R-47-022 l "- /J . e,J , \ (). ";s '3 I~¡ ~Î ~ Ci ty Clerk - By JI/t-l/l/~~ ~ifayor - Attest CITY OP CL2i~roNT, FIORIDA NOW THffi EFO~E BE IT R~~::,OI~VED, That we request and expect the wholehearted support of each membor of tho Legislature fro'"" I,ake County in tho promotion of t11;i.S program and in the insurance of aid to our respective communities, and that a copy of this resolution be for'Narded to each memhe::> of our individu,.,l nembers of tho Lehislature. WHE]!EAS. TTn TAX :NECESSARY to be levied for the paj'1'!1ont, of interest a.nd payment of th,; bondod indebtÅ“dnoaa of Cler:nont is large, and to levy a tax upon th G non-exumpt p:boperty in th e Cit y, a large portion of' which is non-producti va, ','!ou1d h~) 3D exc8sc'ive burden upon the S81"1e; and, ·"'T.TVREAS th Y'1 °d L', '" 1ff i 0 1iti t it ....... , e". orl a oague 01 ..'lJn clpa. es, a ~ s Annual Com ent ion in Miami Beach, went on rocord as favoring the contln1J.8.nce of Un pr:;sent cigarette tax and tho. t provision be lIB. do by law that all cigarette taxes coil.o~tod within a M~nicipality be redist.ributed to such municipality as a source of operating revenue, to assist in part illy relieving the desperate plight of our municipalities, wllich prograJl8 has been unanimously endoreà.d by [;11.0 Lake County League of Municipalities. '~íJ:ffiRSAS It appears tho. t a large percentage of fH.I'm and grove labor employed in the com~unity surrounding Clermont live in tbe City of Clermont and obtain a great portion of the irgovernmental service s through the Munici·8. 1 governY"lent of t.he City of Clermont; and, w11EREAS, It appears that a large percentage of the assessed value of the City of Clermont is exempt from taxes under the provis1.ons of the Constitution o.:\.6n'pting homesteads from taxes for ope ra ting expenses; and, *,- tV' BE IT RBSOLVBD by tho City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, that: RESODJTION '-.