R-49-026 ::¡ 9--';"- \ or I C" t= 0 yÞ RES 0 L UTI 0 N_ .. This matter coming before the City Council at its regular meeting held on the 1st day of February, 1949, and it appearing from the petition filed herein by Inland Groves Corporation, that there was never any dedication of any street along Lake Drive West of the Western boundary of Twelfth Street other than a distance of approximately 130 feet West of the Western boundary of said Twelfth Street, and that the remainder of said Lake Drive lying North of Lots 1, to 22, inclusive, of Indian Hills, as the same is shown on the Official Map of the City of Clermont, has never been dàdioated to, or has a right-of-way over said premises been acquired by the City of Clermont for street purposes. And it further appearing that the Inland Groves Corporation, the owner of said premises, offers to maintain such driveway as may be required, and requests that the City do dåsclaim any and all right to any right-of-way or easement over and across said premises from the West line of Twelfth Street to the end of Lake Drive, as the Same is shown on said Official Map. WHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Clermont that the City of Clermont do hereby disclaim and and all right to any portion of Lake Drive lying West of Twelfth Street, as the same is shown and designated on the Official Map of the City of Clermont. DONE AND RESOLVED this 1st day of February, A. D. 1949. r" Attest: 'h1 ~rk. I do hereby approve the foregoing Resolution. MaYO~~~lermont.