R-50-025 ') "'l./ /' c;' RESOLUTION .. WHEREAS, in April 1941 the City of Clermon t by and through its City COuncil authorized the Sun Chevrolet Company, Inc., to use a portion of Minneola Avenue between the North curb line and the South property line of Lots 12, 14 and 16 of Block 93 according to the official map of the City of Clermont for a used car lot for a consideration of $1.00 per year for a period of five years from date thereof¡ and WHEREAS, the Sun Chevrolet Company, Inc., a Florida corporation doing business in the City of Clermont, County of Lake and State of Florida, has again requested the City Council of the City of Clermont to authorize the continual use of said property and have used said property hereinabove described since the expiration of said Resolution to and including the date hereof; and WHEREAS, it is necessary that said Company continue to use said premises on which they have built a used car shed for the further purpose of installing concrete in the West section thereof to be used as a wash shed; and WHEREAS, the City of Clermont is willing to grant per- mission for the continued use of said premises as a .used car lot and wash shed for a period of five years from date hereof upon pay- ment of the sum of $1.00 per year since the expiration thereof and in advance, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED that the Sun Chevrolet Company, Inc., of the City of Clermont is hereby granted for a period of five years from date hereof and in consideration of the sum of $1.00 per year, payable in advance, the use of that unpaved portion of Minneola . Avenue lying North of the present curb line and South of the South boundary of said Lots 12, 14 and 16 of Block 93, provided that said use and occupancy of said premises does not extend beyond the curb line and that such use and occupancy of said premises will in no way obstruct or hinder the present use of the present paved portion of .. . of Minneola Avenue and will at all times keep the said building and the premises in a clean, sanitary and a condition of good repair and will not i)llow anything to Ç)ccumulate on said premises that \':i11 in any ',,;ay detc:::iorate fror'j the looks and a;)pearances of said street ard adjoining propcrtle5; DE rL' FúRTHF FiESCL'JED that the City Council, f the City of Clermont shall reserve unto themselves the right at any time by giving 90 (;ays rlri tten notice to the said Sun Chevrolet Company, Inc. I to revoke ':ho rIghts of said company to the use of said prer.¡i ses ¿Lid if \cd. th')ut notice the C:t t'¡, of Clermont, the State' ;:"ovd :::Jera t:nent of the State of Fl,jri¿a or any other agency of the State of Flo.rLda shall rC0u:Î.r.:;; the iJSe of said premises for a stDte highway, the said ~un Chevrolet Comrany, Inc., shall agree to immediately re'-"ove the used cCJr shed vod d~l concrete installed North of the curb line of s<1id street ;)nd any :)ther cons- truction on s~id premises and to furthEr cease the use of ~aid premis(::'!s in any 'nanner \¡IJhatsoevc r. . . . . . . - . . . . . Passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Clermont at its regular meeting ¡:e .ld on 3 January, 1950. ft7 ~~ City Clerk