\¡VHE.RJ::.;,S, tl¡c St,:,.te Eo,d DepartwEnt of t.r1(; ;:)'tate
of ,¡t'loriè.G has de sIgna ted flEd loca ted a port.lon of S ta te
Hoacl No. 2~: in tbe City of ClerJrloLt, Lake Count;y-, FloricD
bCßlr-.ning at tfe NorUi Cit.y LiniÜ¡ line of said city tind
proceedir~g tbence South on l~;tt S l,rpct to tLe lr1tc.:r'sec-
tieD of said str'eet and IJoniJl'cse StrEEt; t}:er'ce proceed-
ing East OD Montrose Str'cet to the intersection of said
s'vr-ee t witt, 8t1' Street; thence proceedinG Nort' on 8eb
;3treet Heross the right, of way of' c:he ;\tlan t,ic ,,!O'l::;t Line
Hailroad Gnd ttJe 'I'avo:r'üs [~ntl Gulf HailI'ogd to Lo.kE.ò Drht";
¡,,!cù tl,erwe proceE::dir;.g Nortl:cc-sterlJ? sleEt: 3r_~id La~:e Drive
LO t11€ NortlJEu~)tE:rn City LiniÌts of' the City of GJtormcnt;
-.¡¡:.TE:~:b~,o, chc ;:) t'" LE: :-toad De po. r t.EE n t of Lr; e i) to. Le of
ji'10}lic1ü, ho.s desicnatE.d and lCC~)tEC1 f:l portion of St~,te
Road Ko. 55 in the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida
on l~:tr, Street beGinning at tl'e in tersec t j.on of StJ id s tr'(-)e t
und r(innehahe AvenUE;; tt+·nce proce E;din ß N Ol't}' u10ng 12 t.ll
S tree t to tllE; in te psec t lon of II, on tro Sf' S trE~CÒ t; Ucnce pro-
Ge:cding ?,u,,'it, Glen£: ¡onLr('[~( to tI'e inter,,;ectior: of' sHid
strE,et witt, 8tY, Str>ecG; Ulé,nce p¡'ocecdint NOI,th l.or;[ E.;th
,-',trect ocross tr.e rigLt of way of the Atlrn:tjc CN1Sl L::Lne
~~u ill'o8d ':lnd Tg1J'.iY'f'S and Gulf Railrc',d to LOVE; Dr':ìve;
thence proc8e,ding aleng LaÎŒ Drive in a ForLl'¡;,stcpJy
rJir'e"tion to tl'E; City Lir:.its of tI,e Cit;y of Cle1'] ort; and,
1J.¡H};;~::E 1~8, tl,e dE s i[nu. t ion uncl loce: t, ion of t}e 8 'lid
Hnads No.2:,' and 5;} on ',:ont;C'o::~c' Stre(-ct hctV'iecn '/,E:sL ,",venue
und 8t}:-j Stl'f,ct is lccuted in [1 portion of U,"](; bU2h:ESS
clistr-ict of U'e City of' ClcPf'icmt und che TUrn,C!' locut:ion
and desienation of scid roads on 8t~ ~tr8ct is loc~t8d
on one oP thp busiest streeLB in Ll e b~sinEs8 d~strict of
tl, ü C it J' 0 f C 1 C I'r"l 0 n t; and,
~.,'JT1',~D~¡',S, tJ~f: l()e:~,t,iot: of' t}-iC abcjv( [-{onds l';o. ::::'2: [,nel
5E; in n·e City of GlErr'ont ¡i~3~; cpnc,uù a Lr·,-f£'ic: }:rlZ8y'd and
~'litÌ' t11e ineY'E',sc of Ll'Ur~'iG on s.'ld stI'C'ct and roads
since t,r:c elir:inaliop of' ë!1scljpE.: raLiorinc .his f'm-U,E:I'
=.ncreDSf,cl tbe Ll',;ffic: t;Q?f;rd on s'dÖ f3trC;( ts jr. Ute City
or Clermont and s'lid sty'eets being nay-row !'1HS fnl'lr:f;r
irGl'EUSLd tr-'f: }-wl,ard of cr't'; tr-aveling pub,"; le :J::'; vvcl] af~
D'OSE: living in t1:!c ctty of ClcITor:L.; :-lEd,
'tn~!--,IŒ,AS, the recles1ßn~ltion 8.r:.d l'eloc~\tiCJn of' said
f~cûds "10. :2~ D.nd t):) on ¡<linnE-o]a hVCIlUE Lf:iSt fr'cm 12tl'
Street to 8tf" 0t1'e(t; LYJmee j\T(;J'U on elÌ' strt~(t to said
Laj:e Drive would poute tl",f0ic on rei wider' street 8nd a
less trav(;led strff:t in t,Yc City of Cler~'Gr:t CilH] wuuld
not increaSE: the r,iIEuLE- of 3D id r'ocìCls tl'E:r'eby rmdnU.ined
on tbe street ir" the City of Clcrmord~, tlGrefoI'lé,
Be it rC~301vcd
by LiE' (~ity of CleT"'ont th:t,
St'?Lc FO'Jd D(;p!.lr-tnent of the St'_J Lc of FIey'hiD bt rcquc;ct.t:d
to change tbe de~iignoticn !'iDd loc'ltlon of s!Jid Ì~o[:,ds No. ::~2
~,nd 5!) in tbe City of Cler'rnont to iv:inneo18 ¡,venue from
:l~:tl! Street to ß::.r Street cdHl l.hEmCe Nor 1.1" on Ct.}- StreEt
to Lake Drive as now loceted.
Be it fur'LYer resoJ.ved t1:l'lt
a certified copy of this
y'psoluvLon be for'wardeeJ ¡:;u trle ,3[.'j LC Head Depu;:':~IH.:nt. of
(he StaLe of Flor:Lda tOëfticl' vvit.} 8 letter of tl'~H'sD'ittB.l
requesting th'lt t}le SL, tc Road Depnr'tnent of Lf'f: f::; L:_J te of
Plorida do consider the reloc0tion of ~nid Roads Ko. 2~
Dnd 5:') as beré~i.:n D.bove se t. fortl,.
-~ ~- - - - - - --
P88:3~;d by U'e City (;OUllCi] of tbe City of Clermont at its'
Regular' Meeting beJd on MarGY 5, 1946.
.-- Mayor -- - -
¡, I)
City m€Y'k
(Cit;¡ Seal)