09-16-2010 CRA Special Meeting City of Clermont
Community Redevelopment Agency
Special Meeting
September 16, 2010
The Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) met on Thursday, September 16, 2010
in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Mayor Turville called the meeting to order at
6:47pm with the following CRA members present: Mary Jo Pfeiffer, Bob Bowman,
Keith Mullins, Ray Goodgame, and Robert Thompson. Other City officials present were:
City Manager Saunders, Assistant City Manager Gray, and City Clerk Ackroyd.
Approval of Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency meeting minutes of August 24, 2010
Council Member Goodgame moved for the approval of the CRA minutes
of August 24, 2010 as written; seconded by Mullins. The motion passed
with all members present voting "aye ".
Facade Improvement Grant
Dancewear Corner
Planning and Zoning Director Hitt presented the request. Dancewear Corner is located at
791 W. Montrose Street. The CRA criterion requires no physical renovation or work be
done and nothing has been done. The applicant requested approval of demolition of the
existing mansard and installation of a new fabric awning as part of this request. A quote
was received for the removal of the awning. Mr. Hitt expressed concern with the quote
not including the repair and re- facing of the mansard. He suggested proceeding with the
removal and demolition at $975 with the caveat that if the other quote, which is $900, can
come in and does the same type of repair work after the mansard is done, it would be a
reduction in the overall cost. This would allow more flexibility. The removal is $975 and
the new awning is $1,250. The total exterior cost with improvements is $2,225. The
applicants match is 25 percent which is $556.25. The total grant request is $1,668. The
applicant is also interested in a different color other than dark green provided they stay
with an earth tone color. Staff would review. Staff recommended Council approval of the
grant request.
Mayor Turville opened the public hearing. There were no comments.
Mayor Turville closed the public hearing.
Council Member Mullins questioned if the $1,250 awning cost included taxes. Planning
and Zoning Director Hitt noted taxes and engineering would need to be included which
would increase the cost. The permit fees cannot be included as it is exempt under the
Council Member Mullins moved to grant the grant subject to changes
allowed by staff as far as color and repairing as presented by staff
including the tax and engineering; seconded by Council Member
Planning and Zoning Director Hitt made a correction noting the awning quote is $1,265
instead of $1,250.
The motion passed with all members voting "aye ".
Resolution No. 5
Mayor Turville read Resolution No. 5 aloud by title only.
A Resolution of the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of
Clermont, Lake County, Florida, adopting the budget for the 2010 -2011
Fiscal Year.
Mayor Turville opened the public hearing. There were no comments.
Mayor Turville closed the public hearing.
Council Member Mullins moved to adopt Resolution number 5 the budget;
seconded by Council Member Goodgame. The motion passed with all
members present voting "aye ".
,,Adjourn; With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:55pm.
'W"Y arold . Turville, Mayor
Tracy Ac . yd, City Cl