O-57-157 ORDII-!...NC3 NO. I$"7 .t\1.: OHDIN...I'TCE PROVIDIlm .... 'I'M L~ ON J<LL PROPJi:BTY IN ..:'H'~ e;¡'J.'Y OF CL:::Ri·illN!', L JŒ COUNTY, FLOiiID.ri., ~,'OR ~IIS Y"::.'H OF 1957; PROVIDING ... BUDGh'T OF ¡..:x:P~N~ES FOR ~rl~ FISCAL ~~R uF 1957-1958 jù{D '¡:ŒING APHlOPEI<l.TION.:i 'J.'HB.tßb'OH. .. B:t: IT ORD.hDT,t!,'D AI-ID :ë:STABUSHlID BY 'l'H"; CITY COUNCIL OF i'HE CI'ry uF CLERMONT, FL-ORID.ri.: :):~C'i'IDr-T I: It is hereby found and determined by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, that the following sums of money are required for t he operation of the p:overnment of the City of Clermont for the fiscal year of 1 November 1957 to 31 October 1958, inclusive: S;~PENSES BDr-ID DEBT SE3.VICE G"':13JiAL úPÓ:RbTING EXPENS¡,;S: St:reet Department ~Rter Department Sanitation Department Parks Department Fire Department Folice De~artment ...amin! strat ion General Expense s ,1{~\r~,:u:J . 'Cigarette Tax "'i".atër : Sale s G:;)rbage Cherge s heter Installations Building Permits License s Fines & Fo:rfeitures Cemetery Lot Sales Road & Bridge Tax: Florida POI'Ter Tax Parking ['Ieters Bentals l'1iscE"llaneous City Prope:rty Seles Utility Tax (10 months) Bond Debt Service Charge 8 Nill Tax Ißvy (operations) 4 Mill Tax Ißvy for Debt $ 26,423.50 40,900.00 30,140.00 9,660.00 9,515.00 4,800.00 18,880.00 16 , 290 .00 49,899.44 :; 22,000.00 :37,500.00 25,000.00 ;,750.00 2,800.00 6,700.00 4,200.00 500.00 2,600.00 3,750.00 4,800.00 1,200.00 1,507.89 5,700.00 18,000.00 2,935.95 ;7,140.60 26,423.50 '?~06 ,507.94 ~ 206,507.94 as determined and based on a Budr;et for the 1o'iscal Year of 1957-1958 dulY adopted by the City Council of the City of Clermont. ':;EC~ION II: It is hereby found and determined by the City Council of the City of Clermont th8t the . total of the ~sessment Roll of the City of Clermont for 1957, as prepared by the Tax Assessor of the s8id City, and as equ81ized and c0nfirmed by the City Council is 3 8,;72,590.00; and,~hat the following deductions must be made from the bssessment Roll in order to arrive at the value of all property subject to Bond Debt Service of the City of Clermont: DEDuc"rIO~IS i"RON TOTAL A~S¡';µS!.¡ßN'l' BOLL: Exempt Property - Government oi'med, Church, lrraternal, widows &; Disability ¡¡ ; 645,420.00 thereby leaving an hssessment Roll having a total of :;7,727,170.00 subject to Bond Debt Service, and each mill levied thereon should produce, based on 95% collection ~7,340.82, if so collected; and fhe following further deductions from the bsses~ent Roll of $7,727,170.00 must be made in order to arrive at the true value of property subject to taxation for General ':¡2, 78:,120.00 56 , 130.00 ~2, 839,250.00 thereby leaving a total Assessment Roll of 54,287,920.00 Operating r~penses: Homestead Exemptions r~cluded Property upon which a millage may be levied for General Operating ;,;xpense s of t he City of Clermont; and, that each m ill levied thereon should produce, based on 95) collection, ;4,643.53, if so collected. . SEc'nON III: It is hereby found and dete!'mined by the City Council of the City of Clermont that to r8ise the sum of $ 29,,359..45 requ.il'ed for Bond Debt Service and service charges, and the adèi.itional sum of $37,140.60 in addition to the estimated reve~µ~s $S outlined in Section . I hereinabove, and further anticipating uncollected taxes, a tax levy of 'fwelve (12) Mills is required to be made as follows: For Interpst & Sinking Bund & Reserve for Bonded Indebtedness (Bond Debt ':;ervice) 4 N ill s For General Operating Expenses 8 Eills ;:JECfION IV: 'l.'here is hereby levied and shall be collected on each dollar of t~able property in the City of Clermont and in the areas excluded from the City of Clermont by Chapter 21152, J.ct s of the Lerrislature, 1941, . for Interest and dinkinf, Þùnd, and rteserve for Bonded indebtedness, a tax of 4 Kills for the ye.ar of 1957, and a tax of 8 Mills for General Operetinß ~penses on all property in the Cityof Clermont, save and except that property included in the areas as excluded from the Gity of Clermont ty Chapter 21152, ~cts of the Legislature,1941, to-wit: ffor Generel ~und (General Operating ~xpenses) For Interest & ;:Jinkins ~und ~ heserve for Bonded Indebte.dness 8 Hills 4 IÜll s SECfION v: The îex Ass~ssor of the City of Clermont is ilereby directed to extend the J~ssessment Roll of the City of Clermont, heretofore approved by the City Cou~cil, in accordance with the millage provided in dection IV of this Ordinance, 8.nd to deliver same to the 'fax Collector and City Clerk, anò. t11$ 'rex Collector and City Clerk are hereby (iirected to collect the said taxes at the tirr.e and in the manner provided "hy law e.nd the senera.l Ordinances of t{¡e City of Clermont, J:<'lorida. ~3C~IOK VI: ~he monies raised by this tex levy are hereby a:ryproiated for the purposes for ~'Ihich levieã.; and no monies collected for tile Intere st and 0inking ~'und and rleserve for Bonded Indebtedness shall be used lor a~y other purpose other than PRY ing-, first, ten par centum (10;;) thereof for book-keeping and administration chare:es, secondly, the interest on the bonded indebtednpss of the City of Clermont falling due durin~ the c818ndar year of , 1957; and, second, for the retirement of the principal indebtedness in such manner as the City Council m~v hereafter determine, or as the City of Clerm'Jnt is obligated to pay in Ecccordance to t he terms anã. conditions set forth in its bonds. S~C~IOR VII: This Ordinance shall be effective immediately upon it s D?ssaß8 and apnroval by the Hay or . ------------------------------------------------------- - .. P:.:),,~D by t'"8 City Council of the City of Clermont at its .J.djourned Regular heeting held on the 15th day of October, A.D., 1957 ,£{,~~~ .......'. , '. -'~~'.¡. $4< ,¡; /\, $ -~..., ,.,<- ~ :' ,- \~ '-:' S _. 1 ~,.:;; :' -~;.-,.... S ~ $ ~-e "., ..~.= ~, ....~::- -:.... ~ ."~ ~ ~ ,- ~ '-,":', ~ / ,,~ ~ ~":'"' ¡,;<,~ ......,-......'\:. ..'~.... ------------------------------------------------------- .<..PPROITJD by me October 15th, ------------------------------------------------------- C E R T I F I CAT E I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance of the City of Clermont was posted in accordance with the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Clermont. Dat~d October 30, 1957 Or; ..a. . .' .- $' . rt~k~, ., /\// '. . .. ¥.,. ":':;:: ,..-~. 'l ~~ f/~þ '.-,,/-~ ~\~~ ~ -''¿ ~;-:.= ::-= Or f ::- ..'r~::: ~-~~ ~~-~ G '- ~ ~....~~ ';;ij,."~ BUDGST CI'L'Y Off CLEBJ.IONT 1957-5e i'ßilEÏ\'UB .. T2X Ißvy, 4 Hills Operé'.ting Tax, 8 r'¡ills Ci¡;>;e.rette Tax \1ater Sales Garbae-E' C~2!'<::e !'iater Installation Building Permit s L1censeà Fines & Fdrfeitures Cemetery Lot Sale s ::load &: Bridge Tax Florida Power Tax P8J'king Neters Rentp.ls r';iscellaneous City Property dales Utility Tax Bond Debt Service Ch2!'~ :j 26,423.50 37,140.60 22,000.00 :37,500.00 25,000.00 3,750.00 2,800.00 6,700.00 4,200.00 500.00 2,600.00 ;,750.00 4,800.00 1,200.00 1,507.89 5,700.00 18,000.00 2,935.95 ';: 206,507.94 .c::;;.PENd?;S ST 3. ~i,T DEP A.3TJoIENT : Labor - Cleaning LDbor Repairs Supplies Lif.hting SiVls & ['¡r;¡rking Side-Halk Repair s Drains StrR9t Name s Re-':>urfacirg Hateria1s New dtreet s Miscellaneous '7 10,670.00 5,830.00 750.00 6,750.00 600.00 100.00 1,000.00 100.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 100.00 ~ 40,900.00 .1..TE:a D.!:PABTI'JENT: Labor POI'lOr Pipe s & Fitt tngs Eains Heters ¡·Ieter RetHÜrs Sutmlies· Fi!'e Hydrant s Pump Rep:?ir s General ~aintenance IÜsce11l"ueous " 4,290.00 4,300.00 2,000.00 12,500.00 4,000.00 300.00 600.00 1,250.00 350.00 350.00 200.00 :¡ 30,140.00 3.§I'r':Ù:I at; DEP iL.'1TIŒNT : . Labor J-iiscellanAous 8 9,460.00 200.00 9,660.00 '.' BUDGi:T (Pa e:e i ~) P.'HKS -- Labor Lightine; Jaycee Beach Colored Beach Park Improvement Fund Library Youth Center JÜ sce11aneous i¡ ;,740.00 250.00 500.00 300.00 1,000.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 225.00 9 , 515 .00 '" '" FElli D.c;P ,;)'iTE,":NT Salarie s '~ruck - Gas Truck - Repair !'i1sce11aneous ~ 4,500.00 50.00 150.00 100.00 4,800.00 >j: POLICr:: DEP1Ln'hENT S::,.laries Prisoner âpense Cpr - Repairs C21' - Gas Car - 'fire s Traffic Lighting Radio Haintenance Equipment & ~up~lies Treffic Light Maintenance Uniforms ¡',iscellaneous ~; 1;,980.00 600.00 600.00 1,600.00 400.00 100.00 400.00 500.00 50.00' 350.00 300.00 o 18,880.00 ADHINIi3TRi.J:':LOl-! Cilierk Assistant Superintendent Office j;Xpense Phone Cont igency Hel'¡ ßC1,uipment .\ /, ',,> ...., 800.00 2,600.00 4,040.00 600.00 100.00 3,750.00 400 .00 :; 16,2!W.00 G3:-!E::L-~L 1~(P~N8ES . '1'8.x Viscounts J: .oojustmonts Jitt orney 'l'ax .....s se s SOl' Fuel 6 Lights (City Hall) City Hall Maintenance 'i'rucks - Gas 'i'rucks _ Repair 'I'rucks - Tires .t:quipment Repair j,;quipment 'l'ire s Insurance Bmployee Insur:,;Dce ,:,oc ial Security 'l'o.xe s '~rÐasurer Salary .1ud it l:lect ion .,:xpense LeAgue of ¡·.unicipa11ties Chamber of Commerce hospital County ~'axe s Mosquito Control ~aintenance of Rental Property New Zquipment Hiscellaneous Deprec iat ion ~¡ 1,350.00 900.00 1,500.00 500.00 1,100.00 2,300.00 l,800.00 600.00 1,200.00 500.00 4,300.00 700.00 1,;65.00 50.00 750.00 75.00 100.00 ),500.00 1,500.00 350.00 1,080.00 200.00 1,000.00 1,188.44 8,;21.00 $ ;6 , 229.44 BUDGET (Page It 3) LIÞ-BILI'l'IES ::() Hunnicut & ÀSsoc. (Contract) Citizens Bank (Note) Cooley (Note) Bauerle (Note) Dual Parking Keter Co. (Contract) $ 2,500.00 6,000.00 2,200.00 1,320.00 1,650.00 Ii? 13,670.00 Bond Debt Service $ 26,423.50 GrulJm TOTAL $ 206,507.94 :() r --.