Annual Budget (1997 - 1998)City of Clermont, Florida Annual Budget *a CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA ANNUAL BUDGET 1997-98 w TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTORY SECTION Pw Budget Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Organization Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 PW Listing of City Officials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Budget Resolutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 ^ FINANCIAL SECTION .• Combined Statement of Budgeted Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Reserves - All Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 ^ GENERAL FUND Statement of Budgeted Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Reserves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 .• Statement of Budgeted Revenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Statement of Budgeted Expenditures . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 r� INFRASTRUCTURE FUND Statement of Budgeted Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Reserves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Statement of Budgeted Revenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Statement of Budgeted Expenditures . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 ^ 1989 SALES TAX BOND FUND Statement of Budgeted Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in ,- Reserves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Statement of Budgeted Revenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Statement of Budgeted Expenditures . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Pw .- iii FINANCIAL SECTION XONT'D.1 WATER FUND Statement of Budgeted Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Reserves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Statement of Budgeted Revenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Statement of Budgeted Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 SEWER FUND Statement of Budgeted Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Reserves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Statement of Budgeted Revenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Statement of Budgeted Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . 71 STORMWATER FUND Statement of Budgeted Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Reserves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Statement of Budgeted Revenues . . . . . . . . . o 76 Statement of Budgeted Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 SANITATION FUND Statement of Budgeted Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Reserves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Statement of Budgeted Revenues . . . . 82 Statement of Budgeted Expenses . . . . 83 CEMETERY PERPETUAL CARE FUND Statement of Budgeted Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Reserves . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Statement of Budgeted Revenues . . . 88 Statement of Budgeted Expenses . . . 89 iv r r F F SCHEDULES Schedule of Budgeted Capital Outlay Expenditures 91 Schedule of Position Classifications/Pay Grades . . . . . 105 Schedule of Administrative Salaries . . . . . . . . . . 107 Schedule of Approved Positions By Department . . . . . . 108 r r F F F F i r F v Fl, I F 71 /N TROD UC TOR Y SECTION I I I F I F F Fl, J I C I r r 19 7 %Iwo e CITY OF CLERMONT December 2, 1997 Dear Mayor and Council Members Office of the City Manager I am pleased to present the Fiscal Year 1998 Annual Operating and Capital Budgets t The budget represents the City's financial plan for the year and provides funding for services provided to the citizens of Clermont CTotal budgeted revenues for all funds combined is projected to be $8,494,876 This represents a revenue increase of 1 8 % A comparison of last year's total revenues will reflect a 10 4 % increase, however, this is due to a change in method of reporting impact fees Total budgeted expenditures for all funds combined increased 1 1 % from $8,458,805 to $8,548,842 l' The following is a summary of individual funds GENERAL FUND L' The City of Clermont General Fund provides for the following Police Protection Parks and Beautification Streets and Sidewalks Recreation Facilities Street Lighting Recreation Programs (—� Fire Protection Cemetery 1 Animal Control Vehicle Maintenance Planning and Development Code Enforcement Special Activities Administration �5 General Fund revenues are projected to increase 2 4% from $3,708,057 to $3,796,294 No General Fund tax rates or user fees are scheduled to be increased during the 1997- 98 fiscal year, including the Ad Valorem millage rate The City's millage rate is maintained at 2 979 for the fifth consecutive year, thereby making Clermont one of the lowest taxed communities in Central Florida P O BOX 120219 • CLERMONT, FLORIDA 34712-0219 ® PHONE 352/394-4081 FAX 352/394-1452 Mayor and Council Members Page 2 December 2, 1997 General Fund expenditures are projected to increase less than 1 0% from $3,720,098 to $3,743,555 Nine additional personnel positions are allocated for this year to keep up with the ever-mcreasmg demand for services as the city continues to grow A decrease in total capital outlay expenditures from 1996-97 to 1997-98 and efficient use of resources by department heads has helped keep this budget increase to a minunum ^} The new personnel positions included in the General Fund budget are as follows J -Personnel Specialist 17 -Engineer -Planning and Zoning Clerk -(3) Police Officers 17 -Communications Specialist -Fire Department Clerk/Typist (part-time) 7 -Public Works Inspector INFRASTRUCTURE FUND 17 The Infrastructure Fund accounts for the City's share of the local government infra- structure surtax The surtax which represents a one -cent increase in the state sales tax J was approved by Lake County voters in 1987 for a period of 15 years The surtax is scheduled to expire in 2002 unless extended by voter approval in a county -wide referendum During the 1997-98 fiscal year, the City projects its share of the County -wide surtax to be approximately $469,000 17 Budgeted expenditures consist primarily of a transfer to the 1989 Sales Tax Bond Fund ($249,882) for the debt service associated with that bond issue and various capital outlay projects (169,400) 1989 SALES TAX BOND FUND 7 The 1989 Sales Tax Bond Fund accounts for the accumulation of funds to pay the debt service on the 1989 Sales Tax Revenue Bond The bond issue provided financing for the development of the Palatlakaha Recreation Area and construction of the new Public Services Complex and Police Department building The 1997-98 bond debt service ~j amount of $254,882 is funded from transfers of sales tax collections from the JJ Infrastructure Fund F, Mayor and Council Members Page 3 CDecember 2, 1997 r WATER FUND The Water Fund accounts for the provision of potable water service to approximately 4,300 customers The water system is divided into two separate service areas defined as the West System and the East System The West System is the older of the two systems and serves primarily those customers west of Grand Highway The East System was established primarily to accommodate anticipated growth east and south of the City The West System serves approximately 3,200 customers, while the East System serves 1,100 customers L Water Fund revenues are projected to increase from $1,112,425 to $1,446,000 Even though water rates were held constant for the third consecutive year, total water revenues anticipated to be collected are projected to increase due to the continued expansion of the East Water System customer base. t ' Water Fund expenses are projected to increase from $1,229,990 to $1,359,497 primarily due to the addition of two full -tune personnel positions and the increased operating/maintenance costs associated with the continued development of the East �� Water System The new personnel positions are Crew Leader, and Meter Reader SEWER FUND The Sewer Fund accounts for the provision of wastewater services to approximately 3,100 customers The City operates two wastewater treatment facilities --the West Plant and the East Plant The West Plant is the older of the two and serves primarily those customers west of Grand Highway The East facility has been constructed to serve the immediate wastewater needs of the King's Ridge development as well as other projects east and south of the City The West System serves approximately 2,800 customers �! and the East System serves approximately 300 customers n Sewer Fund revenues are projected to increase $300,125 from $1,161,675 to $1,461, 800 The revenue increase is primarily due to a required wastewater rate adjustment (14 4%) and continued expansion in the East Plant service area customer �! base The rate adjustment includes the Florida Public Service Commission Deflation Annual Index Adjustment that was approved in 1996 and the rate adjustment included in the Bond Feasibility Study performed in 1996 by Hartman & Associates Consultants C as part of the process to obtain financing for the wastewater system expansion 71 Mayor and Council Members Page 4 December 2, 1997 Clermont's wastewater rate structure is still well within the mid range of other wastewater rates in the Central Florida area Sewer Fund expenses increased from $1,305,462 to $1,400,276 The primary reason for the increase is additional personnel necessary to operate the wastewater treatment system and capital expenditures associated with the rehabilitation of portions of the original wastewater treatment system on the west side which is now 27 years old The new personnel positions are as follows -Wastewater Treatment Operator Trainee -Wastewater Treatment Specialist STORMWATER FUND The Stormwater Fund accounts for the resources accumulated for the maintenance and improvement of the City's stormwater drainage system Stormwater Fund revenues are projected to increase from $368,500 to $375,900 The Stormwater fee structure has been held constant for eight consecutive years During the 1997-98 fiscal year, the City will begin work on our first major stormwater project which will create a centralized system in the Central Business District in the amount of $360,000 The project will be primarily funded from a grant from the Lake County Water Authority in the amount of $215,000 Stormwater reserves will also be available for the project SANITATION FUND The Sanitation Fund accounts for the provision of such services as garbage and trash collection, recycling and composting services Sanitation Fund revenues increased from $621,000 to $661,500 Even though sanitation rates were held constant for the fifth consecutive year, total sanitation fees anticipated to be collected are projected to increase due to the continued expansion of the East service area customer base Sanitation expenses decreased $40,858 from $750,394 to $709,536 due to the purchase of a $125,000 garbage truck in 1996-97 budget A Refuse Driver/Collector I position was added to the Sanitation Fund budget c Mayor and Council Members Page 5 Ci December 2, 1997 CEMETERY PERPETUAL CARE FUND The Cemetery Fund was established to provide continuing maintenance of the ceme- tery All proceeds from lot sales estimated to be $29,000 are deposited to this fund with a transfer out of $14,000 in interest earnings to the General Fund for maintenance L; PERSONNEL L A cost of living adjustment of 2 5 % for all employees is effective October 1 J Additional dollars are budgeted for annual merit increases normally ranging from 0 to 4% based on performance reviews In addition, the City's contribution to the General Employee Defined Contribution Pension Plan will increase from 7 % to 8 % of employees' salaries CONCLUSION CThe 1997-98 Budget is conservative but provides adequate funding for all departments to maintain and improve levels of service through the upcoming year Through the continued efforts of all departments, the City of Clermont will continue to be a full service community providing needed services at an affordable cost Subsequent pages of this document provides details for all funds and appropriate schedules We must continue to anticipate the future needs of our citizens and prepare for additional demands for service as the area grows Conservative short and long range planning and implementation of those plans, along with careful monitoring of outside issues directly affecting the City, will ensure a continuing healthy financial condition for the City Respectfully submitted, CITY OF CLERMONT 1, gMtanager SAUNDERS Fill � " WS aw L` r r F Police Dept. Attorney Fire Dept. City of Clermont Organizational Chart Citizens Clermont City Council City Manager Publfa Services Street: Parks Animal Control Sanitation Water Sewer Committees I i finanaa Planning Dept., Dept, Accounting Budgeting Payroll Utility Billing Risk Management Planning Zoning Licensing Permitting Code Enforcement Mayor Mayor/Pro-Tem Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember Pon 'M City Manager City Attorney PM Finance Director OM Public Services Director Chief of Police 'a City Engineer Planning Director PM Fire Chief 00 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA LISTING OF CITY OFFICIALS 1997 - 9S ELECTED OFFICIALS APPOINTED OFFICIALS Robert A. Pool Kenneth Norquist Lester Cole Lawson A. Wolfe Jim Brown Wayne Saunders Leonard H. Baird, Jr. Joseph E. Van Zile Preston Davis Randy Story John Springstead Lanny Harker Carle Bishop on 9 r r• P" CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION No. 961 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ESTABLISHING AN AD VALOREM MILLAGE RATE TO PARTIALLY FINANCE THE GENERAL GOVERNMENT OPERATION OF THE CITY. WHEREAS, a portion of the revenue for the City's 1997-1998 Fiscal Year Budget must be raised from the assessment and levy of an ad valorem tax on each dollar of taxable property in the City of Clermont, Florida; and WHEREAS, it is hereby found and determined by the City Council of the City of Clermont that the assessed gross taxable value for 1997 for the City of Clermont, as prepared by the Property Appraiser of the County of Lake and received on July 1, 1997 is Two Hundred Forty Six Million Four Hundred Sixty Three Thousand Seven Hundred Thirty Three ($246,463,733) Dollars and that a tax rate of two point nine seven nine [2 9791 per One Thousand Dollars [$1,000] valuation exceeds the "ROLLED BACK" millage rate of the City by Eleven point Two -Four percent [11.24%], and WHEREAS, it is hereby found and determined by the City of Clermont, that to raise the sum of Seven Hundred Twelve Thousand Two Hundred Dollars [$712,200] -- required from ad valorem taxes for the general government operation of this City, an ad valorem taxation of all taxable property of this City is required to be levied NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, there is hereby levied and shall be collected on each dollar of taxable property in the City of Clermont, Florida, a tax levy of two point nine seven nine [2.979] mils, or an adjusted mullage rate that will raise an amount equal to Seven Hundred Twelve Thousand Two Hundred Dollars [$712,200] for the general government operation of said City NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Property Appraiser of the County of Lake, is hereby directed to extend the Assessment Roll of the City, heretofore equalized, confirmed and approved, and to deliver same tax to the Tax Collector of the County of Lake, and the aforesaid Tax Collector is hereby ',. directed to collect said taxes at the tune and in the manner provided for by law 11 CITY OF CLERMONT, RESOLUTION No: 961 Page 2 DONE AND RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE' CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA THIS -,23 DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1997 _ CITY OF CLERMONT - Robert A. Pool, Mayor 1 Attest. a ' -T eph t Van i , City C erk = ' t `12 PM oft .. r PM CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION No. 962 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ESTABLISHING THE GENERAL FUND BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF CLERMONT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1997-1998 AUTHORIZING RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS CONTAINED THEREIN. WHEREAS, it is hereby found and determined by the City Council of the City of wo Clermont, Lake County, Florida, that the following sums of money, or as much thereof as may be authorized by law are required for the general operation of the government of said PM City for the Fiscal Year of October 1, 1997 to September 30, 1998 CASH BALANCES BROUGHT FORWARD $832,052 PM ESTIMATED REVENUES Taxes 2,122,600 Licenses and Permits 91,700 Intergovernmental 804,900 Charges for Services 233,094 Fines and Forfeitures 183,500 Miscellaneous 112,300 Other Financing Sources 248.200 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES $3.796.294 sm pw OM oft AM TOTAL CASH BALANCES AND ESTIMATED REVENUES EXPENDITURES General Government Public Safety Physical Environment Transportation Economic Environment Human Services Culture/Recreation TOTAL EXPENDITURES RESERVES TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND RESERVES 827,325 1,418,429 949,182 375,104 10,815 1,000 161,700 $4.628.346 $3,743,555 $ 884.791 $4.628,346 13 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION No. 962 Page 2 WHEREAS, a portion of the revenue described above must be raised from the assessment and levy of an ad valorem tax on each dollar of taxable property in the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, as provided by Resolution NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the above said budget for the General Fund of the City of Clermont for the 1997-1998 Fiscal Year and appropriations therefore are hereby adopted DONE AND RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA THISd DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1997 Attest �eph E Van e, City Clerk CITY OF CLERMONT Robert A Pool, Mayor 14 PM CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION No. 963 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ESTABLISHING THE INFRASTRUCTURE FUND BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF CLERMONT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1997-19989 AUTHORIZING RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS CONTAINED THEREIN. ^, WHEREAS, it is hereby found and determined by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, that the following sums of money are required for the infrastructure needs of the government of said City for the Fiscal Year of October 1, 1997 to September 30, 1998 CASH BALANCES BROUGHT FORWARD $_0- ESTIMATED REVENUES P" 7 Taxes Miscellaneous 469,000 500 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 469.500 TOTAL CASH BALANCES AND ESTIMATED REVENUES $469.500 EXPENDITURES: Transportation 121,400 Physical Environment 48,000 Other Financing Uses 249.882 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $419,282 RESERVES 50.218 .� TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND RESERVES $469.500 15 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION No. 963 Page 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the above said budget for the Infrastructure Fund of the City of Clermont for the 1997-1998 Fiscal Year and appropriations therefore are hereby adopted DONE AND RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA THIS i 1, DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1997. CITY OF CLERMONT Attest. Jo ph It Van Z ty Clerk Robert A. Pool, Mayor 16 ►M F� rn• rr Poo CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION No. 964 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ESTABLISHING THE 1989 SALES TAX ^ BOND FUND BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF CLERMONT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1997-1998 AUTHORIZING RECEIPTS AND PM DISBURSEMENTS CONTAINED THEREIN. WHEREAS, it is hereby found and determined by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, that the following sums of money are required for the payment of the City of Clermont 1989 Sales Tax Bond of the government of said .- City for the Fiscal Year of October 1, 1997 to September 30, 1998 CASH BALANCES BROUGHT FORWARD $ -0- ESTIMATED REVENUES PM Miscellaneous 5,000 Other Financing Sources 249,882 OM P" TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 254.882 TOTAL CASH BALANCES & ESTIMATED REVENUES $254,882 OM EXPENDITURES - PM General Government $254,882 RESERVES -0- TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND RESERVES $254.882 .. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the above said budget for the 1989 Sales Tax Bond Fund of the City of Clermont for the 1997-1998 Fiscal Year and OM appropriations therefore are hereby adopted. 17 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION No. 964 Page 2 DONE AND RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA THIS::2U DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1997 CITY OF CLERMONT Robert A Pool, Mayor Attest: f i,e6seph E Van Zi ty Clerk = 18 ►.m PM ., PM ow CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION No. 965 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ESTABLISHING THE WATER FUND BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF CLERMONT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1997-1998 AUTHORIZING RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS CONTAINED THEREIN. WHEREAS, it is hereby found and determined by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, that the following sums of money are required for the water operations of the government of said City for the Fiscal Year of October 1, 1997 to September 30, 1998 CASH BALANCES BROUGHT FORWARD $804,508 ESTIMATED REVENUES Charges for Services 1,133,100 Miscellaneous 312.900 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES •- TOTAL CASH BALANCES AND ESTIMATED REVENUES EXPENSES OM Physical Environment 1.7.10.Zif TOTAL EXPENSES AND RESERVES 1,446.000 $2.250,508 1,359,497 891.011 $2,250,508 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the above said budget for the Water Fund of the City of Clermont for the 1997-1998 Fiscal Year and appropriations therefore are hereby adopted 19 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION No. 965 Page 2 DONE AND RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA THIS DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1997 CITY OF CLERMONT, _ le4, ~' Robert A Pool, Mayor s° Attest- Jos E Van Zfla4 `ity Clerk 4 r 20 PM PM PM CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION pa No. 966 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ESTABLISHING THE SEWER FUND BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF CLERMONT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1997-1998 AUTHORIZING RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS CONTAINED THEREIN. PM WHEREAS, it is hereby found and determined by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, that the following sums of money are required for the sewer operations of the government of said City for the Fiscal Year of October 1, `" 1997 to September 30, 1998 CASH BALANCES BROUGHT FORWARD $1,104,597 ESTIMATED REVENUES: Charges for Services 1,019,500 Miscellaneous 442,300 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 1,461.800 .• TOTAL CASH BALANCES AND ESTIMATED REVENUES $2,566,397 PM EXPENSES Physical Environment 1,400,276 RESERVES 1,166.121 am - TOTAL EXPENSES AND RESERVES $2,566,397 .. 21 MR CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION No. 966 Page 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the above said budget for the Sewer Fund of the City of Clermont for the 1997-1998 Fiscal Year and appropriations therefore are hereby adopted. DONE AND RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA THIS DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1997 CITY OF CLERMONT Robert A. Pool, Mayor Attest J C/ eph E Van ZV, City /Clerk -� OR MR 22 .• ow .• wo CITY OF CLERMONT .. RESOLUTION No. 967 'M A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ESTABLISHING THE STORMWATER ,. FUND BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF CLERMONT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1997-1998 AUTHORIZING RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS CONTAINED THEREIN. WHEREAS, it is hereby found and determined by the City Council of the City "' of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, that the following sums of money are required for the stormwater maintenance needs of the government of said City for the Fiscal Year of October 1, 1997 to September 30, 1998 CASH BALANCES BROUGHT FORWARD $271,414 ESTIMATED REVENUES pw Intergovernmental 215,000 Charges for Services 147,400 oft Miscellaneous 13.500 .. TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 375.900 TOTAL CASH BALANCES & ESTIMATED REVENUES $647.314 OEM EXPENSES. Physical Environment $647,314 RESERVES _0- TOTAL EXENSES AND RESERVES $647,314 om NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the above said budget for the Stormwater Fund of the City of Clermont for the 1997-1998 Fiscal Year and Pw appropriations therefore are hereby adopted 23 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION No. 967 Page 2 DONE AND RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA THIS6� DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1997 - CITY OF CLERMONT r a� Robert A Pool, Mayor Attest dos6p'h E Van e ity clerk 24 n. PM .. •M CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION On No. 968 am A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ESTABLISHING THE SANITATION FUND PM BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF CLERMONT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1997-1998 AUTHORIZING RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS CONTAINED THEREIN. OM WHEREAS, it is hereby found and determined by the City Council of the City PM of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, that the following sums of money are required for the solid waste disposal service of the government of said City for the Fiscal Year of October 1, 1997 to September 30, 1998 CASH BALANCES BROUGHT FORWARD $197,705 PM ESTIMATED REVENUES - Intergovernmental 9,000 Charges for Services 631,500 Miscellaneous 21.000 PM PM TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 661,500 TOTAL CASH BALANCES AND ESTIMATED REVENUES $859.205 PM EXPENSES Physical Environment $709,536 RESERVES 149,669 TOTAL EXPENSES AND RESERVES $859,205 r- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the above said budget for the Sanitation Fund of the City of Clermont for the 1997-1998 Fiscal Year and appropriations therefore are hereby adopted 25 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION \No. 968 Page 2 DONE AND RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA THIS 234Z DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1997 CITY OF CLERMONT Robert A Pool, Mayor Attest: r ` eph E Van , CitylClerk r 26 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION No. 969 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ESTABLISHING THE CEMETERY PERPETUAL CARE FUND BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF CLERMONT FOR FISCAL YEAR 1997-1998, AUTHORIZING RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS CONTAINED THEREIN. WHEREAS, it is hereby found and determined by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, that the following sums of money are required for the care and maintenance of the cemetery of said City for the Fiscal Year October 1, 1997 to September 30, 1998- CASH BALANCES BROUGHT FORWARD $260,482 ESTIMATED REVENUES. Miscellaneous 29.000 TOTAL CASH BALANCES AND ESTIMATED REVENUES $289.482 EXPENDITURES General Government 500 Other Financing Uses 14,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 14,500 RESERVES 274,982 TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND RESERVES $289,482 27 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION No. 969 Page 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the above said budget for the Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund of the City of Clermont for the 1997-1998 Fiscal Year and appropriations therefore are hereby adopted. DONE AND RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA THISdILDAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1997. Attest: i o ph E Van , C1 Clerk CITY OF CLERMONT Robert A fool, Mayor 28 F®NA NCIA L SECTION This section contains the basic Budgeted Revenues and Expenditures Statements for those funds which have legally adopted budgets. A combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Reserves is presented in order to show the total City of Clermont Annual Budget. Statements of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Reserves and detail Statements of Revenues, and Expenditures are also presented for each fund along with prior years' information for comparison purposes. F �A THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 29 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA ALL FUNDS COMBINED STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES, EXPENDITURES & CHANGES IN RESERVES 1997-98 SPECIAL DEBT GENERAL REVENUE SERVICE ,^ FUND FUND FUND REVENUES Taxes 2,122,600 469,000 Licenses & Permits 91,700 Intergovernmental 804,900 Charges for Services 233,094 Fines & Forfeitures 183,500 -" Miscellaneous 112,300 500 5,000 Other Financing Sources 248,200 249,882 TOTAL REVENUES 3,796,294 469,500 254,882 EXPENDITURES/EXPENSES General Government 827,325 254,882 Public Safety 1,418,429 Public Works 1,324,286 169,400 Economic Environment 10,815 Human Services 1,000 Culture/Recreation 161,700 Physical Environment Other Financing Uses 249,882 TOTAL EXPENDITURES/EXPENSES 3,743,555 419,282 254,882 REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES/EXPENSES 52,739 50,218 -0- BEGINNING RESERVES 832,052 -0- -0- ENDING RESERVES 884,791 50,218 -0- r., 30 sm OM .. OM PM PM PM .. PM p" om pw PM om NON -EXPENDABLE ENTERPRISE TRUST TOTALS FUNDS FUND 1998 1997 2,591,600 2,415,300 91,700 67,500 224,000 1,028,900 887,500 2,931,500 3,164, 594 2,727,037 183,500 152,850 789,700 29,000 936,500 293,350 498,082 1.153,602 3,945,200 29,000 8,494,876 7,697,139 500 1,082,707 965,210 1,418,429 1,214,668 1,493,686 1,644,990 10,815 11,015 1,000 1,000 161,700 144,397 4,116, 623 4,116, 623 3,872,543 14,000 263.882 604,982 4,116,623 14,500 8.548,842 8,458,805 ( 171, 423) 14,500 ( 53,966) ( 761, 666) 2,378,224 260,482 3,470.758 3,408,547 2.206,801 274.982 3,416,792 2,646.881 31 F F", F'111 F", L' F F", GENERAL FUND i The General Fund accounts for all revenues and expenditures of the City which are not required to be accounted for in other funds. It receives a greater variety and number of taxes and other general revenues than any other fund. F F F, F 33 n• CITYOF CLERMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND PM STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN RESERVES 1997-99 pw ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 1997-99 .. REVENUES Taxes 1,946,856 1,975,300 1,986,589 2,122, 600 Licenses & Permits 84,259 67,500 89,572 91,700 Intergovernmental 564,290 663,500 683,505 804,900 Chargesfor Services 203,894 237,537 224,381 233,094 Fines & Forfeitures 151,879 152,850 112,400 183,500 Miscellaneous 220,204 146,050 138,050 112,300 ,. Other Financing Sources 129.998 465.320 510.705 248.200 TOTAL REVENUES 3,301,380 3,708,057 3,745,202 3,796,294 EXPENDITURES General Government 729,805 714,028 1,024,041 827,325 Public Safety 1,257,253 1,214,668 1,272,917 1,418,429 Public Works 1,224,600 1,634,990 1,786,149 1,324,286 Economic Environment 11,159 11,015 10,315 10,815 Human Services 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 ,., Culture/Recreation 143.055 144.397 155.752 161.700 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 3.366.872 3.720.098 4.250.174 3.743.555 REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES (65, 492) (12, 041) (504, 972) 52,739 BEGINNING RESERVES 1.402.516 931.951 1.337.024 832.052 ENDING RESERVES 1.337.024 919.910 832.052 884.791 ON r PM EV� am 35 CITYOF CrIMMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES 1997-98 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 1997-98 TAXES: 10311-31101 Ad Valorem 594,935 612,700 615,900 712,200 ~' 10312-31240 State Local Option Gas 166,604 155,000 160,300 170,100 10313-31300 Franchise Fees 438,616 466,900 451,114 459,900 10314-31400 Utility Service 746,701 740.700 _759.275 _780.400 ^ TOTAL TAXES 1,946,856 1,975,300 1,986,589 2,122,600 LICENSES & PERMITS. 10321-32100 Occupational Licenses 36,739 25,500 36,700 36,700 ^' 10329-32900 Other Licenses & Permits 47.520 42.000 52.872 55.000 TOTAL LICENSES & PERMITS 84,259 67,500 89,572 91,700 INTERGOVERNMENTAL: 10321-33120 Federal Grant -COPS 25,023 24,000 25,977 15,700 10321-33121 Federal Grant -Law Enforcement -0- -0- 10,987 10,000 ' 10334-33471 State Grant -Waterfront Park -0- 100,000 100,000 -0- 10334-33472 State Grant -Comp Plan -0- -0- 3,518 10,500 10335-33511 State Cigarette Tax 31,412 30,000 30,891 30,000 ^ 10335-33512 State Revenue Sharing 157,527 147,000 143,694 148,000 10335-33514 State Mobile Home License 9,528 9,200 9,200 9,200 10335-33515 State Alcoholic Beverage License 4,627 7,000 4,500 4,500 10335-33518 State Half -Cent Sales Tax 269,103 284,000 281,038 302,000 ^ 10335-33519 State Motor Fuel Rebate 4,347 4,800 4,800 4,800 10337-33731 County Grant -Boat Ramp -0- -0- -0- 100,000 10337-33732 County Grant -Youth Recreation -0- -0- 3,500 3,500 10337-33736 County Water Authority Grant -Boat Ramp -0- -0- -0- 100,000 10338-33800 County Occupational License 91732 7,500 9,700 9,700 10338-33801 County One Cent Gas Tax 52.991 50.000 55.700 57.000 TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL 564,290 663,500 683,505 804,900 ^' CHARGES FOR SERVICES: 10342-34220 Fire Inspection Fees 1,170 1,000 1,000 1,000 10347-34720 Recreation Fees 1,096 6,000 1,400 10,000 10347-34721 Boat Ramp Fees 14,561 20,000 14,444 10,000 10347-34722 Beach Parking Fees 2,177 18,000 15,000 15,000 ^, 10347-34730 South Lake Arts Ticket Sales 13,534 10,400 9,400 9,400 10347-34731 South Lake Arts Advertising -0- -0- 1,000 1,000 10349-34900 Administrative Services 171.356 182.137 182.137 186.694 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 203,894 237,537 224,381 233,094 FINES AND FORFEITURES: 10351-35101 Fines & Forfeitures 144,663 145,000 87,800 155,000 -' 10351-35105 Law Enforcement Education 6,146 6,000 5,000 6,500 10351-35106 Law Enforcement Automation -0- -0- 15,600 20,000 10351-35110 Confiscations 350 350 1,000 500 10354-35401 False Alarm Fees 720 1.500 3.000 1.500 TOTAL FINES AND FORFEITURES 151,879 152,850 112,400 183,500 36 .. 1^ MY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES 1997-98 MISCELLANEOUS: 10361-36100 Interest 10362-36200 Rentals 10364-36401 Fixed Assets Sales 10365-36500 Surplus Property Sales 10366-36600 Contributions/Reimbursements 10369-36999 Other TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS ,^ OTHER FINANCING SOURCES. 10381-38101 Transfer from Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund 10381-38104 Transfer from Infrastructure Fund ^ 10381-38108 Transfer from Water Fund 10381-38114 Transfer from Recreation Impact Fee Fund 10381-38116 Transfer from Fire Impact Fee Fund 10381-38118 Transfer from Police Impact Fee Fund ^ TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES TOTAL REVENUES .. .. ,.. ------ ----- .-- ACTUAL -------------- BUDGET -------------------- ESTIMATED --------- BUDGET 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 1997-98 78,565 78,000 58,300 58,000 43,851 38,350 35,550 24,100 1,148 1,500 2,000 1,500 3,371 3,000 6,000 3,000 87,386 15,700 17,200 15,700 5.883 9.500 19.000 10.000 220,204 146,050 138,050 112,300 12,659 11,800 15,070 14,000 -0- 345,500 212,073 -0- 80,439 81,020 93,100 104,600 23,700 7,000 153,729 90,000 5,600 10,000 19,095 20,300 7.600 10.000 17.638 19.300 129.998 465.320 510.705 248.200 3.301.380 3.708.057 3.745.202 3.796.294 .. 37 CITYOF CLERMONT. FLORIDA GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERN11IENT STATEMENT OF BUDGETS EXPENDITURES 1997-99 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET ^ 1995-96 199 6-97 1996-97 1997-98 CITY COUNCIL (10511) ^ 12000 Personal Services 20,669 20,668 20,669 20,669 53156 Professional Services-Recodification 7,463 5,000 5,000 -0- 54001 Travel & Per Diem 2,336 1,500 1,500 1,500 54614 Repair & Maintenance -Equipment 366 375 375 375 ^ 54900 Other Current Charges 2.426 00 2.789 2.800 TOTAL CITY COUNCIL 33,260 28,143 30,333 25,344 ^ CITY MANAGER (10512) 12000 Personal Services 117,753 126,589 127,020 133,837 54001 Travel & Per Diem 1,310 2,500 2,500 2,500 54500 Commercial Insurance 2,179 2,160 2,528 2,528 54601 Repair & Maintenance -Vehicles 165 650 500 650 54614 Repair & Maintenance -Equipment 265 200 200 200 54900 Other Current Charges 34 400 400 400 ^ 55201 Gas & Oil 681 800 750 800 55202 Tires & Batteries -0- 200 200 200 55400 Subscriptions & Dues 1,576 1,500 1,600 1,600 66401 Capital Outlay -Equipment -0- 1.275 0 ^ TOTAL CITY MANAGER 123,963 134,999 136,973 143,515 FINANCE (10513) ^ 12000 Personal Services 180,469 189,618 195,433 221,558 53154 Professional Services -Investment Advisor -0- -0- 1,300 2,000 53166 Professional Services -Insurance Review -0- -0- -0- 5,000 ^ 53200 Audit Fee 10,120 10,000 10,000 10,000 53402 Contract Services -Cleaning 5,330 4,920 4,920 4,920 53404 Contract Services -Pest Control 126 125 125 125 54001 Travel & Per Diem 984 1,600 1,600 1,600 ^ 54101 Telephone 4,050 3,800 4,500 4,500 54200 Postage & Freight 226 250 250 250 54300 Electric & Gas Service 3,664 4,000 3,259 3,500 54301 Water & Sewer Service 870 900 900 900 54302 Stormwater Service 421 420 420 420 54500 Commercial Insurance 5,178 3,600 5,802 5,802 54600 Repair & Maintenance -Buildings 1,716 750 2,000 1,700 ^ 54614 Repair & Maintenance -Equipment 4,877 2,000 2,200 2,000 54700 Printing 8,778 5,000 5,700 5,500 54900 Other Current Charges 731 600 600 600 ^, 54909 Bank Service Charges -0- -0- 4,000 4,000 55100 Qfflce Supplies 6,663 6,500 6,500 6,700 55400 Subscriptions & Dues 1,710 1,600 1,700 1,800 66201 Capital Outlay -Buildings -0- -0- -0- 12,000 ^ 66401 Capital Outlay -Equipment -0- 7,600 9,367 1,400 77106 Debt Service -Computer 11.300 11.300 11.300 -0- TOTAL FINANCE 247,213 254,583 271,876 296,275 ^ 38 PM MY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA ^, GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT STATEMEEN'T OF BVDGETID EXPENDITURES ,M 1997-98 om ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1995-96 199 6-97 1996-97 1997-98 PM CITY ATTORNEY (10514) 53157 Professional Services -Legal 14,725 10,800 10,800 10,800 55400 Subscnpnons & Dues - -0- 250 250 25 "' TOTAL CITY ATTORNEY 14,725 11,050 11,050 11,050 PLANNINQ--& ZONING (10515) PM 12000 Personal Services 111,383 148,013 133,611 178,779 53100 Professional Services -Engineering 82,464 50,000 106,000 40,000 53152 Professional Services -Software Training -0- 850 850 850 .• 53160 Professional Services -Comprehensive Plan 731 30,000 10,000 30,000 53402 Contract Services -Cleaning 3,640 3,360 3,360 3,360 54001 Travel & Per Diem 424 1,500 1,000 1,500 ow 54500 Commercial Insurance 2,905 2,880 3,371 3,371 54601 Repair & Maintenance -Vehicles 460 800 300 800 54614 Repair & Maintenance -Equipment 685 300 1,000 1,000 PM 54900 Other Current Charges 619 1,500 5,650 1,000 55201 Gas & Oil 313 850 200 850 55202 Tires & Batteries -0- 400 300 400 Im 55400 Subscriptions & Dues 694 800 800 800 66201 Capital Outlay -Buildings -0- -0- -0- 2,000 66400 Capital Outlay -Vehicles -0- 15,000 15,120 19,000 wn 66401 Capital Outlay -Equipment 800 4.500 4.500 6.360 TOTAL PLANNING AND ZONING 205,118 260,753 286,062 290,070 ow OTHER GENERAL GOVERNMENT (10519) , 12000 Personal Services -0- -0- -0- 30,571 P- 53100 Professional Services -Engineering -0- 1,500 1,500 1,500 53152 Professional Services -Software Training 910 500 -0- 500 54600 Repair & Maintenance -Buildings 3,389 1,000 300 500 o- 54800 Advertising 4,168 5,000 4,155 5,000 54900 Other Current Charges 13,353 10,000 12,000 12,000 54905 Sales Tax 5,697 6,500 4,332 6,000 PW 66101 Capital Outlay -Land 78,009 -0- 265,460 -0- 66401 Capital Outlay -Equipment -0 -0- -0- 5,000 TOTAL OTHER GENERAL GOVERNMENT 105.526 24.500 287.747 61.071 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 729.805 714.028 1.024.041 827.325 PM PM 39 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND ^ PUBLIC SAFETY STATEMENT OF BUDGED EXPENDITURES 1997-98 ^ •------------------------------------------- ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED --- BUDGET ^. 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 1997-98 POLICE (10521) ^ 12000 . Personal Services 917,994 920,202 887,455 1,031,038 53164 Professional Services -Impact Fee Study -0- -0- 5,200 -0- 53402 Contract Services -Cleaning 14,950 13,800 13,800 13,800 -� 53404 Contract Services -Pest Control 294 200 360 360 53500 Investigative Expenses 3,200 3,200 3,200 3,200 54001 Travel & Per Diem 1,090 1,000 1,000 1,500 ^ 54101 Telephone 5,878 6,000 6,500 7,000 54200 Postage & Freight 962 1,000 1,000 1,000 54300 Electric & Gas Service 11,070 12,500 12,500 12,500 54301 Water & Sewer Service 3,728 4,000 4,000 4,000 54302 Stormwater Service 245 250 250 250 54400 Rentals -Equipment 729 720 720 720 ^, 54500 Commercial Insurance 14,840 14,400 17,989 17,989 54600 Repair & Maintenance -Buildings 2,471 1,800 1,800 1,800 54601 Repair & Maintenance -Vehicles 12,474 12,500 13,500 13,500 54614 Repair & Maintenance -Equipment 10,059 6,000 6,000 6,000 54900 Other Current Charges 638 2,500 2,500 2,500 54908 Emergency & Medical Services 410 1,500 1,500 1,500 ,... 55100 Office Supplies 3,490 4,500 4,500 4,500 55200 Operating Supplies 3,100 4,000 4,500 4,500 55201 Gas & Oil 22,496 24,000 24,000 24,000 55202 Tires & Batteries 2,970 3,500 3,500 3,500 55203 Uniforms 5,909 8,000 8,000 9,000 55204 Minor Equipment 1,790 1,800 1,800 1,800 ^, 55400 Subscriptions & Dues 96 105 200 250 55401 Training/Education 296 2,000 2,000 6,000 66400 Capital Outlay -Vehicles 39,271 63,025 63,000 88,830 66401 Capital Outlay -Equipment 23.916 10.153 32.114 41.270 TOTAL POLICE DEPARTMENT 1,104, 366 1,122, 655 1,122, 888 1,302,307 0-. 40 /M CITYOF CL MONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND ^, PUBLIC SAFE77 STATFJ14ENT OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES 1997-98 ^, ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET PM 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 1997-98 FIRE (1052 12000 Personal Services 39,313 44,500 51,744 63,946 53164 Professional Services -Impact Fee Study -0- -0- 4,000 -0- .. 53402 Contract Service -Cleaning -0- -0- -0- 3,360 54001 Travel & Per Diem 107 250 250 250 54101 Telephone 1,014 960 1,241 2,500 54300 Electric & Gas Service -0- -0- 600 1,200 ., 54301 Water/Sewer Service -0- -0- 125 420 54302 Stormwater Service -0- -0- 28 85 54400 Rentals -Equipment -0- -0- -0- 330 ^, 54500 Commercial Insurance 2,179 2,160 2,528 2,528 54600 Repair & Maintenance -Buildings 1,363 1,000 9,000 1,500 54601 Repair & Maintenance -Vehicles 5,087 3,200 3,200 3,200 ^, 54614 Repair & Maintenance -Equipment 3,554 3,000 3,000 3,000 54900 Other Current Charges 839 600 600 400 55100 Office Supplies 583 450 630 750 PM 55200 Operating Supplies 1,419 1,400 1,400 1,400 55201 Gas & Oil 1,001 1,080 1,600 1,300 55202 Tires & Batteries 1,073 700 700 700 .- 55203 Uniforms 818 1,000 1,000 1,000 55204 Minor Equipment 2,925 3,700 4,003 2,450 55400 Subscnptions & Dues 697 725 725 725 Fm 55401 Training & Education -0- 970 970 970 66101 Capital Outlay -Land -0- -0- 200 -0- 66400 Capital Outlay -Vehicles 69,617 -0- 36,167 4,300 pw 66401 Capital Outlay -Equipment 21.298 26.318 26.318 19.808 TOTAL FIRE DEPARTMENT 152.887 92.013 150.029 116.122 pw TOTAL PUBLIC SAFE77 1.257.253 1.214.668 1 272.917 1.418.429 FM PM FM ow on 41 CITYOF CL RMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT OF BUDGE7ED EXPENDITURES 1997-98 .. ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATEO BUDGET 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 1997-98 TRANSPORTATION (10541) 12000 Personal Services 146,745 167,623 163,681 176,554 53100 Professional Services -Engineering 63,400 -0- 74,719 -0- 53407 Contract Services -Signal Maintenance 5, 830 5,000 9,700 5,000 ^, 54300 Electric & Gas Service 50,634 55,000 58,000 58,500 54400 Rentals -Equipment 374 500 500 500 54500 Commercial Insurance 5,084 5,040 5,900 5,900 .� 54600 Repair & Maintenance -Buildings 16 50 100 100 54601 Repair & Maintenance -Vehicles 5,264 6,000 5,000 5,000 54602 Repair & Maintenance -Street Signs 10,961 7,100 6,500 6,500 ^, 54603 Repair & Maintenance -Streets 619 40,000 49,000 80,000 54605 Repair & Maintenance -Trees 24 -0- -0- -0- 54614 Repair & Maintenance -Equipment 1,827 6,500 4,000 5,000 54900 Other Current Charges -0- -0- 193 200 55200 Operating Supplies 33 500 300 500 55201 Gas & Oil 3,733 40200 3,800 4,200 55202 Tires & Batteries 3,223 2,000 1,000 2,000 55203 Uniforms 567 650 499 650 55204 Minor Equipment 2,994 2,500 2,500 2,500 55205 Safety Equipment -0- 1,200 1,200 1,200 55300 Road Materials 1,861 3,000 1,500 2,000 66304 Capital Outlay -Streets 11,192 482,000 520,000 -0- 66400 Capital Outlay -Vehicles 13,193 21,500 20,046 18,800 -' 66401 Capital Outlay -Equipment 1.566 1.260 1.062 -0- TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 329,140 811,623 929,200 375,104 .. 42 Fm CITYOF CLERMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND PNO PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENDTIURES 1997-98 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 1997-98 PARKS (10542) MM 12000 Personal Services 243,528 266,804 248,442 275,893 53100 Professional Services -Engineering 6,984 -0- 52,728 20,000 53161 Professional Services Architectural 22,130 -0- 3,311 -0- '" 53164 Professional Services -Impact Fee Study -0- -0- 4,000 -0- 53402 Contract Services -Cleaning 20,643 20,500 20,500 20,500 53404 Contract Services -Pest Control 598 800 1,550 1,550 54101 Telephone 646 650 646 650 54300 Electric & Gas Service 19,625 20,000 24,463 23,500 54301 Water & Sewer Service 12,035 10,600 12,612 13,000 54302 Stormwater Service 883 1,000 966 1,000 54400 Rentals -Equipment -0- 500 500 500 54500 Commercial Insurance 10,168 10,080 13,178 13,178 54600 Repair & Maintenance -Buildings 18,240 6,000 2,748 6,000 54601 Repair & Maintenance -Vehicles 1,671 1,700 1,500 1,700 54606 Repair & Maintenance -Parks 29,834 39,000 38,000 32,000 54607 Repair & Maintenance -Sod -0- 1,000 2,100 1,000 54609 Repair & Maintenance-JC Beach SS 1,500 2,500 1,500 54614 Repair & Maintenance -Equipment 15,598 10,000 11,528 12,000 �- 54900 Other Current Charges 742 -0- 253 200 54902 Inmate Meals 2,904 5,500 2,200 3,000 55201 Gas & Oil 6,200 6,000 5,356 6,200 �- 55202 Tires & Batteries 1,518 1,500 1,000 1,500 55203 Uniforms 932 1,100 579 1,100 55204 Minor Equipment 4,069 3,500 3,034 3,500 P- 66101 Capital Outlay -Land 7,813 -0- 15,116 -0- 66300 Capital Outlay -Other Improvements 314,325 211,800 145,000 300,000 66301 Capital Outlay -Recreation 1,943 -0- 63,078 8,807 .- 66302 Capital Outlay -Landscaping 3,817 5,000 5,000 5,000 66309 Capital Outlay -Cemetery 174 -0- 500 6,000 66400 CapitalOutlay- Vehicles 11,527 -0- -0- 14,500 .- 66401 Capital Outlay -Equipment 1.447 25.850 25.763 -0- TOTAL PARKS 760,049 650,384 708,151 773,778 P" 0-4 43 CITY OF CUMMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPE FDITURES 1997-98 ACTUAL. BUDGET EST7M 7ED BUDGET 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 1997-98 ANIMAL CONTROL (I QU Z 12000 Personal Services 15,344 15,704 16,240 16,557 53159 Professional Services -Veterinarian 102 600 200 200 54500 Commercial Insurance 726 720 843 843 54601 Repair & Maintenance -Vehicles 277 300 300 300 54900 Other Current Charges 23 200 200 200 55201 Gas & Oil 942 1,000 1,000 1,000 55203 Uniforms 47 125 125 125 55204 Minor Equipment 553 300 300 300 55206 Animal Food 1.177 1.100 1.100 1.100 TOTAL ANIMAL CONTROL 19,191 20,049 20,308 20,625 OTHER PUBLIC WORKS (10549) 12000 Personal Services 70,135 80,354 78,015 100,746 53100 Professional Services -Engineering 1,530 3,000 3,000 -0- 53402 Contract Services -Cleaning 2,145 1,980 1,980 1,980 53404 Contract Services -Pest Control 84 150 84 150 54001 Travel & Per Diem 863 25 716 500 54101 Telephone 1,192 1,400 1,784 1,800 54300 Electric & Gas Service 4,081 4,800 4,418 4,800 54301 Water & Sewer Service -0- 950 534 950 54302 Stormwater Service 118 -0- 12 -0- 54500 Commercial Insurance 2,179 2,160 3,103 3,103 54600 Repair & Maintenance -Buildings 201 6,000 6,000 1,000 54605 Repair & Maintenance -Trees 11,114 10,000 10,000 10,000 54614 Repair & Maintenance -Equipment 8,342 7,000 5,500 7,000 54900 Other Current Charges 56 -0- -0- -0- 55100 0,,ffice Supplies 712 600 600 600 55200 Operating Supplies 4,264 3,000 3,000 3,000 55201 Gas & Oil 1,167 2,300 1,990 2,000 55203 Uniforms 190 450 288 450 55204 Minor Equipment 2,514 1,500 1,500 1,500 55400 Subscriptions & Dues 500 500 500 500 55401 Training & Education -0- 1,200 500 1,200 66400 Capital Outlay -Vehicles -0- -0- -0- 13,500 66401 Capital Outlay -Equipment 4.833 25.565 4.966 -0- TOTAL OTHER PUBLIC WORKS 116.220 152.934 128.490 154.779 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 1.224.600 1.634.990 1.786.149 1.324.286 ., ., 1-4 .. C177OF CLERMONT. FLORIDA GENERAL FUND ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT' STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EYPEIVDITURES 1997-98 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1995-96 199 6-97 1996-97 1997-98_ _ �- cHAMBER OF COMMERCE (10558) 53402 Contract Services -Cleaning 1,398 1,300 1,300 1,300 54300 Electric & Gas Service 1,298 1,300 1,300 1,300 54301 Water & Sewer Service 89 150 150 ISO 54302 Stormwater Service 64 65 65 65 54600 Repair & Maintenance -Buildings 797 500 -0- 500 54901 Labor Day Fireworks 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 66401 Capital Outlay -Equipment 2,528 -0- -0- -0- 88201 Contributions -General 21 3.000 2.500 2.5 OW00 TOTAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 10,834 8,815 7,815 8,315 PM OTHER ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT (10559) 55400 Subscriptions & Dues 325 2.2 2.500 —500 .. TOTAL ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT 11�159 1 5 10.315 1I P" P" PM PW OW ►, ON 45 CHYOF CLERMONT, FLORiDA GENERAL FUND HUMAN SERVICES STATEAIFM OF BUDGED EXPENDITURES 1997-98 LAKE COMMUNITY ACTION AGENCY 110561) 88201 Contnbutions-General ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET _ 1995-96 1996-97 1996.97 1997 98 II I/I III Il v 46 PM CITYOF CLERMONT. FLORiDA PM GENERAL FUND CULTUREAZECREA77ON STATEMENT OF BUDGETID EXPENDITURES PM 1997-98 IM PM COOPER MEMORIAL LIBRARY (10571) 54301 Water & Sewer Service 54302 Stormwater Service OM 54500 Commercial Insurance 54600 Repair & Maintenance -Buildings 54607 Repair & Maintenance -Lawns 66201 Capital Outlay -Buildings 77105 Debt Service -Library 88201 Contributions -General om TOTAL COOPER MEMORIAL LIBRARY SOUTH LAKE ARTS COUNCIL (10573) 53400 Contract Services -Performance Fees 53406 Contract Services-Secretanal 54200 Postage & Freight 54700 Printing 54801 Promotion Fees 54900 Other Current Charges TOTAL SOU77I LAKE ARTS COUNCIL RECREATION PROGRAMS (10574) ,_ 54900 Other Current Charges TOTAL CULTUREIRECRFATION PM TOTAL EXPENDITUM .. ACTUAL BUDGET EM7VA7ED BUDGET 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 1997-98 3,715 50600 2,800 2,800 279 250 250 250 1,453 1,440 1,686 1,686 1,793 -0- 10,781 -0- 2, 898 1,200 1,200 1,200 5,957 -0- -0- -0- 6,884 6,633 6,637 6,390 97.686 105.624 105.624 124.624 120,665 120,747 128,978 136,950 12,235 13,000 13,000 13,000 2,800 3,000 3,000 3,000 198 250 250 250 1,479 1,900 1,900 1,900 2,967 2,600 2,624 2,600 2.502 900 5.000 3.000 22,181 21,650 25,774 23,750 209 2.000 1.000 1.000 143.055 144.397 3.366.872 3.720.098 155.752 161.700 4,250.174 3.743.555 ., 47 INFRASTRUCTURE FUND The Infrastructure Fund accounts for the proceeds of the Local Government Infrastructure Sales Tax to be received by the City until the end of Fiscal Year 2002. The proceeds and interest approved thereto, are C� restricted by law to be used only for the construction, reconstruction or improvement of public facilities. F", FjI Fj r Fj F� 49 pm MYOF Q.E"ONT, FLORIDA Poo LNFRASTRUC7URE FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN RESERVES 1997-98 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1995-96 199 6-97 1996-97 1997-98 .. REVENUES Taxes Miscellaneous TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES Public Works pm Other Financing Uses TOTAL EXPEND17 URES am REVENUES OVER(UNDER)EXPENDIT &W S BEGINNING RESERVES ENDING RESERVES MR pm .. ow 431,107 440,000 7.201 11.000 438,308 451,000 361,578 10,000 245.387 593.182 606.965 603.182 (168, 657) (152,182) 195.919 154.044 27,262 1.862 432,000 469,000 994 500 432,994 469,500 2,500 169,400 457.756 249.882 460.256 419.282 (27,262) 50,218 27.262 -0- 50.218 51 CITYOF Q,ERMONT, FLORMA 1AT RASTRUC7URE FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES 1997-99 ........................................................ ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1995-96 _ 1996-97 1996-97 1997-98 TAXES. 12312-31260 State Local Option Sales MISCELLANEO UL- 12361-36100 Interest TOTAL REVENUES 431,107 440,000 7.201 438 308 11.000 4�1,000 432,000 469,000 994 500 432.994 469 SOQ ^, M" .. 52 OM MY OF CEEMONT, FLORIDA IN,FRASMUGTURE FUND r• STATEMENT OF BUDGMED EXPENDITURES 1997-98 ►- ------------------------------------------------------- ACTUAL BUDGET ESTLI 7ED BUDGET I995-96 1996-97_-- 1996-97 1997 98 - PUBLIC WORKS •- TRANSPORTATION (12541) 53100 Professional Services -Engineering 180,000 -0- -0- 20,000 66303 Capital Outlay -Sidewalk 6,228 10,000 2,500 10,000 ` 66304 Capital Outlay -Streets 350 .0- 91.400 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 186,578 10,000 2,500 121,400 PARKS (12542) 66300 Capital Outlay -Other Improvement 175,000 -0- -0- 18,000 OTHER PUBLIC WORKS (12549) 66201 Capital Outlay -Buildings -0- 30.000 on, TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 361,578 10,000 2,500 169,400 OTHER FINANCING USES (12581) 99101 Transfer to General Fund -0- 345,500 212,073 -0- .. 99103 Transfer to 1989 Sales Tax Bond Fund 245.387 247.682 245.683 249.882 TOTAL OMER FINANCING USES 245.387 593.182 457.756 249.882 TOTAL EXPF.ND17 URES 606.965 603.182 460.256 419.282 PM PM MW PM .. 0" .. 53 F r F 7 F 71, 1989 SALES TAX BOND FUND L' 1 The 1989 Sales Tax Bond Fund accounts for the �! accumulation of funds and payment of Debt Service pertaining to the 1989 Sales Tax Revenue Bond. The City's share of the Local Government Infrastructure Cj Surtax has been pledged to pay the 1989 Sales Tax Bond Debt Service. A portion of the surtax revenue is transferred to the Sales Tax Bond Fund monthly. r F r F F F F, 55 MY OF CZJ"ONT, FLORIDA 1989 SALES TAX BOND FUND STATFJNI OF BUDGETED REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN RESERVES 1997-98 r ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE? BUDGET 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 1997-98 REVENUES Miscellaneous 4,884 3,000 5,000 5,000 Other Financing Sources 245.387 247.682 245.683 249.882 rTOTAL REVENUES 250,271 250,682 250,683 254,882 EXPENDITURES General Government 250.271 250.682 250.683. 254.882 r REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES -0- -0- -0- -0- BEGINNING RESERVES _-0- i ENDING RESERVES -0- -0- -0- -0- r r r r r r r r 57 CITYOF CLERMONT, FLORMA 1989 SALES TAX BOND FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES 1997-99 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 1997-98 MISCELLANEOUS;_ 21361-36100 Interest 4,884 3,000 5,000 5,000 OTHER FINANCING .SOURCES: 21381-38104 Transfer from Infrastructure Fund TOTAL REVENUES 245.387 247,682 250 271 250.682 245.683. 249.882 250,683 254.882 58 o" C17YOF CLERMONT, FLORWA 1989 SALES TAX BOND FUND i STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES 1997-98 r.______________________________________________ ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1995-96 199 6-97 1996-97 1997-98 GENERAL GOVERNMENT (21517) r" 77100 Debt Service ll 77300 Paying Agent Fees CTOTAL EXPENDITURES 248,733 .538 250.2,71 248,682 2. 250.682 248,683 _. 250.683 252,882 2.000 254.882 59 c r� F F r F c r WATER FUND CThe Water Fund accounts for the provision of water services. All activities necessary to the provision of this service are accounted for in this fund, including but not limited to administration, plant and line L1 maintenance. 711 r 19 r F C� L' 61 CHYOF CLERMONT, FLORMA PNO WATER FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGElID REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN RESERVES 1997-98 PM •- REVENUES Charges for Services Miscellaneous Other Financing Sources TOTAL REVENUES EXPENSES ow Physical Environment •. REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENSES BEGINNING RESERVES ENDING RESERVES ., ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 1997-98 864,404 859,300 1,013, 700 1,133,100 132,310 46,000 421,265 312,900 1.155.580 207,125 682.331 -0- 2,152,294 1,112,425 2,117,296 1,446,000 1.949.809 1.229.990 2.183.838 1.359.497 202,485 (117,565) (66,542) 86,503 487.662 585.995 871.050 804.508 690.147 468.430 -804.508 - 891.011 pw BEGINNING RESERVES Unrestricted -0- -0- 690,147 623,605 "' Impact Fees -0- 180.903 180.903 TOTAL 871.050 804.508 MM ENDING RESERVES Unrestricted -0- -0- 623,605 663,958 Impact Fees -0- -0- 180.903 227.053 TOTAL -0- -0- 804.508 891.011 NOTE Effective 1996 97, total Water Impact Fees collected are reported in Miscellaneous Revenues. 63 CTTYOF CL RMONT, FLORJDA WATER FUND ^, STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES 1997--98 ............................................... CTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 1997-98 �- CHARGES FOR ,SERVICES: 41343-34330 Water Sales -West 571,021 564,100 600,900 618,000 '1 41343-34331 Water Sales -East 233,371 246,200 319,800 404,300 41343-34332 Reuse Irrigation 310 -0- 10,600 24,100 41343-34390 Meter Sales -West 24,205 15,000 25,900 26,700 ^" 41343-34391 Meter Sales -East 35.497 34.000 56.500 60.000 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 864,404 859,300 1,013, 700 1,133,100 ^, MISCELLANEOUS: 41361-36100 Interest 52,086 40,000 36,200 36,000 ^" 41363-36300 Impact Fees -0- -0- 246,800 261,900 41366-36600 Contributions/Reimbursements 63,873 -0- 115,037 -0- 41369-36900 Other 16.351 6.000 23.228 15.000 ^" TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 132,310 46,000 421,265 312,900 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES: 41381-38106 Transfer from Utility Benefit Fee Fund 41389-38900 Loan/Bond Proceeds TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES TOTAL REVENUES 28,745 7,250 -0- -0- ^" 1.126.835 199.875 682.331 -0- 1.155.580 207.125 682.331 -0- r, 2.152.294 1.112.425 2.117.296 1.446.000 64 I" /M CITY OF CUMMONT, FLORIVA ,.m WATER FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENSES 1997-98 OM ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET pow 1995-96 1996 -97 1996 -97 1997-98 PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT ^ EAST SYSTEM (41532) 12000 Personal Services 13,238 43,709 53,285 122,093 53100 Professional Services -Engineering 118,066 -0- 101,800 -0- ^ 53150 Professional Services -Laboratory 725 6,720 2,500 6,500 53157 Professional Services -Legal -0- -0- 5,997 -0- 54001 Travel & Per Diem 456 300 366 400 ^ 54101 Telephone 2,965 3,200 4,240 4,000 54200 Postage & Freight 37 3,398 1,632 1,800 54300 Electric & Gas Service 29,662 17,000 61,092 62,000 - 54301 Water & Sewer Service -0- 250 22 250 54400 Rentals -Equipment -0- 150 -0- 150 54500 Commercial Insurance 726 720 843 843 "' 54600 Repair & Maintenance -Buildings 150 500 500 500 54601 Repair & Maintenance -Vehicles 1,332 500 500 500 54610 Repair & Maintenance -Meters 482 300 250 300 " 54611 Repair & Maintenance -Tanks 21 500 -0- 500 54612 Repair & Maintenance -Systems 2,923 5,000 3,000 4,000 54614 Repair & Maintenance -Equipment 7,242 5,000 6,500 5,000 54800 Advertising 37 100 300 200 54906 Administrative Services 6,400 6,560 6,560 6,724 55200 Operating Supplies 176 500 1,500 1,000 '^ 55201 Gas & Oil 1,143 1,500 1,374 1,500 55202 Tires & Batteries 230 200 378 400 55203 Uniforms 95 150 241 150 ^ 55204 Minor Equipment 628 1,500 2,101 1,500 55207 Chlorine 2,796 600 2,100 2,500 55400 Subscnptions & Dues 63 100 250 200 ^ 55401 Training & Education -0- 1,500 500 1,500 66307 Capital Outlay -Water System 889,265 -0- 493,800 56,000 66308 Capital Outlay -Water Inventory 10,713 10,000 24,796 25,000 66401 Capital Outlay -Equipment 1,250 700 697 -0- 77102 Debt Service-1994 Land 50,495 -0- 110,000 -0- 77103 Debt Service-1995 Line of Credit 44,300 -0- -0- -0- ^ 77104 Debt Service-1996 BAN 146,531 199,875 199,875 199,875 99100 Transfer to General Fund 23.337 24.620 33.000 42.800 ^, TOTAL EAST SYSTEM 1,355, 484 3350152 1,119,999 548,185 am .. :fl CITYOF CLERMONT, FLORiDA WATER FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENSES 1997-98 ACTUAL BUDGET EM7M47ED BUDGET 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 1997-98 PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT WEST SYSTEM (41533) 12000 Personal Services 158,893 166,972 200,453 209,919 53100 Professional Services -Engineering 13,700 10,000 45,000 10,000 53150 Professional Services -Laboratory 10,967 19,500 17,000 19,500 53164 Professional Services -Impact Fee Study -0- -0- 2,500 -0- 53200 Audit Fee 3,520 3,375 3,375 3,375 53401 Contract Services -Meter Replacement -0- 5,000 -0- -0- 53404 Contract Services -Pest Control 149 200 182 200 ^ 54001 Travel & Per Diem 1,393 50 68 75 54101 Telephone 6,141 6,300 6,000 6,300 54200 Postage & Freight 5,255 4,500 3,751 4,000 ^, 54300 Electric & Gas Service 53,683 55,000 61,000 61,000 54301 Water & Sewer Service 3,864 4,000 1,600 4,000 54302 Stormwater Service 108 110 108 110 54400 Rentals -Equipment -0- 200 -0- 200 -" 54500 Commercial Insurance 7,263 7,200 8,429 8,429 54600 Repair & Maintenance -Buildings 115 750 1,062 750 54601 Repair & Maintenance -Vehicles 1,448 5,000 4,600 5,000 54610 Repair & Maintenance -Meters 6,665 6,000 8,000 8,000 54611 Repair & Maintenance -Tanks -0- -0- 100,000 -a 54612 Repair & Maintenance -Systems 5,460 15,000 18,400 15,000 54614 Repair & Maintenance -Equipment 8,970 10,600 17,574 10,600 54800 Advertising -0- 300 560 300 54900 Other Current Charges -0- -0- 236 200 54906 Administrative Services 45,543 46,681 46,687 47,854 ^ 54907 Uncollectable Accounts 923 750 750 750 55200 Operating Supplies 2,424 2,000 1,500 2,000 55201 Gas & Oil 4,178 4,000 4,400 4,400 55202 Tires & Batteries 955 1,200 800 1,200 55203 Uniforms 337 600 280 600 55204 Minor Equipment 1,429 3,000 4,000 3,000 55207 Chlorine 10,785 13, 000 12,000 13,000 55208 Corrosion Control 13,780 18,500 14,000 15,000 55400 Subscriptions & Dues 242 350 503 500 55401 Training & Education -0- 3,000 1,000 3,000 ^ 66307 Capital Outlay -Water System 38,873 219,200 212,496 105,900 66308 Capital Outlay -Water Inventory 21,917 18,000 18,372 18,000 66400 Capital Outlay -Vehicles 13,530 30,200 29,153 -0- P" 66401 Capital Outlay -Equipment 3,032 -0- -0- 10,850 77101 Debt Service-1993 Bond 88,681 154,900 154,900 156,500 77106 Debt Service -Computer 3,000 3,000 3,000 -0- 99100 Transfer to General Fund 57.102 56.400 60.100 61.800 ,.., TOTAL WEST SYSTEM 594.325 894.838 1.063.839 811.312 TOTAL EXPENSES 1.949.809 1.229.990 2.183.838 1.359.497 ^ F F F", I F IT F F', SEWER FUND �j The Sewer Fund accounts for the provision of sewer services. All activities necessary to the provision of this service are accounted for in this fund, including but not limited to administration, plant and line maintenance. F r r F 7 r r 67 ^ PM - CHYOF CLERMONT, FLORIDA SEWER FUND STATEMENT OF BVDGElID REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN RESERVES 1997-98 REVENUES Charges for Services Miscellaneous Other Financing Sources TOTAL REVENUES EXPENSES Physical Environment REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENSES BEGINNING RESERVES ENDING RESERVES BEGINNING RESERVES Unrestricted Impact Fees r. TOTAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTI11 ATED BUDGET 1995-96 199 6-97 1996-97 1997-98 819,245 899,200 860,700 1,019,500 216,262 33,500 450,417 442,300 2.264.514 228.975 2,334.775 -0- 3,300,021 1,161,675 3,645,892 1,461,800 3,069.51 1 305.462 3,607, 1.400.276 230,507 (143, 787) 38,298 61,524 420.742 839.299 1.066.299 1.104.597 651.249 695.512 1.104.597 1.166.121 -0- -0- 651,249 689,547 -0- -0- 415.050 415.050 -0- 1.066.299 1.104.597 ENDING RESERVES Unrestricted -0- -0- 689,547 645,621 Impact Fees -0- -0- 415.050 520.500 TOTAL -0- 1.104.597 1.166.121 r. ., NOTE Effective 1996-97, total Sewer Impact Fees collected are reported as Miscellaneous Revenues. r. CITY OF Q.ERMONT, FLORJDA SEWER FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES 1997-98 .. ACTUAL BUDGET F.SW1A7ID BUDGET 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 1997-98 .. CHARGES FOR .SERVICES: 42343-34350 Sewer Service -West 42343-34351 Sewer Service -East TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS: 42361-36100 Interest 42363-36300 Impact Fees 42366-36600 Contnbutions/Reimbursements 42369-36900 Other TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS OTHER FINANCING SOURCES: 42381-38106 Transfer from Utility Benefit Fee Fund 42389-38900 Loan/Bond Proceeds TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES TOTAL REVENUES 818,673 837,200 836,100 956,500 572 62.000 24.600 63.000 819,245 899,200 860,700 1,019,500 ,_ 211,227 30,000 41,869 41,000 - -0- -0- 356,500 397,800 5,035 -0- -0- 48,548 3. -0- 3.5 216,262 33,500 450,417 442,300 57,327 29,100 -0- -0- 2.207.187 199.875 2,334.775 -0- 2.264.514 228.975 2.334.775 -0- 3.300.021 1.161.675 3.645.892 1,461.8 ^, i CITY OF CLERMONT. FLORIDA SEWER FUND STAT,EMENI OF BUDGETED EXPENSES 1997-98 •-----------.-----..-------------------------------------- - ACTUAL BUDGET ES77MA7ED BUDGET ..---1995-96 1996-97--- 1996-97 _------1997-98 PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT �. WEST SYSTEM (42535) 12000 Personal Services 209,063 214,803 198,337 165,783 53100 Professional Services -En ineenng Services 1,022 16,732 10,000 15,000 5,000 14,000 5,000 15,000 ^ 53150 53151 Professional -Laboratory Professional Services -Sewer Cleaning 11,372 20,000 20,000 20,000 53155 Professional Services -Sewer Rate Study 15,177 -0- -0- -0- 53158 Professional Services -Immunizations -0- 350 350 350 P- 53164 Professional Services -Impact Fee Study -0- -0- 2,500 -0- 53200 Audit Fee 3,300 5,250 5,250 5,250 53404 Contract Services -Pest Control 55 150 150 150 54001 Travel & Per Diem 9 100 150 100 54101 Telephone 2,993 3,000 2,800 3,000 54200 Postage & Freight 5,245 4,600 5,545 5,700 54300 Electric & Gas Service 94,884 100,000 104,876 106,000 ,. 54301 Water & Sewer Service 960 2,100 1,200 1,200 54302 Stormwater Service 568 125 108 125 54303 Sludge Disposal -0- 10,000 11,500 10,000 54400 Rentals -Equipment -0- 200 -0- 200 ^ 54500 Commercial Insurance 16,057 18,600 12,944 12,944 54600 Repair & Maintenance -Buildings 4,219 3,500 2,500 1,500 54601 Repair & Maintenance -Vehicles 75 1,200 1,000 1,200 54612 Repair & Maintenance -Systems 22,326 28,000 28,000 25,000 54613 Repair & Maintenance-Sprayfield 2,108 4,500 3,500 3,500 54614 Repair & Maintenance -Equipment 28,823 50,000 20,000 35,000 54800 Advertising -0- 700 250 700 ■- 54900 Other Current Charges -0- -0- 200 200 54906 Administrative Services 62,849 64,193 64,193 65,797 54907 Uncollectable Accounts 2,034 1,000 1,000 1,000 54908 Permitting Fees 900 -0- -0- -0- Po' 55200 Operating Supplies 2,912 1,000 7,410 3,000 55201 Gas & Oil 3,018 3,400 5,200 4,200 55202 Tires & Batteries 236 600 300 600 .. 55203 Uniforms 244 600 175 600 55204 Minor Equipment 1,027 3,000 3,000 2,500 55207 Chlorine 4,369 4,000 3,000 4,000 55210 Laboratory Supplies 2,767 3,000 600 1,500 55400 Subscriptions & Dues 111 150 280 300 55401 Training & Education -0- 2,500 500 1,000 66201 Capital Outlay -Buildings 3,295 -0- -0- -0- ,... 66305 Capital Outlay -Sewer System 50,809 144,000 53,998 281,500 66400 CapitalOutlay- Vehicles -0- 14,500 15,085 -0- 66401 Capital Outlay -Equipment 2,513 1,000 1,000 10,850 77101 Debt Service-1993 Bond 219,119 154,900 154,900 156,500 ^ 77106 Debt Service -Computer 4.2 4.200 4.200 -0- TOTAL WEST SYSTEM 795,391 894,221 755,001 951,249 ^ 71 CPIY OF a.ERMONT, FLORIDA SEWER FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGED EXPENSES 1997-98 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1995 -96 1996-97 199 6-97 1997-98 PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT EAST SYSTEM /42, 361 ^ 12000 Personal Services 29,658 50,867 48,026 131,697 53100 Professional Services -En ineenng 308,287 -0- -0- 10,000 179,000 700 -0- 10,000 53150 53154 Professional Services -Laboratory Professional Services -Financial Advisor 31,259 -0- -0- -0- 53158 Professional Services -Immunizations -0- 100 100 100 54001 Travel & Per Diem 9 100 100 100 54101 Telephone 216 4,300 500 500 54200 Postage & Freight 7 384 489 600 54300 Electric & Gas Semce 4,640 85,300 11,000 85,300 54301 Water & Sewer Service -0- 500 829 500 ^ 54303 Sludge Disposal -0- 5,000 -0- 5,000 54400 Rentals -Equipment -0- 150 -0- 150 54500 Commercial Insurance 726 720 843 843 ~" 54600 Repair & Maintenance -Buildings 43 100 100 100 54601 Repair & Maintenance -Vehicles -0- 100 100 100 54612 Repair & Maintenance -Systems 476 2,000 800 1,000 54614 Repair & Maintenance -Equipment 540 4,000 5,000 1,000 ^ 54800 Advertising -0- 100 200 100 54906 Administrative Services -0- 6,500 6,500 6,662 55200 Operating Supplies 97 500 250 500 55201 Gas & Oil 93 900 900 900 55202 77res & Batteries -0- 200 -0- 200 55203 Uniforms -0- 150 80 450 55204 Minor Equipment 55 2,500 1,000 1,500 ^ 55207 Chlorine -0- 1,400 300 600 55210 Laboratory Supplies 55 1,000 300 600 55400 Subscriptions & Dues -0- 100 128 150 ^, 55401 Training & Education -0- 1,500 500 500 66101 Capital Outlay -Land 10,354 -0- -0- -0- 66305 Capital Outlay -Sewer System 1,487,808 -0- 2,004,200 -0- 66400 Capital Outlay -Vehicles -0- -0- 59,800 -0- 66401 Capital Outlay -Equipment 2,093 32,895 30,973 -0- 77102 Debt Semces-1994 Land 99,227 -0- 300,000 -0- 77103 Debt Service-1995 Line of Credit 69,290 -0- -0- -0- ^ 77104 Debt Services-1996 Ban 229.190 199.875 199.875 199.875 TOTAL EAST SYSTEM 2.274.123 411.241 2.852.593 449.027 ^ TOTAL EXPENSES j 1069 514 1.305.462 J.607.594 1.400.276 ^ 72 The Stormwater Fund accounts for the construction and maintenance of stormwater drainage systems within the C City. The Stormwater Utility Fees are restricted in that they may only be spent on stormwater drainage projects. Fli 5 7 F F F 73 CITYOF CLERMONT, FLOROA STORMWA7EX FUND STATEAONT OF BUDGETED REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN RESERVES 1997-98 pm PW REVENUES Intergovernmental Charges for Services .. Miscellaneous TOTAL REVENUES r. EXPENSES -m Physical Environment •.. REVENUES OVER(UNDER)EXPENSES .4 BEGINNING RESERVES • n ENDING RESERVES sm r .. F" CTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1995-96_ 1996-97 1996-97r __-- 1997-98 -& 215,000 -0- 215,000 143,070 143,000 145,700 14 7, 400 12.785 10.500 14,362 13.500 155,855 3689500 160,062 375,900 (6,380) (218,197) 226.780 231.406 220,400 1.3,209 109.048 647,314 51,014 (271,414) 220.400 271.414 271,414 -0- pm 75 CITYOF CLE MONT, FLORMA STORMWATF.R FUND STATF.MF.W OF BUDGETED REVENUES 1997-98 CTTIAL BUDGET EST7AMED BUDGET 1995-96 1996-97 — 1996-97 _ 1997-98 INTERGOVERNMENTAL: 45337-33735 County Water Authority Grant CHARGES FOR SERVICES: 45343-34370 Stormwater Fees MISCELLANEOU&_ 45361-36100 Interest TOTAL REVENUES -0- 215,000 -0- 215,000 143,070 143,000 145,700 147,400 12.785 10.500 14.362 13.500 1.5.5 855, ,368„SOf) 160 062 3 P. 76 C77YOF CLERMONT, FLORIDA STORMWA7EX FUAV STATF.111F.W OF BUDGETED EXPF.1NSF.S 1997 98 PHYSICAL ENV ONMENT (45538) 12000 Personal Services 53100 Professional Services -Engineering 53403 Contract Services -Mowing 54200 Postage/Freight 54304 Landfill Charges 54500 Commercial Insurance 54601 Repair & Maintenance-Velucles 54603 Repair & Maintenance -Streets 54614 Repair & Maintenance -Equipment 54906 Administrative Services 54907 Uncollectable Accounts ... 55201 Gas & Oil 55202 ?Fres & Batteries 55203 Uniforms ... 55204 Minor Equipment 66306 Capital Outlay-Stormwater System 66401 CapitalOutlay-Equipment -- 77106 Debt Service -Computer TOTAL SENSES sm on 0. 0. .. am Fm EISC7"UBU DGET F.S7ZVA7EU BUDGET 1996-97 199 6-97 1997-98 45,941 46,945 46,865 49,691 2,383 -0- 10,000 -0- -0- 36,000 9,150 30,000 -0- -0- 978 1,100 -0- -0- -0- 30,000 1,453 1,440 1,686 1,686 737 1,200 1,000 1,200 -0- 500 200 500 692 1,300 1,000 1,000 32,232 33,037 33,037 33,862 429 100 300 300 2,190 3,500 2,632 2,600 310 300 300 600 -0- 175 -0- 175 -0- 300 -0- 300 73,968 460,000 -0- 485,000 -0- -0- -0- 9,300 1.900 _1. 00 -0- 162 23.5 �86_697 109 04R 647 314 .. 77 Fj C F 7 Fjll� F F SANITATION FUND The Sanitation Fund accounts for the provision of garbage, trash, composting, and recycling services. All LJ activities necessary to the provision of these services L� are accounted for in this fund. C F 7 L' F F 7 79 pm CHYOF CLERMONT, FLORU)A SANITATION FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN RESERVES 1997-98 sm -� REVENUES Intergovernmental Charges for Services Miscellaneous TOTAL REVENUES EXPENSES Physical Environment REVENUES OVER(UNDER)EXPENSES +! BEGINNING RESERVES ENDING RESERVES go* r� nm nn p— mm ACTZIAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 1997_--98__ 8,831 9,000 564,672 588,000 27.371 24.000 600,874 621,000 639.345 750.394 (38,471) (129,394) 374.935 342.768 336.464 213.374 9,000 9,000 591,700 631,500 23.073 21.000 623,773 661,500 (138, 759) (48,036) 336.464 197.705 197.705 149.669 WE 81 —. C17Y OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA SANITATION FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES 1997-98 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 1997-98__ INTERGOVERNMENTAL: 49377-33730 County Grant -Recycling CHARGES FOR SERVICES: 49343-34350 Sanitation Service Fees MLSCELLANEO US: 49361-36100 Interest 49365-36501 Recycled Materials 49366-36650 Contributions/Reimbursements TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL 8,831 9,000 564,672 588,000 19,213 15,000 8,002 9,000 156 -0- 27.371 24.000 600,874 621.000 591,700 631,500 18,073 16,000 5,000 5,000 — _-0- 23.073 21.000 623.773 061,500 r., 82 r CITYOF CLERMONT, FLORIDA SANITATION FUND STATiEMEW OF BUDGETED EXPENSES 1997-98 PM 3. ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 1997-99 PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT (49534) 12000 Personal Services 225,058 236,313 245,557 267,152 53200 Audit Fee 5,060 3,375 3,375 3,375 53405 Contract Services -Garbage Collection -0- 19,000 19,000 54,900 54200 Postage & Freight 5,224 4,400 3,913 4,100 54300 Electric & Gas Service 133 300 200 300 54304 Landfill Charges 211,368 236,000 236,000 236,000 54305 Compost Disposal 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 54500 Commercial Insurance 8,715 8,640 10,114 10,114 54601 Repair & Maintenance -Vehicles 13,913 15,000 15,800 15,000 PM 54614 Repair & Maintenance -Equipment 4,153 3,300 3,300 3,300 54800 Advertising 12 100 100 100 54900 Other Current Charges 45 -0- 250 200 .. 54906 Administrative Services 24,553 25,166 25,166 25,795 54907 Uncollectable Accounts 2,133 600 1,000 1,000 IBM 55201 Gas & Oil 13,451 12,000 16,450 16,500 55202 Tires & Batteries 7,945 10,000 10,000 10,000 55203 Uniforms 848 1,200 807 1,200 .r, 55204 Minor Equipment 643 1,000 3,000 1,000 55900 Depreciation 23,460 26,000 23,460 24,000 66400 Capital Outlay -Vehicles 57,781 125,000 117,464 4,200 .• 66401 Capital Outlay -Equipment 21,850 10,000 14,576 21,300 77106 Debt Service -Computer 3.000 3.000 3.000 - L EX TOTAPENSES 639.345 750.394 762.532 709.536 PM .. PM PO oft PM wo 83 CEMETERY PERPETUAL CARE FUND i I The Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund accounts for the sale of lots in the City cemetery. The lot sales must be maintained in the Cemetery Fund, however, interest is �I transferred to the General Fund to defray the cost of cemetery operation and maintenance. � 7 85 CHYOF CLERMONT, FLORIDA C0=it Ai PERPETUAL CARE FUND S14701F.NT OF BUDGEIID REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES INRESERVES 1997-98 CTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET r _ 1995_--96 1996-97 1996-97 1997-98 �., REVENUES Miscellaneous 31,259 23,800 30,070 29,000 EXPENSES General Government 887 500 500 500 r• Other Financing Uses 12.659 11 15.070 14 TOTAL EXPENSES 13.546 12.3 15.57Q 14•500 r REVENUES OVER(UNDER)EXPENSES 17,713 11,500 14,500 14,500 BEGINNING RESERVES 228.269 239.768 245.982 260.482 ENDING RESERVES 245.982 251.268 260.482 274.982 ry POW i MY OF CIEMONT, FLORMA CEA&TERY PERPETUAL CARE FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES 1997-98 MISCELLANEOUS: 61361-36100 Interest 61364-36400 Cemetery Lot Sales TOTAL REVENUES -------------- --------------------- — ACTMAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 1997-98 12,659 11,800 15,070 18.600 12.000 15.000 31.259 23.800 30.070 :: CTTYOF CLERMONT, FLORIDA C.FJJ=Y PERPETUAL CARE FUND r STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENSES L 1997-98 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 1997-98 i l GENERAL GOVERNMENT (61519) P. 66101 Capital Outlay -Land OTHER FINANCING USES (61581) r 99101 Transfer to General Fund L TOTAL EXPENSES r r r POO I 7 7 7 r r 887 500 500 500 12 11 15.070 14.000 Z 54� 12®3® 15�570 14�500 i F F SCHEDULES Schedules are presented to provide support or additional Cdata for various components of the budgeted revenue and expenditure statements. LI r F C F F C r- -1 r F CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND CITY MANAGER DEPARTMENT SCHEDULE OF BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES 1997-98 ITEM Scanner ACCOUNT f 10512-66401 FUND AMOUNT SOURCE $ 800 _ GENERAL � h 91 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND FINANCE DEPARTMENT SCHEDULE OF BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES 1997-98 ITEM! Office Renovations New City Hall Preliminary Plan ACCOUNT # 10513-66201 10513-66201 Lateral File Cabinet (1) 10513-66401 Telephone Answering Machine 10513-66401 Desk w/Side Arm 10513-66401 FUND AMOUNT SOURCE $ 2,000 GENERAL 10,000 GENERAL $ 12,000 $ 500 GENERAL 200 GENERAL 700 GENERAL $ 1,, 400 92 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND PLANNING/ZONING DEPARTMENT SCHEDULE OF BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES 1997-98 ITEP! Office Renovations Pick -Up Truck ACCOUNT # 10515-66201 10515-66400 Computer/Software 10515-66401 Executive Chairs (2) 10515-66401 Secretarial Chair 10515-66401 Computer Workstation 10515-66401 Desk w/Side Arm 10515-66401 Heavy Duty Stapler 10515-66401 Lateral File Cabinets (3) 10515-66401 FUND AMOUNT SOURCE $ 2.000 GENERAL $ 19.000 GENERAL 2,500 GENERAL 600 GENERAL 160 GENERAL 800 GENERAL 700 GENERAL 100 GENERAL 1.500 GENERAL $ 6,360 93 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND OTHER GENERAL GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT SCHEDULE OF BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES 1997-98 FOND TE ACCOUNT AMOUNT SOURCE Engineer Furniture/'' Computer Software 10519-66401 $ 5,000 GENERAL i 94 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND POLICE DEPARTMENT SCHEDULE OF BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES 1997-98 FUND ITE1K ACCOUNT I AMOUNT SOURCE IMPACT FEES $ 19,300 Patrol Vehicles (4) 10521-66400 $ 88,.830 GENERAL $ 69,530 Pistols - 9mm (4) 10521-66401 $ 1,600 GENERAL Shot Gun - 12 Gauge (1) 10521-66401 300 GENERAL Camera - 35mm 10521-66401 600 GENERAL Crime Scene Kits (2) 10521-66401 960 GENERAL Portable Radios (3) 10521-66401 2,100 GENERAL �308 High Power Rifle 10521-66401 600 GENERAL I Bicycles (4) 10521-66401 1,710 GENERAL Camera - Digital 10521-66401 700 GENERAL Communication Center Upgrade (35%) 10521-66401 21,700 GENERAL GRANT $ 10,000 Data Recorder 10521-66401 11.000 GENERAL $ 1,000 $ 41,270 1 i L/ 95 7 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA ; GENERAL FUND FIRE DEPARTMENT SCHEDULE OF BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES 1997-98 FUND ITEM ACCOUNT it AMOUNT SOURCE Equip/Paint Surplus Police Car for Deputy Chief 10522-66400 $ 1,800 GENERAL Engine 1 IMPACT FEES $ 4927 Master Stream Device 10522-66400 2,500 GENERAL $ 2,008 $ 4,300 7 Turnout Gear (6 Sets) 10522-66401 $ 6,720 IMPACT FEES Protective Breathing Apparatus (4) 10522-66401 8,640 IMPACT FEES Replacement P.B.A Bottles 10522-66401 1,448 IMPACT FEES Personal Computer/Software 10522-66401 2,000 IMPACT FEES Copy Machine 10522-66401 1.000 IMPACT FEES $ 19,808 96 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT SCHEDULE OF BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES 1997-98 ITEM 112 Ton Pick -Up Truck w/ Utility Box ACCOUNT f 10541-66400 AMOUNT $ 18,800 FUND SOURCE GENERAL 97 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND PARKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULE OF BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES 1997-98 ITEM ACCOUNT Center Lake Aquatic Plant Restoration 10542-66300 Boat Ramp Relocation 10542-66300 Christmas Decorations 10542-66301 Floating Christmas Tree/ Wiring - Center Lake (17 Foot) 10542-66301 General Landscapping 10542-66302 Cemetery Irrigation Well 10542-66309 Compact Pick -Up Truck 10542-66400 FUND AMOUNT SOURCE $ 10,000 GENERAL IMPACT FEES $ 90, 000.. 290.000 GRANTS $ 200,000 $ 300,.000 $ 5,007 GENERAL 3.800 GENERAL $ 8.807 $ 5.000 GENERAL $ 6.000 GENERAL $ 14.500 GENERAL 98 r CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND _ OTHER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULE OF BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES 1997-98 FUND ITE1�1 ACCOUNT _ AMOUNT SOURCE, Pick -Up Truck 10549-66400 $ 13.500 -GENERAL c e, r� 0 n r r r r r r r 99 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA INFRASTRUCTURE FUND SCHEDULE OF BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES 1997-98 FUND ITEM ACCOUNT #, AMOUNT SOURCE Various Sidewalk Projects 12541-66303 $ 10,000 Eighth St./Montrose St. Intersection Improvements (1996-97 Budget Carryover) 12541-66304 $ 10,000 Minneola Avenue Street Parking (1996-97 Budget Carryover) 12541-66304 35,000 Osceola Avenue Street Parking from Seventh St. to Eighth St. 12541-66304 35,000 Cemetery Road - Phase I 12541-66304 11,400 INFRASTRUCTURE $ 91,400 Rails to Trail Lighting at Trail Head and on Trail from Seventh St. to Eighth St. 12542-66300 $ 18,000 INFRASTRUCTURE Reroof Jenkins Auditorium 12549-66201 $ 15,000 INFRAS77VLTURE Reroof Sheriff Sub -Station 12549-66201 15.000 $ 30,000 100 CITY OF CLERMONT FLORIDA WATER iM SCHEDULE OF BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES 1997-98 FUND ITEM ACCOUNT 1 AMOUNT SOURCE Water Main Oversizing Greater Hills to Magnolia Pointe 41532-66307 $ 56,000 IMPACT FEES Water Main Replacement - School St. from Highland Avenue to Scott St. (150 ft.) (1996-97 Budget Carryover) - Osceola St. from Fourth St. to East Avenue (1,500 ft.) - Second St. from Osceola St. to Orange Avenue (1,300 ft.) Water Meters Communication Center Upgrade (17.5%) 41533-66307 41533-66307 41533-66307 41532-66308 41533-66308 41533-66401 $ 7,500 IMPACT FEES 52,650 IMPACT FEES 45,750 IMPACT FEES $ 105,900 $ 25,000 - IMPACT FEES 18.000 IMPACT FEES $ 43,000 $ 10.850 WATER 101 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA SEWER FUND SCHEDULE OF BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES 1997-98 ^ FUND I EM ACCOUNT if AMOUNT SOURCE Repair Sewer Manholes (7) 42535-54612 $ 16,.000 SEWER .. Lift Station #23 Rebuild 42535-66305 $ 100,000 IMPACT FEES ^ Rebuild Lift Station ,#9 (1996-97 Budget Carryover) 42535-66305 100,000 IMPACT FEES (1996-97 Budget Carryover) 42535-66305 40,000 IMPACT FEES ^ Rebuild West Wastewater Treatment Plant Centrifugal Blower 42535-66305 10,000 IMPACT FEES Replacement of Vaccum Sludge Bed Filter Plate 42535-66305 31.500 IMPACT FEES $ 281,.500 ^ Communication Center Upgrade (17.5%) 42535-66401 $ 10.850 IMPACT FEES ^ 102 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA STORMWATER FUND SCHEDULE OF BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES 1997-98 ITE ACCOUNT AMOUNT FUND SOURCE Central Business District - Phase I (1996-97 Budget GRANT $ 215,000 Carryover) 45538-66306 $ 360,000 STORMWATER $ 145,000 West Desoto St. (1996-97 Budget Carryover) 45538-66306 60,000 STORMWATER _9 Center Lane/Waterview 45538-66306 65,000 STORMWATER $ 485,000 Communication Center Upgrade (15%) 45538-66401 $ 9,300 STORMWATER �I 1. tJ LI �I t) �% 103 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA SANITATION FUND SCHEDULE OF BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES 1997-98 ITEM Truck Radios (7) Communication Center Upgrade (15%) Garbage/Recycling Containers ACCOUNT f 49534-66400 49534-66401 49534-66401 FUND AMOUNT SOURCE $ 4,200 SANITATION $ 9,300 SANITATION 12,000 SANITATION $ 21,300 104 r r CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA CLASSIFICATION/PAY GRADE SCHEDULE 1997-98 1 CLASSIFICATION 1 Clerk/Typist r Maintenance Worker I 1 Equipment Operator Refuse Collector Receptionist/Records Clerk Fleet Maintenance Worker Maintenance Worker II ` Wastewater Treatment Operator Trainee Refuse Driver/Collector I Communications Specialist Master Gardener Cemetery Caretaker Crew Leader Meter Reader Utilities Mechanic Staff Assistant Street Sign Technician i� Refuse Driver/Collector II ( Planning/Zoning Clerk Accounts Payable Clerk Utility Billing Clerk I Personnel Specialist t Communications Supervisor Chief Accounting Clerk Utility Billing Clerk II Planning/Zoning Specialist Fleet Mechanic Administrative Assistant/ Deputy City Clerk r GRADE 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 it 11 12 12 12 12 13 HOURLY RANGE 6.16 - 9.37 6.16 - 9.37 6.16 - 9.37 6.52 - 9.95 6.52 - 9.95 6.52 - 9.95 6.85 - 10.45 6.85 - 10.45 6.85 - 10.45 7.19 - 11.24 7.19 - 11.24 7.19 - 11.24 7.19 - 11.24 7.19 - 11.24 7.19 - 11.24 7.55 - 11.51 7.55 - 11.51 7.55 - 11.51 7.93 - 12.10 7.93 - 12.10 7.93 - 12.10 8.30 - 12.65 8.30 - 12.65 8.75 - 13.72 8.75 - 13.72 8.75 - 13.72 8.75 - 13.72 9.19 - 14.40 ANNUAL RANGE 12,821 - 19,494 12,821 - 19,494 12,821 - 19,494 13,562 - 20,706 13,562 - 20,706 13,562 - 20,706 14,248 - 21,736 14,248 - 21,736 14,248 - 21,736 14,955 - 23,384 14,955 - 23,384 14,955 - 23,384 14,955 - 23,384 14,955 - 23,384 14,955 - 23,384 15,704 - 23,933 15,704 - 23,933 15,704 - 23,933 16,489 - 25,168 16,489 - 25,168 16,489 - 25,168 17,274 - 26,312 17,274 - 26,312 18,200 - 28,532 18,200 - 28,532 18,200 - 28,532 18,200 - 28,532 19,115 - 29,950 1 105 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA CLASSIFICATION/PAY GRADE SCHEDULE 1997-98 CLASSIFICATION Water Distribution Specialist Water Treatment Specialist Wastewater Treatment Specialist Police Officer Inspector Code Enforcement/ Animal Control Officer Police Investigator Chief Fleet Mechanic Foreman Chief Utilities Mechanic, Water/Wastewater Treatment Specialist Police Sergeant Supervisor - Sanitation Chief Investigator Supervisor - Public Works Supervisor - Utilities Principal Planner Police Lieutenant HOURLY GRADE RANGE 13 9.19 - 14.40 13 9.19 - 14.40 13 9.19 - 14.40 14 9.65 - 14.73 15 10.13 - 15.48 15 10.13 - 15.48 15 10.13 - 15.48 15 10.13 - 15.48 15 10.13 - 15.48 15 10.13 - 15.48 15 10.13 - 15.48 16 10.64 - 16.24 16 10.64 - 16.24 17 11.17 - 17.05 19 12.32 - 18.81 19 12.32 - 18.81 19 12.32 - 18.81 19 12.32 - 18.81 ANNUAL RANGE 19,115 - 29,950 19,115 - 29,950 19,115 - 29,950 20,072 - 30,636 21,070 - 32,193 21,070 - 32,193 21,070 - 32,193 21,070 - 32,193 21,070 - 32,193 21,070 - 32,193 21,070 - 32,193 J 22,131 - 33,771 22,131 - 33,771 23,237 - 35,464 25,617 - 39,125 25,617 - 39,125 25,617 - 39,125 25,617 - 39,125 106 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA Administrative Salaries 1997-98 Finance Director Planning Director Police Chief Public Services Director Annual Salary $ 64,000 50,110 40,510 67,160 City Manager 75,850 Listed salaries include the cost of living adjustment budgeted for all employees. Department Head salaries listed above also includes budgeted merit adjustments based on performance. A merit bonus of 4% is budgeted for the City Manager but is not a part of the base salary. 107 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF APPROVED POSITIONS BY DEPARTMENT 1997-98 Full -Time General Fund City Manager Finance Planning & Zoning Other General Government Police - Officers - Other Public Works - Transportation - Animal Control - Parks & Recreation - Other Physical Environment Total General Fund - Full -Time Water Fund Sewer Fund Stormwater Fund Sanitation Fund Total Full -Time Part -Time General Fund Finance Planning/Zoning Police Fire Stormwater Fund Total Part -Time 1996-97 1997-98 2.00 2.00 5.00 6.00 3.50 4.50 -0- 2.00 19.00 22.00 8.00 9.00 5.81 5.81 .50 .50 11.50 11.50 3.00 4.00 58.31 66.31 7.84 10.34 7.84 9.34 1.35 1.35 7.66 8.66 83.00 96.00 1.00 -0- 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 -0- 1.00 1.00 1.00 6.00 6.00 108