R-51-036 4 ¿1 .~ 4 3~ RES 0 L UTI 0 N WHEREAS under the Charter and Qzdinances of the City of Clermont it is provided that all real and personal property within the city limits of the City of Cle:mont on Ja~uary 1st of each calendar year is subject to taxat~on, and sa~d c~ty has in the past assessed and collected taxes upon personal property used for business purposes; and, WHEREAS under Chapter 200.08, Laws of Florida, 1941, and amendments thereto, household furnishings, wearing apparel and effects of the person constitute a class of personal property serving the creature comforts of the owner, that such property is not held for commercial purposes, that the true value thereof is uncertain and speculative, that sentimental value is attached to a great quantity of such property, and tax payers generally are unable to determine with any degree of reasonable accuracy the full cash value of such property, and that such is not a proper basis of the valuation thereof for taxation purppses; and, that such property consisting of household furnishings, wearing apparel and effects of the person, actually employed in the use for which designed and not used for commercial purposes, are recognized and declared to be property of a special class and character; and, WHEREAS, the City of Clermont after diligent study and research have been unable to complete a tax roll on such property which would be equitable in the slightest degree; and the collection of this tax based on the assessment roll made by the Tax Assessor and tentatively approved by the City Council would be difficult and unfair to all concerned; now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Florida, that the maximum assessment of Household Furnishings, Personal Property consisting of wearing apparel and personal effects of the person owned or held by anyone family unit be ~sses~ed at a value of $500.00 for the year 1951-1952, {years ~n wh1ch same would be collected, but covers only the taxing year of 1951); and, that such family unit. which are bona fide residents of the City of Clermont, Florida, be allowed a $500.00 exemption as provided þy law; and, that the City Council shall make a ' special study of ways and means of procuring an equitable assess- ment of household personal properttéssa9 hereinabove described for future taxing years. ~ - - ~ - - - - - - - ~ ~ - - - - -" ~ - - - - - - ~ - - - - Passed and Adopted by the City at a meeting held on September