O-56-151 ORDINANCE NO. 151 .. AN ORDINANCE ABOLISHING, VACATING AND FOREVER CLOS- ING FRACTIONAL PART OF MINNEHAHA AVENUE AS REPRE- SENTED ON THE OFFICIAL MAP OF THE CITY OF CLElMONT, FILED 2/4/26 AND RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 8, PAGES 13 TO 23, INCLUSIVE, PUBLIC RECORDS OF LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, LYING EAST OF RIGHT OF HAY OF STATE ROAD 25, U. S. 27, (FORMERLY STATE ROAD 8-A FEDERAL ROUTE 19), LYING NOR'lHERLY AND SOUlliERLY OF RIGHT OF HAY OF STATE ROAD 50; PROVIDING FOR THE REVERTING AND/OR CONVEYANCE OF SAID STREET TO THE OIDJ'ER OR OWNERS OF THE PROPERTY LYING ADJACEl'T AND ABUTTING THERETO. , , WHEREAS, in the construction of State Road 25, U. S. 27, (formerly State Road 8-AFederal Route 19) and State Road 50 by the State Road Department of the State of Florida, Minnehaha Avenue, as represented on the Official Map of the City of Clermont, filed 2/4/26 and recorded in Plat Book 8, pages 17 to 23, inclusive, public re- cords of Lake County, Florida, is embraced within the Right of Way of one or the other, or both, of said State Roads; and, fractional parts thereof lying East of said State Road 25 and lying Southerly of, and possibly Northerly of, State Road 50, are without the boundaries of the Right of Way of either of, or both of, said State Roads; and, that in the construction of both of said State Roads, the State Road Department of Florida has removed the curb and pavement of said Minne- haha Avenue East of said State Road 25 and Northerly and Southerly of Right of 1iay of State Road 50 and has further removed said curb and pavement on said Minnehaha Avenue lying wi thin the Right of Way of either of, or both of, said State Roads; and, as the fractional part of Minnehaha Avenue lying East of the Right of Way of State Road 25 and lying Northerly and Southerly of the Right of Way of State Road 50 is not of sufficient width for street purposes and cannot be used by the traveling public, the said lands embraced within said Minnehaha Avenue East of State Road 25, as above desÅ“ibed, should revert to and become the property of the owner or owners of the property adjacent to and a butting said fractional parts of Minnehaha Avenue East of said State Road 25 and Northerly and Southerly of State Road 50; and, WHEREAS, Notice of the City Council's intention to con- sider the passage of an Ordinance to forever abandon, abolish, close and vacate said fractional part of Minnehaha Avenue lying East of said State Road 25 and Northerly and Southerly of State Road 50 has been published in. the Clermont Press, a newspaper of general circulation published in the Ci 1;y of C1ennont, Lake County, Florida in the weekly issues of December 6th and 13th, 1956, Proof of Publication thereof I being hereto attached and made a part hereof; and, the City Clerk and the City Council of the City of Clermont having received no objections, written, oraJ. or otherwise, to the passage of this Ordinance, therefore, BE IT ORDAINED AND ESTABLISHED' BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERHONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA: . SECTION II That fractional part of Minnehaha Avenue as represented on the Official Map of the City of Clermont, filed 2/4/26 and recorded in Plat Book 8, pages 17 to 23, inclusive, public records of Lake County, Florida, lying East of the Right of Way of State Road 25, U.S. 27 (formerly State Road 8-A Federal Route 19) and lying .. Northerly and Southerly of Right of Way of State Road 50 and East of the Right of Way of State Road 25, within the City limits of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, be and the same is hereby forever abolished, abandoned, vacated and closed as a street, thorough- fare or public way by the City of C1ermont¡ and, same is hereby for- ever closed to the general public under the authority of the Charter of the City of Clermont and under the further authority of Chapter 167.01, Florida statutes, 1955. SECTION II. The City Clerk of the City of Clermont, upon the passage of this Ordinance, is hereby directed to record in the public recordS of Lake County, Florida, a certified copy of this Ordinance at the expense of the City of C1ermont¡ and, the Mayor and the Ci 1;y Clerk of the City of Clermont are hereby directed to cause to be prepared and executed by them for and in behalf of said City, a Deed or Deeds of Conve~rance conveying any and aJ.1 right, ti Ue or interest in and to that fractionaJ. part of said State Road 25, lying East of State Road 50 and that fractionaJ. part of Minnehaha Avenue lying Northerly and Southerly of Right of Way of State Road 50 and East of the Right of Way of said State Road 25, to the owner or owners of record of the respective parcels of property lying adjacent to and abutting tha t part of said Right of Way of said Minnehaha Avenue here- by abandoned, closed, vacated and abolished forever. SECTION III. This Ordinance shall take effect immedi- ately upon its adoption, passage and approvaJ. in accordance with the Charter am Ordinances of the City of Clermont in such cases made and provided. . ... ...... ...... ......... ....... .... PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council'of the City of Clermont at an adjourned regular meeting held in the City of Clermont, Florida, in the City Hall on December 18 1 56. /fA/f;;,/4 1;y counch ~ '! '. ~-+.";. . \. ....................... . RECEIVED AND APPROVED by me this December 18, 1956. " of Clermont ................ .................... . I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was duly posted in the Ci 1;y of Clermont in accordance with the Charter and Ordinances of said City.' ~AL.r r .-, J- 7 / '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I~ t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DATED , , , " -2_ ^ ,. Proof of Publication ~ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF LAKE: Before t-he undersigned authority personally appeared W.L .Hullinger who on oath says that he is Pub 11sher of the Clermont Press and South L.ake Press, a weekly newspaper published In Clermont, Lake County, Florida, that the attached copy of adveMisement<, being a Legal Notice of 2 4/6 Inches In the matter of Notice In the 'ro Vacate Street Mim'ehaha AVII. was published in said newsp'aper in the issues of December 6, 13, 1956 Affiant further says the Clermont Press and South L.ake Press is a newspaper pub- lished at Clermont, in said Lake County, Florida, each week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office In Clermont, in said Lake County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy 0t: advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised purpose o~ securing this advertisement ~ any person, firm or corporation any di , rebate, commission, or refund for the - - ~ liC'a~the ~d ----I--A"---\--þj--- "'"~ r ~i~ ',_ -c.-.;;.> Sworn tõ~and:subsi::ribed before me - Î J4- ~;d'y of -f:le.~__ A. D. 195_Ú- ~~- ----£3.c-" ~.J _ . j Notary Public N.otory Public, State of Florida at large .. lA 1 -.., r-th1s ~ -~ ----- (SEAL) .,.,- , ·;;~·..·~~~f¡(,i~, ·'~~r~íf;~~\~:. ;;1" .- . '~.: I,~ \ :r~~CB or' L~ke ~3èdci~: ~:I~I·i;.fiä·¡.¡,~"14~~.'.~...~.:!.-.'.~~;<~c: East of R/W of S~\e.JtQad Jr5'''~1:!~ "1 27. (formerly State- Road. -S:cAif: F . Rt. 19) and lying Noft~¡'!:y'" a,n~ _"" Southerly of R/W, c¡f _ State~:Ofur~º.::;,,~ Said Ordinance further,prOVldl::!h:;oÍQl" the rever.iion of land!,!. within, 6á~d:,:-,de-- scribed 'Street to the owners ol_thè prop- erty lying, abutting and adjnceIit_~;therdo.. /s/ A.M. JOHNSON, , C,i,ty Clerk D~."6. 13. i956 ;¡~~- ."..- .. NOT ICE .. TO ALL WHOM IT HAY CONCERN: The City Council of the Ci1;y of Clermont, Lake County, Florida will at its regular meeting at 7:30 p. M. in the City . Hall in the City of Clermont on December 18, 1956 consider for passage an Ordinance, now on file with the City Clerk, to for_ ever abolish, abandon, close and vacate the following described Street in the City of Clermont: Fractional part of Minnehaha Avenue, as repre- sented on the Official Map of the Ci1;y of Clermont filed 2/4/26 and recorded in Plat Book 8, pages 17 to 23, inclusive, public records of LAke County, Florida, lying East of R/W of State Road 25, U. S. 27, (formerly State Road 8-A, Fed. Rt. 19) and lying Northerly and Southerly of R/W of State Road 50. { Said Ordinance further provides for the reversion of the lands withiri said described Street to the owners of the property lying, abutting and adjacent thereto. ();Þ ''f"~ . .~ "-+~~~.... '. .. . erk '- ..: \ Published Dec. 6 and 13, 1956. . , - '/ , f ~