R-50-034 ,1f........ .- 3~ RESOLUTION AWARDING $161,000. REFUNDING BONDS. ISSUE OF 1950, DATED JULY 1, 1950. ... WHEREAS, pursuant to notice of sale heretofore duly published in The Bond Buyer, New York City, and in The Clermont Press for the sale of $161,000. Refunding Bonds, Issue of 1950, of the City of Clermont, dated July I, 1950, the following sealed proposals have been received: Name of Bidder Pride Bid B. J. Van Ingen & Co. Inc. $159,551. WHEREAS, the proposal of B. J. Van Ingen & Co. Inc. of $159,551. referred to above is the highest and most 'advantageous bid for said bonds and in all other respects complies with said notice of sale; now, there- fore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT. FLORIDA: Section 1. That the proposal of B. J. Van Ingen & Co. Inc. of $159,551. referred to in the preambles hereof be and the same is hereby accepted and the following described bonds of the City of Clermont be and they are hereby awarded and sold to the said purchaser at the price and in accordance with the proposal of said purchaser referred to above, a true copy of said proposal being attached hereto and made a part hereof: $161,000. Refunding Bonds, Issue of 1950, of the City of Clermont, Florida, dated July I, 1950, $1,000 each, bearing interest at the rate of 3% per annum, payable semi-annually on January 1 and July 1 of each year, the bonds of said issue maturing in the years 1967 to 1969, inclusive, being redeemable prior to maturity as pro- vided therein, said bonds being numbered and maturing on July 1 of each year as follows: Nos. Amount Year - 1 - 15 $15,000 1952 17 - 30 14,000 1953 31 - 45 15,000 1954 46 - 61 16,000 1955 83 - 94 12,000 1957 100 - III 12,000 1958 :.. 145 - 147 3,000 1960 160 - 166 7,000 1961 169 - 185 17,000 1962 286 - 305 20,000 1968 306 - 335 30,000 1969 Section 2. That the proper officers of the City be and they are hereby authorized and directed to deliver said bonds when prepared and .. :~'.. executed to the said purchaser upon payment therefor without further authority from this Council. Section 3. That the good faith checks of all unsuccessful bidders shall be returned forthwith by the City Clerk. Section 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PASSED by the City Council of the City of Clermont at its adjourned regular meeting held on December 19, 1950. ?ì1A~A'fJ ~~ City Clerk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ',j..' . , . '.' to ¥- ", \. Encls. FBM: fp .,;1 ~/ A ¡:: L'. 44-r#Av By . E. C. Hodg~~~ BY: B. J. VÆf INGEN & CO. Inc. B. J. Vili~ INGEN & CO. Inc. FIRST SECURITIES COMPANY OF KANSAS, INC. Respectfully submitted, We will accept delivery as per the Notice of Sale at the Irving Trust Company of New York on January 2, 1951. The legal opinion of Caldwell, Marshall, Trimble & Mïtchell is to be furnished with the bonds. Attached hereto is Cashier's Check Number 44230, drawn on the Pan American Bank of 1hami in the sum of $3,220.00, as good faith check as called for in the Notice of Sale. If we are not the successful bidders, please return the check to us immediately. Our guaranteed bid under our refunding contract of 99 and accrued interest for one hundred fifty bonds and par ~nd accrued interest for any bonds above the one hundred fifty is covered by this bid. As per the Notice of Sale published in the Bond Buyer, a publication of the City of New York, we respectfully submit the following bid for the $161,000 City of Clermont, Florida, Refunding Bonds, Issue of 1950, dated July 1, 1950 and due serially 1952 to 1969, more completely described in the Notice of Sale, copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, we will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED FIFTY-NINE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY-ONE DOLLABS ($159,551.00), and accrued interest to the date of delivery. Gentlemen: City Council Ci ty of Clermont Clermont, Florida .December 18, 1950 NEW YORK CHICAGO . D U' PO NT B U I L DIN G MIAMI 32, FLORIDA .--.... R.OE'!.ERT H. COOK VICE PRESIDENT -t." ...~: r},r~", ..';J :\ " ¡' .i ~ ,",. " ' ",,,,,.:...;,:¡..;~.,~;~:";. '. , ,f):!.. ;~~,,;~{~I~.~, <. .;'i BONo's '." "'- r·'.'-':- L/ .. -...). - - .. '\ 'I . J ."'.... .~ '. I' " . -" . /. ,.. .. . '.. - .'. ...,' '. i""#.,: ...: ,."'\ ~ ..--",," '-'-".~', ...: '"' ... ~ .. s.s :- City and County of New York, , RoSE SPERANZA, being duly sworn, says that she is the Advertising Clerk of THE BOND BUYER, a daily and w~kly newspaper printed and published at 67 Pearl Street in the City of New York, County of N'f>w York, State of New York; and the notice, of WhICh the an- nexed is a printed copy, was regularly published in said THE BOND BuYER on '4· ; ....." ::t<2·" .. .' Copy ( -;;;t' /"+ {A. 7( .' (;' I / r. (I _J'" /I(~ ___n_._.____~_____ _____n__________ Ad1J6rtiBing Clerk < '/,:( ....., .¡: ~ .( ~ i of Advertisement 1950 this " me .< to before of day sworn ,;/'- Subscribed and /.". /. ",:",' Certifiea te filed, New York County (No. 24-8727700) My commission expires March 30, 1952 $161,000 CIJT~ OF CLERMON·T FLORIDA Refunding Bonds The: City Council of the City of Clermont, Florida, will receive sealed ¡Jl'oposalR until 8 :00 o'clock P. M" on the 1 9 t h DAY 0 F D E C E M B E R, 1 9 5 0, at the City Hall in said City for the purchase of the following' described bonds of the said City: $161,000 Refunding Bonds, Issue of 1950, dated July 1st, 1950, of $1,000 each, maturing July 1st of each year as follows: Year Amount 1952 $t5,000 1953 J 4,000 1954 J 5,000 1935 16,000 1937 J2,000 1958 12,000 1960 3,000 laG1 7,000 1%2 17,000 19G8 20,000 1969 30,000 Number 1- 15 17- 30 31- 45 46- 61 83- 94 100-111 145-147 160-166 169-185 286-305 306-335 Said bOí1ds will all bear interest at the rate of 3% per annum payable semi-annufllly on January 1st anà July 1st of each year. The bonds matur- ing in the years 1968-1969, inclusive, are redeemable prior to maturity at the prices and under the terms provided in the resolution authorizing said bonds, copy of which resolution will be furnished on request. The bonds will be awarded to the bidder offering to pay the highest price for sajd bonds and the successful bidder will be required to take de- livery of and pay for said bonds at the principal office of the Irving Trust Co., in New York City, on January 2nd, 1951. Each proposal must be accom- panied by a certified or cashier's or treasurer's check drawn on an incorpo- rateù bank or trust company for 2% of the par value of said bonds as a good faJth deposit fer the performance of said bid. No interest will be i allowed on the good faith check of the successful bidders. Said City Council reserves the right to reject any or all biùs or to adjourn said sale. The legal opinion of Caldwell, Marshall, Trimble & Mitchell will be furni"hed the ~uccessful bidder. MRS. M. H. BARNES. City Clerk. errors in transmission, tr"+ ~ proposal form is , telegraphic bid. .1 _ 'Y ~s ma be.(' T - II ,., l.rt of sâid notes, ~ _~".;)- posals will be rE. 'J'! eaZ., l-'art of said notes for WI. separate in- terest rate is bid. S<t.~ notes wiJI be awarded at the lowest net interest cost to the Authority under such bid or bids, and in computing such interest cost the Authority will take into con· sideration any premium which any bidder offers to pay. No bid for Jess than the principal amount of $100,00C and less than par and accrued interest (which interest shall be computed anè paid on a 360 day year basis) will be I!nterta.ined, and the Authority re- serves the right to award to any bid- der all or any part of the notes which such bidder offers to purchase in his proposal, upon the basis of such pro- posal. If only a part of the notes bid for in a proposal are awarded by the Authority, any premium offered in such proposal shall be pro-rated. The bidder to whom only part of the notes are awarded shall thereafter desig- nate the denominations for the notes as awarded. The further right is re- served to reject any or all bids. The Authority will furnish an opm- ion by Messrs. Sullivan, Donovan, Heenehan & Hanrahan of the City of New York, New York, approving the validity of the notes and of the guar- antee of the payment of the principal of and interest on said Notes by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The expense of such opinion will be borne by the Authority. In the event that, prior to the de, livery of any of the notes to the sue ~essful bidder therefor, the income re- 'eived by private holders from obliga- tinns of the same type and charactel .haJ! he taxable by the terms of any P'ederal income tax law hereafter en- acted. the successful bidder may, at 'Jis e¡Petion, be relieved of his obliga, tiono under the contract :0 purchase such notes. Frank B. Coughlin Chairman, Norwood Housing Authority and provided sent confirm_ I he principal _ notes by the ~sachusetts. TL on will be borne - - -~~ -~f the of and intf' Commonwe .\ expense of . Jp' by the Authority. In the event that, prior to the de- livery of any of the notes to the suc- cessful bidder therefor, the income re- cpived by private holders from obliga- tlvns of the same type and character shall be taxable by the terms of any Federal income tax law hereafter "n- acted, the successful bidder may, at his election, be relieved of his obliga- tions under the contract to purcha·" such notes. Francis H. iVlcGurn Chairman, Lowell Housing Autho -ity $815.000 $1,400,000 .... Authority Norwood, Massachusetts December 15, 195,} Sealed proposals will be received by the Norwood Housing Authority (hereinafter called the "Authority") at the Offices of the State Housing Board, 18 Tremont Street, Boston, Massachusetts, Room 803, until cleven o'clock A. M. (E. S, T.) on December 20, 1950, for the purchase of note" (Third Series) in the aggregate prin- cipal amount of Eight Hundred F'i£- t8en Thousand Dollars ($815,000). The words "Temporary Loan Notes, Nor- ,vood Housing Authority," should a p- pear on the envelope containing' tn. proposals. The notes will be dated January :¿ 1951, and will be payable to beare}· 01ì July 31, 1951. The proceeds of w·~} notes are to be used to pay expen5es incurred or to be incurred in the. development of a state-aided ho"s;n project, Norwood 200-1, for vete'·anc' in the Town of Xonvood, l\1assachu- setts, For prompt payment of the princi- pal of and interest on said notes, the full faith and credit of the Authority will be pledged and the payment of the principal of and interest on the notes will be unconditionally guaran- teed by the Commonwealth of Mas- sachusetts. Said notes will bear at rate per annum fixer! the nr(\no~~ 1 Norwood Housing N utes in terest n thp , City of Clermont #1 WESTGATE PLAZA CLERMONT, F,LORIDA 19_.___ ,............-..---..-- ...-.... _.........UU.nn._Un.._____u.............._............................................_...._............_.._...._....._...._. 19....._._....., 8S follows: so, to Sept. is 1 SL.nm......., 1, classification Oct. for the year on your -.--.........................-..........-..--......-..........................-............-................-....-.....-.......-.- amount or occupation The The City License on your business is due on or before October 1st. $.._....__.__..___. .......-......-...........--.......-................-. ..........._....._.........._...._....._n....................._..........._..................._...__.............._......._...._.._. Total City Clerk w. Carroll, truly yours Dolores Very