statutes (2009). 22. ADOPTION BY MUNICIPALITIES. Pursuant to §171.203(14), Florida Statutes, upon approval of this Agreement by their respective councils, MONTVERDE, CLERMONT and MINNEOLA shall adopt this Agreement by ordinance in accordance with §166.041, Florida Statutes. The municipalities agree to consider said ordinance for adoption no later than September 30, 2010. 23. ADOPTION BY COUNTY. Pursuant to §171.203(14), Florida Statutes, upon approval of this Agreement by the Board of County Commissioners, the COUNTY shall adopt this Agreement by ordinance in accordance with §125.66, Florida Statutes. COUNTY agrees to consider said ordinance for adoption no later than September 30, 2010. • Page 12 of 18 S:IDOCUMFNT2010\GROWTH MANAGEMENTISBASUfontverde lnterbral Service Boundary AgreunentWINALISBANIontverde ISBA_FINAL_8.20.10.docx 24. ADOPTION BY PINE ISLAND. Pursuant to §171.203(14), Florida Statutes, upon approval of this Agreement by the Board of Supervisors, PINE ISLAND shall endeavor to adopt this Agreement by final order, resolution, or other method consistent with its authority. PINE ISLAND agrees to endeavor to adopt' said final order, resolution, or other instrument consistent with its authority at its next regular meeting, or no later than September 30, 2010. (Signature Pages to Follow) Page 13 of 18 S:\DOCUMENT20I01GROW1'N MAN AGEMENNSBASN 4ontverde Imerlocal Sevin Boundary A ree entWDJAL ISBANfoniverde !SBAF]NAL8.20.10.docx 1S13A between Town of Montverde, City of Clermont, City of Minneola, Pine Island CDD and Lake County (August 2010) TOWN OF MONTVERDE, FLORIDA Troy A. Bennett, Mayor Bill Bates, Council President This day of , 2010. ATTEST: Juli D'Agostino, Town Clerk Approved as to form and legality: Anita Geraci- Carver, Town Attorney Page 14of18 S: \DOCUMEMIl2010\GROWTII MANAGEMEMl3SBAsNIon[verde Interlace Same Boundary AgreementtFINAL ISBANloutverde ISBA_WNAL_820.10.docx ISBA between Town of Montverde, City of Clermont, City of Mineola, Pine Island CDD and Lake County (August 2010) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA Welton G. Cadwell, Chairman This day of , 2010. ATTEST: • Neil Kelly, Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners • of Lake County, Florida Approved as to form and legality: Melanie Marsh Acting County Attorney • Page ISof18. S& OCUMEN1l201O,OROWTTI MANAGEMENIVSBAsUMOmvade intedocal Service Boundary Agreement - WAL ISBA Monnerde ISBAFINAL_8.2010.doox ISBA between Town of Montverdc, City of Clermont, City of Minneole, Pine island CDD and Lake County (August 2010) CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA Harold Turville, Mayor • Wa1 nders, City Manager This l 3 day of b ct. , 2010. ATTEST: j. k..zy)aidryfLo Tracy Ac6 yd, City Clerk(j Approv- • as to form and legality: Daniel F. Mantzans, • - • y • Page 16 of 18 1 aDOCGh1EN1 \ 2010\GROWTI MANAGEMENTISBAsV .lontverdc InIcdu al Sen¢ c Boundary AgrecnentORNAL ISBAMlontverde ISBA FINAL 82010 doca 0 ISBA between Town of Montverde, City of Clermont, City of Mineola, Pine Island CDD and Lake County (August 2010) CITY OF MINNFOLA, FLORIDA • Pat Kelley, Mayor Jan McDaniel, Acting City Manager This day of , 2010. ATTEST: Jan McDaniel, City Clerk Approved as to form and legality: • • Scott Gerken, City Attorney Page 17 of 18 S \DOCUMENT\ 2010tGROWTii MANAGEMENBISBASUtoatverde Intedocal Service Boundary AgrteMen[IBINAL ISBAV.Iontverde ISBA_MNAL_8.20.IO.docx • ISBA between Town of Montverde, City of Clermont, City of Minneola, Pine Island CDD and Lake County (August 2010) PINE ISLAND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA Chainnan, Board of Supervisors This , day of , 2010. • ATTEST: • Approved as to form and legality: District Attorney • Page 18 of 18 S.\DOCUMEN112010\GBOWTH MANAGElrENIVSBAflMontverde lmerlocal Service Boundary AgrcertentWINALISBAMontvrnie LSBA_MAL 8.20.10.docx ' �` E ' a- �_ ,� °` , " : �` ' r £FS 7 t as r _.� k ,; x # ' �s q ,- 1 o-- a - } t s I "' � . _ 4 te ! ! '' M1 .,- j :f' � } + f if _ u � a % S , ? 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".s .,€p' ...:�� ate of b5zP:7 wn , « s�c°"' "He °�ito � �W �. .- r .-.- "�� . � i' � '`",;,,r Y,S C,aw �3x�ty --^' o.., � PAO� 352) tat -4833 Fn.( GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND STRATEGIES ' 11/12(2009 Goals, OGjectives, and Strategies of the Green Mountain Scenic Byway Corridor Management Cpmmittee Adopted February 13, 2003 by the Corridor Advocacy Group Revised May 14, 2005, in order to reflect the Orange County Corridor Addition, and November 12, 2009 to reflect the Winter Garden Plant Street and Lakeview Loop Addition. Goal 1. It is a goal of the CME to preserve, maintain, protect and enhance the intrinsic resources of the byway Corridor. Objective 1,1- Secure lands within the corridor for the purposes of preservation, restoration, and recreation. Strategy 1.1.1 - Identify environmentally sensitive lands within the corridor for preservation and restoration. Promote and participate in plant and wildlife surveys and inventories. Strategy 1.1.2 - Promote and expedite the implementation of the Lake Apopka Greenways and Trails Master Plan. Strategy 1.1.3 - Support the expansion of the Oakland Nature Preserve. Strategy 1.1.4 - Support the acquisition of land and easements to provide access from the Scenic Byway to the St John's River Water Management District's North Shore Restoration Area at Clay Island. Strategy 1.1.5 - Support the development of the Ferndale Preserve. Objective 1.2 - Preserve the corridor viewshed. Strategy 1,2.1 - Promote changes in comprehensive growth plans and work with local developers to preserve the skyline and buffer new development. Strategy 1.2.2 - Identify and seek grants for the purchase of scenic easements within the corridor, and seek voluntary agreements with landowners for such easements. Strategy 1.2.3 - Buffer existing and future industrial and commercial development. Encourage and promote the use of native plant species in landscape buffers. Objective 1.3 - Revitalize Montverde's Town Center Strategy 1.3.1 - Partner with the Town of Montverde in creating and implementing a program to enhance the Town Center, $� �vtT�.zc lrwv�.^x.�...,,..i :eo.:`i krf. t ej�. } #� �x�iB�r � �if�e�a�����ir d � , <;,➢ :,. ;y a c _,• GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND STRATEGIES 11/12/2009 Objective 1.4 - Preserve and revitalize Oak{and's West Side. Strategy 1.4.1 - Partner with the Town of Oakland, local civic groups, residents and churches in creating and implementing a community revitalization program. Objective 1.5 - Preserve the rural character of the unincorporated community of f- erndale. Strategy 1.5.1 - Partner with the Friends of Ferndale, Lake County, and other groups and organizations in the creation and implementation of a plan to preserve the rural character of Ferndale. Objective 1.6 - Identify, Preserve and Restore the Historic, Archaeological, and Cultural Resources of the Scenic Byway Corridor Strategy 1.6.1 - Identify and apply for grants suitabte�for historical, archaeological, and cultural surveys within the corn +dor. Strategy 1.6.2 - Promote and support the preservation and restoration of historic buildings, sites and areas. Work to list eligible buildings, sites, and areas on the National Register of Historic Places. Strategy 1.6.3 - Promote and support the creation of the Oakland Three Cemeteries Trail. Strategy 1.6.4 - Promote and support a comprehensive and definitive archaeological study of the Old St Paul Missionary Baptist Church African American Cemetery. Strategy 1.6.5 - Support the completion of Oakland's Old Town Hall History Center and Montverde`s Fish Camp Cabin History Center. Strategy 1.6.6 - Promote, support and expand cultural aspects of events _ such as the Oakland Heritage Festival, Montverde Day, and the Winter Garden Music Fest. Strategy 1.6.7 - Promote and support programs that enhance knowledge of the corridor's Cultural Resources. Objective 1.7 - Support the Winter Garden Heritage Foundation and its mission to "preserve local history and create cultural experiences that will enrich the lives of families for future generations." Strategy 1.7.1 - Assist the Winter Garden Heritage Foundation in historical and archaeological surveys and inventories. Y � � _..., °T \ -�, F.- . GOALS, O6JECTIVES AND STRATEGIES 11/12/2009 Strategy 1.7.2 — Include the work of the Winter Garden Heritage Foundation on the Byway website and other publications. Strategy 1.7.3 - Promote Heritage Tourism as a sustainable economic development tool within the Byway Corridor, Objective 1.8 - Support the efforts of the Downtown Winter Garden Merchants Guild in their efforts to revitalize the Downtown Historic District. Strategy 1.8.1 - Partner with the Winter Garden Downtown Merchants Guild, the Winter Garden Heritage Foundation, and Visit Florida to market Che Historic Downtown District to the byway traveler. Goal 2. It is a goal of the CME to maintain the Scenic Byway as an international destination for touring and competitive cyclists, to maintain and improve the safety of bicyclists, pedestrians, and motorists as they interact on the byway, while preserving the intrinsic resources of the corridor. Objective 2.1 -Make road improvements to the corridor in order to safely accommodate growing numbers of cyclists pedestrians, and motorists. Strategy 2.1.1 - Construct wide and well marked bike lanes along the roadway Strategy 2.1.2 - Continue invo{vement with Lake County`s BicycleJPedestrian Committee. Strategy 2.1.3 -Work with local development interests to encourage pedestrian and bicycle friendly improvements. Strategy 2.1.4 - Identify and apply for grants suitable for the construction of bicycle improvements. Objective 2.2 - Reduce tensions between cyclists and drivers. Strategy 2.2.1 - Create and implement a program that wi4t include advance public notices and informational signage that coordinates large cycling events with the local community. � :� � :.:. *e�a�� ��-� -- AGE.` -" ��.x]'. �� :� ,, 3 i GOALS, O87ECTIVES AND STRATEGIES 11/12/2004 Goal 3. It is a goal of the CME to involve the community to the maximum extent possible, and to act with the support of the community. Objective 3.1 - Increase community involvement. Strategy 3.1.1 -Hold regularly scheduled, noticed meetings at a time and place convenient for the public. Strategy 3.1.2 - Further develop the Scenic Byway Website. Strategy 3.1.3 - Create an email newsletter. Strategy 3.1.4 - Invite and encourage community input on a continuing basis. Goal 4. It is a goal of the CME to increase the public's awareness of the Green Mountain Scenic byway Corridor's unique intrinsic resources and the value of these resources to the community and state. Objective 4.1 - Educate the local communi� and the traveling public about the Corridor's resources. St; ategy 4.1.1 - Further develop the Scenic Byway Website. Strategy 4.1.2 - Produce an educational brochure emphasizing the uniqueness of the Corridor's resources. Strategy 4.1.3 - Further develop and refine presentational materials used for meetings with the public. Strategy 4.1.4 - Develop and construct roadside educational signage. Strategy 4.1.5 - Construct information kiosks at appropriate sites on the Scenic Byway. Possible sites include the Oakland Nature Preserve and the Ferndale Preserve. Strategy 4.1.6 - Support and promote the Town of Oakland`s Old Town Hafl History Center and the Town of Montverde's Fish Camp Cabin History Center. Goal 5. It is a goal of the CME to protect, enhance and promote the Byway as a recreational resource, and to support the development of sustainable eco tourism and. heritage tourism industries. _, GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND STRATEGIES 11(12/2009 Obiective 5.1 - Protect and improve existing recreational resources. 'Strategy 5.1.1 -Make road improvements to the corridor in order to accommodate growing numbers of pedestrians, cyclists and motorists. Strategy 5.1.2 - Improve access to Lake Apopka and the North Shore Restoration Area. Strategy 5.1.3 - Promote bird watching on Lake Apopka; cooperate and .partner with groups such as Orange and Oklawaha Audubon. Strategy 5.1.4 - Support the continual development of the Ferndale Preserve and the Oakland Nature Preserve, as well as the creation of other preserves and wildlife corridors as opportunities arise. Strategy 5.1.5 - Support, efforts to nominate sites within the Byway Corridor that are eligible for inclusion on the Great Florida Girding Trail. Strategy 5.1.6 - Support the City of Winter Garden in making improvements to Newton Park, with an emphasis on resource based recreational activities. Strategy 5.1.7 - Support a bicycle /pedestrian trail connection between the West Orange Trail and Newton Park. Objective 5.2 - Create new recreational resources. Strategy 5.2.1 - Promote and expedite the implementation of the Lake Apopka Greenways and Trails Master Plan, with initial emphasis on the completion of the Lake Apopka Loop Trail. Strategy 5.2.2 - Continue support for the Montver8e Greenway Bicycle and Pedestrian Trail. Strategy 5.2.3 - Support the public acquisition of lands for open space, green space, and passive recreation, and to (ink these lands by bicycleJpedestrian trails, wildlife corridors, and blue ways. Strategy 5.2.4 - Support efforts to improve sites within the Byway Corridor in order to meet the standards for nomination and inclusion on the Great Florida Girding Trail. Goal 6. It is a goal of the CME to support and enhance the restoration of Lake Apopka. Ob'ective 6.1 - Su. ort the Saint Johns River Water Mana.ement District`s Lake Apopka Restoration efforts. �.�� �=> /�'l��tl/� f(,�lf1 GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND STRAT[GIES 11/12/2009 Strategy 6.1.1 - Support and monitor the implementation of the Apopka Basin Development Design and Resource Protection Ordinance. Strategy 6.1.2 — Support and monitor the implementation of the Lake Apopka Phosphorus Discharge Rule. Strategy 6.1.3 — Educate the public to the importance of the restoration effort by including an update on the effort in all Scenic Byway presentations. Strategy 6.1.4 — Continue to partner and support groups such as the Friends of Lake Apopka in protecting and restoring Lake Apopka. Strategy 6.1.5 — Support and closely cooperate with the Lake Apopka Basin Planning Initiative. Strategy 6.1.6 — In partnership with the Friends of Lake Apopka, the Oakland . Nature Preserve, and other groups, create and implement an educational program,to. educate the public on the restoration of Lake Apopka. Goal 7. It is a goal of the CME to support the Comprehensive Plans of the local governments with jurisdictions within the Scenic Byway Corridor. Objective 7.1 -The plans and actions of the CME shall be consistent with those of the focal governments. Strategy 7.1.1 -The Vision, Corridor Management Plan, and Action Plan shall support the Comprehensive Plans of the foffowing local governments: Lake County The Town of Montverde The Town of Oakland Orange County The City of Winter Garden The City of Minneola Strategy 7.1.2 - Policies and initiatives of the CME that are not directly addressed by focal comprehensive plans shall be consistent with the comprehensive plan's intent and goals. k .__. �� 34 —� - -��_ —�--- �_ ,- --� e;` _- _ .. ,� - _ .. �- ' -'gµ ? !^ �5 p ' t �i 1 A tt t - r - tt _ > t - r a _ _ ,� - d � F ` f 4 M1 i s - t 4 �"t n qd�� r, - v. � k x�� �, i - • t 4 • a s �} - • - F� g +. �+•.� a� i � s z t � t - ' � � c- ?� k- k�Fy�y r, .!�' �'���f. 4 ' �.d vkk y,i �` ▪ i' i � - Fi � � .� ).�,. l �- t , £.,G' ?k ' kA . k < -° U.xS a� }# 'fir_ y - i ;`, 1�a xi�hJ _ .,: 3 � - ' e • c i ryra"F� ''�; � i -, �} S fi {a ? i k � `� `' a g '. - - r ' • - 3," ar 4 }x""' �`+y s s w f a � s', �'^ -.°�- 4 1 y r �,.R. - "� h i 4 1 k � A ��p} 1+ .�.� - �5 9 � k t .�, � 3 . 4 .. 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