2010-52 I>A KL.,COUNT�Y` . 1 0 I'; U A: • CONTRACT NO. 10 -0821 For COLLECTION, RECYCLING AND"PROPER,DISPOSAL OFUSED OIL, USED OIL .FILTERS, -USED ANTIFREEZE, SLEDGE'PADS AND OIL.ABSORBENTS LAKE'COUNTY, FLORIDA; a political subdivision of the state &Florida, itssuccessors and assigns through its'Board of County Commissioners (hereinafter "C,ounty ") does hereby accept, with noted modifications, if any; the bid of Petrotech Southeast,.lnc.,(hereinafter "Contractor ") to supply Collection; recycling and 'ProperDisposal of -Used Oil „Used Oil Filters „Used Antifreeze, Sledge and Oil Absorbents to the .Couhtypursuant•to`County.Bid number 10-0821 (hereinafter "Bid "), ,.opening dated July 14, 2010 and Contractor's "July 14,"2010 Bid response thereto with all County Bid'provisions governing. Special Clauses: • Public Records All electronic files, audio and/or video recordings, and all papers pertaining to any activity performed by the'CONTRACTOR for or on behalf of the COUNTY shall be the property of the COUNTY and will be turned overdo theCOUNTY upon request. In accordancewith Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, each file. and all papers pertaining to any activitiesperformedfor or on behalf of the COUNTY are public records available for inspection by any person even if the file or resides in -the CONTRACTOR's office or facility. The CONTRACTOR shall maintain the files and papers for not less than three (3) complete calendar,years afterthe, project has been completed or terminated;"or in accordance with any grant' requirements, whichever is longer, Prior to the close out of the Contract, theCONTRACTOR'shall appointa records custodian to handle any records request and provide the custodian's name and telephone number(s) to the COUNTY. Prohibition' against Contingent Fees • The CONTRACTOR warrants that they have not employed or retained any company or person, other than a'bona fide employee working solely for the CONTRACTOR to solicit or secure this Contract and that they have not paid or agreed to pay any,person, company, corporation; individual,'or firm, other than a.bona,fide employee working solely for the CONTRACTOR, any fee, commission, percentage, -gift or other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this Contract. This Contract shall be binding upon and shall inureto the benefit of each of the parties and of their respective successors and .permitted assigns. This Contract may not be amended, released, discharged, reseindecf or abandoned; except by a written instrument duly executed by each of the parties hereto. The failure of any party hereto at any time to enforce any of the provisions of this Contract will'in noway constitute or be construed as a waiver of such provision or of any other provision hereof, nor in any way affect the.validity of, or theright thereafter to enforce, each and every provision of this Contract. During "the term_ of this Contract the CONTRACTOR assures the COUNTY that it is in compliance with Tit!e,VIfof the 1964, Civil Rights Act, as amended, and the Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992,,in that the CONTRACTOR' does noton.the grounds,of race;"color, national origin„ religion,, sex, age, disability. or marital status, discrimination in any forth Or mariner against the CONTRACTOR employees or applicants :for employment.,The CONTRACTOR'u nderstands, and agrees that,this Contract is conditioned upon the veracity of this statement of assurance. £L46 (ZSE) xe j 6E86-£PC (Zs£) qd 008L epuold,'sekenel 008Lxo9'O'd 966911n9 'ule!N'MS6£ stiovuegluowoln3oJd ;00°410 „oopvos ur enuagaax9 (Guon;l oouopryuo0 Xvunwwo0 6u!u�e3„ - en!ju3'100d7!ldo0 Jo ;p8J;uo0, /do0 al!d P!a :uonnquls!Q • ;2267%" sr .f i "T-7 :ajeq 6u! ;0eiluo0 Jo!uas l ✓ -7 l f li - - 7 77:7-1," :A9 • .VG 180 l�1Nf1OO 3NV1 'ioloa�!O'. so6vueg•;uawamaad s Ajuno3 ay; (q ;pau6!s 6upuM u! aq jsnw 10eJ1uo0 sly; 01 suogea!ilpow ne pue Auy• •pig ay; u! pa;ou swua; ayj 1e uo!;do•elos s,/, ;unoo • awl le sleMeuai leak(.) euo (0).11104 sep!noad laeJ;uo0 s!yl •Fluno3 ay; ;o aaua!uanuoa, aqj Jo; eopou ua;;unn i(ep• (0e) Ap q; yj!M pue spun; ;o lob! . o/pue asneo io; Ala;e!paww! ;oew ;uo0 s!y; a;eu!iwal o; ;y6u all' satuasei Aluno3 ay ; ;daaxa._660Z,' 6£; y6noiyl O6 ' L �agwa ;dag way amoeba s! ; ;uo0'slyl • 'am!! aq Heys puoq pali!nbai Aue Jo; /las nay; pue Joloe„uo0 p!es'1ou Jo'pa ;eu!wJa; sfjaealuo0's!y; Jayjaynn IgoeeJq.yons ;o uosea'i hq a6e wep.o sso! Aue' jo ;pue 'paleuiw ollo J; uoo' s! y; aiepap 'uondojaq.ios!y ;e'neys' ;oaiayl yoeaigAue:uodn,"pue'loeiluo0, s!y ; ;o ;uawny!n; ayl ;o 1004 0 se a6pnf aids, ayl aq_Heys Jolowic) sao!Mag luauiamaoid s Alunoo owl (JoploH a ;eay!U00) •saanyo 6u!;edlo!P,ed lle of aaueinsu! ;o : ;aealuob slyl ;o ;uati aouowuwa of thud patsy JaueulaJay s ;uewnoop ay; ;!wgns lleys Jo;oe.4UO3 •JopaJia seo!niag luawaJnowd 61uno0 ayl.),o • aapio of luensind /uannap ei!ew Heysuopeijuo0!gun Ajuno0 ayl lsu!e6e aruboe Heys uofle6ggo le!aueuy oN V/N :s ;uewyoeny ;oeJ;uoQ s!yl ;o ued e spew os!e are pue o ;slay peyoelle aae (Aue ;p,MO!aq kW, slu3wyoege •ayl •ytnai•; )10nfis uaaq any pepieMe lou swat! Aue 1egj ldaoxa laelluoO SRI; •;o ped a 1 ! 6uNew snyl'u!eJay paleiodJoaw pue oleiay peyaelle s! p!g peu6!s sJojaeiluo3 agi40 Ado? y.. 1. • . , _ . :1110NAJJ peltio,) :titiaippv ut1tu-3 • ..10110164 ,111011,1 " Will OD 110t1NAA •01■Aips 130p0.9.1 to41.101 tsr f 510293A, 5 &Wino zy..r f' unto 111.1 l,1 Joe 3400131 osealit Li 03pussipitaid.st.ill 5U0I(lI.)i1) IUEU :DT I 5461iO3A S„,111110:) 110 111113 And tlaal ::909 situ le prria.1331.1(lict n'it d SIIjI "u.inial p1111Aio1xt .•10091 zflojclimon ito;•9xls ntp osvaid INF I 3oi11aks„,(110103 110111 poAotnal au 1 xlli pplOM '30 ‘attli) 4111 le 110fInip1108 Slip 01 puoc1so.t 03 11.11.:19 j�Ul 8003) MAR jJ A' lama AICNO4S321 •iik au, ja upliaarai :few 'awn pueatnilpaulaalls au) astuulsai puf am minim' 04 JO 'asuodsal aqi 11th51 0) a.tputt4 tioys)no.i aas) mattmaop JJ,j spp papal:that utognutinjui • •tatpo 118 garmlpun 'lliattmaou tin spp JO Somula au) 11111133k pint, atipluma Hugs saopuat; • • papp:xls ammuuqp;x1 331? 01 531)331(3 0113 111:911000t) 13(110103 mu 110)3 Xutu sluourupujia ps XII1331O.7):KIS KIM pm! 111311111001) 5(31) `3Apvluo9attlai t<i1tn03 pazpoquie tm /Cu p0uli(s-.1010ri0 a ucnim •3131p 0313) 3'3 330 'ow .101 linpf.toA% (0 f ) Int 0 3133M 031A4113 ltiattraano,02,1 'Jo frupo ay in 1011013 'ssthiustig 10130033 :11m33) tiouxxlso! .011 zrigt:peA ail illm •top.lonat putt' pop p3103 ay 33(m 83)3(3 ttiIjjittIqns sloppcq mu Jo, 83111031 an: 1.10On.131111S1rna .10J paplaain pun `Papanaaa :pato& NI .MUU1:11i S.13419 1101 pamaaai uaati 34131 WM 0111 iI1 .`aAntln . paupatis p1113 41111).31j3 LLI 8011 &ij anprnultin 10N ' 304 [,-.)pumpaualajuto No-aid f • -5' I no9los ;:oun.uu:upto.Ultappluulpui 1 • 9! I nofilas 1, 3590:9 o.{39aladuio; ) 30 annOota,) "at, t.q N(40311(1(10 30N :pilot 3 apuntiumi Ipipuu fusodom • . " • '. • : Ma DIU GaLON SV 5111V S.I.N;41:011111104.11 N01.1.V,113:11' los atanatis 9z-czpItii • sniatu4p99y :1; mof 1,:yof I sa. a 9 31.)/i11■n!id • (37.-L 3 s 91711 <1 • 81100■1910,) 11131 t.:31113 3 le..1011-,it) 1 NOItyris , „'.„ :„ • 91 sonlIcl 110,v, 301109133s Z NOLI:):IS . , ! 1 guoppudi Putt stun j, pqn;lils. :3 1,161 . SINIA11%.103 it() r 2rtuv.t, , . • "" • of oz atirtf - :aluti,alissi - Itici•o( • ano ing . . on 8343 ,(0,31(103I1ikii; 301 :011(1".”..1031/1$f-a3d -- - 61 - 61TEXIIV Iu imol put 110151.11101 c350J :Ja33u)11110aulmna . I Z.gM0 Up • . ,S.1,N111110SfIV 110, (iniv R(INQI!'300111S “.47;31:01.:11.1,NV 110 trIS1 (DISCI AO 1VS0(1S111 il «NV 91■111.)A:X4il `NO1.1...)5111103 • (nn) (1111 0110i()Li.V.LIAN1 3 4:3 f '""f '7,1: : 11111 ai l{ ai(kral step iiui)l.tom i ,5i MAID "III.ipiri 011 pfp Moils su09san0 11011eitagos ;1141 .I01 101111103 JO 31111x1 1t;11II 041 Cy "ails 0441 aninc,4p14 113111).13' 100114 alp 0i Lpa1d :1304, pout -0pua NUJ 1 >ugiant tit palaaalp .111 lleija uopupoilus sell JO tun lad Ale ituntt0014o7.) sua{sanO anitllltkas ).t(Ia!I111aina.tnaoad papal:lsa(i :z•111333as 10puaa 311 pur. kaun 1011 }11113 'pail0s3.1 acj pegs `831)))110 9uilnc4a4.0ld as to Jo, 3111(1 ap 110 14341Xed ant. g11tptil0ut `sfQglpu0a' Jt:n100.11003 3111 30 i)Otlt>lutn,tlans,'MAlOSII of 3neg a0,.`algalunoae 14 )013 pj» 0gs•'lo.tlu0: 011 sn4 Aluno7 Mtp (134.1/‘ 11141. saisaanluluoa aatpo Ativ 'AAnlirj 0111 ,10 Algapsu0ds0a aql s1 su011r.1li011s l0 solaing0p gam Aldutoo 0) aura litnpnllw s)autat li:nl0ealu03 luanbasgns 03..10 spin _10 (a:away :no • am) j)0e )sanbaa pag 043 Jo Ni101sin0id .l011i0 a0 suotla11p30 UN 0) 9119e10.1 s0isa0•A0111uoo 11V •palsanbaa sp.rapuels 10001.10 tpim Altluioo 1011 83011 3013.ms,lesodstp All 1!"a0lanatoa atfi gjlm Apaurar umo 313th )300s t14' sturcjiag1Uil iIV • - Slolwedas polla aq 1114' pun Stapa um) s1i 0lg)o(Ixa 111116 oinpa4.s ipm Alttua q 13.1' •paupal:lap Ole Nj)aau ptas sr. pa.tad 1311.11000 aijl nunlSno.np laaaluo0'.10 aap.to aseg:iii(1 'p.11)13u1slsla.111).l A3ilua 'NUJ '30o11d At.) .10p.10,1enprnrpul Sr) MINN) IRA\ A1qua"OUR 'laeajtiorotpl A1p01t1 01 Aluog{uc .131)8 ay sus' ,t ttno7 0(31, 1s0013;11 pa 83p1 tu0al p1n13j) slOtu1000luelp)sa Sue oat nap X04l'pjn0gs .(111110 Aur. Ay 00.00003 - 010 `s0autuep lso3 Auu.ta NO! iilati0130(1E cgs'pue 8041100 paunaol r oyl.10) . .110' 0041:411µu; su :iup:i0 s1,Alu103 014.1. A111110b nip At" apcut 01) N Oval uV 1iapprq 0111 Aq pOir.Jdtualuo 0.111 81131110 la 01 sMOrsaas ssapnt paaapis016 09.311148 pig u o•11.i1moj.p 1111(11 $j).u!d 11110 slli'pl q unutrilultu0p: aa 1141 idyl 831)11raiO3 011 au 1 .tolLl. '13ON :apsoA)uo1N put! Myu •JXpeY3.'apliai8V 111111 (11111111th •s)II'Al 3, `a roc unwW ' L10auu1ln 'bilonsul,�l `pualah0.1D •4111(1 p111.31tnad `sgsrti •1u0twal3 lo 811)13 'Aluotitny .801tlj 'Sank) own' `ssop6as 1t11tpayy Aauo;iiatudl as ums :ra•i. '? Nwp•ra is Sawn a>fa'1 'pang lams A1000;) :'13' I `s.tOu(i!ssanu03 .(11140;),10 par.0l1 Aiu111)) 31311'7 nljl• 111(111111 0040r, 814)-111 .111 dtal.ted Auar jt'gi 831)11131 • 2 O O•(1 •p3fl a1 lawman spit moat ` ulpinsa,'(s)pat:,/{noa .(n xa a 110 papuad :al pi (Auto Mamma: ma: • It: 4 a tunnlls,1111 ail ntnllu11I 8 303111tatIliii Atl)ua •• tun a nt' ,(urw; a 1 aat pia III I G'G'c! i ) g I N •pa.)inbaa aij Ilr.ti saai.uas a:fluff:ma -on tram 3311.1)1103 uuaj .t)ijnenb.aliu'apm an si;saij, satyau0(0i13' , Suisngoan,l) '1'1)'31'(1 iie puts sitidugisclap 811(11.1134 s !11111o;), aql dtl pounua.103) Mae 83)000 se sputlJ,pur. 's)(1;130)g1t 110 [MU sped •012pu3s • azoajllutl 113)))1 ')430 1111 110 pass '110 OM JO, patnlsrp talon' puu 7)1t41i 111 110111/3301 1131 a0J l 1ii1)1.i 10 1 "pip 01 81 110111')!U3 sop 311 asotlind atl.I, ;nad."id : p i ii ilaas- t c:801) - �.uiuu•� fl i I SNOLLRINO;) (INV si411:L3.'IV I:) }Ids I .NGLI•:i' A5 SECTION ION 1— SI`I +'.0 :IAI: f1' RMS AND CONDITIONS' !'!'I2 Nunthcrt to n8 • Roscann Johnsim. CI'M; CPPB. Schsor Contracting Officer Lake County, BCC' O fl ice of Procur eartint' Sereiccs 3 t5 \\t., Ivlain Street, Room 41 to • PO 130X 7800 '1 a.ut&s, Pt, 32778 -781)0 Phone : 352.343.9839 Fax : 352.343.9473 E -mail: rjohnson(ai;lakccottnlytl.gov No .vnsivcrs given in - response 4o'yuestions submitted shall he binding upon this solicitation unless. rclea cd in writing as an addendum to the ,solicitation by the Lake County Orrice cif Procm'entcnt Services; 'Scaler) 1".3: Method of Award in ,the County's Rest Interests; As the best interests tt1'the County may require, the reserves the right in Make atrard(s) onp,lowe:a price basis by individual item, group of items, all or none, or a combination thereof: •with one or more vcndor(s): to reject any 'and all offers or waive • any minor, irregularity or technicality in bids received: Note: This 1'1'13 may be awarded to multiple .vendors, If the (;o1111ly awards to one or more vendors;,the resulting coiitract(s} ;will non guarantee anyone bendor(s) all of the•busmuss. Section,L4: Pr•rltitl Confcrenec ( Site.Visits Not applicable to this solicitation Note: Prior to award of coritract(s), vendor(s) twill lintttclp nc in a pre - award meeting with, details of the participating :entities, sites and contact personnel that,will'be required for the' succcsstid Vendor(s) to accomplish, • Section, 1,5:. Term - of Contract - Twelve (12) Months, This contract shall commence on4he 1ir•st calendarday of the'month succeeding approval oldie contract by the Board of County. C:tiounissionecs, 'or :designee, sinless Otherwise snptdated in the Notice. of Award Letter distributed by the' County's Office 'of Procurement Services: and contingcnt-Upim the completion and submittal of all required pre- itwaril documents. The initial &mint term shall terrain in effect turtwelve,(12) Months, and then the contract w01 rennin in cheer until completion - of the expressed awl/or imj)1tcd wa•ranty period. 'The contract prices (if any)_ resultant from tliis salicitatiotl shall prevail lbr the full dudttion of,the initial contract tci•n1 unless otherwise indicated elsewhere in this document. • 3 SECTION' 1— SPI CIA TERMS AND CONDITIONS rrtt Number Ill- 0S:'. • Section' 1.6: Opiionio, Renew for'Four (4) Additional One (I).Year Period(s) (With Price Adjustriteii)', Prior 1b, or.npon cotiipletion, bribe initial term of this amtrict, the County shall have the Makin . 19 fellow this:contntet for (bur (4) talditional one' (I) year pernxt(s), Prior to completion n each exercised contract term, the County may consider an adjustment to price, based on changes in thin following` pricing index: U.S. Department of Labor, Macau of 1,abor Statistic's appropriate indexes. " It is the vendor's "responsibility. in request in , ,writing any iiricini„ adius talent under iltis provision. The Written requesl Tor adjustment should be submitted thirty (30) calcnthir days prior tq cxpimtion of the then' current contract term. The vendor adjustment requesinst clearly substantiate the requestedaitieru ui tse. The written reliteat' for adjustment should not be in 'excess 'of the relevant' pricing index change. If no adjustment request is received from the vendor, the County will assume that the vendor has agreed that the optional term may be exercise( .without pricing'adjusttuent. Any arms mum rcyuesl`recehtdaf)e the commencement of a new option period 'shall not,t)e considered, Thc 'C,ounty reserves the right to.irject any written price adjtfstn)auts'mainlined by the veddor and /or-to not exercise any otherwise available option period based 011 such price adjustments. Continuation of the contract beyond the iniIIaI paned, and any - option subsequently exercised, is a County prerogative, and not a right of the vendor. T his - prerogative will be exercised only when such continuation is clearly in the hest interest attic County. ' Section - ) .6.1: Price Redetermination - Fuck If the below- identified price index Igor fuel (gas, iutdur diesel as applicable to the vendor's operation)'incrcascs by ten percent (t0"fo),pr more from the price index in effect on the beginning date'of any contract - resulting Irani this solicitation,- the-vcudor may petition the Procureinent Services- Direetorio Writing for an appropriate incrcasc in the contract pticc(s). Any increase in the contract p1iee(s) will be applied considering -the relation of fuel cost to the contractor's total cost tier the contracted product or scridee: Any price re - determination will be solely based upon the pereenn c change, between, the has index and the current month index as documented by the: State of Florida Department of Management Scrviec§ 144I11j1:ri;:9 :f'nada r „ nt ; 'r.,r:mr. , , cp:uni;arj:? tt , •_ ,au_I�::::ir;t'' , "`:!.;.r Metro „T r �� -n nttrtri ! t, n1 , IL),:it! h <. dal.; • %pt _; ;.Ir,: - - 'Jri•:e j,, r.!,.(, for unleaded. gas,. Florida PAD L Orlando The base index will be the index number for the month prior to the bid due date :stated in -the solicitation. The current nuiinh index will be 1he,ast month's index published he(inre doe vainest for a'priccre deterinination is made. The vendor provide (in writing) a cost analysis as described below rot' each conttaet price for'whiclt the , veintor is requesting adjustment. This analysis mist include the percentage increase ealeulntioh' between the base and current month indices; a cleat quid det.uied - representation of the' : filet cost component 'or any contract', price tin wind) an adjust neat_ is 1 • • SECTION I- SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDEFIONS ryll Numb& 10-0821 requekied; and ii calculation shinYing ;theinaginai contract price, the requested, adjustmenL'and Ilk -proposed revised price. As an! txampk. if the rind uid increases by Ovidye:pi:went (12 tun( i hc. the) cost .accounts tar ten percent (11 )%) uI the &1,t orthe sOndee, then die` Conti net price :May be increased by 1 .2 % (a 12 'a /0): 1 he 'vendor May submit additidnal n i tying or justi ying inrmat ion Mr the'Cimity's eonsideratiom Failure to provide stillitoiciit- detail in the manner described above shall-result in rejection of the. vendor:I:Mt:noes( for pricing , adjustinent, 1 I Services Director grants . ny increase in anyRontract price based upon this clause, the increased price(,$)may be, adjusted downward on a unilateral basisly the County if. , the fuel index (es) tisedlo support any previous increase tlien decrease blen-pereent.OfEALor there. Any stall chierthisc"willbethased on the eiticulations'subinithm.1 by the pertaining to any previous mice increase. -This clause may be used in addition to any other pricc• redeterminiition clause in this invitatiimieontract, Section'13: Method of Pavnicul'-•PeriodiePavtur tits for Service Rendered The County and P.0.0.1.. entities shallprovide periodic' payments fir servicex•rendercd, by the vendor. In order For thc Cranny mprovide paYmetu, the vendor shall submit a fidlyilocumented invoice that plovidea the baste information set Milli below lhc invoice shall submitted to the appropriate County depanment within thirty (30) calendar days alter ',the , service has been rendered. Itshall b,e understood that such invoices shall not-be submitted tar payment, aunt such time as the service has been completed and a County tepresentatiVe has reviewed inakapproved the service. Ali inVoiccs shall contain. the contnier andioc pureliase order riumber. ;date and location of delivery or service, and ccincirmation of acceptance or the goods fir :names by the appropriate County 60 representative. Failure' to submit invoices in the Pa:scathed manner will delay' Payinent, and the vendor may be considered_ in delatill ()I' contract aiaI its contract may be • terminated. Pay‘inehts Shall -be tendered in accordance with the Florida -Prompt Payment Act, Part VIkehapter 218, Fiorida,Statittes. Seetioil 1.8: lastirance(PuithaseOver $25,000) - Each vendor shall include in its SoliedatiOn, response' paekage Proof oI i capabilities. ineluiding but not limited to. the fol lot ing,requirements loes' not mean in at the vendor must .haVe the go'verage prior' to- submittal, but, that the coverage must' be in effect Prim to *11 purchase Circler or contract being executed by the:County.1 An -original, certificate of iniairmice, mrheating that the dwiirded vendor has' coverage in accordance With' the requirementS of this' ,cc Lion 'shall Ile' tarnished by Mb vendor to the • Contracting Officer within live (5) working- days or such request and nisi be received :and accepted by the County prior to contnict'execution midior benne any \vork begins. ... • 5 • SECTION I— ,SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1'1'13 Numbct 14)-( 1;121 :1 '1'1ic vuudtit' shall provide and 1111nntain at all tines during the term of any c:onit'act; tvithnw cost or expense to thu'Connty, punch's of insuritncc,-with a company or compgnieS aulhorizeitto do • lust iieSS in the State 0f•Florida, and which.are a1iedpiablc to thc'County, insariug the vendor • against nny and all claims, ticinimds..ar cause's of notion whatsoever, for injuries received or damage' to properly:1dating to the' ntlimuancc iii' dtities,:sunviccs iind/or oblitatiotis of the vendor tinder 111e terms livid pravisions of the (1antract. The' vendor is.1 sponsihlc 11111.11111e1Sil provision of certilicate(s) or insurance to the, County at the certificate holder address e itlenehig eoniormancc with the cormact tcjuirements'at all limes tlirottghoot the lartii of the citatract. Snclrpolicics of insurance and confi icing certificate:; iii msitrance, shall iiisi1'u thmvcndor is in accordance with the—following mininiimi liinitsi General Liability insurance tm Ibrtns tie more restrictive than tiro latest edition of the Occurence' Fortis Commercial General Liability policy (CO 00 O1) of the Insurance Services prime or equivalent without restrictive.cndorscments, with the following utinimun limits and t:uvernge1 • Mach OccurrcnceKicnerai Aggregate, $1.040;000 /2,000.000 Products- Completed OPelittions '$2.000,000 Personal & Adv. Injury $1,000,000 he Damage- $50,000' it4cdical lizlicnsc $5.000. Contractual l i a b i l i t y 7 included • Autottiobile liability. insurance,, including owned, tton- OW nal, and hired autos With the following ininuntim limits and covct Combined Single Limit' $1,000 -000: Workers' cnmpct)satton insurance based' 011 proper repotting of classification codes and payroll amounts 'm accordance. with Chapter 440, Florida Statutes, and/or any other applicahlc .law rc4ttiring workers' compensation (Federal, nmritinic, etc). 'if not, required dry, last? to- maintain workers compensation insttrancc;:tlte vendor must provide a nolariicd statement that if lie or she is injured; 'Te she will not hold the Coutity-responsible lhr any jrrymcnt or conipensauoti. E'a iploycts Liability insurance with the following minimum limits and coverage: Each Accident $1,000,000 Disease -Each it nployec $1,000,000 Disease- Policy Limit $1,000,000 Professional liability and /or specialty ,msurimee Onediuil malpractice, cngincers, architect. consonant; environmental poliution, errors, and omissions, etc) iusmatxc.as applicable, with mminum limits of $1;000,000 and annual aggregate of $2,000,000 The Iirli0wing additionafcovcragc trust be provided it -a dollar value is inserted below,: Loss of Use at'coverag t vaine $ _ _ _._ .. - -- r, SECTION, SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS irttNumber- :0 • Garage Keepers'l,iability at cuvcrage value. Lake' County: a Political Suhdivtsihn of die State of Honda. ,and (he Hoard of • County Commissioners„ shall be maned as additional insured as ;their', intciest limy appear on all applicable liabiluy iiisur jxilicics. The :cciiilicatc(s) of<insurancc shall Provide fora miniinunt nftturty (301 days prior tiviitica notice to the C'oitnty cif a11)' eb ngc cartcctlatiun. iir 11011! 1iewal:0f the provided nisutititcc. It is the vendor's specific responsibility to ensutc, tit ti :any such notice Is provided within the stated tuneframc to the certificate holder.' Certificntc(s) cif• insurance shall identify Ilse applicable - solicitation (1T131R1l'(RFQj outilicrin tln: Description of OjScrrtions section of the Certificate Certificate holder shall be. LAKE Cr./LINTY, A POLITICAI. SUI3DIVISION OF TI IL STATE OF FLORIDA, AND THE f30A1tD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. 1'.0: PDX 7300 TAVARES,.IT: 32'7s =7g00 Certificates of instazmce'shall evidence a waiver .of subrogation in favor of the County. that • coverage shall be primary and nootontributoiy,anal that each evidenced policy includes a Cross • Liability or, Severability of Interests provision, with no requirement of premium payment by the ( 'ouuty The Vender shall be responsible foir :subcontractors and their insurance. Subcontractors are .to provide certificates of insurance to the prints vendor .tvidtncirin coverage zinc' tuniis _m accordance'wfth the Vendor's,rcquticinents. All self - insurer( retentions shall appear on the celldicatc(s) and shall' basubject to_appioval by (he County. -At the opticni of -the' County. the' insurer shall reduce or eliminate such self - insured retentions or the vendor or subcontractor shall be required to proeurc a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related claim eSpeiises. 1' he County shall. be exempt front, and •11.110 Way Amble tor. 'city, suits of Motley. t hick' may • represent a:deduc(ible' ir,sell= instired retention in any insurance policy., '1hc payment of such deductible or self- insured retention shall he the sole. responsibility of the vendor andcor sub contractor providing Sneh' insurutce. Failure to obtain and aitaintain such insurancems sit out above.will be considutcd a breach of contract and may instill in tcrooluitton,of the contract for dcfitictt. • Neither approval by the County of any insurance supplied by an: vendor or. Sul nintetorls }. nor future to disapprove that insurance. shall 'relu yr the vendor i;r Sttbconu,rctor(si Of full responsibility for liability damages, and accidents as set forth herein„ Sh :(' 1 IO V L- SI`h :CIAL (1:ItM5'ANI) CONUI'PIONS rr13- N;Boic , '1 -(S1: 3 ;;;�•: & =i i : s•',&th,t1. .• ; =c;a: (eI : S @s; :2E V•' .:i :13:11:3.3y: ' i•t•tiftr: t,• tit 1 isti=1c ::i ;r1.: ii; : :1 ,�or=,>Iit.�': s "( , iat.il :S S :i; ;tsrV'; :Irr;t fti c :sa :.t; :•il : :i.i,a;. :, iiir ti;iti,= t.r : :r €• = +;i -; v € ?rif;l7 :ra bottle' Seclibii 3.9:, Bonditig Iteilttirements Not appliciblc to this solicitation • Section LID: Completion /Delivery As specifier! in Statement of Work Section 1,11: Acceptance of Goods or Services Tlie services(s) rendered ruiner the contraet will not be deemed eontplcte'until scrvice(si • is (are) accepted, by the ;Cow)ty or P O1),3 Entities anal sh ill'he in c oiupliam:0 with, the terms .11 ern, fully in accord with the spacifications'and of the highest qualify. • Suction •1.12: Warrintty Not applicable Tor this 1 - Section 1.13 Deliveries and Conipletidu oI'Solicitation Response Section 1.13.1: - I)elivcry of Solicitation Itespousc U . UnIess, a package ;is delivered by'thu vendor in person, all incoming mail from the (3. S. Postal Service and any Package" delivorod,hy'a'third party :deltvely" organization (Fe.c1Ftx, tteti; 0111. private courier. etc.), tvi31 be ofiened` 3or security 'and 'contaniautlidii inspection by the Lake • County Clerk of the Circuit Coon Mail Reeetvrttg Center in an oft= site'Secure controlled facility prior to delivery to, any_ lake C minty Croverninent facility.' which 'Includes the Lake, County Office of procurement Services To be :considered for award, a bid or proposal must be received anti accepted ut the Procurement • Services Office piiitr to the date and time'estalilished with at thc,snlicitation. Allow sufficient' time for transportation and inslieelton - Each package shall-Lie 'clearly marked with the appticabie solicitation number, title, and company name. Ensure•that your: bid or, proposal ,is sccw'cly scaled in an opaque. cnvelope!packagclo .p confidentiality of file bid or proltosat prior to the due date stated in the solicitation. It you pan on submitting your hid or proposat IN PERSON, please bring n to, LAKE Cxl1;N1'Y PRC)CCRI'.MENI SERVICES 315 W MAIN'STREET • • 4`I'I1 FLOOR; ROOM 43( •fAVARIS. FLORIDA ti • St C"1'It)N 1= SPEC! 11 It MS AND CONDITIONS 11'13 Number ;I). WO • If Vou'subnut your bid or proposal by the 1)N1 1'0' '1"A1 SIl;R\ 1(:1±; (USI'S), 'please mail it lo: LAKECeRiN -4' PROC111t13MENT SLR VICES PO 13OX 7800 , TAVARES, FI: 32778 -78(x! If you subunit yotir bid or proposal by a TUEBD PARTY CARRIER such as, Fcd(:N, III'S, or. a private courier, plcesc send it to: LAKE: COUNTY` PROCt1RiiNQENT SERVICES MAiLRItCEIVINO CENTER 416 W. MAIN STREET` TAVARES,1 L 32778 Facsimile (iaxfor electronic submissions (e-mail) Will not be accepted. Scetiotr1.13:2: 'Completion Reciedienicnls for Invitation tit laid • 'i'wo'(2) signed original bids and three (3) complete copies .of the bid,sulttititted by the vendor shall lie sealed'amhtlelivcred to the'Oflice of Procurement "ervices no.laterthamIlte official bid due date attd. time. Any -hid received after this time will not,be eansidered.iind will, be returned unopened to the submittcr. '1 he,County is not liahlc,or ecsponaihlcaor,any 'costs, incurred byanv Bulder in. responding to this i1t3 including,' without limitation, costs .for product and/or service demonsu at ions.i f requested, • Whel yon sttlnitit,y'aur lrid. yon are staking a binding eller to the County and are agreeing ter alt of the terms and conditions in this.lnvitation to Bid. ' tlsc only the form(s) Provided ire this docutnent. If you Make any change to the content or format' o1 any limn, 'the County may disqualify your offer. All infoistation shall be legible and either.written rit iak' or typewritten. 11' you make a corrcetion'or change "on 'any'document, the person .signing the "bid proposal' Most • initial'th change. The bid shall he manually signet/ in BLUE iNK by an official auiliorircd to legally bind' the Bidder to its provisions, COMPLETION OF I3ID 1 _._ 'AC "iCA(,ip,: The vendor shalt complete all required entries iu.Scetion 4 of the hid Ibrm such as, hut not limited to, pricing pages, signature, certifications, references,. and acknowledgcriicnf ()flatly solicitation addenda, Thu vendor shrill submit the entirc solieittitioii with all "Secti 4 entries completed in.thc numbcr.of copies specified to the address specified iri this solicitation. The vendor shall also submit mty:supp_orting documents (io.includc proof of insurability and provision of hid' hoods as required), samples, •and /or dcscriptiye Iitcraturc required by any of the provisions in Section 2 of the'soltcitation. in a separate smiled, • i:nvelope 'p.tckitge -marked "Literature' for Bid (Number)." Do not indictite bid- prices on "literature... SECTION I- SPECIM, 'FERN'S AND,CONDITIONS 1 Fit Nun-Ater ill osi - • Specific Completion Direction's. 'PricantI shall he completed as directed within.Scetion 'Initialand date 111 RLUE.INK-the stiadd(st for each addenditin you iceeiyed hn• this - Mi. his"eicany prompt paynient discount that .you s 11 of ICI% Note p1yIl1en1 i i\111:1' 30 DA VS otherwise •k Complete all certifications included within Section 4 of the solicitation. . te, Complete the reference informatitm sheets (include at Itsist three rcrocricem contained within the solicit:Moth • Coinpiele the vendor inlbrinatiOn, and sign the hid (IN BLUE INK, oti.the"spaces provided in Section 4 of 41 the solicitation. 11 ilisul a flcu ts '1:equired,submit culler a eeriifictire of- Insurtince, or (videuce of 111S11131)314.. , that is in comphariee Witlitim stated insurance requirements. Section 1 14: Aelditiottal'Entities ainifor Entity Etteilities ntay'be added' this solicitation - and resultant contract ideinifics•sPeCilie entities io'be iierviatd, it is hereby agreed and' tunlerStood that an/Crany department 41r P.O.O.L; agency ,and/or facility may be added to this contract 'at the option Of the .C'ounty. When required • by the, Micing ,structure of the centrilet, Vendor(s) under this contract shall hcinvLtcd 141 subinit price iittotes Co} •these additional fimilitieSi If :these quotes are. deiemlined to be. kur and reasonable, then the additional work will he awarded to the current contract _vendot(s) that oilers dic towest acceptable'pneing. The additional site( s) shall be added trithisContract try Ibrinal mintilicatton, • . . The County may obtanfprice quotes for the additithial facilities from other vet the event that Mir and reasonable 'pricing 25 1101 obtained froin the currenecontinet 'vendors, m Tor other reasons at the'Countysliscretion. ,Sect .15: Aitsuinistrittive Reports Colsisioni-with tht; needs Of the County:certain relevant data-regarding purchases .. :of goods andmr serincesamder County contracts is to be gathered and maintained Accordingly, each vendor under this contract is to provide, quarterly reports to The County as' to the:nature of the goods •and/or services pun:ha:Mil from them hy the County during The preceding three months, The" rcjxnls shallincludeilte quantity. description and unit priccts) of the goods and/(1r services.• The repoi are nibetsubmittrid in Writing' to: I ke'Count y 0 if ice" oi Procurement ServiCes, Fleet Management Division • Attention N ik k 1. Wright PO Bes MOO . Tavares,- rt 327 1 'SECTION I— SitECIAI. TERMS AND CONDITIONS fro Nwithei: ionic The reports h tll,lic_suhniittcd no later than fifteen 1,15) calendar days after. the expiration of ilic third J30.0 Month of each contract period I inure to sucb'Iuports. in riultS mmnner wily be considered _t lirejtchof pei and suljeci to larnutl pggcedines-in_that recant:: Sect ion : :16: Certificate of Competencyll.icensure, Permits..and Fees Any person, first. corporation dr. joust venture that submits an offer in response to ;r County solicitation skill, :it the tine+ af otier, hold a vidid (:crtilit rte of Competency or appropriate current license issued, by the Stain or (aunty 1 \ it tiniug 13oard qualifying said Person, lir'ni, corporntiomor joint venture to.perlirrm the work proposed. 1f. work lbr other trades is required to conjunction• with this solicitation and will be perlinmcd bye sub - contractors) or vendor(s) hired by the prinielresioittfing wcndor,•;in applicable Certilicatc of Competcncy(lieeitsc issued to tlic sub- contractor(s)/hired, vendor(s). shall be submitted with the prim /responding vendors offer: • provided; however, that the County may at its Option. and' in its best interest allow the primclresponding'youth* to supply the sub coutraetor(s)lhired vendor(s)pertificatc/ license to tlte, C g, ounty durin the offcr.cvattiatioti period. The pinntisesponding vendor is responsible to ensure_ • that MIL required liccnscs, permits loin fees' (to include tuty / inspection .fees) required.for'tin pmjeet are i>btitincd'and paid ibr, aid shall comply with all 'taws, ordim inces, regulations', :111(1 building or other •cixtc o'ctjtiireincnts applicable to the work.cnntcniphitcd herein. Damages, pcmalties,'andidr fines imposed con the'(iounty or the vendor fir failure to 'obtain, reilitired iicenses,,permiis, inspection orothcr fees, or inspections shall' c horny by the vendor, Sect ion. 1.17:, Clean -tip • 'All unusable, materials and debris 'shalt be removed from the prentiscs, at'the cud of'each workday, and disposed of in an appropriate manner. Upon final completion,. the vendor shall thoroughly clean up all. areas. «'here week has been involved as mutually agreed .With the associated user depininicnl "s projcct0tanager. Section 1.1 t3: Competency of Vendors and Associated Subcolitrtictors 1'lic County may dent 'to conduct a pre -award inspection of the vendors facility during.the offer evailtiation process. Offers will be considered only front firms which arc regularly engaged iii the business of providing pr distributing the, goods and/or perloiming.thc services as described in the solicitation, and who can producc.cvidence of a consistent satisfactory' record of performance. Vcndonimiust demonstrate That they have'sufiicicnl financial support and organization :10 ensure that they Can Seth 1itetorily execute .the contract if awarded udder the tcrni''and conditions herein' stated. In the event that the Vendor intends to sub- contract any pats of it work tn..aneither • vendor, or will obtain thegoods specifically offered under this contract from' another source ot supply: the vendor may. c. required to verify the competency of its sub- contr<actor,or supplier. The County rescrves the.right, betbre awarding the contract, to'requirc a vendor to submit such • evidence of, its qualifications •and the, qualifications of its sub - contractor as it may (14.511 necessary 'Clio County mtiy consider ;my evidence available to it or the financial, technical and other qualifications and abilities of any vendor responding hcrciuidcr, including ,past performance with the County, in detetinunug vendor responsibility fin' the purposes of selecting vend(); . n dO; lin 1 SECTION Ir.SP1sCIAL TEI4MS ANID CONDITIONS tin Numher:.1 a -082 • Section 1.19:: Compliance with Federal Standards Alt itenis to he purchased under this contact stroll be in: accordance with a11 gt'vcrumcntul standards, ter include; but, not he limited to, those issued, by the Occupational Safety aitd'1Iealth Administration (OSHA), tore National Institute of Occupational Saicty 11 nzar(IS (NIOS11), and the Naiibnd Fire Protection Assoc a tinn (NFPA) Section 1.2h: Deletion of Facilities .t Although this solicitation identifies specific entities to be serviced, it is hereby agreed and Midertitobd that any; County department or participating agency may delete service for any fneility'(ics) when, Stich service is no longer regtrinxi litrinig:die contract period; upon Iburteen t 14) calendar day'swritten notice to the \tenter. Section 1.21: Emergency Service during Declarcd,Evcuis •fhe.vunclin shall provide 24 hours. 7 days, a week - emerge :ncy tservice during declared events { when (ir'if necessity) to' the County ureter the`conraC1; Emergency scrt4ce response, (in it (defined as the time Irian acknowledged notification to arrival on -siiel shall he within bventy '( our (24)'hoifrs ater notification bythe County. Sec(igti 1.22: Key Contractor Personnel In submitting a proposal, the Proposer isrepresenting that each person listed or referenced in the proposal•shalebe available to perlimn the services described 1 fit the Lake _County Board iii• County Commissioners, barring; Illness,. accident, or other untbrcsecahlc'events of a similar nature in which ease the Propostr must be able to proin provide a qualified replacetni nt In the event the Projoser wishes, to s ubstitute personnel, the' Proposer shall propose a persomwith • equal or higher qualifications and e ach replacement pet'son i' subject - to poor written County approval. In the event the requcstcxi Substitute perso is not satislactoryto' the County and the, matter cannot be resolved to ',the 'satistiletion "of the County, the County reserves the rtglit In cancel the contract I r cause. Section A lt 23:. Lahti•, Materials, and 1 gnipnlent Shall be Supplied by the Vendor Unless otherwise slated in this solicitation the vendor shall 'furnish all labor, material ;and equipment necessary forsatishictory &Minna'performance, \Vital not specifically identified in the technical specifications „Such materials and equipment shall he ail suitable type and' grade for the purpose. 'All material, workmanship. anti'e shal1,hc subject to the 1nspectionand • approval ol'the.Couiny's 1 roject : Manager ' Section 1.24: Lineitcd Contraci Extension to ^Maintain Service' Levels tits hereby agreed and understoo(tthat this contract may be extended for an additional thirty 1311)_ day transitional period taller the stilted expiration date ni the contract -including'any cunt - Me cxtcnsteiis ekerciSt(1 tinder the initially established option, period twins cif' tll t'. colltiict. Dw11 ig this trailsttiotlai peribd the vendor agrces Id Continue the wile � r a reduced Ievei, (Jr suety 12 SEC :TiON 1 -- SPIECIAL`TKRMS.ANI) t'ONDiTIONS fit Nuirthcr :.10.082 reducti is mutually_agreeil to .and • appropriately documented) cif servici.i':to the' County at the Saint) prices` while the new cithiract, also in twice, is,being mobilircd. 11' the .vendor is supplying egtiipntcnt in conjunction with this contract, the vendor itgrees to retain the equipment at the' designated County premise for aui additional thirty (30) calendar days after the current expiration of the Contract; al- ty"hich,timc the equipment shalt he rcinoved from the pretnises. 'Elie vendor shall be allowed tb invoice the affected County. departn ent for this additional per rod on,a pro- rated basis. ' Section i 25: t3missiuu from the Specifications •floc apparent silence of this spccdication and, any addcndunt regarding any details, or the omission from' the specification of, a detailed description conccrinng'iny point, shall he,rcgarded as meaning that only thc.bcsi commercial practices are to prevail, and Ihatoitly : materials and workmanshili oi''tirsl' quality are to be used. Ail interpretations of Ails .speciticalioit shall he madc.upon'the basis ()I' this agreement. Section L26: Protectinir of Property All existing stnictirres, utilities, services, roads, trees; shrrhbcry• grid Properly in cvhicli fhc County has an interest shall be,protccted against, damage or interrupted'services it. alttinies bV Abe vendor during the tern of this contract; and the vendor shall he held responsible. Rif repairing or replacing propcny to the sttisfaction'of the County which is damaged by reason of the 'vendor's operation Uri `the property In ante event the vendor fouls ict comply with these requirements, the County, reserves the right to secure the rekjuired.serti`ices and charge the costs Of such services hack to the vendor, Section L27: 'Toxic Sulistances /aideraf"Right To liana Regulations •The Federal, "Right to 'Know" Regulation implemented 6v the Occupati Sa and Ilehlth Adnurnstintion (OSHA) and the Florida "Right -to- Know" 1.'aw requires employers to, infim. their employees of any toxic substances to which they may,he exposed in the workplacecattd`to provide training in safe handling practices and emergency procedures: 11 alit) requires notification to Iocal fire depairtments of the' location and characteristics of all toxic substances regularly present in the workplace. • Accordingly. the vendor(); 1 peliorming, under this contract shall 'be requited to provide two 121 complete sets of Material. Safety Data Sheets to each ,participating entity utulirtng the;anvardcd products. This lnloimaiion should be provided at the time.wlien the initial delivery is made ;dila depmiment -by- department basis Anytime the content of. an MSDS is revised, the vcridar'shall promptly provide a new MSDS to the participating'cntitics with the new mtormation'relevant to the specific: product. Additionally. vendor(sj may. be requested to provide'Matethil Safety i)aia Sheets 'hi the (Anna} during the evaluation period,, • SF.C:'1 I ON A(Sl) "('Cil\1) rri3 Nv eat ir: IV 0. • Section 1:28 Drums The County shall notipay anyldeposit or purchase ()I' drums or storage uontnuur. The vcndnr(s)• shalt coordinate with ihe,appropriate Ilea managers or P O O L: entity; staff Member 10 establish a schedule for the pickup of the filled drains or '.lo rage ': contains'. 'l`h(, contractorShal1 bring n empty drum or storage'Container'Wheit picking up drums of any of the used oil, used. oil filters, ttscd-antifreeze; sludge,' pads aiad oil absorbents, and !Cods products. Section 1.29: Miuinntm Wages Under this contract; the wage rate Paid •to all taborets, tllechanics and apprentices employed by the vendor ibr the'work -under the contract, shall not be less than the wage' rates' tor simitau • classifications of, work as established by the Federal. Ciovcrninent and enhireed •»y Department of Lahor,'Wages and Hours Division, and 1 Iirrida's.Minimum Wage requirements in Article X,, Section 24 (II of the Florida Constitution and curt by the - Florida' Lcl islature' by • •statute or'thc State Agency fiat' Worklevee Innovation by tile, whichever is higher. Section 1.30: Background Screening (Applichhle'lo,Sehoul Board Deliveries Only) • The contractor represents warrants to the,SCI IO( }L BOARD that the contractor has read and is fathiliar with Florida Stattuc Sections 1012.32, 1012.465, 1012.467, and 1011468 regarding' background •ntvestigatious. Contractor covenants to comply with all rujuirenients of the above cited statutes, and shall provide SCI IDOL BOARD with proof ofetimptiancc upon request. t.'ontrnclor•ngrees to tndemnily and hold harinless the SCHOOL BOARD, its officers, agents and 'employees from any liability in the Iorm oi'pity:acal, Murry death, or property damage resulting front the contractor's ham: to comply with the requirements of this paragraph or Florida Statute 'Section' 1012.32; 1012:405, 1612.467 and 1012.468 .Section 1.31: Minimum Wages Based en hederal Law • Under this'contract, the wage rate paid' to all laborers, mechanics and apprentices employed by the vendor for the work under the contract, shall not he Tess than the ,prevading wage rates for similar classifications of Work 'as 'establistied by the Federal GoVernntent and entbreed by tine 1L5. Department of 4,abor, Wages and 1louirs 1ivision, and Florida's Minimum. Wage requirements' in Article X, Section 24 ( l) of the Florida Constitution and enforced by the Florida L(gislaturc by statute or the 'State Agency for Workforce innovation by 'rule, whichever is • • higltcr., I4 • SECTION Z- STATEMENT OF WOWS- f I B \ wibcr :n -os 2 i SCOPE OF SERVICES The pttgiose of,t solicuntion is.to establish a contract, f'or.the colleciaon, rccycling.and proper disposal of Used nil, used oil Biters, used antifreeze, sludge, pads and oil absoibuns, and fluids as needs are t{cteimined•.by the County's various' 'departments a all participauinrt-.1'.O.O.L entities The vendor(s) shall provide any and all equipment' find' personnel to ,collect, transport, set ccn, treat recycle used oil. used antifreeze, ivied aril filters, sludge, paid, and oil absorhents.- and •fluid', ter aihtlie participating entities. '1'hc•vendor(s) shrill also hr responsihledo disjunct; tit, these' Materials according to the Florida Department of liavironniental Protection regidations. 'The vendor(s) shall have .it minimum of three' (3) years in .the .hazardous tvastc collection, transpirt,,treatments, disposal o1'thc, used oil, used oil filters, used antiti'eeze, sludge, pads and nil absorbents, and fluids. 'PIie vcndor(s) shall hat °,valid 1'll0'I' acid EPA identifications numbers for the transportation:of Me used' oil, used oil filters, used antifreeze, sludge: pads and oil absorbents, andl Vendor(s) shall include copies -cif these identification numbers with 'their .bid. submittal. The vcndor(s) Personnel - shall have the 'appropriate State of Ilurida -driver's licenses inr the transportation oi' materials. 't'hevenclor(s) vehicles shall be labeled and placarded per state and (federal requirements. The veatinr(s; shall have pnccuduresTEor screening unacceptable used ori, used oil filters- used antifrcczc,•sludge, pads' and oil absorbents, and fluids' Veu lor(s) are io attach, copy pc thew. • piiccdures u r - expl or these procedures to their bid submittal. The vendor(s) shall be responsible Ibr suiting oP the unusable products The vinclor(s) shall he responsible for disposal. of any material- that' bccomes' contaminated along with 'ally of tlic containers The vendor(s) shall identify all treatment, storage or disposal lacihtles they will uulrze'during any contract awarded Mr this 1113. The venthtt(s; will need to submit the following Gtr each facility ailhzeil. e- Nanie of Facility • Address' of Facility •• Phan° Number Of the Facility o Contact Person for the Facility • Copies of Each. Applicable State it Fedcia{ Permits Compliance Status e Any Notice's of Violations in the'PasiTwo i21 Years' a' Expianations'of•Violations (Explain what chautg s th:i; have occurred' to hake the fiierl;h appropriate and safe to tuilazc at this time') i - • • • SECTION 2— STATEMENT OF WORK trnNUmhcr ,u -ox?a :Ile t'otmty reserves 111e ..1 . 111,111 10 111Si/eel with Ycasan:ible nottee any lhcitiiy used toi the Management Pr the used 'oils; litters and unlitieezc. The vendors) shall supply at hi; charge to the participating entities the equipinent.(15, 30 or.55 gallon Brutus,,. tc.) to stole the used oil.'used filters and uscd•anti11eczc. The arnoutit of material .tb be recycled, treated or disposed of shall he dctcrmined by. utilizing metered removal; ganging • 'Or physicalmaasurcntent. The vcndor(s) shall idsci be able to train any and all 1'.0.0.1_. employees on the proper shit age, at the oil, used oil fitters, used antifrccze, sludge, Bads and pit absotbents,;and . lluid' for the vcndor(s) ease and any state or federal' compliancc.lor transport. The County, and other j)nrtic :apating entities' priority is to recycle and reuse products as deemed acceptable. Products not•i'ecycled 1uu'sed or treated shall be „ disposed per state 'and federal regulations.. Standard Operational'hotira of all the participating entities will' be' frdm 8:0Onm to 5:OOpth Monday.tlirotigh Friday. All entities shall be closed for the major holidays: Actual }roars cif' • operations and closures - of the participating entities twill be provided to the awarded vendor(s) • • 1h SKC 1'1ON 3' GFNt:RAl, 17?R(1S ANI) (C)Ni)ITH)NS i fit bomber: ili s.l u a„ h, „xaeJ 1„ (iutr,., + „1,40.Iip IE ,, sDltondacru,. Addenda: A Value, ehdnpr Ina +,4,asItoo, or amnullam unties a'o , aItact vv it Is rn pubha ,n!IIV, and noay nut dtid Sh I,la ".a96a•.inv.s lib:m)' illkk IU l n, e ate-, of thelhn >hnld' :' nil?rfc� I n a nt ,tim(l sult ninai n i rr.j,on+e l hr u I, I Inns ibou a Rid, amoi l r.:oc6kd io Icahn r knt 117 e i' Ih I'f i r nrJ 't Siu o, e,, t ILA I'Uf011(1 "R VI I liir a period or 3Pi mm llr'liooi ace dale .,t Itidtan"; 'Skill "rcl, r is, anvuue <uhmirony it ball in raspm+n Io an Wai f piac<d irn the couricted vendlit kiL luvit.dxm N Ill .' ('. ttequr6l for'Additional infonnafion ( d: ulra:fhd:il'mtiue7�l Iii prd„nn U. .,c0. is v._ui lortb in IIi Anv tnuununiaati,m ur inyouuro,rt:q>i Ill t Im ilicalien of pnac.+ + inn, 'I1.. eonitaoi will .l,e t ..npr: ed of Ilu Snl4,aio, or pnwesla c abe.nlycamranitt n, U•v e,hcirAmu, are iv l +• malls, m duamulft siitrkl by 4,11, pushes whb"wly z,J,nJ., alxl. otlwr writing ia ihcancnlnm id ihc proauanrtnt reps rcNaBCC W,itilicd, agahn,aat ep „ifk:dly inunpmulaal' as its, solitilut:oo no lath deals ive (5) w i:I.im• d.n't lido, It, lire Conlrnciur: Iltc anldnr to wluel, n alt! hi h+vh made, hid Jac dale. S: 1, nxp,na shall conlain the ,eque,ler , 00000 (,out 1m11 rtlL in 1 4100 County. 10:11.!. 'd',,a idq,houi-' limier, ll:Uim.wilir,l Jay fu+inule, tIte ivaita1100 (0 1NJ it I (4)1 Shall mcm Ihn sn60ii.flion 41000110rit, n,Iirest >holdd also tnclwk' a ur,n l:I rd J in. 11.- hither a l'l Imling any and all ndd004e,. Au Ills ,contu!es xdbJcfine') the i ndc nund 0auns, cnnddion+, ;nit %pr,ilicaonn+,'und I, a +.meet a, die lovra, I Ilriecd tc:ponvivr,md taspanulbk l.iddm' 'I "lie'l)liitc of 1'nxuu'nlcnl '4i& mac' ix Vii addcrrlum is Modilicationi' A x! 10.6, chango I's Iand,.ut• r,.pdn+, as any myna} ucenid, Pam bL hat vlwmng, which 141'+pooible: Rota. III D hiddn led has the capaeur anti eII ngra,add+to; orclaniics the b'nun. 111.04011, m rcquirunnt+ tapabibly al pedlnm the murk rupuuvl andin.i, Ii »ildlion Dr Ifi+I, of !lit solmumion: (1, bidder ..+bread not rely 3!! nun :a rte its ill I,a,"a' el igiblc 1 i nn aid .. 'r, ," n4dit+d al.4 0.t,! fir r.+pldnhou whcthrr xri0rn 0, tdial, 12e4pnna1ve: I4efa1. to a ludtkr Illat hat+ IjI c0. no auapun to + !ban tlio;e 0.1 alt, in Ihi u 'aril nmern 44 ill nu•. •dswe'la n tn ihc 4'uia, cun4Iid'sn4, n11i1 .pa-vJkatiuu, >ri loth as atidemlu iaubd , Whale h.re npp+•ar, lo 14 :1 a'unlliet b: ix'eeu this au lrgll:iIa11 I „till, ,idr(iIabsu and any :llama.:, ibr Idyl nJdaxIunY I141nal .11411 $ulieiluliun' Use wlinm, ducununt nap,caug;, cilhu hills of Iicvad. It 1s the b:.da't realxnrdublp to Olin, Iccdpl of all jn(fe %al, bon, timmukniplat'e" addc,Ja and any urcunll).mynlg mes da itutos, 'I he b01dr n \endar: A pavaal rv6rimcd n :tile eulily'e,,ftendina! h, this requlwd ID suhniil fah its bid n wind "Ackn..vd- -come at snbaifahun of peAhunmg stn+ {creuy raauhnl; ti,ithmL Addaxld' iixni ,then :any Odcade h,nc,Lrrn ka0d l tilure 4, - It knon•kd:!v cdaL aJJrndum o,ay piesool 1I,e bid Iron, hcuq: I lie ('stunt}' 1.:o e'dabhshcd list pmlv,x:: of tin, (nviWI,nn as Ui'I unuid: eel lie axaul - ( 17(5} dint the naidv "4!1131 ', "mu >i' std 'wall" ,'Ir t•4uiraki1t 'p1 1), Cunleuix of Solicilaliou :nut bidder: 24esixtihtliliex till, I I'll and iadimle is uondtauy nxpkeni' l w ironliIisu, tlu" h is the tcyxm.ibiiiq + Ind,ki m bamw rhon lanidi,n molest, akviaoon hoe, vvI icli J,all I'l be 'vivo! iy ibr t 'Dimly' xill, It Inp11mnnn15, 0,014. anti cnnJdinli:. of I1.,+ ojica:niou, A alavialioa k malaidl. d,' in dim ('away, 14 ,led,sum4 • A. 1'1:u 411 itvomncr of the +r induce' Il the .biddar ',till nit br dtli. unt.u40 0 ti not ui saU;iantiol avoid Stith 4111. 1111 x a.eclll d a, a !rave liar anil the t tlmj,d ill' ul 110 401111114 „r alatJ:loiy rtquucntanl•. - rlw word " shnubl° of ' ma)" me IIw adeslni b, IxV paid fo the v+rofor. elI d ivnlcal in his 111t and mdi riry di .1131.10 cotidbiao„ of 1•:. 1(0 trkltd 1)iynidhm, _ laapuunKems: 1.411 an.p ir111 4ivc 11 14114t 11x: dal, oI ia,nanac „ i this +0.h I"an mail lied Cou, 11411..1. vt,ithir , should a d+:-u-. . Ili.:a tit an }' pml 3.1 1NSI14UCi'1 o t) NIIH}Ia(S Ihuavl •.vilh any cm(luya -, upanl, of env rlbu'Irprcscutn4iaa Dt A. Uiddri (jualiticaniniion - the ('riunp ;e.cgrt a:: uy uuaL01os. by list, de iturjul 11 in 111 p,ha) ul the Coanq Iu tua.dnal;c tide and 4111011 ptueorcntun r0l aduenuuicnn,n+ film %hail It runrlxduvn :1000, all aa'mlaldc ynaIIIIOI 40114(x1. Al1 :c11410r.4 .onsnlonJ yicnman In This anti. arc afpwprmlelr vBnnt o:pulai k' uuagad m the qpc of . ,talk splcdinl iii iba• soll!au.,n xliaan 'I'w'd ieh-s (boil, :1.c aotdol in ilia daaa;ir.na p0. !nun are cuasuw4yd Is a,rlm,il Tidy ' \4ndom 1!!.ry'ouo11 wnh Ihr npn' and nny 1elccaN i47i0en dcunu'm 1141 nnuh;afcd h}. I onmy loi br includnl 0114! 10.111 Ii for scla.ie'l eaIOIDrivs ill the ihµ;n.n d pd...mental scpresa;ndti%c' (rood.' side ac<viaa.a. lu be lrcmm0IC0!la'd till media Ili a tbuo P. Cb:mgc nr N'itlidrovnt of Hill, axpnras th a at .amino J!0' irk: cadence 111 toio I:nc,' a i,r tit ('b,m ;a l0 100 - Prim ti 11131 a {xindd a hnlater nny etwm: c it•, t rcyuurmcros 150100. 111*!! 0.4110,1 bj subnmling a Hie' 1,11 45 >pri ilnd in die >nlern:fh,+n nigh a knu 1, llrscl,nure Df Il tin ti, r• liruix Idlmltoi:l xilnud by an autb,,ind a?aa xl:n I,, II:ni 2. I}sxela.un•,fi )v+n.rsbip ihc ilea. >ubnuuala llacav the at: iaai auh al k' onnal 'ihc rcx J. UmgdOuc WotklAna submimil shall mums dw trim ail, VII inkumo inn a, Vqunnl 60. d.' W- -4 and 81119 Ptstnu -'Iha: vandnt nnnl Inno-Ji ihcgt Gnms +ahuriifing the ori&otal roll. No chant;ci 411 .1 1.1, is Ill I,,- oit<gled ulxln rar{utsI ;r. regairad 1.s tine Iii toiai Itea'enuc Scrviae alter 11.. bid due d,ne. ' S, Social Su'urity NundOT -1 he vcndDl nnHl pnn•idc a a+py DI the( 001444114! x 40131 4140itp cud tithe xxaat abwrny Walatusai td IluI- A 1311 n1:1> he witinruvu, eilboc phi to 11la, an ntmlxr n Inuit Ii.eI ut biv DI the 1 Jdrniifiediuu Iry 144i0an' rmd,sr.'ei' an ' 111.! "pli3i'1. iht bid did Jide. If Nurnl,ar (1..10.174.. e•ilhdrdwt Iry mudlea nouoc, Iha, aotite nuisI h, uddre.nd to :nut h. Ameiiaae, with t)i +dbililic:. Act10130 1 moiled by, the dvsh•nmad pima,cinceu w1o"(rnaovt phut to il•r 7. ('uulli 1 ul btoca, Ind .file III anti lima. A bill ii.' Itu Iu x•itIttIii n allis H. I)elanuenl "tax lovue AI]id: °II d\Ia mien it the sjav:ilictl Iid.,:4c0lyuuee Ixa Intl pilot n, 9. Namlexnmiaaidua avvmd, by eub,nilliull d I alts to ihc" (late Hated plt+.IlrCYii,lt 10. i:nndy Lear, 101110 tniaure, I1m. willxlr,na:il kale, nm>:. he ,m cwupat 11 Aotinua i at - By 400011440• , l auy enbam, did vcud't kirirhaa:l and uipxxl by on :nahoi niel term of tls 114(70: ,;nes to comply 4'1"0 all aplbclbk :ntiausl Iovs (;; ('onilia% iii(hin the Solicitation le. i'ul,tie L-n(ity (•lino. \heels Ihcr,: upp'an to I t t cdn0k-i h -lacrn du (!curt,,' form.. 1 nnuant to Srclion 217: A (.)i.,, OF 11.. Ronda Stator.:, it pa+oa and t'.txln,nrr., Spv:ial t'ou,huun,, I1.. s \r9nirul Specilic,:I ,, ; ot- ulliiam. who It,,, baa•n (11141 Dd tits (1711 irhd %,,Islas Ida ihc 11 141 ip tin unn m mv 131!,!!, , . I11 131!,!!, i dor ii, rids onicr):1 d 1.d to vwr, a cn' io1:0010.4 1:1:11 c'a „y ta,D.te other• nnmc ,e 0.c: viw 4144, . ID a pubbe mu aohmll a 1 le h i rr. +h all la:; 11: III, ;auk . dun, s+meri, Ihc•, 111:1 !•rice In 4I' :: asides" t. Ito eI .silty nay not Manful a bid on a cimma with a Public talon to Sa4u.n, i1.. Ts s hadtxl SiVedie:ni,:u,, fhb Spoti:d i'oedilioan, :Ind .Ihr ton•.nuchan "ol ,t•Ivu . a pul+hi huilhiag: u! puhletoik, u..0. tlln I1.:: • k,, rat !ann',uni I'm,diI:. os It n utnunba•nl upn fhr • 41st ,ul•mn lost, ,t(Im+c.. of 0.•.11 pugxn, ID,t public ann) 1 vendor u- iticutiiv such en,Uaisan (ha d''':''abd Inn, In 0(III 17 Si:(. '1•I()N'3 - GENERAL TERMSAND ( :ONI)PCI()NS I`It Nunllur' i 04 .0 Icprd::on.airi pn,u 10 the bid in propnN rit; pnnte dal' alilvLdul to ihr: nfiCilWion. 1 Pnunpt Pa)uient'Icnn R. !hr bu!dcS junonuan.e a, a puns• emur.I(to m It is the pal¢y -ol Iile Count} that i',t),nt1t 1,'r aii'pm. has «. by solrnuum mr,uu 1'"\11(1(, t'omuv rouirae; ahplldn iaf.en 1'uuNC •grnerea shall he ..aide ti n tunas wanner anti that irtpraxt inL 14(cvwt in odtoafiu}t the law {init >tnhif t4 .f l,id,ler that patmei)is vi'iiI be 'tad, o1( Inic p.ivncnt. Itt acwldautc aviih 1iri an6nht2I a bid makr ilo s m VII, l'heplet :11, Fhnida Sbtum,. (,'roan o the 1Iociili 1 oinpl G. the Ilutctor of i'iocurnn:nt 'wive, rill drzfde:dl 0. ,id-. I'ayanrnf' Act. 'I he hnkler ma} ',,1 let Call l ost mne. Iorprompt inrouson:nce wide arn itl wri11co ptneedni iglh.d n•ezaL' pat minis; however, 'uch disiunas call -not Ix mus:dnof in tktsnofning diC Ion', -t pi ki durillt; bid cvallrninn. t}idd:++ ne 3.6 c UNrNACI KX11 NSION raque teuI In provide f peyixm terms Ili the space piovldtd - Ilte Cann' ha,. Ihr onLAtaal 9110 1" 111:(111 a amhacl fur up in un lhcsfpmtulelml , o ill ihr u ninrry(u) tatmdm,iiay,, t'evmd the euunn t oavacl,pedd, In: u:h r-em. the (hunt}" alt oohly ihae enahafe) io iinieg of ,uah 3.3 - TRF:IhiIt \IIl1.V (IF Iii DS exmn+ams. Ili ronua<a ma} lit - mV h- lIA file moral A, f he Bid I'ii.iug Sttnon of d,i>'wheiation detinf:: the nods 111(1(9 php day o:Sna'u,ii up,v,mailonl ap,vuu.n,l Grhseca Ihr 0r service, In Iv purcllu•ml,' ainl ain't he tnuijildc'I uol (faint) and We eendu(c), I_ tieke of dm "above nphunv rcymm> `iubuuhavl wdif the hid' 1 Ist•olan) a fter lium in dhuanan of Ihu puorapiui oflix• i)i,.I,r'115o.uioiirul Siivk>. the them may i oti m du- Iijechon ofahr bni, It. 'I he I nl xnhmfnnl - mail he legible, :Ind ounplctM uunk! 17 LKlltll \N Y lype.aiier, compukr 1(r ink ''An} 'bury ehanpe 'nut be Aft a,umnut u_pn•s and implied. alxili he 'lade a%aitabic to the c,,,sul rot and initinkxl in ink PmLuc fo eouyilyunh Ihesr n ls f,r gaid-. and .<rr: iaie, eat i'ral by lhfa v d'uil:nfun All IlNuucm.nls may Ca115C 1114 hid la tvleteeicd. goody furnulud shall to hilly um InnI,. %l by the.rtidm apaul>I (. An wtlhonm o d aym of (Pc bldda r fl '. an punt eidn IhC ha) fattury defect-, milt workmanship At as crprnse to t he tlmuty, 1-Alt (II(Ii TO SII;NV 'i'liiIii ll'M1L %Y j4I r 1Gm 'fill': the "who ;edl coneaa:ntg and all apparent :Ind l:nont dr(ecis lh:a, NII NOY R1 ?5 \511;. - 013).aorur within the manuLulumr's sti'l'l alt sorry pcnad 1), 1 lip hhLkr may he consid.nd non- tesptn,ar`d' hole :1(e 'Ihc %p..f:d .oin itlou. ('1 flip nnhrfeafon ma) sufna >.Ae Ilti: PomhOuucd 11( ntudili<'adnh5. .IrnnfC>. „r rCV.UUnt h, the inmmtlaclt11Yt's sntn,latd N,tn:mty toms anti autdnrznaa o411,14 ,s l 11:mmr - F. 'Ihc bald-, no +uhmil. '1lernm, hid(:} hit the s :uitu 3.11 - GS II VA'1'P 1) QUAN'I 111 ES ,o t pu Ihat ouch olf<f is ullmval uaki the Ishdut(d ttmnWUC.'ur tb ate }'1(r hiddcr's (ufdancc ol,l) 111( lei nn and w.uhnoiW. I he allmtate huh ism -I awl In (\ceol }91(n anov is tapn5>rd m implied as to gt4nimea or dtdlar' ,aloe Ihc ullmnnt uxlufuan-111. and he vubnitlnl n, :ist}npac ltd laud -will b anal dut}ng. the .....hxoticuwl. the (01101y':no1 marked Altcmate ihd' uhh„atcd to pIi.a- , ad, tier a gilen ai'm's .ad- vgurnt In Ili- 1. When dicta, i4 n dianrpancy hciwu-u Ihp- unit prfecs and any scant' of fbi, sdieitmima. 1 he Conan' new on,.- a,, "awned citendr:l pricv s. the unit pricswill frevall. eshm:utd quantitie's n Ib.m and e,:d,ut0' prove:. I;,timalcd 4. Any hill tect,val ,if,, the algndmnl bid due d,RC and lino, gn.ntiilr-4 du nil conirnpLne , r' nmlud, posd,le additional dnouollnoLmlborthe ( bump edl he <onsi,eral laic, and quannlit that Ilny I,,, urdrrot I," wh ptnrnuocnf, giant. ceccill under the Masi erepUUfal onvn,yran . tai he . po eti ,ocnLd pt nun - Insfi enniic> uuhiinp Ihr, cuahacl In n, consnkn.>1 for vent shill the ('eunly he habit for pnutrme in tyres+ of Ihc all ilu• far 91130111 ia.1(i f -,nut, or.,uvit. aclua11) nrdcnvl. 3.4 CAN(I:I.t.ATIO.S Ot'NOLIC't i AI1ON I tic 'irunly rescn'cs the rigiti o c.met, in 'dunk (ti 111 pan, any 39 NON -t X('L 1 S 7'i I V - I,viiahun to hill what .1 I< u) Ihr belt inc,cs{ of the l burriy h 1, Ihc plant ni ihr County li enter int'i on agtartien that is (h stislv tt> n(0As:a de.rrild w'nhm obi suliuttl con. Iioacln i thr .t,$ AWAR1) -. - - (bunt)'Ita6 vas tiro dphi.141Icnol in itybem bona cst In poi fvin; A. Aweoi'may tae 'side to ihr Irm.>t pi ed rca }xtnsftc and or arose 1. hr p.rin nunl, II lc w &L and stn sec.. or an),poliaw responvhlc hidda ' 'I ht Cnun)y 1eser,as ibr tight to elect lherad, itcifu r tiullurl in any nisant it s,,, fit. In no case .pill any and Al bide u wairf ono- m:dcnul }ucruladua.. B oa the (unto he Imhl4 for Isilling m ruca it the quanul} of final, Imlon,ulitir, and ii, n *advotia4 for all or any pan or tlia or ;rrvi:cx actually pi ,slit tl undri this ttmae6 anlietLiifon as dccn.d to its Ixwt intar+L 'the Counlj .hall Itt dicsole iitdge aft' hest interest 3.111 (CIN'1'IN'l.A'1IONI)i ' tP(ihK 11. When there ate mullipic Inc t items ni a wficnadon, the Any no,k that earnuiie'(,ees prior to salt will can't' 1tt)und Ihr (',Italy rcicnn the right io nn:ud on -an individual nrnl eyurtitin date, ill' Ihc canard c'innl.l flood .hall, antis h:'fc, .,) onlumno.'of iICms. h low Ind tit 1,1 lamin,tcdhy ....hall wnttcls lqtnauOnl bciwtim lltr f \muly and whirbc er m,nnet dc'tnnl io Itt, hr,t intern, l 4 11,,, (many ihr• vntdir continue mod ennplcIinn without change lo the [lien I his piovtslon 4 eC li<alI - v .upei salty au) usahid it lift and can cal pi (131 Harm and eondmnux - iiixna sIsie l m the snlctzhun ahui finch actfnu w Anal. nVessaay inpitnvct II1Ch4N iitictc't5,ifthe UItlli.ty- 3.11 PRO "I "E1'I'OV AL\'AI(I) C, the t;'aumy� (serves the rich+ to rgecI any and all bd i.; If ii is A vemh, wi shing n, 11101(31 any an•md decision teauhmg him this .dth-n,incxl this pncen tn, c ee „ rte or determitxth to he aolicn lion shalI do u, .a sa firth it the ( :0111(0 I'unl,,Jsin(: onwa,anande, or it ' ,iihenvme driclnintel In Ik -it, ihr I'„ecdnie Manual, it fc fncmuhoni upo the vendor ht ta•anerc,1 .,Italy`., hest nlek 1 to do so.- - - - the posting Itt io' a>sucfatnl awanl (0unutie.ut i, inn rNiv protect 1), 1It, Co..utr )rsrn'es the ri1 hi to 1(r1 utLnc IMO ., 44111, Ihr tow rcecfted afiu the acttsd ctwlratl il,a d dale ilia' he rcl.11al, hilhlat; pmvuird Ih:o the secpeofnook I, nut amend,.d. 4,. Altai! at'Ih, 1 funi,iu hill only lie made fo Bliss tint 312 lit 1 KS; RE( Ut AI IONS AND LICF:NSt:S oadsls all neev's try legal (sluucm ol, to ilo bu wish S he vends) shall e t}nl+lc vlid, all fateut, St te, and lorei talks :tali .Ihc(',only'I lie County may rundud a pre award matxxlinn mgul:nimts applir:,hdc fo pu,varn of th, I(o,Ls of the bidden, silo ,,, hold .1 pr3340101 quahticm,nn h. a eon: nprtiticti n, +has a'll"fatwo - e, dc:cntifnr (he re,ponsfhtity arul cipat'It, of the' L,ddt-i (o . I • pcdlnm Its rcquucmrnly of du, sotit iLnfun. Award 111 I(pc ,1.13 sidle st I(A(9'IXG hdllracl Genital, Iry in tllfa wlkilati,ll m;'' hi- iniSiwm,Nlon 1 Inks) fhc.sp.Y,fital in Iht> ealeilmn"', Ihe aha,l mA . tmlp+ianco,wth and SIdoiuiai of ail nghted d as sit:<utrntt any mini'' , I ihr "ttndk afdinm'il,c ptiurpt,ritcn 11 SE(: I1O)N: 3- (:EN1 ?I4Ai.i':nMSAN1) CONDDITI DNS 1113Nomlydr!ID -oS2 l aur',enl of the County ltc uhrht} tannl¢ontn:R uuy belunlrr tmtcd b i ll', Special t'nmhtons, 'bula.utit,ta:y vvithwn tlm 3,211 ; I'I It\It NATION I'Olt C(;NSt NIEM1( F. pl lur Corn. +911 of Ihe (rtnmy n v re aril in I,Iallrbtntn u( Iht ('Ire 1 unitly; If ll:.:ola tbstRWtn, rest•ry \ Ilia ri5;=1l In ICrrnillib; context fin 'clank. till, meforl iginn fhuty I Ill) days lculirn'uuluc. tipal tit mein tti arch rehea the 'miler 'hal! nn1 nttur mtv ,d+lilionil ' r „ifs under • 3,14 ASSIGNMENT Ibiss uoaau: bile Gnnay'.all be lrtbk only bn ha.dnablc unit 'I he tender shell not asi;:n or ususicr auy aml:acl tenhu:g rout ntetirI I by the vmdol tutor Io bodice oFIrnmnaiion, The (berry iii . sa flci:i i ,. Ind lint• au\ agle., tiih: ur inle+esl ilmn•v.. ur n, ,h.tll Ix the sole ludr.• ui "reksniable euA2” , h, esei WC such cored to any I,ervon, cungtmy of c Ih.!loot writellpuhtll uflltUaatnp. 3,2I TF:R \IINATION Dt'E. '1O'I ;M1AVAIL.UiI.P(t', t)F FlINDING IN St.cn-:rmNt: ITSCAI. t'hdRS 3,15- DNLI\'Fit\" ' \ \Ii n ihn.k arc not appwp:iultf of tlllmia road, avuleble b: Unless ultrrncise Npecilu d m the soheilena'. price gUOILI hall pulilwn o +nwmetion of jktI rtnnitt in a whctpunl Ii:a'al }ten, Ito 1-41 IS, Lhsnn,uiun, I t<igIt s1+,Jl tr IuL'I I I l ut the hid Puce the enutratl shall tx'c:nnt4lol and the vehilor shall he rcunbwxd Gu fhe 1caslutdde vable al' ,mv nail- rccmlutt' torts inc itt (id 3.16 I(F VP(1. \tilitl i.111 rs AS CM i'L011 %.It ainurt,cd in Ihi lit (<c of the supphes or eovict rip's delivcrtai the itt tpla}cc(s) o1' the vtrulur lhrIl ho tun.ideteiI itt to at',dl order (Iu: eoutraet. urns. a, anpiuyec(s), atilt nol an ttuphi)'cc(s) ur :g•,t'tIN t,f III, Countyoranyolitsdcp.utnunis. The txnmit Iuni'kb 3.22 FOR i)F:RAt)LI' etnpltlyccis) ualtahlc it per foumng fit, work as rctluiretl. 'the Iht. ('crow rest rat the tirht to tcntiiInc t)l, Cragol t, is p:m Jr {'niunv ,titer rcgnrc rile ctmbatiur Itt cuikne :ny cntpitser it or nhok. or place the ctnaorcn jtroitntunt in life cuvx the vtoaot do ms una,,rpnabb% ' All employees of the Connie ttr only by GuU to lmllorm in aawdenec xifh the Ann, nod ninililivas ,tul:d rctluircd 6 (0 vvt-at appropriot': idttlttl Cauun. hcsiu "1 hE t'nunty bhrther ;:.arts the tnthl to suspend tit dcbat the 4etilor in imewdanec fifth the appropriate t' ornity nrduemas, 3.47, IK1)1' 411 1I'IC:1 '1'If}N at, 4iitin,-8tnVat .uluriurslt auyc, ordem the vrndot - sFdl be fo the we'll Ic"rnUd I the eaulor shall nulenunty end notilit•d It letter of the Ciunrty's uuvnt pt tcnnnmte, In the twirl hold hnntta; the County tnul its oilivus, employee -, arctic, will of I,unmaion ter 'thrill, the ('oiWy mey patcufc the reyutrtd instuoiatlalitieo )itnn any raid all li tbthty h +.arc or d.nt,tges, goad.oud hntn any wnrcc:lnd usr:np' nnaluul dgbnrsi including attourev's fear and costs of ddruse; which Ili: ('army of in It, best inirrt,I. Alt to- pmcuremcni utat shalt be Inxnc he Ihe - it, oliiue,s, eutphpet s,• anent, itt nsrntntuuabtic, ,tap rncul 0.. s. odor. - ' acsnit ol'dolnw, duoauds, sort':, eausts (m... a or pt.tccalinf, ndanp kind, or uatttt a arising um of, rearm to m resting, to 't t 3,23 F'tt :\itt) AN 4) \IItiItEP44 ESE N7ll'1'ION' the par hmnancc or the agreanem b) Ihi vrndot or itt rinpinyu;. Any imhsrdnal, entpanntoe or itt it entity Ihe) ,it War I4\ W 0009 ns again, talent., punnns; privapats or utf- ummtctas.' Ihe rnulol conuaduai ohhgatints will, Iiii• (bunt)' - dtmwlt tiiuti, shall p:ry all Balms and Iota, in ronnttu tlkrewith, end shall mittttntxcoatititt nr ornonal atistataiuvl, may h,:''renal for i nacuittIo olio dtlixtd all chins, .ors or ,ktoas or ant' kind oI ell I'l Iirc' (51 )e.ns, the Chums a: ri limner sanction tire' naune in Ihe name a( the C'numy, \rill'• appiir:rbfe hicludint' tenuiau: or Cartel) any nlitef cmti,mts ttidt stilt individuate aplavllmc; ptocctvhng,, and shill Imy-all costs, iulgmcvte, and ovill, rroou to entity will, t alt ven'tor held rtvixatd6lc tie ,ill aunties'' Ices v @hick may bo Infrared Ihcrcnit. 'i he tender din U it utdirea .Crab a „ueiattal whir 4nuin:.ton or eaneellaftu. evprcssly undcrsland, and ugm., drink Cap: msmaticc pronztion uk'htdur^.uiiune '54ees. .. . rapiu ed, by (hi:. Ilgrccncnt or othcnrtac prtirticd_ by tits Vendor - slurllinnowaylinutdtrwsponsrhililyfomdonnrily , kelp and sate .1.24 14)41111' 74) AtIDIT hatinlsas :ml) defenul rile t'utnty or it' ofiha,,enipinnx,. ngcnls '1 he Cuunis triersce file tight bi raptirc tile vend,, io submit in ao _ and insuumcntahtiesat hacut provide ni g t t» auy,utdnivr of line County'% dumamp 'I In: C'nntattor shall prusole access In all td its ra'neds. which lichee directly it 3,18 COLLUSION ..t'ime's la Ihi Agrcanex( at its pfn: t•1 busine:,; vhuing regular , ei WI r two C) u io r nic rdaknl patties, "as ddfoed herein, each husnte" to nun "I It e vcad„r shall letain :dl t, ptttaning it sulnnn a bid fur the tinkle eonlmCI, Sigh rods shill be pn.ut nd to olds Ag+trutent end' tyten mbk• +i make IIIrnn avillable to ncc' be eullueire, :Ilse ibre(toiry; ptesuopuau moy be rebutted h} Ihi Cowut Ill, ihnx I i) s t eer billet, itrq minvil ttn ol'the AltremnnttL' prtsrmtuinn oferidcnee as it the rtiai of ownership, cmnntl :aid "Itt, sendor ;grit', to provide salt ussrsntne,: as nuy he ntcctury nanagimtvt Ifnucluclat•d pane, in ptepanuion and subntiltal of (n tiiciiilete tire revicx' or todit by the Count' it 6taute cmupliautc such hid,. Itd;ded parlor,: shill ,man bidder ufnhc prrineilxd, wnh alilrlioablc nYnnnin$ toil ❑nenCi:d 9auLmis. ihcrrtll which have is diteel dr iodine) oxnclship 'imctrst itt ' .uttdheihiddelfor itt + amt tumwct of in which a Invent 00 IttjtitJtV 3,E5 i'tt0(•l411 I'Altl'lCOM1FIDF:M1't'bl4, (I\POlt >tTIOV or like princilnls Iltuemf of ono bidder have a drect or indntrt Ihddcts uhr birchy tot ilied that all in Go nutmm sulnmutd as )Gj ownership utere.,L. in anotho. bidder 6tt the stunt 'eanta,l. W. If in iaiplrni of -bid gibmittal, x41) tic a tillable Car publk Ihetheouurt: any Boor umkrstanding, a(treennhn, or unatativn tispcidm,alier opening orbids u, euniphanac wilt ('hapter I loop bdvtecn in §t (2; ontmrc rogtmaumts, limns, of jute..; subtuihuf: the Florida Stable-, Ilhe - Public Iiecmd Act "t I he bidder should: a htd liar Ihi• snore ritelviiak, supplies, sort ices, m cyalpmtar 'tall not suland ark' 0Iounuunn in rtcpxn »c to this snhutittter which :tlsa hcprr.umni to tsr colludtc lids lbtmd to he Mbe,"c shall the hiddu ciatsidercpnlprierary or cnnlidrtrtia!'I hr. s)Mid <sicnt of St rcJecult ISiddnx which laic been loon' in bile rngaptxl ur any inbtmation ut the ('umo> in cunnectiou With ilu< aullcikttittu c.diu,on uttj Ira considrnd rum -rnlvm +oilie and may Iu: shall tic tkvnud cnnalusivtly itM a ',Dior srlany pietaeon lumt siytcu4tst itt dchanrd, and uny eonuein tesirlurlg Iiim collative rekrsc of rile sonuhlcd adounamat nlevs: snchinli•uuminu n }tdtlulg may be tctruiti.unl lot dcl'atih eiemµi or conrukntml ureic Eta Pnbhc lto+atds Att' 3J4 MODf)ICA'1 TON OFCON'1itACT 3.26 f ONl'I4A('1'ING K'1i'll COttN'I l” F:hi!•10 \l'FS Arty u resuinm from ibrc geieiniion nt,y be nnthiicd by Any Cmttit, enpttoycc of ncodrer td Ins ur hu.uuntotietc tar ills iunGt,l r,ma•m of dolt a, anti,' d panic,; lit itt ulna tlnothh Ibe orki tit- 1,1 ,.violin x itt, IIto ('t tl ttty stotIt S,YI: ,t t'nlllittt itt Iltit[Lt issu.mcc of a ntodilieafian In (ill comrmt aud'ol purehxst• little, a upun,nt limn life' phxnintein rcp:menialivc dcstgtfficot htrci,: apprapnat:. Ihit pn.: unto. Ihe mndiieatien sell is m eong prior w .v b it' a ret).nt.e ot.apptu',ttou of any )lx n xitIlultapphtablc I.onnq proetduds conu,mi with the 'aunty %1he alilcictl tlnployee shall duelist• tile Its Stet. "1'12 ?N 3 — Cae,NEItAI, 'flat MS AN!) CONDITIONS it it Nulnb:r . tln „ :utt .. t tttd ltmiiLttl x 'Otto Illy 1. 'I and i,nertd it Illy. of the part» . :\tit such canoe • ..ill c icial the tierlanmanc: C oho uncicst of his or ha minwlimt, fends in the prnpsc.I trnman aid delayed obligation to the v etc tit ut llrc delay: .o iunnn't. 111r nanny or tI, »newltl cnnnacI. - - . - . _ 3.13. O'1 11E11 .%(;EN(1EN 3.27 IN( :1'Itltt :lt EN PENSES With rlte d.otan or the rondo, olio, a .tnu 1 nisi I II sloe's not C the e ("moth.. make ` Io make at. award tier shall mirtliaset, in actuidanre writ the contract 'Sorb pt snail Iv the Coalinga ben .ptluil+le Ii 1 any too 1 CArt.1 t, nitkll 111.1V , 1W t:tlttlOa{ by lhC 811111e 1111111 :m■ eondlilrNY as elated htieitrtvith iucorej Lyanc'bltltkl in prepatiug am subnllibup a hid. w any the inception of the change In tnony iname .- • coo or <yxrosc,ineu eilby. an) [g poor Iu 111Z' cart 011o41 010 .. ` . purchase miler or conked antcement sly s a hid, the 3,3.4 M) (11 AIM FOIL ITAMAGI :S bidder' also agrees thin the Count) Imo:. no It'..oisthiluy ha aiy No clean fin , lamal•cs or any 4 olio otht r than kg an (sicn.ion of c+•sls al Ow biddy as.uel:aul' with an) ;dnonubalit'e or hidieial time gill be 11tn41e or ;to:coed ng. the ('runny bailors; of riii) pm ;«dings resultant iiom t .nlipobun Cr afts. delays Nil intrnuplinn, inlcd(tence, ittellitleney, - snvpcnsion :'x delay in @r ttnnuteneemtni pioeteas 01 the Wad. shall reI(e'. • 3.28. (701111 i'Y IS'Ib\% F'SF. \11' 1” the uiidor of duty to puliunl, of Giwt 010 tit any rt IR to ddnmgos fhe t ' is generally e,tntpt from lade i Came "Etna 4111(1:111 or additional cmrnpenestain Irmo the 1' wanly The gender's sole Slate of Florid.. sides and use rotas. !ho u'a include any las n n it pothole I h si ictuctl shall lx the ri !hl t.. ak tat exlnision to the mint Y i Imge item tai s by mut•. corm ( o will pri / rtempoen eon c 1 i ilk 1 if nrmceq this playisimt shall tilpothole (tnn.reenact) nC d, try 'suborbital b the y cunmdor nnatb.n Joint: buMtie i w 216 the the ttnd0 r fig hindruxo. eel Jalapa Inc sole]) In IranA, had faith, Cttunry a re' Ng wool" Irian t obligations nIS on Ia Omit suppliers fig in a omit serene till Ma part oldie ('unity ma:oak 10 ,»111111 commensal' bligaations web the Corson nor Oath any contractor be audmuted to use any of the County''s;11i 3_35 - tIU..11 IN N r( a} 11KCIOti 01121 1131 &I it Imo motions its seeming such m:l.rtal"' :08 all Iantp'wn or cost:Ous Ii ;ttl tic aprecmtnis'ecreedluC 4 i 5o,In id, the lion awarded the pI�ICdttit tl r4, tsf rntcu:e a Im in 3.29 WW1- IIVIKC: LASS'S nth :nlimlun certificate staling that the wage '11111 and oihal liemal '!he inlegnria0nn, t6iti, and validity 11,01)` eom(ratl(s} to:11ltiuq 111111 Cosh are awv.,nue,'complete and uttienC''at its. lime -of • notti this 1113 h111 is povmnd b)' the taws and irguldlions of the combo-time Any and roan raptiunr this tablicale N11.111 ttnnui Stale 01 Florida, and Lake Count). I blade Fewle of any coat a Imo/shnt nut the origimtl tgrctmurl puce anti any additions action shall be 111 1 ale ['patios, Florida. In the event that a suit is shall be adjusted to em lu,It mil significant s be w luonglib fin tole' anfao merino of any Ftni '1 the cirniiael, at any minor determines Ih; t ut'Iftnt pricy' oat inumstal due to I inn» arising them limo, Ile pat mer esp..-.'.t) waive Niels onto-tit t 4l tt'eman'. intt•atp , 'nr n on -t UCIenI wage root[ and .ilk (aOmll rmlits to lame such action ti leer b) leery trial need herchy aamsuit to time eosts All such ao t" curl the run adjustments 011 uh shell he onus; realms du•ua, ufnm mid al i(.r the adjudn.+nuno ( sracli suit. ono il.arm fnllauinl :,iho old of e n.a:i. t sceutmn of Ong Aglealt1Ctll tunsbtultt. 1ttaulin11 Of 1.114? - hull, in Nignlianun 3_}0- SCA CE ItE(;Is'ntA'1'ION IULOpIAI :StE \t:4 .. t'etnlic :tie. - Any totporation suhiuiniug -a bid In re:jlonee to this 111t .hall either be rcyislctctl m lase applied for registration with the Fhnida 3.31+ (11tANI 14 NI)!M: I tepanmtvt 01 Stall in aceord.aee With die provlsintis of (Toll: I hi the neat may pm o f 1 6 o tonimct is to le lhtakd hj, itscrd, 4,117, 11061.1 Stabiles A copy of the retisn.mon+ application may state, or otlin hn'aI m; - vney umaies, do vendor hereby agrees to hc requital phut or aw of a conbai'I. Any bun lnrYShIP tnlnply snit all uyoirenteua al iht'ibmling emery applicable ll submitting a hod in Fsiwnst lee This 1 It shall have complicit sob the mt of Iho nonin; i application 4,i reg11aentan a On. h applicable p< otisitns a 1.hapkt 620, Ibinda Statutes. I dr Initdvi t use of nmwtny furis, autncn'a business enle,1,,he,: addtlioual inlnmtalion tin Iltot ttvpiinntenis. pima touter t the and label siir{thls list lions Vctulors ;en :nickel that payments Honda Srctetaty of, State's Ofliet, l)isasioo or C'tnlxiabm`s; multi the eonbacl may 14: Ixudmg. :wntldCItott 4,141 61ttt 1 54 51 ' i t r',. ' sae:: pee: -. :, si,InntSSiun of all • rnloinOI 101111Y and iloria umo. required' el' the send,•. p111 edam to the grant liundhig Intuutnanls A ropy of the 3.3 1 1911 \l111'ON'PIt requirements shall be supplied tt the vendor by the 1 "tnnd) npou "olio vendor awarded the ca tact stall act as the 0 hoc 03,traator request. .. for all enquired items and scae+ra_a MO “hall asume full tcslxmsiblllly Inn the procurement and indinetai.mee of such penis or. Net vices .'l lie vendor shall be considered the - sole point of , contact with regard In all stipulan<ms, including payment of all vlxoge> and ' nutting all rpuittntent.a' eel ihh It'll; All tulsonhai sou will he subject to ad;ance maim. by die• ('pony in: , rcg.uds to cnntpclency am/ savorily conutIin: Abet Iho ' Mc Mai of the canllaci in: change in subenniraclts w dl In: made et itlton the consent of the County 'I at s-tndin shall be IttrOIlsiMc fa :d. insurmoc. 1101114%, Comae.: and tdamt 11nttcis Iin any and' all satwoniwcbiis. - E;.it 11 ,Ile suheammdtir is self insurer, the ' 1 '.Holly". may, Irquirc• the contractor 'to , piovitf. ' tors m :mane.• :in1lifalcs iegnintr! by )hc wood to Ine pet ILmod. 3.32 1-1 IR E M1MJ(C(11tI. - ' lhrpat1k . ..1 I1' eArtou' tier. reasonable et lint to •meet -Iheir it ape' too: obligations hcnonuel bill snail not 00 liable lit derma. t.nuI(ang .from forte mt0cwc ai other causes bi :yonl Ihtit rea•nabk cuntaot,'ibelmhng, but not tannest to cooiph :ntac \Silt ' lay liievrnuntld .late 'or ' o,' tiIabnn,' att., of nittnre, mein 'ot . tinis.unv of the other 18411} (itiNtnmeti ads of tItlli3tlt■t, Inc.:, ,slnkvs, 113li0/1.11 thV.lty, ttmn, Hutt, ItantltH6di.trt 1 Jn■irnl :on 01hi4 tease teltaNOawo .hc}ond the o tasonable rn1110,1 St'(`1 tON 4 — PRICING! ('1;Nrt l(:AT1 NSt SIUNA,•1' S !TB Wont,' 10 0't' 1 . 1'1'13 T111It COLLEC'T'ION, ItEC:1 CLANG ANT). 1)l2OI'F k I)ISPOSAL OP USED OIL ' ()I (s FIt 1 ERS AND AN 1 Ihkh.l?Y,h. tit tIl s: . Lake County is excinpt from' all taxers ti•cderal, State. 1.udaf Pi- ing should he less atl.titxes. A'fax. l- xcmptiou Ceniticate will he furnished upon request. • • the vcndor'shall not `ailtct ,r nruend any of the iaiforivatiori (including; but not limited to stated units • at'mcasurc,,item description. or quantity) stated in the Pricing Section: Ifanyqunntities are stated in the pricing scetiun'as being "estimated" quantities, vendors are advised to reyi iii iho, `Qti'antiiius" clause contained in Section 3 or this solicitation. • Ii.teh Brice offered in your hidshatt In: a thin—fixed price, exctusivc o f tiny tax. Any bid containing at ntodifyitfic or "escalator" clause not specifically allowed for under the solicitatio will nut -Ire, considered. e All pricing shall he FOB I)estinali'ti unless othcrwise'specitied in this solicitation dciutintent. • Albpricing sub remain' val for not) day period. 13y signing and submitting a respcusc to this solicitation. the vendor ICUs specifically ngrced to this coo di11du. , , . Vendors arc - advised to visit'ottr wchsite at ti hi) :i,t ,. \v.l. !,,i.,:cpuiti vfl.,“,,t)y and. register as u potential vendor, , Vendors' that tuive, registered' on -line receive an e-mail . notice ivheit the - Countp.issues a solicitation Jilin citing, the amnupdity cortex selected liy at vendor during the registration process.. • • ACKNOWI.E!DCEMENT OF ADIDENDA • -tNST14li 'IONS: Complete' Pait 1 or fart 11, whichever applies- Fatri 1: • i The bidder trust list beknv the dabs of islate-for.each addetidunt received to conncetion wil this EDI: Addendumlfl,'Dated: ' NIA ..______ , Addrndtim 1/2, Dated: • Addendum 113, Dated: Addendtitn 1/4, Dated: _ - • • • P:irt !L (XI - No A< klendum ,wasrcceive<(nt'conncection, with this 1T13. _.__._ __ _ .- 2 SECTION 4'— PRICING/ CERTIFICATIONS/ S!(NATIllt S •1 rtt.nun,t,&r::o.nsz tit inINC SEC" IttiN I Used Qif preceding ''_ [teiii ='.., Price': Nuinbcr item Description ,Unit RccYchn <; 7crthc toms, conctiions Per Gallon, S 0:62 and statement of work. - Price paid to the County or Entities { 2, Used Ot l,Containinated Disposal per,tlie preceding Icons, conditions and statement of work: . Price paid to the Conniy or. Entities Per Giillrni 3.'FKEE* Priee paid by the County or Entities Per Galion ' $ R BzF.* . - I 'Price appl ten i t puduct. in nu Inzartluun cowl ! iYat ouott ,.. I„ a 3. Used Oil Filter R'ccyeling per the Preceding tcrtiis. conditions and statement 6f work. . Price paid to the County or Entities Per Gallon S FREE 1 -Price paid by the'Countybr Entities Per Gallon S FREE - : 4. Used Antifreeze Rceyi ;ling per lhepreceding tcrnis, - conditions and- statement ol-work. •I Price paid to the County or Entities Per Gallon S FREE Price paid by the County or Entities : Pei.0 diem $ -.HKEE . . . '( S, Pads and Oil Absorbents Recycling per the ['Meeting; ( tci'nis., c6nditions and statement of work. Price paid to the County or Entities• ; Pcr Gallon 5 Price paid by the County or Entities Per CCailon $: 1 Sludge Recycling per the prccechng tams, conditions and ' Statcllicnt of work. Price paid to the County, or,Entilies Per Gallon $ Price paid by the County or Entities Per C nitou $ d , 05 7. Other Liquids- RecyclinC; per the preceding terms.. • conditions and statement of work Price paid to the County or. Entities . Per Gallon $ Price paid' by the County or. Entities t Pcr Gallon $ 0.36 . S. 1 Labor rate per hour ,for additional sctviees � hour Rate : $; 40.'00 . L i, VAC: Truck with operator j Hour Rate' S So . -od I . ... , 1,, • SECTION 4 CERTIFICATIONS/ Sit:NATI:HES rtn Nomii 1' tsiathe and telephone �t person do contact fbr emergency iscryide Jason 3a Yatosbrl Jorge Banos relephone/yellthigenNtflober 11 .813 or 487 Disaider Assistance ; Name: Jar)Cin Yates HomelTelephoriorell13ceper • Number 813-892-3961 (6611 ) • . . Calendar ;days required to doinnience contract ; • . days • • • • • • • 2 3 • ' • - • , . SE(TION4 — ICINC/ CERTIFICATIONS/ SI(,N 4 1 (JRLS 11 B Number 1(1 0" • • icy Signing this Rid the Kidder • Attests and Certifies that: • It satisfies all Icga I requirements Ms an entity) 10 du with the Comity, • 1110 . undersigned yendocacknowledges thaf twat d of a COMIC1 May bccataingent upoit a determination by the County thin the sender has It capacity at capability to successfully perform thet ontiad. tr The bidder lierellymertilieshat it Understands all requirements of this soliciiation, and that the undersigned indigidual tS duly authorized to mieente this hid document and any eontract(s) antlftri other r.n ions requited by award of this solicitation. Certification Regarding Aeceptnnce of ConitiyIllectronic Payable Process Vtindoi will accept payineht using the County's VISA- based elect mote payment system: [Xl :`,2 PnrChasing Agreements willt,Ofiter Goveriiment Agencies This iiection is optional iut will' not affecicontracr:0:Vatl If Lake Countyinkyttfiltd you thetropostM won ad, woultiyou sell iindi•r the sam&termaend conditions, for the saint: Price. to other govern 100018 agencies i it theSta of Florida? Each gm/eminent& ageney;de to accept' 16 unbar this eontrael shall be resMinsibly 0 in itr, own purchase shall be liable only fin materials or services ordered and received by it. 0 Yes 0 No (Check one; Certification Regarding :Felony Conviction 1-1 as any officer, director, or an executive girlie equivUlent d itt ie. of the bidding entity het& convicted . of a felony during the mist ten (10) years? [.." 1 Veit No (Checkolie) Conflict of Interest Disclosure Certification ,Except as listed below, no employee, et agent of tilt firm has any conflicts of interest. /ea! ter 'apparent:due to ownashiP. Other Clients, contracts, or intere.sts iiSsociated with (hi prole& rind, t hizi hid is?made without p111 understanding, agregment, or 0011'1601c01 with any corporation, 00n, or person submitting a propicial lot the sante services, and ir in all respects fan and without collusion or fraud. • - _ • DUNS Number (Insert if this action involves n federal funded mined) 957399694. . • • Genera! Vendor Information and Proposal Signature: .„ Finn Name: ....PET.RQUCILaataligA.St_mic. _ Sheet Atkin:its: 200 Ocoee 'Apopit a Rd Ocoee , FL34261 ' Mailing Address kir different): Ratite . . 1 Telephone No. 407-G56=8114. Fag No.: 407=877- 9420 Li-ntail:1 ar3on yat. ictpe t roaerahtel. rout FEIN No. 59 3142880 ; 46, Prompt Payment Terms: : NA % days,' Het • Signatur • • —... Date: , m Print Name: as son W /Eaten Tifie Vice, President Award of Contract kr the County:tin Use °oh') Hy signature below, the County Confirms award to the above-identilied vendor' u nder dm above identified solicitation. A separate purchase order Wall be generated by the County to support the con 11101. • Vendor anyaeded Ind .F.F. Sole s Turku :Ill Pre-qualified pool veildorhasCit on p1 ice 0 pool vendor (spot bid) r , - 1 Primary virmicr rim items, • • L Secondary et:Mite Ott Othia stales: • -Signature it atit.b5rized County offielal.!‘—_a_ „ r Printed pante: eittii.S.62/7/ i (../ "it /7, / in I 27/27, rti.ZZ -/ c.7."-Cr '- Purchast Order Number to:aimed :o this 00111 OK! ftll itt i ng fitirrinsev . 24 SI?(°flt )NS •- A'1" fA(71 M P;NTS 6unila•r ' u -u,e'. 'FILE 1"OLL VING I)o('CnM1Ni'S A1t14 i'I "1'nclll,ll A(tac 1: - \York kcfcrcuccs • 25 . . . . . : • . . . SECTION 5 — ATTACHM . ENTS 1313 Ntimia.r- 3 03N21 _ . . . . • WORK REFERENCES • .. „... . . . , . . ,... . • _ . .. • , ... . . AENT,sy °tang's County Fl net • Ma I n ten a nCe . . , . ' . ' . Addic" 4400 Vineland Road , , - .... 1 eitYs 01 FL ,- 32811 „ . 0,16011 1rla l'd Yamici A x. ' . . , . . . feepl.,6 .107-83 . 6-6251 . . . • . , DiRlnol . se - 1:0 Ye a /3 , cont inuous . . . Used Oil., ,Antitreieze, Filter Rc.:cyclincl oil ',4iel' ' . !■aviec SepaRatoi Maintenance, . ., ' P mmtlor fp- Requireb"verysimlie'i nervice te•Ute rdonetitn1 by Lakt Op i . . . . , . 'Wu"' Orlando Ut, ill t y Comm i ski i oil . , . _ . -t ' 5100, S . Al a f aya 'Ira id . . • . , . . CII Or Iando Id, 32831 _. . " 1 "" n Dngt in fat:I:et:1: . 'Iosilunk 321-332-3885 . • . . it,Rtnof -7 Years continuous , , Set ■ iCC . , . .. ' Used 1, Antif reez. e Fiitet• Recyc I inn, Ut. i I i P I mit :4!rviCe Environmental-Maintenance,. EMPrgenry Spili Response ' .. . . . I, , -enonmon:' , . ,. . . . _ . . , • . . . - ' . . . . . . . . . ' ' 1 " , . • ... -- . 41 :•-'O' Ot"MMOM COUROicr Ptibl i c School e . . . .. • . . Addles 6501. iviaq ic Way. • .. . iii,!'.staSill' 0 a ndo , -Fir 32808 7-7-7— . _ .._ . . ( " 1 ":"'"" 1 Earl McCall . . . . . ,, .. . . frislione 407-217-3900 .*7647 ' . , .. . . 7_,_ DakW"I - '5 Years , cont intious - Saske . . hi ,„ / Used- 01 1, 'Ant i freeze,. Filler Rtt'ycl i Del, 01 I itstut et , . ' „... SevkciSeparaier Maintenance,,Emeryoney :lull Response . _ - . _ ---- r----:"----ri--i 't,a;menn•I - . . • . „. . „ • • . . . , . „. . - " • . 26 • • • — gp . 8 I a a r 1E9 ' C E RTIFICATE ©PLIABILITY INSURANCE OP ID • HA DATE tMAWiXYYPYi " �""� : PETS002 ' 11/13/09 PROBER. - THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED .AS A MAT rtR OF INFORMATION ' • ' ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE *Huckleberry Sibley & Harvey* HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR , 1020 " N "Orlando Ave • - Suite' '20 ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED HY The POLICIES BELOW Maitland FL 32751 - •ones800r300- 6641 - .Fax :40? -- 628 -1635 I INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE :NAICd -411E0 - - 1 . i afIERA 'o.eeTt acs TA.uTex• CMVAay' "22322 !INSURER s; Indian:Harbor;-Inaurance Co . 36944 Petro tech Southeast, Inc. Mr „Sett Yates wTIERC Travelers Idemnia Co.ail 'Ocoa O cOcoee 347 PP5pp1ka' Rd I OSUREg '. X .s Ta t1a1 ty Insurance : Co' ' : ' '' -- 'COVERAGES - - , • - THE POLICIES CF INSURANCE USTEO BELOW NAVE BEEN LSSUED TO THE INSURED NAMEDAACRE FCR THE POLICY PER30 :NOICATEO NOTWITHSTANDING - ”' . ANY REOWREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANYCOHTRACT OR DINER OCCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO 'MACH MIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUEDOR ' ' MAY PERTAIN THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE PotIC :ES DESCRIBED NEREPI IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS. EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AOGR£GATE LIMITS SHOWS MAY NAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAIO CLAIMS ' BAN wuuyy. PLt[SYFPCECTIVElTtOCY'IXPMAITOUr • ... LYR IH$RO - TYPE OF INSURANCE - - . POLICY NUMBER . • DATE (MAVOOMVYI IoAttLMWOO,YW), UNR3 A ( "GENERAL LIABILITY _ - ' . ' ' - I 1 EACH OCCURRENCE' ' 11.1,000, D00 I X 1 enuMSRCIAL GENERAL T .GEC000750749 11/16/09 11/16/10 PREM s tItaocc a e ncv -1 t 100 ;000 1 - I' ' CLAIMS MACE 1-•'I OCCUR MED ESP (ART Ina solo; . 1 2 5,000 . ' : ( { I 1 ` PERSONAL A ACV ;HAIRY IAl ;000,000 ! f i GENERAL AGGREGATE �. •'1 2 2, 000, 004 - - . ova AGGREGATEtiMIT APPLIES PER: !PRODUcTS-COMPAPAGGIT'2,000,000_- MCC lam)P� -c°r I - - - ,' Iimp - lien: .. r '1,000,000 ' ' ! AUTOMOBILELMBIUTY-, COMBINED SINGLE 1iuw : r 0' XANY AUTO AEC000750610 11/16/09 11/16/10 -! -- E aWthi) ' s 1, 0 04,4 0 0 1 At LOYJNEUAUTOS - �• .; • , BOORT NUURY . ,1,5 ' 13CHEOULED AUTOS IFN EAYMMi _411.: X HIRED AUTOS �� WORT BURRY Its X HDN4WNEOAUT08 'I lPlr ucEau) i - P(LOPERTYfWAAGE ' • I IGARAGE UA8KPY ( AUto ow.,- EAACCtEM $ -, . • I EA ACC $ i ), ANY AUTO - . I OTHER THAN �.,_ 'i' s i . ' _ AUTO ONLY, . ,AGG T I. EXCESS/UMORELLA LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE _ 11'4, 000, 000 11 Otcuf Elcodustmoi U 11/16/00 11/16/10 AGGREGATE ' . - [$ 4,000,000 • 1 • • i 7 CEDUCTtOT.E T a I 1 m RETpeN 210,000 - . - ' T i WORKERS COMPENSATION ' N 4 SIAIU. U1,Y 1 ATM EMPLOYERS LIawury ,,, ITORYLIMITS I - 1 ER . OFFICEkMEUgER EXCLUDED/ ECUTIVT� El EACH PGCIOENT i - . (TMABt1Ory M NH , ( EL DISEASE • EA EMRDY% S' MIL - • ML PROV540N5 BeiAw f _ ' EL DISEASE• POLICY UNrT 1 T . - ' OTHER B Pollution Liab 1 PE 708 C00503 .11/16/07 11/16/10 Liability $1,000,400. C Equip Leased I GT6500154L804 12/21/09 12/21/10 - 250,000 Dad '2, S00 . OESCPoPTIOH OF OPERATIONS/ LOCAIONS VEHICLES! EXCLUSIONS ADDED aT ENCORSEMI:NT I SF£CIAL PROVISIONS II • . . , -. • • CERTIFICATE HOLDER . , - CANCELLATIO . - ' ' STIOULO AN OP THE ABOVE OESCRIBEq POMUES DE CARCELLED BEFORE THE EFFIRATOh DATE THEREOF. THE ISSYPw INSURER WILL' ENDEAVOR TO AWL 10 DAYS WRITTEN i . NOTCE T THE C ERTIFICATE NOLOCR NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL ' t IMPOSE NOOBLIGATLON ORtaunjrYoF ANY 1UNO UPON ME INSURER, ITS AGENTSOIL . REPRESENTATIVES. AUTHORIZED REPNC$ENTATN - •• ACORO 25120991011 - - ' - - - ' 01988-20 0 AC RD CORPORATION. All rights rasorvoft ...___ Tao ACORD name and logo aro ISNISI marks of ACORO L. I . . WE ANTXNi . CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE . .. . , ., . 12/23/2009 . PRODuCEft SOGaM #, 022576 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION , • OALY,AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE, F RANKCRUM INSURANCE AGENCY. I_NC HCLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTENO OR 100 S. MISSOURI AVE. ' ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POUCIES BELOW. " • CLEARWATER EL 33756 _ INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAICR _ ts SURE0 ' iNS.AERA ' FRANK WINSTON CRUM INSURANCE. INC " INEURER S F r a n k C r u m 1- 800277 INSURERC ' ', . . 1C0 S.MISSOyRI AVENUE ' 1 INSLfERO _ ' ' - • •• -' - 1 CLEARWATER EL 33756' . INSLRCR E. ' • — s. THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE USTED BELOW HAVE PEEN ISSUED TO INC INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POUCY PERIOD INDICATED. NOIWITHSTANO/NG . • ANY REQUIREMENT, TERROR CONOITION OF ANY CONTRACT OF 0114E8 DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WNIGH -TIUS CERTIFICATE MAY DE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, INC INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES OESCRIDEO HE REIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE _TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AI4O CONDITIONS OF SUCH . • POLICIES. AGGREGATE UMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. - - .NSN AWL :e, N.• ' .,, LTN' ,„„0 , ;'TYPE Of INSURANCE " POLICY NUMBER LIMITS' DATE IOUIDOIYY) DATE HMUDDITYI , - _ OEhtHmUMA lh' PAfR$ ctA RftKP S , ' CCUuEAC4L GENERAL 1 fl.,r WREOAMAOP tro N 1 'an CUWSMACE ❑OCCUN NED PPP Wry as wwl S I P€RSCNU 4. .w1406144 4 - OENEPAI AOGPEOAtE .. S - Gt PITCCLCTS• cauDtnP LOA' 4 • • P. ' I 1't''jPOLKY I IP/IOICCT nLW - .AUt0M0lrLG COWfl.EDIwiIEUWT S. • ' ■ .NY.ur0 r le La pmE0 w ,XLL Y0G BY Ul4AY - - 4 - I SCULED AUt0 $ CPO PM C HED e1NEOAUTO M IcaLT iNAY A' ' $ MX/OWMEO AUTOS ' yM atuMWl - POCPERTY n 4 1 1 _ Ow AtM+nI , . O ARAOE UAmUTV - •- ALSO TWEE. EA ACCOLNI 4 - ■ ANY AC/ID Ol%*a THAN EA ACC - ! • . _ . . • - . . - AUTOcttY ETCt1SH1ManfiaAUAAatrv' " - - CACHOCC.RWCE 1 LOCUM 3 0CLAMS 44V0: . ACCAEOA(V S . S NGEmmTIETE - i r. NLTPNYWN 1 4 • ' WOAYPAS CONPENfAIWI .MG .. 1 WC 8TA14 OrNEl1 ., A ' EHPLGrUEt'LMDAIN WC201000000 C1/0U2O10 '01/01/2011 X 1 summits ) I - ANY PROOAET0A / PARTNER eEitCUNVE " OPFtCEat YtYPERCS0.U0F0T - EL EACNACOOEM $ - 1000000 N rya. Murat omit( t SPECIAL PPWNIONS Laa:. ELCUEASE• LAFUA01EE 1 - 1.000.000 - .- •. EICC4!AU•Pa W wYUS ' . $ 1.000000 I 1. " ' DINER - .. OESCIGP MON OF OPERAIONJ/ LOCALYXIE I yosttfX4 UCU1S@MS AWt00Y tNOOREEYENE 1 SPCGW. PR E MIEN° THIS CERTIFICATE REMAINS IN EFFECT PROVIDED THE CLIENTS ACCOUNT IS IN GOOD STANDING WITH FrankCrum. COVERAGE 15 NOT PROVIDED FOR ANY EMPLOYEE FOR WHICH THE CLIENT IS NOT REPORTING HOURS TO FrankCrum. COVERAGE IS NOT - PROVIOEO FOR STATUTORY EMPLOYEES OF THE CLIENT. EFFECTIVE 08/25,2003, APPLIES TO 100% OF THE EMPLOYEES OF FrankCrum LEASED TO PETROTECH SOUTHEAST; INC. ' 407.877.9420 • CERTIFICATE HOLDER' - - CANCELLATION • ' ' . - SHOULD ANY 00 THE ABOVE 008CRBE0 POLICIES BE CANCELLED 881040 T EXPIRAtION t DATETHEREOF, THE ISSUING WSURBR WILL EHOEAVOR TO MAIL TO OATS WHR1EM HOME 10 THE CENGHCATE HOLUER NAMED TO ENE /PIT, OUT LURC T PA 10 00 S IMPOSE • NO 0IUTATIDN Oa GAMUT? Of ANY MHO OPON THE INSURER. RS AGENTS OR • REPRESENTATIVES. . . - . AUTHOAVEO REPRESENTAfP2. • • • ,,Nikon'? Florida Depar�th eht of : - ,•,, cglet • *" Envir�onniental Protection ; , Deb piad'nez Center " � • •: FLORIDA • • 2600 Sloe Stone Roam ,- „r^.«..,...m. ..�...... .Tall.tltdese& Florida 32399.2400 ..: ,:i • April 23, 2060 - leffery-Yates • petrotech Southeast Inc 200 Ocoee Apopka, Rd Ocoee FL 34761 - 2103 • BE IT KNOWN THAT petrotech Southeast Inc -23800 County Road 561 • Astatula, FL 34705 9497 IS HEREBY REGISTERED ,AS A USCD'OXL Transpor ter, Transfer Facility,.Marketer,.Filter Transporter, Filter • • Transfer Facility pursuant to Chapter 62 -710, Florida Administrative Code (F:A.C) The Department of Environmentai,protect,on hereby,issuos • Registration Number FLR000159$41, an April 23, 2010 Insurance Carrier. GREENWICH INSURANCE This registration will expire on 06/30/2011 This certificate documents receipt of yOU registration and annual 'report. It shall be displayed is a prominent place at your facility This certificate and your cancelled check are your, receipts: .. . Apriiia Graves Engineering XV Hazardous Waste Regulation permitting t. Florida De:purtriic nt of `ry . , as + � ; .. L•nvuronrnental Protection. • t `.Y{t:'i, •r G4ll ft ulna: C': rte( ;r r ' `� talinlyds,r ? ri:,'i 1a 7: ia'dsi: •:.. s: •:' April 26, 2010 , letfr;ry Yates Petrorech Snot 1ea51lnc 209 OCUee AGOOka Rd OCCee, FL 3 C 8 . BE IT KNOWN ,THAT Petnnech Southeast Inc 409 1 rankl:n St Owen, EL.34761. 2663 IS HEREBY REGISTERED AS A USED OIL Transporter, Transfer Taidrty, Processor. I•Idrketer, d'lt'.r Tran_ rifler Transfer Facility, Finer Processor • • pursuant to Chapter 62. Flonla Administrative Code (F.A.C) -The Department of Environmental Protection nereby issues • Reins :ration Number F1D9E12108136en 26;41 • Innocence earner: GREENWICH.INSURANCE This registration will explre•on 06/30/2011 This certificate dneurnents receipt of your annual registration • and annual ?choir: It shall be displayed in a prominent Place at your facility. This certificate and your canCellad check ' ate your receipts. • atA4 \�,�`4 - 'Aprilla Graves ' Engineering Specialist IV Hazardous Waste Regulation Permitting • ra 9, " m :i^.,,.° ' ;. ;:; ta,,.m: T :=gra.dtTO;dT. T1 er ::a k;T::"vr s515 -s1 aWlaea;C:.9 "" -" <.: - .::t::-s.. :., - ?. . _ JI:SIAII,. :: s..: >. c" . : .ae..s+r,c:usmi....,....,..F STATE OF I''i.{!i{II),e 11 IMPARTMENT OF I': N\'11Uil%'S11sN'1'AI, PROTECTION : : :'w' STORAGE TANK REGULATION I'ftOGI {AM ,, 4i . .. ` : A. t , i 2010- 2011 9 Ski w; FACILITY 1n. 92 00759 ev: PE: 1 tT : ::H fleAITIIIIAIIT d: ; C)- .01 rr23800 - .■StAItlI,A FC ,14505 IAXI: r :OurITY . .*2010 -2011 Storage Tank Rogittt.raLton placard EnclOoed : "' . PETROTkCH 54UTfIEAST INC P LIfCliRi} No: 317660 7 ATTN: RE/TREY O YATES PLACARD ISSUED: 05/27(2010 - 206 :OCORR APOPKA P1) REGISTRATION. PAID: $ 250 j OCOEE FL 34761- 0219 ... .. t STCN ACCOt/NT,: 46065 TANK, SYSTEMS RER1sTe) I): 10 t I • STuRAGK TANK FACILITY ACCCL':N'T OWNER: PLEASE RETAIN TIM TOP s - ri;it r(lit YUDIt ItECOIUtS - STORAGE TANK REGISTRATION . . This plaar0 certifies that the own & lacrtty mimed hes complied with Ih0 registration requiter rot povoloum & /or hazardous sutstnnco storage tanks f regulated by the FL Dopnrtmont of Environmental Protection.' The placard must be pieced out of the weafhor and in plain Wow et storage tank eon Mane atspectors entering the tacilily.... i . 1 SECONDARYCONTAINMENT ALIATION DEADLINES. - • s iy 12 -31 -2000. Single -Wall USTs & UST small diainetor piping In contact with Inc soil must have sOCondary containment, .. - TI L 01 -01 -2010: SingIe -wall fiord emoted ASTs & AST single -well buck product piping in contact with the soft must have sccondaiy contairimant unless a - - deferred by an API 570 Integrity AsaeSSnteN ' . , . ,r • d The Depadmdni nay: (-lover Weans: nn extension to an upgrade deadline wee the storage tank rules wore adopted in 198 II you have queslon& about those of other deadlines :• or need general technical assistant - consult Rulo 62-701, F.A G , or contaol a storage tank Inspector trap the DE' distrirl office, of hem the total storage tank program ottice tor your county. ti DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PRO1 Eel ION IS ON THE INTERNET' ' I he Web address for DEP is htIj tlwww dep,stato.ii.us. . - h . You can access the site for Stina90 Tank Regulation directly by using, hdpl \www dap. state .N.ustwe5tu /calogorlesttnnke ¢¢ 9 Look'under the HIGtt1ION TS section to find links to storage tank rules, forms, database repurtS and other program fnfnrmntion t • EMAIL rggisfrahon rolatud questions end comments to: Tankfegistraoont » dop.statalIu - s or telephone (850) 245 - 8839 11 Registration scan, members will assisI you with your questions and will rospond to you by phono or reply to youa email address + 'I Storage Took It(-point rat l..a placard' tool o w on tort L {JO . ..toted L.oted at th ('t e eeth j. $ I m ust be planed trot of the weather and In plain view of inspector° otltariaµ facility. • a k MI - RU,t,W,NM1 VW ef4Yblfi'1014}4,Hiib6 >_.d :H1 Ye nf49A + tif!i ! itlR {I$nt Im ➢%4MMNi4X "_.,fl4'Mt 4tW*n Sfl .If� J .", milt* FLORIDA r)Ei'A1iTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTh , PROTE . 1 ! 5 i OHAGE TAI [ � FRATIO�r *I At AAK D j r_'/ . . ; - LAC P RRN " S 3 )668 ' ; FtiCTTYTY 10: 9200759 -' - • .- . 1 " / „ AcARD-IESnPOL, ,0 /2 ?tin10 ,_, ' . iiAC' :3tD: EXIiRES: . /301:011 • FACILITY: ',,PETROT_ECH SOUTHEAST INC ` - .. . 'CR 561 923000 - - ” ' ' ASTATULA Ft, 34705- - . KE; LA CO'JN'PY . L ' , - T'ANK StS ET 1 S •EEUSRTE.F :Y.0 :' l0 ! • ' - T'Ar :LLITV T'YI'P :' Bel} Storage Pace 1 r -y i : "t ACrprI1' l nOi r - - „� Gi i • � ', 5a e lw V t<l - Ou I"Nt - r t .....__ ACCOUNT, OR'NFp.. PF.T ROT F(1 sTtr iST - - - _ � MpTry ,itNriVcn, Uh clot ' - ti.. ' start of -tVt t tvlan,,. entsttt t)opar 4ni t f Environmental �Protection s w d,_+wa:C ...Ivua:r.'S_<.v...w_�"ZF . Y,;:•.... rCY'. it. ..«,....... ........w..:.'...L.�W:'wTw:Y.h. sTAT'F. OF FLORIDA. DEP :kRIMI N 1` OIL'( ?iL'YIRONMI \'1'A1. P1tO ;VEC'l'lr(` „.,; r SrFORAGE TANK REGUI ;A'I'IO\ 1'1101 ;RA11 . . 1'r ` 2010 -2011 ' '` • Fr1CIi,ITY tOt 8945300 . 139 YRA311L11: ST ' 11COSE, 3.1 ORA,,.z ti •4 `2011 Storage .Tank Ravi ntration Placard Enclooad " , PETROTECR, SOUTHEAST INC PLACARD NO: 337667 ATTN: ,7EF ?REY 0 YATES PLACARD SSSUED: 05/27/2010 200 OCOEL' . APOPF.A RD REGISTRATION PAID: $ 200 0008E FL 34761- 0219 'GTOM ACCOtUNT: 46065 TAIT&C DISTEND It&CTSTER£D: a STUILIGL T.l26 FALIIdTY •%CCDI : \T N\1 NEIG PI EASE, 11FIAI '1'111: TOP 51 11111 1(111( IREiCORDS "'. `t STORAGE TANK REGISTRATION• p Thiy placard comities that rho owner & tacitly named her. complied Mb the registration requirements Ior petroleum &for hazardous substance storage tanks ragulalod by the FL Department al Environmental Protection. The placard must be placed atd 0i the weather and in pta,n vices of storage lank compliance inspectors cnt0hng 1h0 IaGiity ' - 1 I SECONDARY CONTAINMENT INSTALLATION DEADLINES • ,- - - t 12 -31 -2009: Single -wall USTs & UST small diameter piping in contact wan iho salt must have secondary coniainmonl. 01.-01 -2010. Single -wall field erected ASTs & AST single -waif hulk product piling in contact woh the soli muss have saccnoary ceniainmaN unless 'I deferred by on API 570 tntojnty Assessment Tho Department has never Issued an extension to an upgrade deadline since Iho storage tank rules wuro adopted in 1984. It you have questions about - 1 these or other deadlines - ar lured guttural technical assistance - consult Rule 02 -761. r A.C., or contact a storage tank inspector hem the DEP district, '( office, or from the local storage tank program office for your county - DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION IS ON THE INTERNET Thu Web address for DEP is mtp : \hv\lsidop.slato.11.us. , " ' You can access the site tor Storage Tank Regulation directly by uslnp: http \1w4rw.dep stale .il.us'wastehaatogonesitanks. Look under the HIGHLIGHTS section to find links to storage lank rules, loans, database and other program inlarmaaon . EMAIL 'rep:siration - related questions and comments to: TankRagplratonedep.5taio.il.us - ar tolaphono (850) 245 -6839. Regislrahon stall members win assist you with your questions and wilt respond to you by phone or reply to your email nddtess. 'rite Storage 'Peek' Iicgintr p below rnuxt Ire posted nt die 1'neilitr. 11 nuts(. he ill:teed out of the Weather uttd to plaits vimo uF tenph :darn petering the futility. „ m .. „o.,..„:w , .wvr..... » xir, :nw«•wnww. .,m,..... a ...., ........:..w..... , . xHi IUWI �„ Mwh.#n x.�Ai, ."tWnt.kbXdw�ivr u.,MiYVW 4N �tM FLORIDA • I DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONIIIEIN A 'L PROTECTIO\ . • S STORAGE 1 r 1133,_(s'R_S.TEON :P[ CARD 4 '...,,. ' PLACARD NO: 337667 ? CIL- iT ~ SD: 8945309 icPLACp2D ISSI:ED: 05/27/2010 " ,, .; ..i'' t ARD EXPIRES' - s. 'PLACARD tlo /3012011` FACILITY . PETROTECH SODTH^A5T" INC -SULK '4 ULK PL•T . - „ „: . "• na9'. FRAJM Ik sT OCOEE EL 34761 .. 2663 - .. ''ORANGE Ciii7NT't - TVP: Sy.'Pslss o sr it1.13: 8 FACILT_^."t TYPC;, Eu1I. 3tcrage Foci). icy - ' . 7CCOtP.IT: 4606 's . + - n(ci.:ur:T OWNER:' PETROTECii SOU'1'11 ::s: me M'tYfy J to +n. Dire ctor .1' Div,inidtuad ct emnnt _ • Department of Environmental Frotociion, • • : : . . . • ci . . . . us; rrED 'STATES OF AMERICA , DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PIPELINE:AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SAFETY ADMINISTRATION 1 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ( .. .CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION ; . . FOR REGISTRATION YEAR(S) 2008-2011 Re istrant: PETROTECH SOUTHEAST INC ' Atin: JUDITH ATORTER 200,000EE APOPKA ROAD OCOEE. FL 34761 . , . . 14 , This certifies that the registrant is registered vt'ith the U.S. Deparunent of Trinsponation asrequired by 49'CER Pan.) 07„ Subpart G. . . . This certificate is issued under the anthority 61.49 tIS.C. 5108. Ii is unlawful to alter Or falsify this . . . document. _ ' . . ••„. . . . . Re. No: 050908 550 ,034QS ' Issued: 05/09/2008 EspireS: 06/30/2011 , . .. .. . . . . : , ... . . - • . ' • • - •-• - ' . : Record keeping Requirements for the Registration Program . . ,..„ . 'The following mtnt be maintained at the principal place of business for a period or duce yctus hum the . , date of 'nuance of this Cenificate of Registration:. • . . , . . (1)! A c of the registration statement filed With pHMSA; and ,r , • , (2), 'This Cenificate,of Registration .. . . .,. . .. . Each,person subject to he registration requirement must frirnish that person's Certificate of Registration :. (or &copy) and all other records and infonuation Tenanting witheinfortnation contained in the registration' staterne.arto an authorizedteptcsentative or special agent of the U. S. Deparunent of Transportation riPon' . . -- i request. , .. i. • : EacIr rimier earriedprivote Or for-hire) and each vessel operator subject to•the registration.requirement . .. • must keep a Copy of the Current Cenificate of Registration or anothcr'document haring the registration, .. ' nuntheridentined as the "U.S. DOT Hanuat , Reg. No.' in cachitek'and truck tractor or veld (trailers • . ant „semi•trailers not included) used to rranspon hazardous matarials stibject. tom the registration requirement. The Cenificate of Registration, or document baring the registnition number must be made available; upon request:to enforcement personnel. .- . . . FM information, contact the Hazardous Materials Registrarion Manager. P1111.62, Pipeline and Hazardous . . - . Materials Safety Adtilinisfratiois, U.S. pcpanrimit of Transportation. 1 Jog New Jersey Avocet. SE, 3 Washington. DC 20590. telephone (202) 366-4109. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . - • , . . , . . • , . . • . . . . . . , . . . • , . • 1 • • < , . . .. I . 1 . , - t ■ ■ , h * r i 03 • ..0. • 0 • 1 7 --. Ca " • a ' 4 t ,-- . co , W0 2 1 •-•-• CD . CI 03 • • 1 'i st ffimall , sit ' issor s }... , ' !s I c . f. E mill -CI I..' A , ,Z . 0 • ! ea oi a) Cie). -a 0 C n 4 •1 • ..... iii .0 . •n -.. ,,,, P .1 PA .a. c . • ii..± '4 a) ca o . L . ; a t W 0 0 a , • T. ..c a) lz )1 . it) z t- ca r.a - P4 E-4 ,_,.......-., 1... NOM= ' F.... ! .) ,..... C Q .. 1 ... 1 .) 03 c . ..ca 'ti to to "L) 74, 4 l• Cb. caii4 0 m 0 tu >4.2 • LI • • 1 5 W 1 / 4, 44241 C 7 C a/ . C 1 .70034:941 ad m OCCH (ti a . . UrP s Ceir) IP 0 s - . 4 c i i i. 7 ' • GO • ..,. 4... )4 • Cata0) LP .....-. „Ca alb M . 4•11 itoinsi - c c : .. lir,......,". ' LI E W c ''•- • c ' .64 . 4 4 • . . 0I 0 C.3 fittitOiss N. 0 0 (sr) a . TS 752, lef 4 0 w 0 ve 4'... , :-. • -6 ,,,,, . k CD' E 4.) / " iitts1 01 --. .. I • . . ' ke.... = .., • i Sr ua f 7i L a', ' . 40... 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