Jenkins Rules . e , " Pt~ poStel APPENDIX C RULES GOVERNING THE USE OF THE CLERMONT JENKINS AUDITORIUM 1. Advance reservations for the use of the building are required and must be made with the CIlamber of Commerce Director during regular business hours. 2. No organization or individual (other than the proper City and Chamber of Commerce authorities) will be furnished a key. 3. 'Reservations will specify a starting time and expected ending time so that fees may be quoted, The fee will be computed on the time the building is occupied until vacated. 4. Persons reserving the building have the responsibility to leave it in as good order as they found it, or they will be assessed a "clean-up" fee at the discretion of the Chamber Director. The kitchen area must be thoroughly cleaned after use. All garbage must be must be removed from the building and placed in a garbage can outside the building. All unused food must be removed from the refrigerator and from any other part of the building. S. No organization or individual may store or leave supplies, materials, equipment or other items in any part of the build- ing wi thou t \Hi t ten permi ss ion of the Chamber Di rector. 6. If reservations that are held over 30 days are cancelled within 10 days of the reserved date, a $10.00 fee may be charged. 7. Dances require the prior expressed approval of the City Manager. Applications for dances should be made to the City Manager at least two weeks prior to requested date. · 8. The City Council will consider requests for use of the building when permission is denied by the Chamber Director. Special request should .be made to the Ci ty Council at least three weeks in advance of the requested date. The decision of the City Council shall be final. 9. The use of the building for formal religious services must be approved in advance by the Chamber Director and the City Manager. 10. The use of posters or other advertsing of a permanent or semi- permanent nature within or around the building is prol1ibited without the consent of the Chamber Director. Temporary notices may be placed on the bulletin ]Joard after permission of the Chamher Director. Signs, banners or other decorations which may damage the building are prohib,i ted. 11. Bottled gas or any other highly flammable substance is not allowed in the building without proper supervision of competent, fire-trained personnel and prior approval of the Chamber Director and Fire Chief. 12. Animals are not permittted in the building without prior per- mission from the Chamber Director. ... ~ropo~eJ- APPENDIX C .age two 13. All rental fees will be billed to the user by the Chambe! of Commerce. Such fees must be paid to the Chamber Director. during regular business hours within three days. Any person or organization owing rental fees will be denied use of the building until all fees are settled in full. 14. 'Any rental -of the building \lIhich causes or resul ts in damage to the building or its contents will be billed for full cost of repairs of such damage. 15., Under no circumstances will alcoholic beverages be allowed on the premises either outside or inside. 16. All reserving parties agree to notify the Clermont Police Department for security check when the building is vacated after regular hours. 17. The lobby shall not be used for meetings. 18. Reservations may be made for a regularly scheduled use of the auditorium ~ut only with the understanding that special event programs may cause cancellation of the regularly scheduled use. .' e '. . e CITY COUNCIL APPROVED 9-26-78 Pr-~ Po~ecl APPENDIX 1\ RI~NTAL PEES 1. No rental fee is charged to government groups, local hospital, blood banl:s or Red Cros s or for youth act i vi ties which are free of admission, properly chaperoned by adults and open to the public or to servicc club activities that are intended to benefit the commullity and that are not fund-raising programs. 2. A fee of $3.00 per hour with a minimum of $lO.OO fce and a maximum of $"30.00 per day is charged for programs not included above which are educational, cultural or spiritual in nature, are non-political, and are open free of admission to the general public. For all ot.her purposes the fee is $3.00 per hour with no maximum. An additional charge of lO% of gross receipts will be levied for fund-raisipg events not included in paragraphs 1 or 2. For local, non-profit groups, the percentage fee is limited to $35.00 maximum. 3. 4. Set-up, take-down and clean-up fees apply in all cases, as determined by the Chamber Director at the rate of $3.00 per hour ($3.0U minimum). s. The conference room is available without charge (for non- commercial purposes) between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on regular business days by prior arrangement with the Chamber of Commerce Director. Regular rental fees will be charged at all other times as per sub-paras 2 and 3 above. ' 6. ({hen a res erva tion is reques ted, the Chamber Di rector may demand fees and possible assessments in advance, at 11is discretion. .