Annual Budget (1991 - 1992)CITY OF CLERMONT ANNUAL BUDGET 1 99 1 -92 ^ CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA ANNUAL BUDGET 1991-92 TABLE OF CONTENTS ^ INTRODUCTORY SECTION Budget Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Organization Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Listing of City Officials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 FINANCIAL SECTION W� Combined Statement of Budgeted Revenues, Expenditures and ^ Changes in Reserves - All Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 GENERAL FUND: ^ Statement of Budgeted Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Reserves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Statement of Budgeted Revenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 0-4 Statement of Budgeted Expenditures by Department . . . . . . . 16 INFRASTRUCTURE FUND: •� Statement of Budgeted Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Reserves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Statement of Budgeted Revenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Statement of Budgeted Expenditures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 1989 SALES TAX BOND FUND: ^ Statement of Budgeted Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Reserves . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Statement of Budgeted Revenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 ^ Statement of Budgeted Expenditures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS: "^ Combining Statement of Budgeted Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Reserves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 PALATLAKAHA RECREATION AREA FUND Statement of Budgeted Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Reserves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Statement of Budgeted Revenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Statement of Budgeted Expenditures . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 ^^ iii ., FINANCIAL SECTION (CONTID.) CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS (CONTID.): BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FUND Statement of Budgeted Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Reserves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Statement of Budgeted Revenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Statement of Budgeted Expenditures . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 ENTERPRISE FUNDS: Combining Statement of Budgeted Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Reserves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 UTILITY FUND Statement of Budgeted Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Reserves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Statement of Budgeted Revenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Statement of Budgeted Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 STORMWATER FUND Statement of Budgeted Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Reserves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Statement of Budgeted Revenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Statement of Budgeted Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 SANITATION FUND Statement of Budgeted Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Reserves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Statement of Budgeted Revenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Statement of Budgeted Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 CEMETERY PERPETUAL CARE FUND: Statement of Budgeted Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Reserves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Statement of Budgeted Revenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 iv .. 0" OR SCHEDULES OR Schedule of Budgeted Capital outlay Expenditures-1991-92 59 Schedule of Budgeted Capital Improvements - 1991-96. . . . 71 '^ Schedule of Job Classifications/Pay Grades . . . . . . . . 75 Schedule of Approved Positions By Department . . . . . . . 76 0-0 .• ., .. ., ., v u F F F u r - INTRODUCTORY SECTION r F F F F F F WM Fm am CITY OF CLERMONT September 27, 1991 Office of the City Manager Gear Mayor and Council Members: I am pleased to present the Fiscal Year 1992 annual operating and Capital Budgets. The budget represents the City's financial plan for the year and provides funding for services provided to the citizens of Clernont and proposed Capital Projects expenditures. The total City Budget for 1992 is $5, 016, 421 compared to $5, 246, 772 for fiscal year 1991. The change is mainly due to a decrease in Capital Outlay p=03ects for this year. The budgets include several necessary revenue or fee adjustments that are required due to decreased funding levels from the State, no the elimination of dividends from Lake Apopka Natural Gas, increased solid waste disposal costs and general increases in costs associated with maintaining current levels of service. oft Salary :adjustments contai;ied in the budget include a 2% cost of living adjust,nent for all employees, a $1,000 annual salary am adjustment for Police Officers, an increase of the Volunteer sire Assistant Chief s salary from $35 to $50 per month, and an increase in the Volunteer Firemen's salary from $7 to $11 per fire. No additional full-time or part-time personnel positions are budgeted Im for the upcoming year. Two major capital projects will be undertaken which include the .. completion of Phase II of the Palatlakaha Recreation Area and renovation of the Police Department Building. 00 The following, is a synopsis of the individual funds: 03ENER.AL FUND The City of Cleri«ont General Fund provides for the following: Police Protection Parks and Beautification Streets and Sidewalks Recreation Facilities Street Lighting Recreation Programs Fire Protection Cemetery Animal Control Vehicle Maintenance Planning and Development Code Enforcement Special Activities Administration am 1 on P 0 BOX 120219 • CLERMONT, FLORIDA 3471 2-021 9 • PHONE 904/394-40B 1 General Fund revenues are projected to be $2,250,794 which is a 9.5% increase over the previous year. Although the 1990 ad valorem millage rate of 2.729 is being maintained for the 1991-92 fiscal year, the total ad valorem tax dollars budgeted in 1991-92 are $64,978 or 16.8% more than the 1990-91 fiscal year, primarily due to increased assessed valuations and new construction. The amount the General Fund receives from the City's Enterprise Funds (Utility, Stormwater, and Sanitation Funds) as reimbursement of the cost of administrative services was increased $45,857 or 46%. The increase was based on an analysis of the cost of services provided by the General Fund to the Enterprise Funds. An operating transfer from the Utility Fund to the General Fund in the amount of $43,700 (10% of water sales) was approved for the 1991-92 fiscal year. The transfer, which is very common among municipalities throughout the State, is intended to- be an additional revenue source available to the General Fund on an annual basis. The stagnation of state funding and the continued loss of dividends from Lake Apopka Natural Gas, coupled with increased costs associated with maintaining current levels of services, have mandated the funding changes. General Fund expenditures for 1992 are budgeted at $2,269,594 which increased 9.9% from the 1991 budget. Reserves in the amount of $18,800 have been designated to balance the General Fund Budget. INFRASTRUCTURE FUND Monies for this fund are generated from the 7th cent sales tax imposed by Lake County in 1987. Expenditures are restricted to Infrastructure Capital Outlay. Of the $328,000 of projected revenues, $250,022 is budgeted for transfer to the 1989 Sales Tax Bond Fund to pay the debt service associated with the bond issue floated in 1989 to provide funding of the Palatlakaha Recreation Area, the new Public Services facility, and expansion of the Police Department building. Another $82,000 is appropriated for current Capital Outlay projects. 1989 SALES TAR BOND FUND The 1989 Sales Tax Bond Fund accounts for the accumulation of funds to pay the debt service on the 198S) Sales Tax Revenue Bond. The bond issue provided financing for the development of the F .. ON Palatlakaha Recreation Area, construction of a new Public Services complex, and renovation and expansion of the Police Department building. The 1991-92 bond debt service amount of $255,022 is No funded from transfers of sales tax collections from the Infrastructure Fund. .. PALATLARAHA RECREATION AREA FUND Three years ago the City began planning for a recreation complex to be located at Twelfth and Seminole Streets. A separate fund was established to account for the funding of this project. Phase I ., funding was provided by 1989 Sales Tax Bond proceeds, grants, Infrastructure Tax receipts, Recreation Fund and General Fund Reserves, and contributions and donations. Of the $150,000 appropriated for Phase II construction of the park in this budget, $112,500 is being provided by a grant from the Florida Department of Natural Resources. The remaining $37,500 is provided from the Building Construction Fund. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FUND .., The remaining major capital project to be funded from the Building Construction Fund in the 1991-92 fiscal year is the expansion of the Police Department building. Of the $649,219 estimated to be available for the 1991-92 fiscal year, $500, 000 is appropriated for this project. Another $57,604 is appropriated for transfer to other funds to cover the development of the Palatlakaha Recreation Area Phase II and the completion of the Public Works Complex leaving an unappropriated balance of $91,615. UTILITY FUND .. The Utility Fund provides for Water and Sewer Services to approximately 3,000 customers. Revenues and Transfers -In are projected to total $1,290,900 which is an increase of 5.5% over last year. An adjustment to the water rate was necessary in order to balance this fund and continue to operate as an enterprise fund. This is an area we must carefully monitor due to of forts to conserve water. NOR We have noticed a reduction in consumption, which is good but we must constantly calculate the economic effect. The base water charge has increased from $3.75 to $4.00 for the first 3,000 gallons and the variable rate charge increased from 85 cents to 90 •• cents for each additional 1,000 gallons. This is the first increase in water rates since 1982. ., 3 An increase in the monthly sewer rate is necessary which includes the base residential sewer charge increasing from $13.50 to $14.50 per month, with the corresponding percentage increase applied to the base commercial sewer and variable charges. Sewer rates were last adjusted in December of 1986. A Transfer -In from the Utility Benefit Fee Fund in the amount of $25,000 is included for the 1991-92 fiscal year. The transfer of Sewer Utility Benefit Fees (Impact Fees) is to provide funding for a portion of the sewer related bonded debt service. The transfer is intended to be made annually based on the amount of Sewer Utility Benefit Fees collected. The above noted revenue enhancements were made due to general increases in costs associated with maintaining current levels of service. Expenses are projected to be $1,230,034 which is a 3.2% increase over the previous year. STORMWATER UTILITY FUND Of the total estimated revenue of $140,000 for the 1991-92 fiscal year, $75,649 is budgeted for operation and maintenance of the City's existing stormwater management system. The stormwater fee of $3.00 per equivalent residential unit has been maintained at the 1990-91 level. We propose a Master Stormwater Plan be developed during 1992 which will provide a plan for future projects in this area. SANITATION FUND This fund provides garbage, trash, composting and recycling services for our residents. Recent actions by Lake County have had and will continue to have a major impact on this fund. The County has approved a 62.5% increase in tipping fees from $40 to $65 per ton. As a result, the City is required to increase rates from $14.50 to $16.50 per month. Total revenues are projected to be $527,500 with expenditures budgeted at $497,822. CEMETERY PERPETUAL CARE FUND The Cemetery Fund was established to provide continuing maintenance of the cemetery. All proceeds from lot sales are deposited to this fund with a transfer out of interest earnings to the General Fund 4 ., on for maintenance. Reserves for the fund are projected to increase by $10,000 this year. CONCLUSION The 1991-92 budget is very conservative, but with the continued PM efforts of all departments, it provides adequate funding to enable the City to continue to progress and provide services to the residents at an acceptable level. Subsequent pages of this budget provide schedules and details regarding specific funding. an We must continue to anticipate the future needs of our citizens and prepare for additional demands for service we will receive as the .• area grows. Conservative, long range planning and implementation of those plans, along with careful monitoring of outside issues directly affecting the City, will ensure a continuing healthy ow financial condition for the City. Respectfully submitted, sm CITY OF CLERMONT sm WA SAUNDERS City Manager WS/jmb oft Oft oft .. 004 .. 5 0M ,f CITY OF CLERMONT ORGANIZATIONAL CHART .. On ICITIZENS I CLERMONT City CITY Attorney COUNCIL I Committees P City Manager Police Fire Public ` Finance `Planning Services Streets Accounting Planning Parks Budgeting Zoning Animal Control Payroll Licensing Sanitation Utility Billing Permitting Water Risk Management Code Enforcement .m Sewer OM am om .. .. 6 Mayor Mayor/Pro-Tem Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember City Manager City Attorney Finance Director Public Services Director Chief of Police City Engineer Planning Director Fire Chief CITY OF CLERMONTj FLORIDA LISTING OF CITY OFFICIALS AS OF OCTOBER 1t 1991 ELECTED OFFICIALS APPOINTED OFFICIALS 8 Robert A. Pool Hal Turville Ann Dupee Kenneth Norquist Lester Cole Wayne Saunders Leonard H. Baird, Jr. Joseph E. Van Zile Preston Davis Prentice Tyndal John Springstead Lanny Harker Carle Bishop 17 ., r FINANCIAL SECTION r r This section contains the basic Budgeted Revenues [ and Expenditures Statements for those funds which have legally adopted budgets. A combined State- [ment of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Reserves is presented in orderto show the total City r of Clermont Annual Budget. Statements of Rev- enues, Expenditures and Changes in Reserves (' and detail Statements of Revenues and Expendi- tures are also presented for each fund along with (' prior years' information for comparison purposes. F I F F F F F F F F CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA ALL FUNDS COMBINED STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES, EXPENDITURES & CHANGES IN RESERVES 1991-92 REVENUES TAXES LICENSES & PERMITS INTERGOVERNMENTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES FINES & FORFEITURES MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL REVENUES NON -REVENUES TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS TOTAL REVENUE & NON -REVENUE EXPENDITURES ADMINISTRATION POLICE FIRE PUBLIC WORKS ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT HUMAN SERVICES CULTURE/RECREATION DEBT SERVICE WATER SEWER STORMWATER SANITATION TOTAL EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS -OUT TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS -OUT EXCESS OF REVENUES & NON -REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS -OUT BEGINNING RESERVE ENDING RESERVE SPECIAL DEBT GENERAL REVENUE SERVICE FUND FUND FUND 1,316,178 306,000 27,900 496,400 164,400 56,000 113,112 22.000 5.000 2,173,990 328,000 5,000 76.804 250.022 2,250,794 328,000 255,022 528,730 805,882 41,100 797,537 82,000 10,115 86,230 255,022 2,269,594 82,000 255,022 250.022 2.269.594 332.022 255.022 ( 18,800) 1.074.887 1.056,087 ( 4,022) 12.123 8.101 10 CAPITAL NON -EXPENDABLE PROJECT ENTERPRISE TRUST TOTALS FUNDS FUNDS FUND 1992 1991 1,622,178 1,564,000 27,900 37,000 112,500 9,700 618,600 498,963 1,787,200 1,951,600 1,758,343 l` 56,000 33,800 44,500 138,500 23,000 346.112 303,812 157,000 1,935,400 23,000 4,622,390 4,195, 918 37,500 25.000 389.326 133.000 194,500 1,960,400 23,000 5,011,716 4,328,918 528,730 1,072,244 500,000 1,305,882 1,153,880 41,100 37,780 a 879,537 1,159,320 10,115 11,100 500 150,000 236,230 139,200 255,022 435,859 435,859 425,411 750,475 750,475 723,875 ,75, 649 75,649 51,300 497.822 497.822 472,162 650,000 1,759,805 5,616,421 5,246,772 57,604 43,700 13,000 364.326 123,000 707,604 1.803,505 13.000 5,380.747 5.369,772 (513,104) 156,895 10,000 ( 369, 031) (1,040,854) 604.719 1.691,087 171.220 3.554,036 4,312.391 91.615 1,847,982 181,220 3.185,005 3.271.537 - 11 F F F r F GENERAL FUND The General Fund accounts for all revenues and expenditures of the City which are not required to be accounted for in other funds. It receives a greater variety and number of taxes and other general revenues than any other fund. 13 IF CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN RESERVES 1991-92 REVENUES TAXES LICENSES & PERMITS INTERGOVERNMENTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES FINES & FORFEITURES MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL REVENUES TRANSFERS -IN TRANSFER FROM CEMETERY PERPETUAL CARE FUND TRANSFER FROM BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FUND TRANSFER FROM UTILITY FUND TOTAL TRANSFER -IN TOTAL REVENUE & TRANSFERS -IN Actual Budget Estimated Budget 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 1,143,259 1,239,000 25, 686 37,000 547,872 498,963 98,269 112,943 40,572 33,800 131.816 120,012 1,987,474 2, 041, 718 13,655 13,000 -0- -0- -0- -0- 13,655 13,000 2,001,129 2,054,718 EXPENDITURES ADMINISTRATION POLICE FIRE PUBLIC WORKS ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT HUMAN SERVICES CULTURE/RECREATION TOTAL EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS -OUT TRANSFER TO CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FUND TRANSFER TO PALATLAKAHA RECREATION AREA FUND TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS -OUT EXCESS OF REVENUES & TRANSFERS -IN OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS -OUT BEGINNING RESERVE ENDING RESERVE 471,350 480,744 711,487 778,880 49,910 37,780 711,034 675,320 9,593 11,100 1,000 500 78,452 79,200 2,032,826 2,063,524 20,000 -0- -0- -0- 1,250,033 1,316,178 40,900 27,900 471,569 496,400 113,651 164,400 60,847 56,000 109,748 113,112 2, 046, 748 2,173, 990 13,000 13,000 -0- 20,104 -0- 43,700 13,000 76,804 2,059,748 2,250,794 506,331 528,730 781,200 805,882 37,469 41,100 766,607 797,537 9,977 10,115 500 -0- 82.699 86,230 2,184,783 2,269,594 -0- -0- 51,754 -0- 2.052.826 2.063.524 2.236,537 2.269.594 (51,697)( 8,806) ( 176, 789) ( 18,800) 1.303.373 1.054.136 1.251.676 1.074.887 1.251.676 1,045.330 1.074.887 1.056.087 14 ... CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND ^ STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES 1991-92 Actual Budget Estimated Budget 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 TAXES ( 01-310) 311-1110 Ad Valorem 333,248 385,700 385,700 450,678 312-1231 State Local Option Gas 151,743 165,000 147,900 150,000 313-1300 Franchise Fees 299,889 273,500 290,208 289,300 ^ 314-1400 Utility Service 358,379 414,800 426,225 426,200 TOTAL TAXES 1,143,259 1,239,000 1,250,033 1,316,178 LICENSES & PERMITS (01-320): 321-2110 Occupational Licenses 13,955 21,000 15,900 15,900 329-2910 Other Licenses & Permits 11,731 16,000 25,000 12,000 TOTAL LICENSES & PERMITS 25,686 37,000 40,900 27,900 r• INTERGOVERNMENTAL (01-330): 334-3490 State Grant -Comp Plan 4,658 -0- -0- 13,000 334-3492 State Grant -Tree Project -0- -0- -0- 9,750 N°. ^, 335-3510 State Cigarette Tax 32,539 32,643 30,406 28,700 335-3520 State Revenue Sharing 180,998 159,620 149,697 159,650 335-3530 State Mobile Home Tax 10,875 10,000 11,625 11,000 ^ 335-3540 State Alcoholic Beverage 5,668 6,500 5,529 5,600 335-3550 State Half -Cent Sales Tax 210,087 223,800 210,620 205,000 335-3560 State Motor Fuel Tax 3,906 3,200 4,000 4,000 �- 338-3810 County Occupational Lic. 15,353 14,500 15,300 15,300 338-3820 County School Crossing 3,164 2,700 4,533 4,500 338-3830 County One Cent Gas Tax 43,124 46,000 39,869 39,900 339-3910 Lake Apopka Gas Contrib. 37,500 -0- -0- -0- ^ TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL 547,872 498,963 471,569 496,400 CHARGES FOR SERVICES (01-340): 347-4710 Activity Fees 1,935 1,300 2,100 4,000 347-4720 Boat Ramp Fees 4,034 7,500 3,000 7,500 347-4730 South Lake Arts 2,616 4,600 9,008 7,500 349-4920 Administrative Services 89,684 99,543 99,543 145.400 ^ TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICE 98,269 112,943 113,651 164,400 FINES AND FORFEITURES (01-350): ^ 359-5910 Fines & Forfeitures 37,204 32,000 57,300 53,000 359-5930 Law Enforcement Education 1,988 1,300 2,797 2,500 359-5940 False Alarms 1,380 500 750 500 .� TOTAL FINES AND FORFEITURES 40,572 33,800 60,847 56,000 MISCELLANEOUS (01-360): 361-6100 Interest 98,765 91,000 83,741 83,000 ^ 362-6200 Rentals 21,356 12,512 9,865 10,112 364-6400 Fixed Assets Sales 840 2,500 5,060 2,500 366-6600 Contributions 14,975 9,000 5,582 11,500 369-6910 Other 5.880 5,000 5,500 6,000 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 131.816 120,012 109,748 113.112 TOTAL REVENUE 1.987.474 2,041,718 2.046,748 2,173.990 15 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES 1991-92 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 CITY COUNCIL (01-510-511). 1200 Salaries & Benefits 10,800 10,800 10,800 17,800 4000 Travel & Per Diem 2,425 2,000 2,000 2,000 4680 Repair & Maint.-Equipment 300 300 345 325 4900 Other Current Charges 1,747 -0- -0- -0- TOTAL CITY COUNCIL 15,272 13,100 13,145 20,125 CITY MANAGER (01-510-512) 1200 Salaries & Benefits 84,257 90,050 89,550 95,035 2400 Workers Compensation 3,065 3,300 2,780 2,600 4000 Travel & Per Diem 1,868 1,500 1,500 1,800 4500 Commercial Insurance 2,787 3,000 2,751 2,700 4620 Repair & Maint.-Vehicles 277 500 725 500 4680 Repair & Maint.-Equipment 555 200 200 200 4900 Other Current Charges 50 400 400 400 5210 Gas & Oil 596 800 800 800 5220 Tires & Batteries 201 200 200 200 5400 Subscriptions & Dues 1,360 1,200 1,200 1,200 6480 Capital Outlay -Equipment 184 2,273 2,273 -0- TOTAL CITY MANAGER 95,200 103,423 102,379 105,435 FINANCE (01-510-513) 1200 Salaries & Benefits 131,654 152,680 155,680 166,550 2400 Workers Compensation 1,358 1,400 1,393 1,300 3130 Prof. Services -Microfilm 53 2,000 2,000 2,000 3132 Prof. Services -Impact Fee Study 13,250 -0- -0- -0- 3200 Audit Fee 9,200 10,100 10,100 10,100 3401 Contract Services -Cleaning -0- 4,920 4,920 4,920 3402 Contract Services -Pest -0- 230 230 230 4000 Travel & Per Diem 1,276 1,250 1,274 1,300 4100 Telephone 5,428 3,500 3,200 2,900 4200 Postage & Freight 1,283 250 465 450 4300 Electric & Gas Service 3,024 3,000 2,500 2,500 4310 Water & Sewer Service 501 600 325 325 4320 Stormwater Service -0- -0- 425 425 4500 Commercial Insurance 4,751 3,600 5,380 4,100 4610 Repair & Maint.-Buildings 6,228 550 4,000 750 4680 Repair & Maint.-Equipment 8,923 10,600 11,500 12,400 4710 Printing 2,424 2,500 2,500 2,500 4900 Other Current Charges 317 600 600 600 5100 Office Supplies 7,018 6,500 6,500 6,500 5400 Subscriptions & Dues 1,108 1,000 1,000 1,000 6480 Capital Outlay -Equipment 17,469 450 2,840 -0- 7091 Debt Service -Computer 2,799 -0- -0- -0- TOTAL FINANCE 218,064 205,730 216,832 220,850 16 pa CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND .• ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES 1991-92 .. ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 .. CITY ATTORNEY f01-510-514) 3140 Prof. Services -Legal 9,000 10,800 10,800 10,800 4000 Travel & Per Diem 50 100 50 100 5400 Subscriptions & Dues 182 300 617 300 P+ TOTAL CITY ATTORNEY 9,232 11,200 11,467 11,200 PLANNING & ZONING 01-510-515) .. 1200 Salaries & Benefits 64,481 87,025 75,825 98,700 2400 Workers Compensation 3,069 3,300 2,780 2,600 3100 Prof. Services -Engineering 23,522 25,000 25,000 25,000 om 3131 Prof. Services -Software Training -0- -0- -0- 700 3160 Prof. Services -Comp. Plan 9,900 -0- 23,166 8,000 3401 Contract Services -Cleaning -0- 2,300 3,360 3,360 4000 Travel & Per Diem 379 1,200 1,200 1,500 4100 Telephone 475 -0- 1,000 800 4300 Electric & Gas Service 1,050 -0- 1,400 1,400 4310 Water & Sewer Service 180 -0- 260 260 �+ 4500 Commercial Insurance 2,789 3,000 2,751 2,700 4610 Repair & Maint.-Building 1,810 -0- -0- -0- 4620 Repair & Maint.-Vehicles 314 600 800 700 .. 4900 Other Current Charges 655 300 700 650 5210 Gas & Oil 494 1,000 ° 700 850 5220 Tires & Batteries -0- 400 400 400 5400 Subscriptions & Dues 336 700 700 700 6480 Capital Outlay -Equipment 929 1,166 1,166 3,500 TOTAL PLANNING AND ZONING 110,383 125,991 141,208 151,820 .• OTHER GENERAL GOVERNMENT (01-510-519) 3100 Prof. Services -Engineering 3,121 8,000 8,000 5,000 3131 Prof. Services -Software Training 785 800 800 800 oft 4800 Advertising 10,417 51F000 5,000 5,000 4900 Other Current Charges 8.876 7,500 7,500 8,500 TOTAL OTHER GENERAL GOVERNMENT 23,199 21,300 21,300 19,300 '" TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 471.350 480.744 506.331 528,730 17 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND POLICE DEPARTMENT STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES 1991-92 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 POLICE 1200 (01-520-5211 Salaries & Benefits 557,136 612,850 609,813 673,877 2400 Workers Compensation 21,442 23,000 18,069 17,200 3401 Contract Services -Cleaning -0- 3,900 3,900 3,900 3402 Contract Services -Pest -0- 200 200 200 4000 Travel & Per Diem 127 500 500 500 4100 Telephone 2,354 3,550 2,883 3,000 4300 Electric & Gas Service 6,684 6,050 6,102 6,050 4310 Water & Sewer Service 512 850 500 850 4320 Stormwater Service -0- -0- 260 250 4400 Rentals -Equipment 701 720 583 720 4500 Commercial Insurance 19,155 20,100 18,220 17,700 4610 Repair & Maint.-Buildings 6,576 500 4,500 3,000 4620 Repair & Maint.-Vehicles 6,413 4,000 5,200 8,500 4680 Repair & Maint.-Equipment 4,972 3,000 5,500 5,000 4900 Other Current Charges 1,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 4920 Investigative Expenses 1,561 2,000 2,000 2,000 4970 Emergency & Medical Services 1,253 1,500 1,500 1,500 5100 Office Supplies 3,098 4,000 4,000 4,000 5200 Operating Supplies 2,457 2,200 3,200 2,500 5210 Gas & Oil 24,005 22,000 26,850 26,850 5220 Tires & Batteries 3,325 3,000 3,000 3,300 5230 Uniforms 5,283 5,000 5,000 5,000 5240 Minor Equipment 611 600 800 700 5400 Subscriptions & Dues 135 105 105 105 5410 Law Enforcement Education 479 3,000 3,000 2,000 6420 Capital Outlay -Vehicles 25,878 30,240 29,500 13,700 6480 Capital Outlay -Equipment 15,830 23,515 23,515 980 TOTAL POLICE DEPARTMENT 711,487 778,880 781,200 805,882 KI PM CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND oft FIRE DEPARTMENT STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES 1991-92 P" PM FIRE (01-520-522) 1200 Salaries & Benefits 2400 Workers Compensation .. 4000 Travel & Per Diem 4100 Telephone O- 4500 Commercial Insurance 4610 Repair & Maint.-Buildings 4620 Repair & Maint.-Vehicles PM 4680 Repair & Maint.-Equipment 4900 Other Current Charges oft 5200 Operating Supplies 5210 Gas & Oil Oft 5220 Tires & Batteries 5230 Uniforms oft 5240 Minor Equipment 5400 Subscriptions & Dues PM 6480 Capital Outlay -Equipment 7070 Debt Service -Fire Truck TOTAL FIRE DEPARTMENT PM .. OM ON OM oft ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 7,213 9,900 9,925 16,000 3,507 3,800 2,780 2,600 189 500 -0- 100 402 450 417 450 15,724 16,400 16,844 16,400 16 200 200 200 389 1,000 1,100 1,100 673 1,600 1,600 1,600 934 500 400 400 416 300 500 600 160 250 350 350 -0- 300 300 300 204 500 596 400 170 500 857 500 200 580 200 100 -0- 1,000 1,400 -0- 19.713 -0- -0- -0- 49,910 37,780 37,469 41,100 PM 19 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES 1991-92 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 OTHER PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT (01-530-539) 1200 Salaries & Benefits 58,365 66,325 63,325 55,800 2400 Workers Compensation 3,905 4,200 3,474 3,300 3100 Prof. Services -Engineering 1,240 7,000 7,000 6,000 3401 Contract Services -Cleaning -0- 550 575 550 3402 Contract Services -Pest -0- 150 150 150 4000 Travel & Per Diem 224 900 800 900 4100 Telephone 1,327 1,500 1,158 1,400 4300 Electric & Gas Service 1,515 1,600 1,450 2,000 4310 Water & Sewer Service 1,039 1,200 600 1,200 4320 Stormwater Service -0- -0- 280 280 4500 Commercial Insurance 7,674 8,200 8,253 8,200 4610 Repair & Maint.-Buildings 1,250 525 326 500 4640 Repair & Maint.-Parks/Trees 15,000 -0- -0- -0- 4680 Repair & Maint.-Equipment 458 500 1,500 500 5100 Office Supplies 366 600 400 600 5200 Operating Supplies 977 1,200 1,000 1,200 5210 Gas & Oil 296 500 672 700 5230 Uniforms 94 350 181 350 5240 Minor Equipment 1,570 750 742 750 5400 Subscriptions & Dues 101 180 100 150 6480 Capital Outlay -Equipment 3.672 -0- -0- 21.788 TOTAL OTHER PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT 99,073 96,230 91,986 106,318 TRANSPORTATION (01-540-541) 1200 Salaries & Benefits 155,280 107,950 110,900 114,850 2400 Workers Compensation 7,977 6,600 5,560 5,200 3404 Contract Services -Signal Maint. -0- 6,750 5,800 7,875 4300 Electric & Gas Service 62,335 65,000 61,500 64,000 4400 Rentals -Equipment 438 500 500 500 4500 Commercial Insurance 14,537 12,100 12,380 12,300 4620 Repair & Maint.-Vehicles 3,940 3,100 8,500 4,000 4630 Repair & Maint.-Street Signs 3,729 4,000 3,800 4,000 4631 Repair & Maint.-Streets 27,997 35,840 34,000 35,000 4680 Repair & Maint.-Equipment 8,246 3,100 9,600 7,300 5210 Gas & Oil 9,072 7,000 8,500 8,200 5220 Tires & Batteries 522 925 1,200 1,100 5230 Uniforms 104 600 525 600 5240 Minor Equipment 1,147 800 1,100 1,100 5250 Sidewalk Repair 800 2,800 3,500 2,800 5300 Road Materials 6,202 7,000 4,000 7,000 6330 Capital Outlay -Sidewalks -0- -0- 42.651 10.000 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 302,326 264,065 314,016 285,825 20 .. CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND 'M PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES 1991-92 PM ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 ANIMAL CONTROL l01-560-562) 1200 Salaries & Benefits 11,656 12,575 9,325 8,775 2400 Workers Compensation 399 425 694 700 ,. 3151 Prof. Services -Veterinarian -0- -0- -0- 300 4500 Commercial Insurance 1,781 1,900 1,376 1,400 4620 Repair & Maint.-Vehicles 305 400 300 400 4900 Other Current Charges 509 350 535 350 sm 5210 Gas & Oil 798 800 756 800 5230 Uniforms -0- 115 -0- 115 5240 Minor Equipment 240 125 112 125 •M 5260 Dog Food 115 125 153 650 5261 Water Fowl Replacement 1.895 -0- -0- -0- TOTAL ANIMAL CONTROL 17,698 16,815 13,251 13,625 .. PARKS & RECREATION (01-570-572) 1200 Salaries & Benefits 178,592 210,985 195,635 222,500 2400 Workers Compensation 7,738 8,300 6,952 6,600 om 3120 Prof. Services -Laboratory -0- -0- -0- 800 3171 Prof. Services -Tree Project -0- -0- -0- 500 /Ja 3401 Contract Services -Cleaning -0- 8,600 9,600 10,830 .• 3402 Contract Services -Pest -0- 625 625 625 4100 Telephone 359 400 410 425 4300 Electric & Gas Service 15,097 15,900 16,435 18,000 4310 Water & Sewer Service 8,592 8,000 8,000 8,000 OM 4320 Stormwater Service -0- -0- 1,075 1,075 4400 Rentals -Equipment -0- -0- -0- 500 4500 Commercial Insurance 11,579 12,000 12,380 12,300 s' 4610 Repair & Maint.-Buildings 14,757 4,300 4,300 4,300 4620 Repair & Maint.-Vehicles 1,102 1,300 900 1,300 4640 Repair & Maint.-Parks & Trees 6,100 7,500 22,000 18,000 .. 4680 Repair & Maint.-Equipment 4,669 3,000 4,452 5,000 4900 Other Current Charges 39 200 200 200 5210 Gas & Oil 4,017 4,500 5,500 5,500 5220 Tires & Batteries 377 400 400 400 5230 Uniforms 113 700 990 1,100 5240 Minor Equipment 1,928 1,500 3,500 3,000 6210 Capital Outlay -Buildings 5,500 -0- 32,788 17,000 .. 6312 Capital Outlay -Other Improvements -0- -0- -0- 5,000 6320 Capital Outlay -Landscaping 12,343 10,000 10,000 12,424 6410 Capital Outlay -Cemetery 123 -0- 102 -0- ma 6420 Capital Outlay -Vehicles 18,912 -0- -0- 400 6480 Capital Outlay -Equipment -0- -0- 11,110 17,000 TOTAL PARKS AND RECREATION 291.937 298.210 347.354 391,779 .. TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 711,034 675,320 766,607 797,537 PM SM 21 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES 1991-92 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (01-550-558) 3401 Contract Services -Cleaning 4300 Electric & Gas Service 4310 Water & Sewer Service 4320 Stormwater Service 4610 Repair & Maint.-Buildings 4820 Labor Day Celebration 8200 Contributions -General TOTAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (01-550-559) 5400 Subscriptions & Dues TOTAL ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 -0- 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,140 1,100 1,100 1,100 137 200 122 150 -0- -0- 65 65 1,288 -0- 90 -0- 2,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 3,102 4,000 2,800 3,000 7,667 9,100 7,977 8,115 1,926 2,000 2.000 2,000 9,593 11,100 9.977 10.115 22 PM CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND ^ HUMAN SERVICES STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES 1991-92 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 Oft LAKE COMMUNITY ACTION AGENCY (01-560-569) 8200 Contributions -General 11000 500 500 -0- 23 0.. CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND CULTURE/RECREATION STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES 1991-92 COOPER MEMORIAL LIBRARY (01-570-571) 4310 Water & Sewer Service 4320 Stormwater Service 4500 Commercial Insurance 4610 Repair & Maint.-Buildings 4641 Repair & Maint.-Lawns 7080 Debt Service -Library 8200 Contributions -General TOTAL COOPER MEMORIAL LIBRARY SOUTH LAKE ARTS COUNCIL (01-570-573) 3400 Contract Services -Perform Fees 3403 Contract Services -Secretarial 4810 Promotion Fees 4900 Other Current Charges TOTAL SOUTH LAKE ARTS COUNCIL RECREATION PROGRAMS (01-570-579) 4900 Other Current Charges TOTAL CULTURE/RECREATION TOTAL EXPENDITURES -GENERAL FUND ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 876 1,200 1,377 1,200 -0- -0- 280 280 2,535 2,600 2,751 2,700 4,427 -0- -0- -0- 3,220 2,500 2,500 2,500 8,333 8,100 8,091 7,850 50,200 50,200 50,200 52,700 69,591 64,600 65,199 67,230 3,043 6,000 8,000 8,500 -0- 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,395 4,000 1,000 2,800 2,926 600 4,500 3,700 8,364 12,600 15,500 17,000 497 2,000 2,000 2,000 78,452 79,200 82,699 86,230 2,032,826 2.063,524 2.184,783. 2,269,594 .. 24 ., .. Pm .. .MM .. .. PM INFRASTRUCTURE FUND /M The Infrastructure Fund accounts for the proceeds of the Local Government Infrastructure Sales Tax approved by the OM residents of Lake County in 1987. The proceeds and interest approved thereto, are restricted by law to be used only for the construction, reconstruction or PM improvement of public facilities. The Local Government Infrastructure Sales Tax proceeds are primarily budgeted for the debt service on a loan obtained to fund the development of the Palatlakaha Recreation Area and other OM projects funded out of the Building Construction Fund. OM PM PM IM OM MR 25 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA INFRASTRUCTURE FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN RESERVES 1991-92 Actual Budget Estimated Budget 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 REVENUES TAXES 370,639 325,000 302,323 306,000 MISCELLANEOUS 9,609 5.800 289 22,000 TOTAL REVENUES 380,248 330,800 302,612 328,000 EXPENDITURES ADMINISTRATION PUBLIC WORKS TOTAL EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS -OUT TRANSFER TO PALATLAKAHA RECREATION AREA FUND TRANSFER TO BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FUND TRANSFER TO 1989 SALES TAX BOND FUND TOTAL TRANSFERS -OUT TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS -OUT EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER (UNDER)EXPENDITURES BEGINNING RESERVES ENDING RESERVES 211,413 251,500 156,864 44,000 368,277 295,500 95,202 -0- 38, 628 50,000 -0- -0- 133,830 50.000 502.107 345,500 (121, 859) ( 14,700) 143,629 80,016 21,,770 65,316 47,167 -0- 19,092 82,000 66,259 82,000 -0- -0- -0- -0- 246,000 250,022 246.000 250.022 312.259 332.022 j 9,647) ( 4,022) 21.770 12,123 _12.123 8.101 26 n CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA INFRASTRUCTURE FUND r` STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES 1991-92 r Actual Budget Estimated Budget 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 TAXES (12-310): 312-1201 Local Option Sales Tax 370,639 325,000 302,323 306,000 MISCELLANEOUS (12-360): r 361-6100 Interest 9,609 5,800 366-6611 Contributions -0- -0- r, 9.609 5,800 TOTAL REVENUE 380,248 330,800 r n 27 289 -0- 289 302,612 2,000 20,000 22,000 328,000 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA INFRASTRUCTURE FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES 1991-92 ADMINISTRATION OTHER GENERAL GOVERNMENT (12-510-519) 6110 Capital Outlay -Land 7062 Debt Service-1989 Bond TOTAL ADMINISTRATION PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION (12-540-541) 3110 Prof. Services -Engineering 6330 Capital Outlay-Sts/Sidewalk TOTAL TRANSPORTATION PARRS AND RECREATION (12-570-572) 6210 Capital Outlay -Buildings 6310 Capital Outlay -Recreation TOTAL PARRS AND RECREATION TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS TOTAL EXPENDITURES - INFRASTRUCTURE FUND ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 81,424 -0- 47,167 -0- 129.989 251.500 -0- -0- 211,413 251.500 47.167 -0- 20,543 -0- -0- -0- 118.585 40,000 19.092 -0- 139,128 40,000 19,092 -0- -0- 4,000 -0- 20,000 17.736 -0- -0- 62.000 17,736 4.000 -0- 82.000 156.864 44,000 19.092 82.000 368.277 295,500 66.259 82.000 28 .. P" .. .. pop PM P" P" 1989 SALES TAX BOND FUND The 1989 Sales Tax Bond Fund accounts for the accumulation of funds and payment of Debt Service pertaining to the 1989 Sales Tax Revenue Bond. The City's share of the Local Government Infrastructure ►� Surtax has been pledged to pay the 1989 Sales Tax Bond Debt Service. A portion of the surtax revenue is transferred to the Sales Tax Bond Fund monthly. 0% .. P" ,. 29 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA 1989 SALES TAX BOND FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN RESERVES 1991-92 Actual Budget Estimated Budget 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 REVENUES MISCELLANEOUS NON -REVENUES TRANSFER FROM INFRASTRUCTURE FUND TOTAL REVENUE AND NON -REVENUE EXPENDITURES DEBT SERVICE EXCESS OF REVENUES & NON -REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES BEGINNING RESERVES ENDING RESERVES -0- -0- 5,000 5,000 -0- -0- 246.000 250.022 -0- -0- 251,000 255,022 -0- -0- 251.000 255.022 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- krf: t CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA 1989 SALES TAX BOND FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES 1991-92 Actual Budget Estimated Budget 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 MISCELLANEOUS f21-360): 361-6100 Interest _ -0-I -0- 5.000 5,000 r r r r r r r r� r r r r r r 31 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA 1989 SALES TAX BOND FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES 1991-92 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 DEBT SERVICE (21-580), 582-7062 Debt Service -0- -0- 249,000 253,022 582-7310 Paying Agent Fees -0- -0- 2,000 2.000 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION -0- -0- 251,000 255,022 32 r r� P" r. .. MR PON CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS r• Capital Projects Funds are used to account for financial resources to be used for the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities (other than those financed by Proprietary Funds and Trust Funds). PALATLARAEA RECREATION AREA FUND '" To account for the acquisition of land and development of the Palatlakaha Recreation Area. Financing will be obtained from a combination of 1989 Sales Tax Revenue �. Bonds proceeds, Local Government Infrastructure Surtax, donations and grants. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FUND To account for the construction/renovation of the new Public Works Complex, City Hall and Public Safety Building. Financing will be obtained from the 1989 Sales Tax Revenue Bond proceeds and the Local Government Infrastructure Surtax. PM PM P" .• r 33 0-0 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA CAPITAL PROTECT FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUE, EXPENDITURES & CHANGES IN RESERVES 1991-92 REVENUES INTERGOVERNMENTAL MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL REVENUES NON -REVENUES TRANSFER FROM INFRASTRUCTURE FUND TRANSFER FROM BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FUND TOTAL NON -REVENUES TOTAL REVENUE & NON -REVENUE EXPENDITURES ADMINISTRATION POLICE PUBLIC WORKS CULTURE/RECREATION TOTAL EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS -OUT TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND TRANSFER TO PALATLAKAHA RECREATION AREA FUND TOTAL TRANSFERS -OUT TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS -OUT EXCESS OF REVENUES & NON -REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS -OUT BEGINNING RESERVE ENDING RESERVE 1991-92 BUDGET 1990-91 PALAT REC BUILD CONST. BUDGET FUND FUND TOTAL TOTAL 112,500 -0- 112,500 -0- -0- 44,500 44.500 20,000 112,500 44,500 157,000 20,000 -0- -0- -0- 50,000 37,500 -0- 37,500 60,000 37,500 -0- 37,500 110.000 150,000 44,500 194,500 130,000 -0- -0- -0- 340,000 -0- 500,000 500,000 375,000 -0- -0- -0- 440,000 150,000 -0- 150.000 60,000 150,000 500,000 650,000 1,215,000 -0- 20,104 20,104 -0- -0- 37,500 37,500 60.000 -0- 57.604 57.604 60.000 150.000 -557, 604 707.604 1,275.000 -0- (513,104) (513,104) (1,145, 000) -0- 604.719 604,719 1.234.663 -0- 91.615 91.615 89.663 34 On CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORXDA PALATLAKAHA RECREATION AREA FUND on STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN RESERVES 1991-92 ^' Actual Budget Estimated Budget 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 REVENUES .. INTERGOVERNMENTAL -0- -0- -0- 112,500 MISCELLANEOUS 43,428 -0- 3.746 -0- TOTAL REVENUES 43,428 -0- 3,746 112,500 IM NON -REVENUES TRANSFER FROM INFRASTRUCTURE FUND 95,202 -0- -0- -0- ON TRANSFER FROM BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FUND -0- 60,000 158,900 37,500 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND -0- -0- 51,754 -0- DEBT PROCEEDS 807,300 �0- -0- -0- TOTAL NON -REVENUES 902,502 60,000 210,654 37,500 TOTAL REVENUE AND NON -REVENUE 945,930 60,000 214,400 150,000 EXPENDITURES CULTURE/RECREATION 870,887 60,000 258,900 150,000 TRANSFERS -OUT ,.. TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 32.731 -0- -0- -0- TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS -OUT 903,618 60,000 258.900 150.000 ' EXCESS OF REVENUES & NON -REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS -OUT 42,312 -0- ( 44,500) -0- BEGINNING RESERVES 2.188 -0- 44.500 -0- ENDING RESERVES 44,500 -0- -0- -0- ON .. OM .. on 35 am CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA PALATLAKAHA RECREATION AREA FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES 1991-92 Actual Budget Estimated 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 INTERGOVERNMENTAL (31-330): 334-3491 State Grant -Recreation MISCELLANEOUS (31-360): 361-6100 Interest 366-6611 Contributions TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL REVENUES s -0- -0- -0- Budget 1991-92 112,500 37,731 -0- 3,246 -0- 5.697 -0- 500 -0- 43,428 -0- 3.746 -0- 43,428 -0- 3.746 112.500 36 r CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA PALATLAKAHA RECREATION AREA FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES 1991-92 r^ ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 CULTURE/RECREATION (31-570-572) 3100 Prof. Services -Engineering 95,202 -0- 23,400 -0- 6210 Capital Outlay -Building -0- -0- 42,000 -0- 6311 Capital Outlay -Park 733,237 60,000 166,500 150,000 6320 Capital Outlay -Landscaping 5,832 -0- 27,000 -0- 7062 Debt Service-1989 Bond 36,617 -0- -0- -0- TOTAL EXPENDITURES 870.887 60,000 258,900 150,000 r. r�• n 37 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN RESERVES 1991-92 Actual Budget Estimated Budget 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 REVENUES MISCELLANEOUS 91,788 20,000 NON -REVENUES TRANSFER FROM INFRASTRUCTURE FUND 38,628 50,000 DEBT PROCEEDS 1.262.700 -0- TOTAL REVENUE & NON -REVENUES 1,393,116 70,000 EXPENDITURES ADMINISTRATION 15,321 340,000 POLICE 23,373 375,000 PUBLIC WORKS 57.203 440.000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 95,897 1,155,000 TRANSFER -OUT TRANSFER TO PALATLAKAHA RECREATION AREA FUND -0- 60,000 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND -0- -0- TOTAL TRANSFERS -OUT -0- 60.000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS -OUT 95.897 1.215.000 EXCESS OF REVENUE & NON -REVENUES OVER(UNDER)EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS -OUT 1, 297, 219 (1,145, 000) BEGINNING RESERVES -0- 1,234.663 ENDING RESERVES 1.297.219 89.663 90,900 44,500 -0- -0- -0- -0- 90,900 44,500 -0- -0- 46, 900 500,000 577.600 -0- 624, 500 500,000 158,900 37,500 -0- 20.104 158.900 57.604 783,400 557.604 692,500) (513,104) 1.297.219 604.719 604.719 91.615 38 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES 1991-92 MISCELLANEOUS (33-360): 361-6100 Interest Actual 1989-90 91.788 Budget Estimated 1990-91 1990-91 20,000 90,900 Budget 1991-92 44.500 39 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES 1991-92 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 ADMINISTRATION OTHER GENERAL GOVERNMENT (33-510-519) 6210 Capital Outlay -Buildings -0- 340,000 -0- -0- 7062 Debt Service-1989 Bond 15,321 -0- -0- -0- TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 15,321 340,000 -0- -0- POLICE (33-520-5211 3110 Prof. Services -Engineering 1,871 50,000 2,500 -0- 3170 Prof. Services -Architect 6,966 -0- 44,400 -0- 6210 Capital Outlay -Buildings 66 325,000 -0- 500,000 7062 Debt Service-1989 Bond 14,470 -0- -0- -0- TOTAL POLICE 23,373 375,000 46,900 500,000 PUBLIC WORKS OTHER PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT (33-530-539) 3110 Prof. Services -Engineering 36,757 -0- 40,500 -0- 6210 Capital Outlay -Buildings 675 440,000 537,100 -0- 7062 Debt Service-1989 Bond 19.771 -0- -0- -0- TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 57.203 440.000 577.600 -0- TOTAL EXPENDITURES 95,897 1,155,000 624.500 500,000 no I" 1 I 01 G1U WI .. oft on ENTERPRISE FUNDS on Enterprise Funds are used to account for operations (a) that are financed and operated in a manner similar to private business enterprises where the intent of the ., governing body is that the costs (expenses, including depreciation) of providing goods or services to the general public on a continuing basis. be financed or recovered primarily through user charge; or (b) where the PM governing body has decided that periodic determination of revenues earned, expenses incurred, and/or net income is appropriate for capital maintenance, public policy, SM management control, accountability, or other purposes. UTILITY FUND MM To account for the provision of water and sewer services to the residents of the City. All Activities necessary to the provision of these services are accounted for in own this fund, including, but not limited to administration, plant and line maintenance. SANITATION FUND To account for the provision of garbage and trash removal OM services to the residents of the City. All activities necessary tolthe provision of these services are i accounted for n this fund. oft STORMWATER FUND To account for the construction and maintenance of OW stormwater drainage systems within the City. The Stormwater Utility Fees are restricted in that they may only be spent on stormwater drainage projects. .. ., '^ 41 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA ENTERPRISE FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUE, EXPENSES & CHANGES IN RESERVES 1991-92 1991-92 BUDGET 1990-91 UTILITY STORMWATER SANITATION BUDGET FUND FUND FUND TOTAL TOTAL 10"t wall INTERGOVERNMENTAL -0- CHARGES FOR SERVICES 1,145,400 MISCELLANEOUS 120.500 TOTAL REVENUES 1,265,900 TRANSFERS -IN TRANSFER FROM CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FUND -0- TRANSFER FROM UTILITY BENEFIT FEE FUND 25.000 TOTAL TRANSFERS -IN 25.000 TOTAL REVENUE & TRANSFERS -IN 1,290,900 EXPENSES WATER 435,859 SEWER 750,475 STORMWATER -0- SANITATION -0- TOTAL EXPENSES 1,186,334 TRANSFERS -OUT TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 43.700 TOTAL EXPENSES & TRANSFERS -OUT 1.230.034 EXCESS OF REVENUES & r_ TRANSFERS -IN OVER(UNDER) EXPENSES&TRANSFERS-OUT 60,866 BEGINNING RESERVE 1.368.159 ENDING RESERVE 1,429.025 -0- 9,700 9,700 -0- 140, 000 501,800 1,787,200 1,645,400 2.000 16.000 138.500 136.000 142,000 527,500 1,935,400 1,781,400 -0- -0- -0- 10,000 -0- -0- 25.000 -0- -0- -0- 25.000 10.000 142,000 527,500 1,960,400 1,791,400 -0- -0- 435,859 425,411 -0- -0- 750,475 723,875 75,649 -0- 75,649 51,300 -0- 497,822 497,822 472.162 75,649 497,822 1, 759, 805 1,672,748 -0- -0- 43.700 -0- 75.649 497.822 1.803.505 1.672.748 66,351 29,678 156,895 118,652 86,910 236,018 1.691.087 1.786,356 153.261 265.696 1.847.982 1,905.008 42 Pon CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA UTILITY FUND PM STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN RESERVES 1991-92 PM Actual Budget Estimated Budget 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 REVENUES .. CHARGES FOR SERVICES 1,078,703 1,100,000 1,057,645 1,145,400 MISCELLANEOUS 165.118 123,500 129.850 120,500 ^, TOTAL REVENUES 1,243,821 1,223,500 1,187,495 1,265,900 TRANSFERS -IN TRANSFER FROM 1988 LOAN .. PROCEEDS FUND 285,253 -0- -0- -0- TRANSFER FROM UTILITY BENEFIT FEE FUND -0- -0- -0- 25,000 Im TOTAL TRANSFERS -IN 285.253 -0- -0- 25,000 TOTAL REVENUE & TRANSFERS -IN 1,529,074 1,223,500 1,187,495 1,290,900 EXPENSES WATER 833,327 425,411 525,096 435,859 SEWER 789.304 723,875 699,266 750.475 TOTAL EXPENSES 1,622,631 1,149,286 1,224,362 1,186,334 TRANSFERS -OUT ., TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND -0- -0- -0- 43,700 TOTAL EXPENSES AND TRANSFERS -OUT 1.622.631 1,149,286 1.224.362 1.230,034 EXCESS OF REVENUES & TRANSFERS -IN OVER(UNDER) EXPENSES & TRANSFERS -OUT ( 93,557) 74,214 ( 36,867) 60,866 BEGINNING RESERVES 1.498.583 1,566,453 1.405.026 1.368,159 ,., ENDING RESERVES 1,405,026 1,640,667 1,368.159 1,429,025 rlNK CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA UTILITY FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES 1991-92 CHARGES FOR SERVICES f41-340): 343-4331 Water Sales 343-4332 Water Tapping Fees 345-4533 Sewer Service Sales TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS (41-340): 343-4336 Water -Other 343-4350 Water -Interest 345-4536 Sewer -Other 345-4550 Sewer -Interest TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL REVENUE Actual Budget Estimated Budget 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 430,566 450,000 9,360 10,000 638.777 640.000 1,078,703 1,100, 000 3,524 2,500 62,917 48,000 10,537 6,000 88,140 67,000 165.118 123,500 1.243.821 1.223,500 409,063 437,300 2,000 10,000 646.582 698.100 1,057,645 1,145,400 5,600 3,500 49,750 48,000 3,000 6,000 71.500 63.000 129,850 120.500 1.187.495 1.265.900 44 PM CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA UTILITY FUND .•• WATER DEPARTMENT STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENSES 1991-92 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 �. WATER f41-530-533) 1200 Salaries & Benefits 82,961 100,625 97,425 108,250 2400 Workers Compensation 2,715 2,900 2,099 2,000 3100 Prof. Services -Engineering 62,383 25,000 43,000 15,000 PM 3120 Prof. Services -Laboratory 825 7,000 1,500 7,000 3132 Prof. Services -Impact Fee Study 6,626 -0- -0- -0- 3200 Audit Fees 3,200 3,500 3,500 3,500 rw 3402 Contract Services -Pest -0- 150 150 150 4000 Travel & Per Diem 3 1,500 1,200 1,500 4100 Telephone 3,858 3,900 4,925 5,100 ^, 4200 Postage & Freight 2,583 2,800 2,971 3,000 4300 Electric & Gas Service 55,721 55,000 54,000 55,000 4310 Water & Sewer Service 922 800 1,094 1,100 4320 Stormwater Service -0- -0- 110 110 wt 4400 Rentals -Equipment -0- 200 200 200 4500 Commercial Insurance 20,642 22,000 22,009 21,800 4610 Repair & Maint.-Buildings 5,015 750 300 750 ^ 4620 Repair & Maint.-Vehicles 411 1,000 1,800 1,500 4650 Repair & Maint.-Meters 4,490 6,000 5,500 6,000 4660 Repair & Maint.-Tanks -0- 1,000 -0- 1,000 4670 Repair & Maint.-Systems 3,475 3,000 3,000 3,000 P, 4680 Repair & Maint.-Equipment 25,989 10,600 17,000 10,600 4800 Advertising 16 50 30 50 4940 Administrative Services 27,819 29,200 29,200 40,100 Oft 4950 Uncollectible Accounts 488 750 750 750 5200 Operating Supplies 1,533 2,000 1,500 2,000 5210 Gas & Oil 2,902 3,500 4,075 4,100 ,. 5220 Tires & Batteries 275 500 450 500 5230 Uniforms 501 600 168 600 5240 Minor Equipment 1,644 2,000 2,000 2,000 .. 5270 Chlorine 8,885 9,336 9,000 9,336 5400 Subscriptions & Dues 182 350 265 350 6341 Capital Outlay -Water System 393,936 -0- 93,575 -0- 6420 Capital Outlay -Vehicle 8,387 -0- -0- 5,000 ^ 6480 Capital Outlay -Equipment 11,126 31,100 24,000 24,613 7061 Debt Service-1988 Loan 93,814 98,300 98,300 99.900 TOTAL EXPENSES 833,327 425,411 525,096 435.859 ^ ^ .. oft ■M 45 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA UTILITY FUND SEWER DEPARTMENT STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENSES 1991-92 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 SEWER f41-530-535) 1200 Salaries & Benefits 148,187 163,550 142,450 167,950 2400 Workers Compensation 6,296 6,700 5,560 5,200 3100 Prof. Services -Engineering 45,824 10,000 11,220 10,000 3120 Prof. Services -Laboratory 4,171 8,000 5,000 7,000 3132 Prof. Services -Impact Fee Study 6,625 -0- -0- -0- 3150 Prof. Services -Immunizations 210 600 300 600 3200 Audit Fees 4,626 5,100 5,100 5,100 3402 Contract Services -Pest -0- 150 150 150 4000 Travel & Per Diem -0- 1,500 1,000 1,500 4100 Telephone 648 750 700 700 4200 Postage & Freight 2,917 2,900 3,118 3,200 4300 Electric & Gas Service 85,909 95,000 89,241 92,000 4310 Water & Sewer Service 879 700 1,087 1,100 4320 Stormwater Service -0- -0- 110 110 4400 Rentals -Equipment 49 200 200 200 4500 Commercial Insurance 20,660 21,600 22,009 21,800 4610 Repair & Maint.-Buildings 386 1,350 1,200 1,350 4620 Repair & Maint.-Vehicles 1,604 1,000 820 1,000 4670 Repair & Maint.-Systems 12,465 25,000 16,572 25,000 4680 Repair & Maint.-Equipment 50,891 40,000 36,000 40,000 4800 Advertising 35 700 50 700 4940 Administrative Services 41,729 43,800 43,800 55,100 4950 Uncollectible Accounts 1,016 1,000 1,000 1,000 5200 Operating Supplies 4,196 8,700 4,000 6,000 5210 Gas & Oil 3,108 3,600 3,150 3,400 5220 Tires & Batteries 312 600 483 600 5230 Uniforms 501 600 425 600 5240 Minor Equipment 1,011 2,600 3,000 2,600 5270 Chlorine 2,199 4,500 2,500 3,000 5290 Laboratory Supplies 867 2,300 10,000 2,000 5400 Subscriptions & Dues 507 425 53 425 6210 Capital Outlay -Buildings -0- -0- 27,018 -0- 6340 Capital Outlay -Sewer System 83,939 33,700 33,700 -0- 6420 Capital Outlay -Vehicles 24,023 -0- -0- 5,000 6480 Capital Outlay -Equipment -0- -0- -0- 46,290 7020 Debt Service-1972 Bond 139,700 138,950 138,950 139,900 7061 Debt Service-1988 Loan 93.814 98,300 98.300 99.900 TOTAL EXPENSES 789.304 723,875 699.266 750.475 46 PM CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA STORMWATER FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN RESERVES .. 1991-92 .. Actual Budget Estimated Budget 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 REVENUES ., CHARGES FOR SERVICES -0- 93,000 139,387 140,000 MISCELLANEOUS -0- 500 11000 2,000 TOTAL REVENUES -0- 93,500 140,387 142,000 OM EXPENSES -0- 51,300 53,477 75,649 EXCESS OF REVENUES "' OVER(UNDER) EXPENSES -0- 42,200 86,910 66,351 BEGINNING RESERVES -0- -0- -0- 86,910 oft ENDING RESERVES -0- 42,200 86,910 153,261 No om .. oft ow .. om pm ., oft an ., 47 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA STORMWATER FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES 1991-92 Actual Budget Estimated Budget 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 CHARGES FOR SERVICES (45-340): 348-4810 Stormwater Fees -0- 93,000 139,387 140,000 MISCELLANEOUS (45-360): 361-6100 Interest -0- 500 1.000 2.000 TOTAL REVENUE -0- 93.500 140.387 142.000 s 48 .. CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORXDA STORMWATER FUND PW STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENSES 1991-92 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET OM 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 STORMWATER (45-530-538) .• 1200 Salaries & Benefits -0- 36,150 34,600 36,050 2400 Workers Compensation -0- 1,900 1,390 1,300 3231 Prof. Services -Software Training -0- -0- 3,345 -0- 4500 Commercial Insurance -0- 3,400 2,751 2,700 4620 Repair & Maint.-Vehicles -0- 900 2,000 1,400 4631 Repair & Maint.-Streets -0- -0- 295 -0- 4680 Repair & Maint.-Equipment -0- 900 900 2,100 ^' 4900 Other Current Charges -0- -0- 146 -0- 4940 Administrative Services -0- 5,400 5,400 28,400 5210 Gas & Oil -0- 2,000 2,000 2,000 .. 5220 Tires & Batteries -0- 275 275 300 5230 Uniforms -0- 175 175 175 5240 Minor Equipment -0-P, 200 200 300 6480 Capital Outlay -Equipment -0- -0- -0- 924 TOTAL EXPENSES -0- 51,300 53,477 75,649 .• ON sm K___j on on r. K� PM I' 49 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA SANITATION FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES XN RESERVES 1991-92 Actual Budget Estimated Budget 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 REVENUES INTERGOVERNMENTAL 2,500 -0- 17,717 9,700 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 382,776 452,400 440,800 501,800 MISCELLANEOUS 15.039 12.000 17.000 16.000 TOTAL REVENUES 400,315 464,400 475,517 527,500 TRANSFERS -IN ., TRANSFER FROM CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FUND 194.860 10.000 10.000 -0- TOTAL REVENUE & TRANSFERS -IN 595,175 474,400 485,517 527,500 EXPENSES 600.199 472.162 446.057 497,822 .. EXCESS OF REVENUES & TRANSFERS -IN P OVER(UNDER)EXPENSES ( 5,024) 2,238 39,460 29,678 ., BEGINNING RESERVES 201.582 219.903 196.558 236,018 ENDING RESERVES 196.558 222.141 236.018 265.696 .-ft .^ ., 0-4 ., ., 51 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA SANITATION FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES 1991-92 Actual Budget Estimated Budget 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 INTERGOVERNMENTAL (49-340): 344-3771 County Grant -Recycling 2,500 -0- 17,717 9,700 CHARGES FOR SERVICES (49-340): 344-4435 Sanitation Service Fees 382,776 452,400 440,800 501,800 MISCELLANEOUS (49-340): 344-4450 Interest 15,039 12,000 12,300 11,000 364-6430 Recycled Materials -0- -0- 4,700 5,000 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 15,039 12.000 17,000 16,000 TOTAL REVENUE 400,315 464,400 475,517 527.500 52 rM1 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA SANITATION FUND ^ STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENSES 1991-92 .. SANITATION (49-530-534) .. 1200 Salaries & Benefits 2400 Workers Compensation 3200 Audit Fee 4200 Postage & Freight 4500 Commercial Insurance ^ 4620 Repair & Maint.-Vehicles 4680 Repair & Maint.-Equipment ^ 4800 Advertising 4900 Other Current Charges ., 4930 Landfill Charges 4931 Compost Disposal .. 4940 Administrative Services 4950 Uncollectible Accounts 4990 Depreciation 5210 Gas & Oil 5220 Tires & Batteries 5230 Uniforms 5240 Minor Equipment •� 6312 Capital Outlay -Other Improvement 6420 Capital Outlay -Vehicles 6480 Capital Outlay -Equipment ^ TOTAL EXPENSES ^ r. ., ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 178,370 210,375 204,975 205,225 18,258 19,500 15,984 15,400 3,000 3,300 3,300 3,300 2,656 3,600 3,600 3,200 9,299 9,900 9,629 9,700 9,672 10,000 9,500 10,000 343 500 500 500 -0- 2,000 -0- -0- 1, 097- 300 300 300 114,595 120,000 95,094 154,500 5,060 10,000 10,000 -0- 20,136 21,143 21,143 21,800 710 600 600 600 -0- 26,000 26,000 26,000 13,889 19,066 13,500 15,000 3,476 4,033 5,100 5,500 431 11345 1,293 1,345 580 500 2,050 500 -0- -0- -0- 10,000 206,492 10,000 12,409 -0- 12,135 -0- 11,080 14,952 600.199 472.162 446,057 497.822 PM 53 .t Pam M" M" CEMETERY PERPETUAL CARE FUND The Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund accounts for the sale of lots in the City cemetery. The lot sales must be maintained in the Cemetery Fund, however, interest is transferred to the General Fund to defray the cost of cemetery operation and maintenance. MR 0" r r, 55 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA CEMETERY PERPETUAL CARE FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN RESERVES 1991-92 Actual Budget Estimated Budget 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 REVENUES MISCELLANEOUS 25,955 22,000 24,200 23,000 TRANSFER -OUT TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER(UNDER) TRANSFERS -OUT BEGINNING RESERVES ENDING RESERVES 13.655 12,300 147.720 160.020 13,000 9,000 157.220 166.220 13,000 13,000 11,200 160.020 171.220 10,000 171.220 181,220 56 ., CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORWA CEMETERY PERPETUAL CARE FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES 1991-92 Actual Budget Estimated Budget 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 MISCELLANEOUS (49-340): 361-6105 Interest 23,655 13,000 13,000 13,000 364-6411 Cemetery Lot Sales 12.300 91000 11.200 10.000 ^, TOTAL REVENUE 25.955 22,000 24,200 23.000 .. oft 4 ., 0-_-I 9� .. .. am .. 57 C SCHEDULES Schedules are presented to provide support or additional data for various components of the budgeted revenue and expenditure statements. F F F F F F F I F IF .. om PW CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND PLANNING & ZONING SCHEDULE OF BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES 1991-92 oft ITEM Personal Computer am Software TOTAL .. oft PM I Oft am PM PW PM .• r• PM r PM ACCOUNT #, 01-510-515-6480 01-510-515-6480 59 FUND AMOUNT SOURCE 3,000 GENERAL 500 GENERAL 3,500 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND POLICE SCHEDULE OF BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES 1991-92 FUND ITEM ACCOUNT if AMOUNT SOURCE Police Car 01-520-521-6420 13,700 GENERAL Chair 01-520-521-6480 175 GENERAL Street Hawk Light Bar 01-520-521-6480 470 GENERAL 100 Watt Speaker 01-520-521-6480 115 GENERAL Siren W/Yelper 01-520-521-6480 115 GENERAL TOTAL 980 • 60 /M CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA FUND PERGENERAL PUBLIC WORKS - OTHER PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT SCHEDULE OF BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES P, 1991-92 FUND ITEM ACCOUNT # AMOUNT SOURCE New Public Works Complex - Telephone System(33%) 01-530-539-6480 924 BUILD. CONSTR. .. - Fire Guard Safe 01-530-539-6480 3,500 BUILD. CONSTR. - Vehicle Maint. Equip. 01-530-539-6480 15,680 BUILD. CONSTR. - Work Center 01-530-539-6480 900 GENERAL - Chairs 01-530-539-6480 609 GENERAL - Desk 01-530-539-6480 175 GENERAL ^, 21,788 .. .. r-4 .. .. /^ .. r. .. PM ^ 61 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND PUBLIC WORKS - TRANSPORTATION SCHEDULE OF BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES 1991-92 ITEM ACCOUNT # Various Sidewalk Projects 01-540-541-6330 FUND AMOUNT SOURCE 10,000 GENERAL ■ mn am om 62 PM CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND r• PUBLIC WORKS - PARKS/RECREATION SCHEDULE OF BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES 1991-92 ^, FUND ITEM ACCOUNT, AMOUNT SOURCE am Palatlakaha Park Storage Building 01-570-572-6210 17,000 GENERAL .• JC Beach Sand Project 01-570-572-6312 5,000 GENERAL OM General Landscaping 01-570-572-6320 8,000 GENERAL Christmas Decorations 01-570-572-6320 4,424 GENERAL 12,424 PW Pick -Up Truck - Topper 01-570-572-6420 400 GENERAL o- Riding Mowers (2) & Trailers (2) 01-570-572-6480 15,000 GENERAL Folding Tables (10) '' & Chairs 01-570-572-6480 2,000 GENERAL TOTAL 17,000 PM .• .• OM .. PM .• On 63 ., CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA INFRASTRUCTURE FUND PUBLIC WORKS - PARKS/RECREATION SCHEDULE OF BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES ^ 1991-92 FUND ITEM ACCOUNT # AMOUNT SOURCE Kehlor Park Building Reroof 12-570-572-621011C 17,000 INFRASTRUCTURE Jenkins Auditorium New Floor 12-570-572-6210Gt� 3,000 INFRASTRUCTURE 20,000 West Park Softball Field �> /� 3� Fence Relocated 't and Rewiring 12-570-572-6310 8,000 INFRASTRUCTURE West Park Softball Field -Relighted 12-570-572-6310 14,00 INFRASTRUCTURE Bishop Field Relighted 12-570-572-6310 40,000 INFRASTRUCTURE 62,000 a- 64 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA PALATLAKAHA RECREATION FUND SCHEDULE OF BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES ` 1991-92 FUND ITEM ACCOUNT # AMOUNT SOURCE rDNR GRANT/ Phase II 31-570-572-6311 150.000 BUILD.CONSTR. r r r r rl-l� l r N r l r r r 65 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FUND SCHEDULE OF BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES 1991-92 FUND ITEM ACCOUNT AMOUNT SOURCE Police Station Renovation 33-520-521-6210 500.000 BUILD. CONSTR. /M CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA ^, UTILITY FUND WATER SCHEDULE OF BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES •M 1991-92 oft ITEM Pick -Up Truck (50%) ow Truck Lift Gate om Air Compressor Water Main Mole om Street Cutting Saw Ditch Witch W/Trailer P= am On .• .. .. am ow FUND ACCOUNT ,# AMOUNT SOURCE 41-530-533-6420 5,000 UTILITY 41-530-533-6480 1,228 UTILITY 41-530-533-6480 9,107 UTILITY 41-530-533-6480 6,140 UTILITY 41-530-533-6480 2,000 UTILITY 41-530-533-6480 6,138 UTILITY 24,613 'M 67 7 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA UTILITY FUND SEWER SCHEDULE OF BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES 1991-92 ITEM Pick -Up Truck (50%) Sewer Cleaner Lift Station Trash Pump Truck Boom Hoist ACCOUNT # 41-530-535-6420 41-530-535-6480 41-530-535-6480 41-530-535-6480 FUND AMOUNT SOURCE 5.000 UTILITY 25,000 UTILITY 10,850 UTILITY 10.440 UTILITY 46,290 68 .• CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA STORMWATER FUND .. SCHEDULE OF BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES 1991-92 FUND ITEM ACCOUNT AMOUNT SOURCE New Public Works Complex - Telephone System (33%) 45-530-538-6480 92244 STORMWATER oft oft am •w 69 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA SANITATION FUND SCHEDULE OF BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES 1991-92 FUND ITEM ACCOUNT # AMOUNT SOURCE Compost Site 49-530-534-6312 10.000 SANITATION Brush Chipper 49-530-534-6480 14,000 SANITATION New Public Works Complex- - Telephone System (33%) 49-530-534-6480 952 SANITATION 14.952 70 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF BUDGETED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 1991-96 pw FISCAL FUND ., ITEM YEAR AMOUNT SOURCE Picnic Tables-(6) 1995-96 600 GENERAL oft .. oft ., .. .+ oft am oft pm .. .t Oft e Oft 71 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA PALATLAKAHA RECREATION AREA FUND SCHEDULE OF BUDGETED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 1991-96 FUND ITEM ACCOUNT # AMOUNT SOURCE Phase II Completion 1991-92 50.000 DNR GRANT 72 00 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA om STORMWATER FUND SCHEDULE OF BUDGETED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 1991-96 om FISCAL FUND ITEM YEAR AMOUNT SOURCE .. Drainage Study and Master Plan 1993-94 200,000 STORMWATER om .• om po sm om .• om om pm .• pm .• om om 73 .. Oft CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF CLASSIFICATIONS/PAY GRADES 1991-92 .. HOURLY CLASSIFICATION GR,jU RANGE am Service Worker I 5 4.71 - 7.99 Clerk Typist I 5 4.71 - 7.99 .. Service Worker II 6 4.95 - 8.40 Clerk Typist II 6 4.95 - 8.40 Service Worker III 7 5.18 - 8.83 .. Clerk Typist III 7 5.18 - 8.83 Animal Control/Street Sign Tech. 8 5.44 - 9.27 .• communications Dispatcher 8 5.44 - 9.27 Mechanic I 8 5.44 - 9.27 Wastewater Plant Operator 8 5.44 - 9.27 ... Crew Chief 9 5.73 - 9.76 Planning & Zoning Technician 10 6.02 -10.20 .m Accounting Clerk 10 6.02 -10.20 Wastewater Plant Operator II 10 6.02 -10.20 Foreman 11 6.31 -10.72 ow Admn. Assistant/Secretary 12 6.66 -11.31 Utility Billing/Service Clerk 13 7.01 -11.87 om Chief Mechanic 13 7.01 -11.87 Senior Accounting Clerk 13 7.01 -11.87 om Chief Wastewater Plant Operator 13 7.01 -11.87 Maintenance Mechanic 13 7.01 -11.87 Code Enforcer/Inspector 15 7.70 -13.08 oft Supervisor 15 7.70 -13.08 Police Officer 17 8.33 -13.56 MR Police Investigator 19 9.05 -14.83 Police Sergeant 19 9.05 -14.83 .. ANNUAL RAjJGE 9,797 - 16,619 9,797 - 16,619 10,296 - 17,472 10,296 - 17,472 10,774 - 18,366 10,774 - 18,366 11,315 - 19,282 11,315 - 19,282 11,315 - 19,282 11,315 - 19,282 11,918 - 20,301 12,522 - 21,216 12,522 - 21,216 12,522 - 21,216 13,125 - 22,298 13,853 - 23,525 14,581 - 24,690 14,581 - 24,690 14,581 - 24,690 14,581 - 24,690 14,581 - 24,690 16,016 - 27,206 16,016 - 27,206 17,326 - 28,205 18,824 - 30,846 18,824 - 30,846 .. MERIT SYSTEM: Each employee upon evaluation by his Department Head is eligible for a merit increase on his or her anniversary date. In addition, employees who have been with the •■ City five (5) years are eligible for an additional 1% per year merit increase annually on their anniversary date. Employees with ten MR (10) years of service, 2% per year. Employees with (15) or more years an additional 3% per year increase. Additional merit increases are not awarded when an employee has reached the on upper limit of his pay grade. CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF APPROVED POSITIONS BY DEPARTMENT 1991-92 1990-91 1991-92 Full -Time General Fund City Manager 2.00 Finance 5.00 Planning & Zoning 2.50 Police - Officers 17.00 - Other 6.00 Public Works - Transportation 5.31- - Animal Control .50 - Parks & Recreation 10.50 - Other Physical Environment 2.50 Total General Fund - Full -Time 51.31 Utility Fund Water 4.34 Sewer 6.34 Total Utility Fund - Full -Time 10.68 Stormwater Fund 1.35 Sanitation Fund 9.66 Total Full -Time 73.00 Part -Time General Fund Planning & Zoning 1.00 Police 1.00 Total General Fund 2.00 Stormwater Fund 1.00 Total Part -Time 3.00 2.00 5.00 3.00 17.00 6.00 5.31 .50 10.50 2.00 51.31 4.34 6.34 10.68 1.35 9.66 73.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 3.00 76