Annual Budget (1990 - 1991)I F r F 1 F F r F F it F F r F F CITY OF CLERMONT ANNUAL BUDGET 1990-91 F CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA ANNUAL BUDGET 1990-91 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTORY SECTION Budget Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Organization Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Listing of City Officials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 FINANCIAL SECTION Combined Statement of Budgeted Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Reserves - All Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 GENERAL FUND: Statement of Budgeted Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Reserves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Statement of Budgeted Revenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Statement of Budgeted Expenditures by Department . . . . . . . . 14 INFRASTRUCTURE FUND: Statement of Budgeted Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Reserves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Statement of Budgeted Revenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Statement of Budgeted Expenditures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 PALATLARAHA RECREATION AREA FUND: Statement of Budgeted Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Reserves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Statement of Budgeted Revenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Statement of Budgeted Expenditures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 iii FINANCIAL SECTION (CONTD.) BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FUND: Statement of Budgeted Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Reserves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Statement of Budgeted Revenues . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . 33 Statement of Budgeted Expenditures . . . . : . .. . . . . . . . . 34 UTILITY FUND: Statement of Budgeted Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Reserves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Statement of Budgeted Revenues . . . ... . . . . . . . . ". . . . 37 Statement of Budgeted Expenses By Department . . . . . . . . . . 38 STORMWATER FUND: Statement of Budgeted Revenues, Expenses and Changes in. Reserves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 42 Statement of Budgeted Revenues . . . . . . . . ... ... . . . . . 43 Statement of Budgeted Expenses . . . . . . . . . .--. . . . ... . -44 SANITATION FUND: Statement of Budgeted Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Reserves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ` . . . 46 Statement of Budgeted Revenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Statement of Budgeted Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 iv r, .. Pm 0" CEMETERY PERPETUAL CARE FUND: Statement of Budgeted Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Reserves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 ^, Statement of Budgeted Revenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 SCHEDULES PM Schedule of Budgeted Capital Outlay Expenditures . . . . . . . . . 53 Pw Schedule of Job Classifications/Pay Grades . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 004 Schedule of Approved Positions By Department . . . . . . . . . . . 64 oft Oft r--] P" r• r. .. P" v 010 0 INTRODUCTORY SECTION L; CITY OF CLER11/1ONT Office of the City Manager September 14, 1990 Dear Mayor and Council Members: I am pleased to present the Fiscal Year 1991 Annual Operating and Capital Budgets. The budget represents the City's financial plan -for the year and provides funding for services provided to the citizens of Clermont and proposed Capital Projects expenditures. The total City Budget for 1991 is $5, 246, 772 compared to $6, 895, 520 for Fiscal Year 1990. The change is due to a decrease in Capital Outlay projects for this year. T The budgets include several revenue enhancements that are necessary for a variety of reasons, including a decrease in funding levels j from the State, the -elimination of dividends from Lake Apopka j^ Natural Gas, increased -so]id waste disposal costs and general increases in costs- associated with maintaining current levels of service. Significant changes and projects to be implemented by this budget include: L Addition of a part-time clerical position in the Planning L Department �^ Addition of a Service Worker III for the Palatlakaha L Recreation Area Establishment of a Crew Chief position in the Transportation Division Establishment of a Supervisor position in the Water and 7 Sewer Division - An upgrade of the Finance Department's part-time clerical position to_ fulltime Establishment of a Service Worker position in the Parks Department beginning mid -year 71 - A 4% cost of living increase for employees i i 1 P 0 BOX 120219 • CLERMONT, FLORIOA 3471 2-021 9 • PHONE 904/394-40B 1 The carryover of construction pro3 ects including the new Public Services facility, the Police Department expansion and the relocation or expansion of City Hall The following is a synopsis of the individual funds: GENERAL FUND The City of Clermont General Fund provides for the following: Police Protection Streets and Sidewalks Street Lighting Fire Protection Animal Control Planning and Development Special Activities Parks and Beautification Recreation Facilities Recreation Programs Cemetery Vehicle Maintenance Code Enforcement Administration General Fund Revenues are projected to increase 5.3% but without the revenue enhancements discussed below, the increase would be less than one-half percent. Funding changes include the following: adjustment in the ad valorem millage rate from 2.429 to 2.729, increase in the energy utility service tax from 8.5% to 10%, implementation of the utility service tax on water of 5% and the creation of a stormwater utility which will shift specific expenditures from the General Fund to the new utility. The stagnation of state funding and the elimination of dividends from Lake Apopka Natural Gas, coupled with increased costs associated with maintaining current levels of services have mandated the funding changes. General Fund Expenditures for 1991 have been held to a 4.7% increase compared to the 1990 budget. Reserves in the amount of $8,806 have been designated to balance the General Fund Budget. INFRASTRUCTURE FUND Monies for this fund are generated from the 7th cent sales tax imposed by Lake County in 1987. Expenditures are restricted to Infrastructure Capital Outlay. Of the $330,800 of projected revenues, $251,500 is budgeted for debt services for the bond issue approved last year for funding of the Palatlakaha Recreation Area, the new Public Services facility, expansion of the Police Department and expansion or relocation of City Hall. Another $44,000 is appropriated for current Capital Outlay projects. PALATLARAHA RECREATION AREA FUND Three years ago the City began planning for a recreation complex to be located at Twelfth and Seminole Streets. A separate fund was established to account for the funding of this project. Phase I F funding was from loan proceeds to be repaid by Local Government Infrastructure Tax receipts. $60,000 is appropriated from�the Building Fund to this fund for a one-third match for our grant request to the Department of Natural Resources for Phase II of the park. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FUND Three major projects are carried over from,last year to this year and are to be funded from loan funds which will be repaid by Local Government Infrastructure Tax receipts. The projects are as follows: Public Service Facility - A new facility is to be constructed on property located adjacent to the Sewage Treatment Plant on Twel f th Street and i s now out for bid. Police Department Building - The existing facility is to be enlarged and remodeled. An architect has been selected and plans are underway. City Hall - Alternatives are now being compared for either an expansion and remodeling 'of the existing building or a relocation to a new facility. UTILITY FUND The Utility Fund provides for Water and Sewer Services to approximately 3,000 customers. Revenues are projected to remain relatively unchanged with no rate adjustments. Expenditures indicate a decrease of 54% due to a reduction in major capital expenditures as compared to last year. STORMWATER UTILITY FUND The Stormwater Utility is a new fund for the City of Clermont and was established this year as a method of generating dollars to deal with stormwater management. Historically stormwater management projects or operation and maintenance of the existing stormwater system has been funded through General Fund revenues. This will relieve the General Fund of this expenditure. A $3.00 per month fee for each residential unit is proposed, with commercial properties paying based on the square footage of their impervious area. This budget projects that $93,000 will be generated through these charges. A total of $42,200 is budgeted for operation and maintenance of our existing stormwater management system. During the first year we propose a Master Stormwater Plan be commissioned, which will identify the drainage areas in the City and existing facilities and prioritize projects to be accomplished through this fund. 3 SIUNI'i"ATION FUND This fund provides gart•age, trash and composting service for our res-Ldprr_s. Residential c;ttbside recyc_ing wil l also be implemented this year. Rece::t c:ctioris by Lake County ha,,e nad and will -ontinue to have a major iiiipact on this fund. I_a,,t year the Country . ininosed a 200% incrcacoe, in tipping fees for the disposal of our sclid waste. That, along with normal increase: in other costs, necessitates an incroase in our rates from $I"1.1i3 per month to $14.50 and the convers_on from rear yard to curbside pick up. We will also fund capi t;, L depreciation for the t a rs t time. CEMETERY PERPETUAL CART, rUND The Cemetery Fur_d, was established to provides continuing ma.LnL.enance cf the c•eifi tery. All proceeds from lot sales are ceposi tea to this fund with a transfer out of j ntc res t earnings, to the General Fund for maintenance, keserves for the fund are pro3ected to incrcusc by :,9,050 this year. CON CLU S ION '2'.e approved funding A cvels in this budget will enable the City to - continue to progress and provide senri ces to the residents at an acceptable level. Subsequent pages of this budget provide schedules and details regarding specific fund ng, and w_ th the _ ccsitinuing conscrv:t.Lve approach of the adminjstration and department beads, pros saes adequate funding foi all areas of city operation. We must continue to anticipate the future needs of our citizens and prepare for additional demands for service we will receive as the area grows. Conservative, long range planning and implementation of those plans, along with careful monitoring of outside issues directly affecting the City, will ensure a continuing healthy financial condition for the City. Respectfully submitted, CITY OF CLERMONT WA E SAUNDERS City Manager WS/7mb 4 CITY OF CLERMONT ORGANIZATIONAL CHART City Attorney I Police I I Fire I ICITIZENS 1 CLERMONT CITY COUNCIL Committees City Manager Public ! Finance `Planning Services Streets Accounting Parks Budgeting Animal Control Payroll Sanitation Utility Billing Water Risk Management Sewer 5 Planning Zoning Licensing Permitting Code Enforcement Mayor Mayor/Pro-Tem Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember City Manager City Attorney Finance Director Public Services Director Chief of Police City Engineer Planning Director CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA LISTING OF CITY OFFICIALS AS OF OCTOBER 1, 1990 ELECTED OFFICIALS APPOINTED OFFICIALS 0 Robert A.Pool Hal Turville Ann Dupee Kenneth Norquist Lester Cole Wayne Saunders Leonard H. Baird, Jr. Joseph E. Van Zile Preston Davis Prentice Tyndal John Springstead Lanny Harker FINANCIAL SECTION This section contains the basic Budgeted Revenues and Expenditures Statements forthose funds which have legally adopted budgets. A combined State- ment of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Reserves is presented in order to show the total City of Clermont Annual Budget. Statements of Rev- enues, Expenditures and Changes in Reserves and detail Statements of Revenues and Expendi- tures are also presented for each fund along with prior years' information for comparison purposes. r r r r r r F D + �i .y 1 S s THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK `✓ J t r tY` 1• � v , �P i .} 1. 6 �1 �_ . �. a �+ � 1 � � 1 s 5 * ' D t "f • �� �. -.,._ .....-_.e ...�._ .... .... ....... •a_.� .... ��.� _>.,_.� sue.. � MT j F +i rt sna = ' •rsZr �I Y D � u CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA ALL FUNDS COMBINED STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES, EXPENDITURES & CHANGES IN RESERVES 1990-91 PALATLAKAHA RECREATION BUILDING GENERAL INFRASTRUCTURE AREA CONSTRUCTION REVENUES TAXES 1,239,000 325,000 LICENSES & PERMITS 37,000 INTERGOVERNMENTAL 498,963 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 112,943 FINES & FORFEITURES 33,800 MISCELLANEOUS 120.012 5.800 20.000 TOTAL REVENUES 2,041,718 330,800 20,000 • NON -REVENUES ' TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS 13,000 60,000 50,000 . DEBT PROCEEDS TOTAL NON -REVENUES 13.000 60.000 50.000 TOTAL REVENUE & NON -REVENUE 2,054,718 330,800 60,000 70,000 EXPENDITURES • ADMINISTRATION 480,744 251,500 340,000 POLICE 778,880 375,000 FIRE 37,780 PUBLIC WORKS 675,320 44,000 440,000 ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT 11,100 HUMAN SERVICES 500 CULTURE/RECREATION 79,200 60,000 WATER SEWER SANITATION STORMWATER TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,063,524 295,500 60,000 1,155,000 r TRANSFERS -OUT TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS 50.000 60.000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS -OUT 2,063,524 345,500 60,000 1,215,000 EXCESS OF REVENUES & NON -REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS -OUT (8,806) (14,700) -0- (1,145,000) BEGINNING RESERVE 1.054.136 80.016 -0- 1.234.663 ENDING RESERVE 1.045.330 65.316 -0- 89.663 -■ 8 CEMETERY TOTALS UTILITY STORMWATER SANITATION PERPETUAL CARE 1991 1990 ... 1,564,000 1,447,230 ■- 37,000 24,500 498,963 502,223 1,100,000 93,000 452,400 1,758,343 1,630,985 33,800 29,000 123.500 500 12.000 22,000 303.812 266.124 1,223,500 93,500 464,400 22,000 4,195,918 3,900,062 ^ 10,000 133,000 663,000 ^ 2,000.000 10.000 133.000 2.663.000 ^ 1,223,500 93,500 474,400 22,000 4,328,918 6,563,062 ^ 1,072,244 779,764 1,153,880 1,044,303 37,780 50,160 r. 1,159,320 1,249,487 11,100 8,590 500 1,000 139,200 848,550 425,411 425,411 773,584 723,875 723,875 1,736,331 472,162 472,162 403,754 ^' 51.300 51.300 1,149,286 51,300 472,162 5,246,772 6,895,523 13.000 123.000 33.000 1,149,286 51,300 472,162 13,000 5,369,772 6,928,523 74,214 42,200 2,238 9,000 (1,040,854) (365,461) 1.566.453 -0- 219,903 157.220 4,312.391 2.930.551 ^ 1.640.667 42.200 222.141 166.220 3.271.537 2,565.090 .. 9 1 'J J r _ ^ a _ ^a h a• C lY • o(` �, '9S r mil; lJ , t� r ! Yu .. .. . ti CIS , r,. GENERALry FUND " i s The} -General Fund accounts for all revenues and aexpenditures of the city which are not required to be r ; +° accounted for in other funds. It receives a greater , variety and number of taxes and other general revenues,f _ than any other fund.-- a 11 • CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN RESERVES 1990-91 REVENUES TAXES LICENSES & PERMITS INTERGOVERNMENTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES FINES & FORFEITURES MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL REVENUES TRANSFERS -IN TRANSFER FROM CEMETERY PERPETUAL CARE FUND TOTAL REVENUE & TRANSFERS -IN EXPENDITURES ADMINISTRATION POLICE FIRE PUBLIC WORKS ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT HUMAN SERVICES CULTURE/RECREATION TOTAL EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS -OUT TRANSFER TO CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FUND TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS -OUT EXCESS OF REVENUES & TRANSFERS -IN OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS -OUT BEGINNING RESERVE ENDING RESERVE Actual Budget Estimated Budget 1988-89 1989-90 1989-90 1990-91 954,977 1,097,530 1,109,205 1,239,000 18,931 24,500 28,000 37,000 587,673 551,923 544,741 498,963 91,679 96,985 97,061 112,943 34,252 29,000 35,200 33,800 133.744 119.124 124.411 120.012 1,821,256 1,919,062 1,938,618 2,041,718 13.344 13.000 1,834,600 1,932,062 392,504 439,764 639,252 719,303 52,329 50,160 600,258 678,587 1,780 8,590 -0- 1,000 63.697 73.550 1,749,820 1,970,954 20.000 20.000 13.000 13.000 1,951,618 2,054,718 474,770 480,744 718,394 778,880 52,428 37,780 715,193 675,320 11,090 11,100 1,000 500 77.620 79.200 2,050,495 2,063,524 20.000 -0- 1.769.820 1.990.954 2.070.495 2.063.524 64,780 (58,892) 1.108.233 1.328.029 1.173.013 1,269.137 (118,877) (8,806) 1.173.013 1.054.136 1.054.136 1.045.330 am a" 12 ft CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND ^ STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES 1990-91 0. ,.., TAXES (01-310) : 311-1110 Ad Valorem 312-1231 State Local Option Gas 313-1300 Franchise Fees 314-1400 Utility Service TOTAL TAXES .. LICENSES & PERMITS (01-320): 321-2110 Occupational Licenses 329-2910 Other Licenses & Permits -� TOTAL LICENSES & PERMITS INTERGOVERNMENTAL (01-330): 334-3490 State Grant -Comp Plan 335-3510 State Cigarette Tax 335-3520 State Revenue Sharing 335-3530 State Mobile Home Tax .. 335-3540 State Alcoholic Beverage 335-3550 State Half -Cent Sales Tax 335-3560 State Motor Fuel Tax 337-3770 County Grant -Recreation 338-3810 County Occupational Lic. 338-3820 County School Crossing 338-3830 County One Cent Gas Tax ^ 339-3910 Lake Apopka Gas Contrib. TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL �. CHARGES FOR SERVICES (01-340): 347-4710 Activity Fees 347-4720 Boat Ramp Fees 347-4730 South Lake Arts 349-4920 Administrative Services TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICE FINES AND FORFEITURES (01-350): 359-5910 Fines & Forfeitures 359-5930 Law Enforcement Education �. 359-5940 False Alarms TOTAL FINES AND FORFEITURES MISCELLANEOUS (01-360): '~ 361-6100 Interest 362-6200 Rentals 364-6400 Fixed Assets Sales -- 366-6600 Contributions 369-6910 Other TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL REVENUE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1988-89 1989-90 1989-90 1990-91 292,370 326,000 326,000 385,700 162,293 171,700 150,400 165,000 263,294 259,100 288,198 273,500 237,020 340.730 344.607 414.800 954,977 1,097,530 1,109,205 1,239,000 14,316 19,000 19,000 21,000 4.615 5.500 9.000 16.000 18,931 24,500 28,000 37,000 16,558 -0- 4,658 -0- 32,757 34,921 32,676 32,643 186,179 179,956 179,892 159,620 9,677 9,000 10,000 10,000 6,009 7,000 5,615 6,500 210,054 222,346 211,600 223,800 2,913 2,500 3,200 3,200 10,248 -0- -0- -0- 13,322 14,500 14,000 14,500 2,248 2,000 2,700 2,700 47,708 49,700 42,900 46,000 50.000 30.000 37.500 -0- 587,673 551,923 544,741 498,963 1,440 1,300 1,000 1,300 3,933 4,000 4,000 7,500 1,296 2,000 2,376 4,600 85.010 89.685 89.685 99.543 91,679 96,985 97,061 112,943 32,749 28,000 32,600 32,000 1,383 1,000 1,600 1,300 120 -0- 1.000 500 34,252 29,000 35,200 33,800 88,839 96,000 12,561 10,624 6,652 2,500 4,540 5,000 21.152 5.000 133.744 119.124 1,821.256 1,919,062 94,450 91,000 13,216 12,512 845 2,500 10,900 9,000 5.000 5.000 124.411 120.012 1.938.618 21041,718 13 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES 1990-91 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1988-89 1989-90 1989-90 1990-91 CITY COUNCIL (01-510-511) 1200 Salaries & Benefits 10,800 10,800 10,800 10,800 3140 Prof.Services-Legal -0- 1,500 -0- -0- 4000 Travel & Per Diem 2,066 1,500 2,000 2,000 4680 Repair & Maint.-Equipment 300 300 300 300 4900 Other Current Charges 725 1.500 -0- -0- TOTAL CITY COUNCIL 13,891 15,600 13,100 13,100 CITY MANAGER (01-510-512) 1200 Salaries & Benefits 75,993 8�,415 82,925 90,050 2400 Workers Compensation 2,126 2,525 3,130 3,300 4000 Travel & Per Diem 1,379 1,500 1,500 1,500 4500 Commercial Insurance 2,238 2,563 2,787 3,000 4620 Repair & Maint.-Vehicles 227 500 500 500 4680 Repair & Maint.-Equipment 1,420 800 800 200 4900 Other Current Charges 382 400 400 400 5210 Gas & Oil 545 800 800 800 5220 Tires & Batteries 172 200 200 200 5400 Subscriptions & Dues 1,156 1,200 1,200 1,200 6480 Capital Outlay -Equipment 3.354 185 184 2.273 TOTAL CITY MANAGER 88,992 94,088 94,426 103,423 FINANCE (01-510-513) 1200 Salaries & Benefits 119,762 127,412 133,285 152,680 2400 Workers Compensation 1,038 1,244 1,382 1,400 3130 Prof.Services-Microfilm 1,380 2,000 53 2,000 3132 Prof.Services-Impact Fee Study -0- 1,500 13,250 -0- 3200 Audit Fee 8,280 9,200 9,200 10,100 3401 Contract Services -Cleaning -0- -0- -0- 4,920 3402 Contract Services -Pest -0- -0- -0- 230 4000 Travel & Per Diem 1,189 1,250 1,400 1,250 4100 Telephone 3,307 3,500 5,900 3,500 4200 Postage & Freight -0- -0- 1,200 250 4300 Electric & Gas Service 2,843 2,500 3,300 3,000 4310 Water & Sewer Service 450 350 650 600 4500 Commercial Insurance 3,583 4,154 4,728 3,600 4610 Repair & Maint.-Buildings 4,638 5,700 5,700 550 4680 Repair & Maint.-Equipment 7,023 7,500 9,000 10,600 4710 Printing 1,102 1,200 3,500 2,500 4900 Other Current Charges 757 600 600 600 5100 Office Supplies 6,146 6,500 6,500 6,500 5400 Subscriptions & Dues 911 1,000 1,000 1,000 6480 Capital Outlay -Equipment 144 18,050 18,000 450 7091 Debt Service -Computer 11.199 2.800 2.799 -0- TOTAL FINANCE 173,752 196,460 221,447 205,730 14 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA .- GENERAL FUND ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES 1990-91 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET '^ 1988-89 1989-90 1989-90 1990-91 CITY ATTORNEY (01-510-514) •- 3140 Prof.Services-Legal 10,791 10,800 10,800 10,800 4000 Travel & Per Diem 50 200 200 100 4900 Other Current Charges -0- 50 -0- -0- 5400 Subscription & Dues 239 450 450 300 oft TOTAL CITY ATTORNEY 11,080 11,500 11,450 11,200 PLANNING & ZONING (01-510-515) am 1200 Salaries & Benefits 49,009 71,970 64,565 87,025 2400 Workers Compensation 2,124 2,523 3,129 3,300 3100 Prof.Services-Engineering 13,286 12,000 24,500 25,000 8-• 3160 Prof.Services-Comp. Plan 14,000 13,200 13,200 -0- 3401 Contract Services -Cleaning -0- -0- -0- 2,300 4000 Travel & Per Diem 390 1,200 1,200 1,200 4500 Commercial Insurance 2,238 2,563 2,789 3,000 .� 4620 Repair & Maint.-Vehicles 400 300 300 600 4900 Other Current Charges 389 300 300 300 5100 Office Supplies 712 -0- -0- -0- "" 5210 Gas & Oil 402 800 800 1,000 5220 Tires & Batteries 35 200 200 400 5400 Subscriptions & Dues 595 400 400 700 �.. 6480 Capital Outlay -Equipment 4.879 860 929 1.166 TOTAL PLANNING AND ZONING 88,459 106,316 112,312 125,991 OTHER GENERAL GOVERNMENT (01-510-519) 3100 Prof.Services-Engineering 2,020 5,000 6,250 8,000 3131 Prof.Services-Software Training -0- 800 785 800 4800 Advertising 6,213 2,500 7,500 5,000 -� 4900 Other Current Charges 8.097 7.500 7.500 7.500 TOTAL OTHER GENERAL GOVERNMENT 16.330 15.800 22.035 21.300 ,.., TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 392.504 439.764 474.770 480.744 .. P" om 15 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND POLICE DEPARTMENT STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES 1990-91 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1988-89 1989-90 1989-90 1990-91 POLICE (01-520-521) 1200 Salaries & Benefits 494,438 578,919 559,900 612,850 2400 Workers Compensation 14,848 17,638 21,864 23,000 3401 Contract Services -Cleaning -0- -0- -0- 3,900 3402 Contract Services -Pest -0- -0- -0- 200 4000 Travel & Per Diem 673 1,000 500 500 4100 Telephone 1,600 .1,825 2,246 3,550 4300 Electric & Gas Service 6,545 5,750 6,000 6,050 4310 Water & Sewer Service 762 850 450 850 4400 Rentals -Equipment 624 720 720 720 4500 Commercial Insurance 15,367 17,615 19,094 20,100 4610 Repair & Maint.-Buildings 5,110 4,000 6,500 500 4620 Repair & Maint.-Vehicles 3,354 5,000 5,500 4,000 4680 Repair & Maint.-Equipment 3,082 2,500 3,000 3,000 4900 Other Current Charges 2,545 21700 2,500 2,500 4920 Investigative Expenses 1,276 21000 2,000 2,000 4970 Emergency & Medical Services 450 1,500 1,500 1,500 5100 Office Supplies 3,612 3,750 3,750 4,000 5200 Operating Supplies 1,805 2,200 2,200 2,200 5210 Gas & Oil 21,267 17,500 24,200 22,000 5220 Tires & Batteries 2,632 2,600 3,400 3,000 5230 Uniforms 2,730 5,000 5,500 5,000 5240 Minor Equipment 449 750 750 600 5400 Subscriptions & Dues -0- 105 105 105 5410 Law Enforcement Education 712 3,000 3,000 3,000 6420 Capital Outlay -Vehicles 38,484 26,525 26,525 30,240 6480 Capital Outlay -Equipment 16.887 15.856 17.190 23.515 TOTAL POLICE DEPARTMENT 639.252 719.303 718.394 778.880 16 - L� 0-4 a" .^ 0" r ^ CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND FIRE DEPARTMENT STATENENT OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES ^ 1990-91 r, ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1988-89 1989-90 1989-90 1990-91 FIRE (01-520-522). 1200 Salaries & Benefits 6,566 6,997 6,997 9,900 2400 Workers Compensation 2,429 2,886 3,576 3,800 4000 Travel & Per Diem 320 500 500 500 4100 Telephone 404 450 450 450 .., 4500 Commercial Insurance 12,614 14,464 15,663 16,400 4610 Repair & Maint.-Buildings 59 200 200 200 4620 Repair & Maint.-Vehicles 744 800 800 1,000 4680 Repair & Maint.-Equipment 1,437 1,600 1,600 1,600 4900 Other Current Charges 196 470 829 500 5200 Operating Supplies 72 300 300 300 5210 Gas & Oil 138 400 400 250 ^ 5220 Tires & Batteries -0- 200 200 300 5230 Uniforms 183 500 500 500 ^ 5240 Minor Equipment 179 500 500 500 5400 Subscriptions & Dues 229 180 200 580 6480 Capital Outlay -Equipment 474 -0- -0- 1,000 r. 7070 Debt Service -Fire Truck 26,285 19,713 19,713 -0- TOTAL FIRE DEPARTMENT 52.329 50,160 52,428 37.780 n 17 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES 1990-91 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1988-89 1989-90 1989-90 1990-91 OTHER PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT (01-530-539) 1200 Salaries & Benefits 41,968 55,517 57,625 66,325 2400 Workers Compensation 2,705 3,214 3,982 4,200 3100 Prof.Services-Engineering 127 4,000 5,000 7,000 3401 Contract Services -Cleaning -0- -0- -0- 550 3402 Contract Services -Pest -0- -0- -0- 150 4000 Travel & Per Diem 334 900 900 900 4100 Telephone 1,241 1,450 1,450 1,500 4300 Electric & Gas Service 1,502 J,600 1,600 1,600 4310 Water & Sewer Service 772 650 1,000 1,200 4500 Commercial Insurance 6,155 7,050 7,674 8,200 4610 Repair & Maint.-Buildings 1,126 1,500 1,500 525 4640 Repair & Maint.-Parks/Trees -0- -0- 15,000 -0- 4680 Repair & Maint.-Equipment 972 500 500 500 5100 Office Supplies 523 520 520 600 5200 Operating Supplies 1,052 1,200 1,200 1,200 5210 Gas & Oil 319 570 500 500 5230 Uniforms 69 350 350 350 5240 Minor Equipment 536 550 1,250 750 5400 Subscriptions & Dues 227 180 180 180 6480 Capital Outlay -Equipment 4.824 3.000 3.672 -0- TOTAL OTHER PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT 64,452 82,751 103,903 96,230 TRANSPORTATION (01-540-541) 1200 Salaries & Benefits 134,385 163,327 148,585 107,950 2400 Workers Compensation 5,520 6,557 8,128 6,600 3404 Contract Services -Signal Maint. -0- -0- -0- 6,750 4300 Electric & Gas Service 59,966 75,000 62,500 65,000 4400 Rentals -Equipment -0- 500 500 500 4500 Commercial Insurance 11,658 13,354 14,537 12,100 4620 Repair & Maint.-Vehicles 1,226 3,150 3,900 3,100 4630 Repair & Maint.-Street Signs 2,899 5,800 4,000 4,000 4631 Repair & Maint.-Streets -0- 17,500 23,500 35,840 4680 Repair & Maint.-Equipment 9,302 2,200 6,000 3,100 5210 Gas & Oil 8,529 9,295 9,295 7,000 5220 Tires & Batteries 1,184 1,200 1,200 925 5230 Uniforms 349 770 770 600 5240 Minor Equipment 759 1,000 1,000 800 5250 Sidewalk Repair 1,872 2,800 2,800 2,800 5300 Road Materials 1,879 7,000 7,000 7,000 6300 Capital Outlay-Sts.&Sidewalks 43.168 -0- -0- -0- TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 282,696 309,453 293,715 264,065 18 .. a- CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SM STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES 1990-91 .. Oft ANIMAL CONTROL (01-560-5621 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1988-89 1989-90 1989-90 1990-91 1200 Salaries & Benefits 9,638 11,948 12,401 12,575 2400 Workers Compensation 276 328 406 425 4500 Commercial Insurance 1,428 1,635 1,781 1,900 o, 4620 Repair & Maint.-Vehicles 49 200 400 400 4900 Other Current Charges 544 300 2,278 350 5210 Gas & Oil 741 929 929 800 "' 5230 Uniforms 23 115 115 115 5240 Minor Equipment 61 125 125 125 5260 Dog Food 104 125 125 125 w" TOTAL ANIMAL CONTROL 12,864 15,705 18,560 16,815 PARKS & RECREATION (01-570-572) 1200 Salaries & Benefits 150,114 183,927 173,446 210,985 0M 2400 Workers Compensation 5,354 6,360 7,884 8,300 3401 Contract Services -Cleaning -0- -0- -0- 8,600 3402 Contract Services -Pest -0- -0- -0- 625 Oft 4100 Telephone 357 400 400 400 4300 Electric & Gas Service 15,885 15,900 15,900 15,900 4310 Water & Sewer Service 7,146 5,500 7,200 8,000 .. 4400 Rentals -Equipment -0- 500 500 -0- 4500 Commercial Insurance 9,033 10,346 11,263 12,000 4610 Repair & Maint.-Buildings 10,378 13,100 13,100 4,300 4620 Repair & Maint.-Vehicles 524 1,300 1,300 1,300 .. 4640 Repair & Maint.-Parks & Trees 6,055 6,600 7,000 7,500 4680 Repair & Maint.-Equipment 2,978 2,000 3,500 3,000 4900 Other Current Charges 259 110 110 200 Oft 5210 Gas & Oil 3,826 4,935 4,000 4,500 5220 Tires & Batteries 406 400 400 400 5230 Uniforms 515 700 700 700 .. 5240 Minor Equipment 1,924 1,500 1,500 1,500 6210 Capital Outlay -Buildings 6,840 -0- 10,000 -0- 6310 Capital Outlay -Recreation 10,965 -0- -0- -0- 6320 Capital Outlay -Landscaping 4,208 15,000 15,000 10,000 .. 6410 Capital Outlay -Cemetery 2,954 2,100 6,900 -0- 6420 Capital Outlay -Vehicles -0- -0- 18,912 -0- 6480 Capital Outlay -Equipment 525 -0- -0- -0- .• TOTAL PARKS AND RECREATION 240.246 270.678 299.015 298.210 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 600,258 678,587 715.193 675.320 OM .M 19 CITY OF CLERMONTp FLORIDA GENERAL FUND ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES 1990-91 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1988-89 1989-90 1989-90 1990-91 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (01-550-558) 3401 Contract Services -Cleaning -0- -0- -0- 1,300 4300 Electric & Gas Service -0- 1,100 1,100 1,100 4310 Water & Sewer Service -0- 200 200 200 4610 Repair & Maint.-Buildings -0- 1,290 1,290 -0- 4820 Labor Day Celebration -0- 2,000 2,000 2,500 8200 Contributions -General -0- 1,500 4.000 4,000 TOTAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE -0- 6,090 8,590 9,100 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (01-550-559). 5400 Subscriptions & Dues 1.780 2.500 2.500 2,000 TOTAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1.780 2.500 2.500 2,000 TOTAL ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT 1.780 8.590 11.090 11.100 20 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND HUMAN SERVICES STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES 1990-91 ACTUAL 1988-89 LAKE COMMUNITY ACTION AGENCY (01-560-569) 8200 Contributions -General -0- TOTAL HUMAN SERVICES -0- 21 i BUDGET ESTIMATED 1989-90 1989-90 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 BUDGET 1990-91 500 500 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND CULTURE/RECREATION STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES 1990-91 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1988-89 1989-90 1989-90 1990-91 COOPER MEMORIAL LIBRARY (01-570-571) 4310 Water & Sewer Service -0- 1,251 1,200 1,200 4500 Commercial Insurance 1,953 2,237 2,535 2,600 4610 Repair & Maint.-Buildings 1,275 4,250 4,250 -0- 4641 Repair & Maint.-Lawns -0- 2,212 2,500 2,500 7080 Debt Service -Library 8,574 8,400 8,300 8,100 8200 Contributions -General 47.000 50.200 50.200 50,200 TOTAL COOPER MEMORIAL LIBRARY 58,802 68,550 68,985 64,600 SOUTH LAKE ARTS COUNCIL (01-570-5731 3400 Contract Services -Perform Fees 525 1,250 3,043 6,000 3403 Contract Services -Secretarial -0- -0- -0- 2,000 4810 Promotion Fees 354 600 2,380 4,000 4900 Other Current Charges 196 150 2,712 600 TOTAL SOUTH LAKE ARTS COUNCIL 1,075 2,000 8,135 12,600 RECREATION PROGRAMS (01-570-5791 4900 Other Current Charges 3.820 3.000 500 2.000 TOTAL RECREATION PROGRAMS 3,820 3.000 500 2.000 TOTAL CULTURE/RECREATION 63.697 73.550 77.620 79.200 TOTAL EXPENDITURES -GENERAL FUND 1.749.820 1.970.954 2.050,495 2.063.524 aft Mft .. 22 .. �S ! LJ n _ INFRASTRUCTURE FUND The.Infrastructure Fund accounts for the proceeds of the , r� Local Government Infrastructure Sales Tax approved by the LJ residents of Lake County in 1987. The proceeds andV, interest approved thereto, are restricted by law to be used only for the construction, reconstruction or C) improvement of public facilities. The Local Government Infrastructure Sales Tax proceeds are primarily budgeted for the debt service on a loan obtained to fund the development of the Palatlakaha Recreation Area Fund and U other probjects funded out of the Building Construction n Fund. n t, L) L) 23 , L) CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA INFRASTRUCTURE FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN RESERVES 1990-91 REVENUES TAXES MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES ADMINISTRATION PUBLIC WORKS TOTAL EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS -OUT TRANSFER TO PALATLAKAHA RECREATION AREA FUND TRANSFER TO BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FUND TOTAL TRANSFERS -OUT TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS -OUT EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER (UNDER)EXPENDITURES BEGINNING RESERVES ENDING RESERVES Actual Budget Estimated Budget 1988-89 1989-90 1989-90 1990-91 260,092 300,000 358,611 325,000 13.347 15.000 10.950 5.800 273,439 315,000 369,561 330,800 -0- 80,000 165,124 251,500 31.024 50.900 188.378 44.000 31,024 130,960 353,502 295,500 79,933 -0- 70,000 -0- 29.614 -0- 43.700 50.000 109.547 -0- 113.700 50.000 140.571 130.900 132,868 184,100 44.789 93.186 177.657 277.286 24 467.202 345.500 (97,641) (14,700) 177.657 80.016 80.016 65.316 CITY OF CLERMONT# FLORIDA ^„ INFRASTRUCTURE FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES 1990-91 Actual Budget Estimated Budget .• 1988-89 1989-90 1989-90 1990-91 TAXES (12-310): 312-1201 Local Option Sales Tax 260.092 300,000 358.611 325,000 TOTAL TAXES 260,092 300,000 358,611 325,000 MISCELLANEOUS (12-360): 361-6100 Interest 13.347 15.000 10.950 5.800 ,.. TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 13.347 15,000 10.950 5,800 TOTAL REVENUE 273.439 315.000 369,561 330.800 r- oft om W-mm] P" oft f—� r^ W CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA INFRASTRUCTURE FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES 1990-91 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1988-89 1989-90 1989-90 1990-91 ADMINISTRATION OTHER GENERAL GOVERNMENT (12-510-519) 6110 Capital Outlay -Land -0- -0- 81,924 -0- 7062 Debt Service-1989 Bond -0- 80.000 83,200 251.500 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION -0- 80,000 165.124 251.500 PUBLIC WORKS OTHER PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT (12-530-539) 6320 Capital Outlay -Landscaping -0- 10,000 -0- -0- TOTAL OTHER PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT -0- 10,000 -0- -0- TRANSPORTATION (12-540-541) 3110 Prof.Services-Engineering 31,024 -0- 25,000 -0- 6330 Capital Outlay-Sts/Sidewalk -0- 31.000 117.642 40,000 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 31,024 31,000 142,642 40,000 PARKS AND RECREATION (12-570-572) 6210 Capital Outlay -Buildings -0- -0- 28,000 4,000 6310 Capital Outlay -Recreation -0- 9,900 17,736 -0- TOTAL PARKS AND RECREATION -0- 9,900 45,736 4.000 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 31,024 50,900 188.378 44.000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES - INFRASTRUCTURE FUND 31,024 130.900 353.502 295.500 26 , 1-0 1-4 L) ` PALATLAKAHA RECREATION AREA FUND _ The Palatlakaha Recreation Area Fund accounts for' the •"° ~ development of the Palatlakaha Recreation site. 4 Financing will be obtained from a combination of a loan ti secured by the Local Government Infrastructure Sales Tax' Proceeds, donation and grants. �J �J �J �J n 27 _ L) CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA PALATLARAHA RECREATION AREA FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN RESERVES 1990-91 Actual Budget Estimated Budget 1988-89 1989-90 1989-90 1990-91 " REVENUES INTERGOVERNMENTAL 46,000 -0- -0- -0- MISCELLANEOUS 3.315 -0- 39.698 -0- TOTAL REVENUES 49,315 -0- 39,698 -0- NON-REVENUES TRANSFER FROM INFRASTRUCTURE FUND TRANSFER FROM BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FUND DEBT PROCEEDS TOTAL NON -REVENUES TOTAL REVENUE AND NON -REVENUE EXPENDITURES CULTURE/RECREATION EXCESS OF REVENUES & NON -REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES BEGINNING RESERVE ENDING RESERVE 79,932 -0- -0- -0- -0- 775.000 79.932 775.000 129,247 775,000 125.932 775.000 3,315 -0- 3.315 28 70,000 65,000 807.300 942.300 981,998 985.313 (3,315) 3.315 -0- -0- 60,000 -0- 60.000 60,000 60.000 M" W" o" CITY OF CLERMONTv FLORIDA PALATLARAHA RECREATION AREA FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES 1990-91 l INTERGOVERNMENTAL (31-330): 334-3491 State Grant -Recreation TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL MISCELLANEOUS (31-360): 361-6100 Interest 366-6611 Contributions TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL REVENUES L l l 1, I l l Actual Budget Estimated Budget 1988-89 1989-90 1989-90 1990-91 46.000 -0- -0- -0- 46,000 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 34,000 -0- 3,315 -0- 5.698 -0- 3.315 -0- 39,698 -0- 49.315 -0- 39.698 -0- 29 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA PALATLARAHA RECREATION AREA FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES 1990-91 CULTURE/RECREATION (31-570-572) 3100 Prof.Services-Engineering 6110 Capital Outlay -Land 6311 Capital Outlay -Park 7062 Debt Service-1989 Bond TOTAL EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1988-89 1989-90 1989-90 1990-91 32,521 -0- 70,000 -0- 93,411 -0- -0- -0- -0- 775,000 878,695 60,000 -0- -0- 36,618 -0- 125.932 775.000 985.313 60.000 30 � E r i , J ! t- - 1 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FUND, s The Building Construction Fund accounts for the construction/expansion of major capital facilities. `r Capital Projects budgeted in the 1990-91 Fiscal Year include the construction of a new Public Works complex, LJ expansion of the Police Station and expansion/relocation of City Hall. Financing for these projects will - be_ i obtained primarily from a loan secured by the Local Government Infrastructure Sales Tax. „ 1 31 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN RESERVES 1990-91 Actual Budget Estimated Budget - 1988-89 1989-90 1989-90 1990-91 REVENUES MISCELLANEOUS -0- -0- 87,200 20,000 NON -REVENUES TRANSFER FROM .. INFRASTRUCTURE FUND 29,615 -0- 43,700 50,000 DEBT PROCEEDS -0- 1,225.000 1.262.700 -0- TOTAL REVENUE & NON -REVENUES 29,615 1,225,000 1,393,600 70,000 EXPENDITURES -� ADMINISTRATION -0- 340,000 15,321 340,000 POLICE -0- 325,000 14,470 375,000 PUBLIC WORKS 29.615 440.000 64.146 440.000 .. TOTAL EXPENDITURES 29,615 11105,000 93,937 1,155,000 TRANSFERS -OUT ^ TRANSFER TO PALATLAKA RECREATION AREA -0- -0- 65.000 60.000 ^ TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS -OUT 29.615 1.105.000 158.937 1.215.000 EXCESS OF REVENUE & NON -REVENUES ^ OVER(UNDER)EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS -OUT -0- 120,000 1,234,663 (1,145,000) BEGINNING RESERVE -0- -0- -0- 1.234.663 ENDING RESERVE -0- 120.000 1.234,663 89.663 ^� 32 ^ ^ D CITY OF CLERMONTo FLORIDA BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES 1990-91 _ y Actual Budget Estimated Budget 1988-89 1989-90 1989-90 1990-91 2 MISCELLANEOUS (33-360): 361-6100 Interest 1-0- -0- _ 87,200 20.000 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS v -0- -0- -_ 81,200 - 26.000 �;� • t .t r T tJ i i +t •(i rP: J LJ a 0 33 a CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES 1990-91 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED 1988-89 1989-90 1989-90 ADMINISTRATION OTHER GENERAL GOVERNMENT (33-510-519) 6210 Capital Outlay -Buildings -0- 340,000 7062 Debt Service-1989 Bond -0- -0- TOTAL ADMINISTRATION -0- 340,000 POLICE (33-520-521) 3110 Prof. Services -Engineering -0- -0- 6210 Capital Outlay -Buildings -0- 325,000 7062 Debt Service-1989 Bond -0- -0- TOTAL POLICE -0- 325,000 PUBLIC WORKS OTHER PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT (33-530-539) 3110 Prof.Services-Engineering 8,815 -0- 6210 Capital Outlay -Buildings 20,800 440,000 7062 Debt Service-1989 Bond -0- -0- TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 29.615 440.000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 29.615 1.105.000 34 BUDGET 1990-91 -0- 340,000 15.321 -0- 15,321 340,000 -0- 50,000 -0- 325,000 14.470 -0- ^. 14,470 375,000 43,700 -0- 675 440,000 19.771 -0- 64.146 440.000 93.937 1,155.000 S` .} Y UTILITY FUND The Utility Fund accounts -for the provision of water'and sewer services to the residents of the City. All tia activities necessary to the provision of these services are accounted for in this fund, including but not limited, to administration, plant and line maintenance. , ' S 35 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA UTILITY FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN RESERVES 1990-91 Actual Budget Estimated Budget 1988-89 1989-90 1989-90 . 1990-91 REVENUES CHARGES FOR SERVICES 1,100,688 1,144,000 1,081,000 1,100,000 MISCELLANEOUS 152.066 98,000 150,106 123.500 TOTAL REVENUES 1,252,754 1,242,000 1,231,106 1,223,500 TRANSFERS -IN TRANSFER FROM 1988 LOAN PROCEEDS FUND 40,449 -0- 228,310 -0- - TRANSFER FROM IMPROVEMENT, REPAIR & REPLACEMENT FUND 86,416 -0- -0- -0- - TRANSFER FROM UTILITY BENEFIT FEE FUND -0- 650,000 -0- -0- ^, TRANSFER FROM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 109.487 -0- -0- -0- TOTAL TRANSFERS -IN 236.352 650.000 228,310 -0- TOTAL REVENUE & TRANSFERS -IN 1,489,106 1,892,000 1,459,416 1,223,500 ... EXPENDITURES WATER 439,244 773,584 818,086 425,411 SEWER 864.445 1.736.331 821.187 723.875 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1.303.689 2.509.915 1.639.273 1.149.286 EXCESS OF REVENUES & TRANSFERS -IN OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES 185,417 (617,915) (179,857) 74,214 .. BEGINNING RESERVES 1.560.893 2.026.459 1.746.310 1.566.453 ENDING RESERVES 1.746.310 1,408,544 1,566.453 1,640.667 -" or. 0. l CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA UTILITY FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES 1990-91 l CHARGES FOR SERVICES (41-340): 343-4331 Water Sales L 343-4332 Water Tapping Fees L 345-4533 Sewer Service Sales 345-4534 Sewer Connection Fees TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES �.., MISCELLANEOUS (41-340): 343-4336 Water -Other 343-4350 Water -Interest 345-4536 Sewer -Other L 345-4550 Sewer -Interest L TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL REVENUE l L l l l l Actual Budget Estimated Budget 1988-89 1989-90 1989-90 1990-91 452,596 486,000 432,000 450,000 16,608 15,000 10,000 10,000 631,484 642,000 639,000 640,000 -0- 1.000 -0- -0- 1,100,688 1,144,000 1,081,000 1,100,000 6,280 5,000 57,281 36,000 11,096 8,000 77.409 49.000 152.066 98.000 1.252.754 1.242.000 37 2,200 2,500 59,600 48,000 8,206 6,000 80.100 67,000 150.106 123.500 1.231.106 1.223.500 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA UTILITY FUND WATER DEPARTMENT STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENSES 1990-91 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1988-89 1989-90 1989-90 1990-91 WATER (41-530-533) 1200 Salaries & Benefits 82,232 93,663 78,542 100,625 2400 Workers Compensation 1,877 2,229 2,763 2,900 3100 Prof.Services-Engineering 20,694 57,823 63,600 25,000 3120 Prof.Services-Laboratory 6,682 7,000 1,600 7,000 3132 Prof.Services-Impact Fee Study -0- 750 6,625 -0- 3200 Audit Fees 2,880 3,200 3,200 3,500 3402 Contract Services -Pest -0- 3,200 -0- 150 4000 Travel & Per Diem 748 1,500 750 1,500 4100 Telephone 3,375 3,200 3,850 3,900 4200 Postage & Freight 2,398 2,400 2,700 2,800 4300 Electric & Gas Service 54,561 57,000 57,000 55,000 4310 Water & Sewer Service 809 800 600 800 4400 Rentals -Equipment -0- 200 -0- 200 4500 Commercial Insurance 16,552 18,960 20,642 22,000 4610 Repair & Maint.-Buildings 40 900 4,977 750 4620 Repair & Maint.-Vehicles 454 1,000 850 1,000 4650 Repair & Maint.-Meters 5,193 6,000 6,000 6,000 4660 Repair & Maint.-Tanks -0- 1,000 -0- 1,000 4670 Repair & Maint.-Systems -0- 3,500 3,000 3,000 4680 Repair & Maint.-Equipment 5,738 10,600 6,500 10,600 4800 Advertising 6 50 32 50 4940 Administrative Services 26,370 27,820 27,820 29,200 4950 Uncollectible Accounts 262 750 750 750 5200 Operating Supplies 1,318 2,300 2,000 2,000 5210 Gas & Oil 2,676 3,500 3,000 3,500 5220 Tires & Batteries 328 500 400 500 5230 Uniforms 333 600 501 600 5240 Minor Equipment 3,542 2,000 2,000 2,000 5270 Chlorine 9,337 9,500 9,000 9,336 5400 Subscriptions & Dues 331 350 182 350 6341 Capital Outlay -Water System 85,532 346,500 395,815 -0- 6420 Capital Outlay -Vehicle 7,712 7,900 8,387 -0- 6480 Capital Outlay -Equipment 13,013 16,100 11,000 31,100 7061 Debt Service-1988 Loan 84,251 83.989 94,000 98,300 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 439.244 773.584 818.086 425.411 38 - o. .. om .. am ow SM SM on OM om ow PM OM NM OM 0M CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA UTILITY FUND SEWER DEPARTMENT. STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENSES 1990-91 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1988-89 1989-90 1989-90 1990-91 SEWER (41-530-535) 1200 Salaries & Benefits 131,688 163,424 151,906 163,550 2400 Workers Compensation 4,360 5,179 6,421 6,700 3100 Prof.Services-Engineering 71,126 33,400 56,496 10,000 3120 Prof.Services-Laboratory 6,122 8,000 6,500 8,000 3132 Prof.Services-Impact Fee Study -0- 750 6,625 -0- 3150 Prof.Services-Immunizations 209 600 400 600 3200 Audit Fee 4,140 4,600 41600 5,100 3402 Contract Services -Pest -0- -0- -0- 150 4000 Travel & Per Diem 4 1,500 750 1,500 4100 Telephone 1,253 1,750 650 750 4200 Postage & Freight 2,455 2,800 2,800 2,900 4300 Electric & Gas Service 78,478 95,000 85,400 95,000 4310 Water & Sewer Service 876 3,000 580 700 4400 Rentals -Equipment -0- 200 -0- 200 4500 Commercial Insurance 18,342 21,127 20,660 21,600 4610 Repair & Maint.-Buildings 385 1,500 500 1,350 4620 Repair & Maint.-Vehicles 493 1,000 1,500 1,000 4670 Repair & Maint.-Systems 19,797 25,000 14,000 25,000 4680 Repair & Maint.-Equipment 41,160 22,800 45,000 40,000 4800 Advertising 59 700 200 700 4940 Administrative Services 39,553 41,729 41,729 43,800 4950 Uncollectible Accounts 778 1,000 1,000 1,000 5200 Operating Supplies 2,618 8,700 5,500 8,700 5210 Gas & Oil 2,405 3,000 3,200 3,600 5220 Tires & Batteries 216 600 500 600 5230 Uniforms 332 500 501 600 5240 Minor Equipment 1,530 2,100 2,000 2,600 5270 Chlorine 3,179 4,500 3,200 4,500 5280 Sewage Pretreat Chemicals 11,397 -0- -0- -0- 5290 Laboratory Supplies 814 2,300 1,500 2,300 5400 Subscriptions & Dues 80 200 407 425 6110 Capital Outlay -Land 1,227 -0- -0- -0- 6210 Capital Outlay -Buildings -0- 17,000 17,000 -0- 6340 Capital Outlay -Sewer System 193,709 1,028,683 96,400 33,700 6420 Capital Outlay -Vehicles -0- 12,000 11,562 -0- 6480 Capital Outlay -Equipment 7,284 -0- -0- -0- 7020 Debt Service-1972 Bond 134,125 137,700 137,700 138,950 7061 Debt Service-1988 Loan 84.251 83,989 94.000 98,300 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 864.445 1,736.331 821.187 723,875 39 I" LJ U CSTORMWATER FUND The Stormwater Fund accounts for the construction and maintenance of stormwater drainage systems within the City. The Stormwater Utility Fees are restricted in that LJ they may only be spent on stormwater drainage projects. �J U n 41 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA STORMWATER FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN RESERVES 1990-91 Actual Budget Estimated Budget 1988-89 1989-90 1989-90 1990-91 REVENUES CHARGES FOR SERVICES -0- -0- -0- 93,000 MISCELLANEOUS -0- -0- -0- 500 TOTAL REVENUES -0- -0- -0- 93,500 EXPENDITURES -0- -0- -0- 51.300 TOTAL EXPENDITURES -0- -0- -0- 51.300 EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER(UNDER)EXPENDITURES -0- -0- -0- 42,200 BEGINNING RESERVES -0- -0- -0- -0- ENDING RESERVES -0- -0- -0- 42,200 42 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA STORMWATER FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES 1990-91 Actual Budget Estimated Budget 1988-89 1989-90 1989-90 1990-91 CHARGES FOR SERVICES (45-340): 348-4810 Stormwater Fees _ -0- -0- -0- 93,000 MISCELLANEOUS (45-360): n 361-6100 Interest -0- -0:--0- '500 LJ `a TOTAL REVENUE -0- -0- -0- 93,500 t 43 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA STORMWATER FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENSES 1990-91 STORMWATER (45-530-538) 1200 Salaries & Benefits 2400 Workers Compensation 4500 Commercial Insurance 4620 Repair & Maint.-Vehicle 4680 Repair & Maint.-Equipment 4940 Administrative Services 5210 Gas & Oil 5220 Tires & Batteries 5230 Uniforms 5240 Minor Equipment TOTAL EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1988-89 1989-90 1989-90 1990-91 -0- -0- -0- 36,150 -0- -0- -0- 1,900 -0- -0- -0- 3,400 -0- -0- -0- 900 -0- -0- -0- 900 -0- -0- -0- 5,400 -0- -0- -0- 2,000 -0- -0- -0- 275 -0- -0- -0- 175 -0- -0- -0- 200 -0- -0- -0- 51.300 44 . 7 SANITATION FUND - ' The Sanitation Fund accounts for the provision of garbage and trash removal services to the residents of the City. All activities necessary to the provision of these' y-` services are accounted for in this fund. 45 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA SANITATION FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN RESERVES 1990-91 Actual Budget Estimated Budget 1988-89 1989-90 1989-90 1990-91 REVENUES CHARGES FOR SERVICES 272,889 390,000 MISCELLANEOUS 13.721 12.000 TOTAL REVENUES 286,610 402,000 TRANSFERS -IN TRANSFER FROM CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FUND -0- -0- TOTAL REVENUE & TRANSFERS -IN 286,610 402,000 EXPENDITURES 261.776 403,754 EXCESS OF REVENUES & TRANSFERS -IN OVER(UNDER)EXPENDITURES 24,834 (1,754) BEGINNING RESERVES 172.286 198.012 ENDING RESERVES 197.120 196.258 46 385,000 452,400 14.400 12.000 399,400 464,400 194.860 10.000 594,260 474,400 571.477 472.162 22,783 2,238 197.120 219.903 219,903 222.141 OM .. .. Oft CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA SANITATION FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES 1990-91 lJ Actual Budget Estimated Budget Fiji1988-89 1989-90 1989-90 1990-91 CHARGES FOR SERVICES (49-340): 344-4435 Sanitation Service Fees 272.889 390,000 385.000 452,400 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 272,889 390,000 - 385,000 452,400 MISCELLANEOUS (49-340): 344-4450 Interest 13.721 12.000 14.400 12.000 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 13.721 12.000 14,400 12,000 TOTAL REVENUE 286.610 402.000 399.400 464.400 I �I ll _ Lj lJ 47 } CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA SANITATION FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENSES 1990-91 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1988-89 1989-90 1989-90 1990-91 SANITATION (49-530-534) 1200 Salaries & Benefits 146,177 164,509 167,918 210,375 2400 Workers Compensation 12,641 15,016 18,612 19,500 3200 Audit Fee 2,700 3,000 3,000 3,300 4200 Postage & Freight 2,393 2,800 2,800 3,600 4500 Commercial Insurance 7,457 8,541 9,299 9,900 4620 Repair & Maint.-Vehicles 9,017 9,650 9,650 10,000 4680 Repair & Maint.-Equipment 241 300 300 500 4800 Advertising -0- 50 50 - 2,000 4900 Other Current Charges 238 250 250 300 4930 Landfill Charges 48,382 160,000 120,000 120,000 ^ 4931 Compost Disposal -0- -0- 5,000 10,000 4940 Administrative Services 19,086 20,136 20,136 21,143 ^, 4950 Uncollectible Accounts 529 600 600 600 4990 Depreciation -0- -0- -0- 26,000 5210 Gas & Oil 10,199 14,300 14,300 19,066 5220 Tires & Batteries 1,373 3,025 3,025 4,033 5230 Uniforms 912 1,177 1,177 1,345 5240 Minor Equipment 431 400 500 500 6420 Capital Outlay -Vehicles -0- -0- 194.860 10,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 261.776 403,754 571,477 472.162 48 L; + y -- CEMETERY PERPETUAL CARE FUND _ The Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund accounts for the sale of lots in the City cemetery. The lot sales must be maintained in the Cemetery Fund, however, interest is transferred to the General Fund to defray the cost of cemetery operation and maintenance. L) lJ� Li 1 49 1 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA CEMETERY PERPETUAL CARE FUND J STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUESr EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN RESERVES 1990-91 Actual Budget Estimated Budget 1988-89 1989-90 1989-90 1990-91 ^� REVENUE ) MISCELLANEOUS 21,894 22,000 22,500 22,000 EXPENDITURES -0- -0- -0- -0- TRANSFERS-OUT ^� TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 13.344 13.000 13.000 13.000 J TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS -OUT 13.344 13.000 13.000 13.000 J EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS -OUT 8,550 9,000 9,500 9,000 BEGINNING RESERVE 139.170 148.170 147.720 157.220 ENDING RESERVE 147.720 157.170 157.220 166.220 50 .. CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA CEMETERY PERPETUAL CARE FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES 1990-91 ow Actual Budget Estimated Budget 0M 1988-89 1989-90 1989-90 1990-91 MISCELLANEOUS (61-360): 361-6105 Interest 13,344 13,000 13,000 13,000 364-6411 Cemetery Lot Sales 8.550 9.000 9.500 9.000 TOTAL REVENUE 21.894 22.000 22.500 22,000 PER 004 PM oft P" oft .. 51 oft SCHEDULES Schedules are presented to provide support or additional data for various components of the budgeted revenue and expenditure statements. F CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA ` GENERAL FOND CITY MANAGEMENT SCHEDULE OF BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES 1990-91 ITEM Printer (1) File Cabinets (2) TOTAL ." ACCOUNT # 01-510-512-6480 01-510-512-6480 53 AMOUNT $ 1,600 673 $ 2,273 FUND SOURCE General General CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND FINANCE SCHEDULE OF BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES i 1990-91 i FUND ITEM ACCOUNT AMOUNT SOURCE Chairs (3) 01-510-513-6480 $ 450 General 54 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND PLANNING & ZONING SCHEDULE OF BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES 1990-91 ITEM File Cabinets (3) Calculator Chair Typewriter Typewriter Table TOTAL FUND ACCOUNT AMOUNT SOURCE 01-510-515-6480 $ 516 General 01-510-515-6480 100 General 01-510-515-6480 150 General 01-510-515-6480 250 General 01-510-515-6480 150 General $ 1.166 55 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND POLICE SCHEDULE OF BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES 1990-91 FUND ITEM ACCOUNT ,# AMOUNT SOURCE Police Vehicles (2) 01-520-521-6420 $30.240 General Mobile Radio (1) 01-520-521-6480 $ 975 General Chair 01-520-521-6480 315 General Kel Mag Lights (4) 01-520-521-6480 210 General Emergency Rescue Team Ammunition 01-520-521-6480 1,400 General Lockers (3) 01-520-521-6480 300 General Copy Machine 01-520-521-6480 4,600 General Telephone/Radio Recorder 01-520-521-6480 15,000 General Fax Machine 01-520-521-6480 715 General TOTAL $23.515 56 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND FIRE SCHEDULE OF BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES 1990-91 ITEM Pass Devices (10) ACCOUNT # 01-520-522-6480 57 FUND AMOUNT SOURCE $ 1.000 General CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA INFRASTRUCTURE FUND PUBLIC WORKS - TRANSPORTATION SCHEDULE OF BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES 1990-91 ITEM Pitt/Bloxam Street Intersection Rebuild Sidewalk Projects TOTAL FUND ACCOUNT # AMOUNT SOURCE 12-540-541-6330 $30,000 Infrastructure 12-540-541-6330 10.000 Infrastructure $40.000 58 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA INFRASTRUCTURE FOND PUBLIC WORKS - PARRS & RECREATION SCHEDULE OF BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES 1990-91 FUND ITEM ACCOUNT #, AMOUNT SOURCE Kehlor Park Reroof 12-570-572-6210 $ 4.000 Infrastructure 59 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA UTILITY FUND WATER SCHEDULE OF BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES 1990-91 ITEM Hand Held Meter Reading Devices ACCOUNT # 41-530-533-6480 w AMOUNT $15.000 FUND SOURCE Utility CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA UTILITY FUND SEWER SCHEDULE OF BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES 1990-91 ITEM ACCOUNT ,# AMOUNT Sewer Manhole Replacement 41-530-535-6340 $33.700 61 FUND SOURCE Utility CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA SANITATION FUND SCHEDULE OF BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES 1990-91 FUND ITEM ACCOUNT # AMOUNT SOURCE Capital Pick -Up Truck 49-530-534-6420 $10.000 Replacement Gf% am CITY Of CLERMONT, FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF CLABBIFICATIOHB/8AY ORRDES 1990-91 HOURLY ANNUAL ow CLASSIFICATION Ow rq�H .F J�Amrp-- Service Worker I 5 4.71-7.83 9,797-16,286 r Clerk/Typist I 5 4.71-7.63 9,797-16,266 Service Worker II 6 4.95-8.24 10,296-17,139 •m Clerk Typist II 6 4.95-8.24 10,296-17,139 Service Worker III 7 5.18-8.66 10,114-18,013 Clark Typist III 7 5.10-8.66 10,774-18,013 am Animal Control/Street Sign Tech. 8 5.44-9.09 11,315-18,907 Communications Dispatcher 8 5.44-9.09 11,315-19,907 .. Mechanic I 8 5.44-9.09 11,315-18,907 Wastewater Plant Operator 8 5.44-9.09 11,315-18,907 r Crew Chief 9 5.73-9.57 11,918-19,906 Planning i Zoning Technician 10 6.02-10.00 12,522-20,800 Accounting Clark 10 6.02-10.00 12,522-20,800 Wastewater Plant Operator II 10 6.02-10.00 12,522-20,800 .. Foreman 11 6.31-10.51 13,125-21,861 Admin. Assistant/Secretary 12 6.66-11.09 13,853-23,067 utility Billing/Service Clerk 13 7.01-11.64 14,581-24,211 r. Chief Mechanic 13 7.01-11.64 14,581-24,211 Senior Accounting Clerk 13 7.01-11.64 14,581-24,211 Chief Wastewater Plant Operator 13 7.01-11.64 14,501-24,211 Maintenance Mechanic 13 7.01-11.64 14,501-24,211 .. ' Coda Enforcer/Inspector 15 7.70-12.82 16,016-26,666 Supervisor 15 7.70-12.82 16,016-26,666 o' Police Officer is 7.70-12.82 16,016-26,666 Police Corporal 16 1.69-13.44 16,411-27,955 on Police Investigator 17 8.40-14.07 17,472-29,266 Police Sergeant 17 8.40-14.07 17,472-29.266 o. MERIT BYBTEMs Each employee upon evaluation by his Department Head is eligible for a merit increase on his or her anniversary date. In addition, employees n• who have been with the City live (5) years are eligible for an additional 1% per year merit increase annually on their anniversary date. h'mployeas with can (10) years of service, 2% per ^, year. Employees with (is) or more years an additional 3% per year increase. Additional merit Increases are not awarded when an employee has reached the upper limit of his pay grade. OR 63 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF APPROVED POSITIONS BY DEPARTMENT 1990-91 1989-90 1990-91 Full -Time General Fund City Manager 2.00 2.00 Finance 4.00 5.00 Planning & Zoning 2.50 2.50 Police - Officers 17.00 17.00 - Other 6.00 6.00 Public Works - Transportation 5.66 5.31 - Animal Control .50 .50 - Parks & Recreation 9.00 10.50 - Other Physical Environment 2.50 2.50 Total General Fund - Full -Time 49.16 51.31 Utility Fund Water 3.84 4.34 Sewer 5.84 6.34 Total Utility Fund - Full -Time 9.68 10.68 Stormwater Fund -0- 1.35 sanitation Fund 9.16 9.66 Total Full -Time 68.00 73.00 Part -Time General Fund Finance 1.00 -0- Planning & Zoning -0- 1.00 Police 1.00 1.00 Public Works -Transportation 1._00 -0- Total General Fund 3.00 2.00 Stormwater Fund -0- 1.00 Total Part -Time 3.00 3.00