Annual Budget (1989 - 1990) 7 l_ E lJ CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA ANNUAL BUDGET 1989 -90 E 1 , L 7 7 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA ANIMAL BUDGET 1989-90 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTORY SECTION Budget Message 1 Organization Chart 5 Listing of City Officials 6 FINANCIAL SECTION Combined Statement of Budgeted Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Reserves - A11 Funds 8 ORAL FUND: Li Statement of Budgeted Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Reserves 12 Statement of Budgeted Revenues 13 Statement of Budgeted Expenditures by Department 14 I " INFRASTRUCTURE FUND: Statement of Budgeted Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Reserves 24 Statement of Budgeted Revenues 25 Statement of Budgeted Expenditures 26 TWELFTH ST. PARR FUND: Statement of Budgeted Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Reserves 28 Statement of Budgeted Revenues 29 r Statement of Budgeted Expenditures 30 -iii - FINANCIAL SECTION (CONTD.) BUILDING CONSTRJCTION FUND: Statement of Budgeted Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Reserves 32 UTILITY of Budgeted Expenditures 33 UTILITY FUND: Statement of Budgeted Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Reserves 36 Statement of Budgeted Revenues 37 Statement of Budgeted Expenditures By Department 38 SANITATION FUND: Statement of Budgeted Revenues, EXpenditures and Changes in - Reserves 42 Statement of Budgeted Revenues 43 Statement of Budgeted Expenditures 44 CEMETERY PERPETUAL CARE FUND: — Statement of Budgeted Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Reserves 46 Statement of Budgeted Revenues 47 SCHEDULES Schedule of Budgeted Capital Outlay Expenditures 49 Schedule of Job Classifications / Grades � 61 Schedule of Approved Positions By Department 62 1 -iv- r r r r r r C INTRODUCTORY SECTION r r r r c c r C c c , CITY OF CLERMONT 1t P 0 BOX 219 • CLERMONT, FLORIDA 32711 • PHONE 904/394 -4081 1113111■W September 12, 1989 Dear Mayor and Council Members: I am pleased to present the Fiscal Year 1990 Annual Operating and 1-1 Capital Budgets. The budget represents the City's financial plan for the year and provides funding for services provided to the citizens of Clermont and proposed Capital Projects expenditures. The total City Budget for 1990 is $6,895,523 compared to $3,975,454 for Fiscal Year 1989. The increase is due to $3,255,183 in proposed Capital Projects. The budgets are based on no increases in ad valorem taxes or utility rates. A previously adopted increase in utility service taxes will generate required additional funds for the General Fund and a proposed increase in the sanitation rate is required to fund the increased tipping fee charged by Lake County for disposal of our solid waste. Significant changes and projects to be implemented by this budget include: Addition of a full -time Public Works Inspector /Code Enforcement Officer replacing a part -time Code Enforcement position Addition of a full -time Dispatcher /Records Clerk replacing a part -time Dispatcher position Addition of one Parks Maintenance Erployee Addition of one Transportation Maintenance Employee Addition of one full -time Water Department Employee replacing a part -time Meter Reader position r Construction of the Twelfth Street Park - Phase I Construction of the new Public Works Facility Expansion of the Police Department Building Expansion or relocation of City Hall -1- Construction of cross -town sewer force main and flow equalization tank to serve growth to the east The following is a synopsis of the individual funds: GENERAL FUND The City of Clermont General Fund provides for the follow Police Protection Parks and Beautification - Streets and Sidewalks Recreation Facilities Street Lighting Recreation Programs Fire Protection Cemetery Animal Control Vehicle Maintenance Planning and Development Code Enforcement Special Activities Administration General Fund Revenues are projected to increase 6.6% compared to Fiscal Year 1989. The previously adopted increase in utility service taxes, which is reflected in the budget, accounts for 5.5% of the increase which indicates a stagnation of other revenue sources available to the General Fund. Although there are approximately thirty revenue sources in the General Fund, the City has no control over those contributing a major share to the budget, such as State and County Revenue Sharing shown as Intergovernmental Revenues in the line item document. The previous year's millage rate of 2.429 is to be retained and will generate $326,000 for 1990. General Fund Expenditures for 1990 have been held to a 6.4% increase compared to the 1989 budget and continues the policy of transferring $20,000 from the General Fund to the Capital Replacement Restricted Fund. Reserves in the amount of $58,892 have been designated to balance the General Fund Budget. - LOCAL GOVERNMENT INFRASTRUCTURE TAX FUND Monies for this fund are generated from the 7th cent sales tax imposed by Lake County in 1987. Expenditures are restricted to Infrastructure Capital Outlay. Of the $315,000 of projected revenues, $130,900 is budgeted for various Capital Improvements with the remainder placed in reserves for future projects. The Twelfth Street Park Fund and the Building Construction Fund discussed below are to be funded by loan proceeds which will be repaid over the next twelve years with Infrastructure Revenues. After payment of the debt service, approximately 1.5 million - doll ars will remain for annual project funding over the fifteen year life of the infrastructure tax. - TWELFTH STREET PARR FUND Two years ago the City began planning for a recreation complex to be located at Twelfth and Seminole Streets. A separate fund has - -2- - been established to account for the funding of this project. Phase I funding is to be from loan proceeds to be repaid by Local Government Infrastructure Tax receipts. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FUND El Three major projects are proposed for this year and are to be funded from loan funds which will be repaid by Local Government Infrastructure Tax receipts. The projects are as follows: Public Works Facility - A new facility is to be constructed on property located adjacent to the Sewage Treatment Plant on Twelfth Street Police Department Building - The existing facility is g y to be enlarged and remodeled L City Hall - Alternatives are now being compared for either an expansion and remodeling of the existing r building or a relocation to a new facility. l UTILITY FUND The Utility Fund y provides for Water and Sewer Services to over 2,800 customers. Revenues are projected to increase 5% compared to last year, with rates remaining unchanged for the year. l Expenditures indicate an increase of 58% due to major capital L expenditures including continuation of the old water main replacement project and the construction of a cross -city force main and a flow equalization tank to provide sewer service to the east. L Utility Benefit Fees and $617,915 in Reserves are budgeted for these projects. SANITATION FUND This fund provides garbage and trash service for our residents. Recent actions by Lake County have had and will continue to have a major impact on this fund. The County is proposing a 167% increase in tipping fees for the disposal of our solid waste, which necessitates an increase in our rates from $9.00 per month to $12.50 to continue to provide the same services and break even. Without the County increase, expenditures increased 9 %. I consider this a temporary budget, which will need major amendments during the year as soon as we know the final actions of the County Commission regarding issues involving the incinerator now under construction and their plans for recycling. Modifications and improvements are needed in our co llection systems including replacement of two of our cannot e legitimate decisions until all the issues i involving the incinerator erator and County recycling efforts are settled. The operation of this department and fund will be a major issue of change during the year. 3 CEMETERY PERPETUAL CARE FUND The Cemetery Fund was established and provides for continuing maintenance of the cemetery. All proceeds from lot sales are deposited to this fund with a transfer out of interest earnings to the General Fund for maintenance. Reserves for the fund are ^� projected to increase by $13,250 this year. J CONCLUS ION The approved funding levels in this budget will enable the City to continue to progress and provide services to the residents at an acceptable level. Subsequent pages of this budget provide schedules and details regarding specific funding, and with the continuing conservative approach of the administration and department heads, provides adequate funding for all areas of city operation. We must continue to anticipate the future needs of our citizens and prepare for additional demands for service we will receive as the area grows. Conservative, long range planning and implementation of those plans, along with careful monitoring of outside issues directly affecting the City, will ensure a continuing healthy financial condition for the City. Respectfully submitted, CITY OF CLERMONT it WASAUNDERS City Manager WS /jmb 1 4 7 [" 7 CITY OF CLERMONT ORGANIZATIONAL CHART 7 _ , 7 E [ 7 Clermont City City Attorney) Council Pornmittees) 7 City M anager Police Fire Public Finance Plannin• Utilities 7 _ ..,: ._, -__ . __ _ - Works - . • _ _- - -- . . - -- Streets Accounting Planning Water E Parks Personnel Zoning Sewer 7 Sanitation Budgeting Licensing Animal Payroll Permitting Control ;; Utility Code Enforcement Billing E I i 7 E [ -, I 7 r -5- 7 CITY OF C,E MONT, FLORIDA LISTING OF CITY OFFICIALS AS OF OCT(SER 1, 1989 ELECTED OFFICIALS Mayor Robert A. Fool Mayor /Pro-Pan Hal Tu ville Ccuncilmember Ann Duree Cinc it member Kenneth Norqui s t Councilmember Lester Cole APPOINTED OFFICIAL City Manager Wayne Saunders City Attorney Leonard H. Baird, Jr. Finance Director Joseph E. Van Zile Public Works Director/Fire Chief Robert E. Smythe Chief of Police Prentice Tyrdal Utility Director Preston Davis City Engineer John Springstead Planning Director James J. McAllister -6- r r r FINANCIAL SECTION r r r This section contains the basic Budgeted Revenues and Expenditures i ^ Statements for those funds which have legally adopted budgets A combined L Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Reserves is presented in order to show the total City of Clermont Annual Budget. Statements of r Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Reserves and detail Statements of Revenues and Expenditures are also presented for each fund along with prior years' information for comparison purposes. r r r r r r r r r r r i S 7 QTY OF CLE1 ONT, FLORIDA 7 ALL FUNDS COMBINED CHARGES IN RESERVES MBINED STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES, `IDTIURFS 1989 -90 7 BUILDING GENERAL INFRASTRUCTURE TWELFTH ST. PARK _ CONSTRUCTION fl REVENU 300, 000 TAXES 1,147,230 LICENSES & PERMITS 24,500 INTOW/IMINVENTAL 502,223 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 96,985 7 FINES & FORFETIURES 29,000 SOUS 119,124 15,000 ^� SAL REVENUES 1,919,062 315,000 J NON-REVENUES 13, 000 'TRANSFER FROM OT ER FUNDS 775,000 1,225,000 ' DEBT PROCEEDS •- TO AL NON - REVENUES 13,000 775,000 1,225,000 TOTAL REVENUE & NON - REVENUE 1,932,062 315,000 775,000 1,225,000 EXPENDITURES 0, 000 ADMINISTRATION 439,764 33440,000 POLICE 719,303 FIRE 50,160 440,000 PUBLIC WORKS 678,587 130,900 ECCVCMIC ENVIRONMENT 8,590 HUMAN SERVICES 1,000 CULTURE/RECREATION 73,550 775,000 WATER SB ER SANITATION TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,970,954 130,900 775,000 1,105,000 TRANSFERS TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS 20,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANStERS -OUT 1,990,954 130,900 775,000 1,105,000 EXCESS OF REVENUES & NON-REVENUES OVER (UNDER) -0- 120, 000 EXPENDITURES & TRANSIERS -UJT (58, 892) 184,100 BEGINNING RESERVE 1,162, 788 93,186 -0- -0- ENDING RESERVE 1,103, 896 277,286 -0- 120, 000 -8- I s M 7 x H C CEMOIERY TOTALS 7 UTILITY SANITATION PERPETUAL CARE 1990 1989 L' 1,447,230 1,332,600 fl 24,500 22,500 502,223 532,767 C 1,144,000 390,000 1,630,985 1,426,610 29,000 30,800 98,000 12,000 22,000 266,124 279,034 7 1,242,000 402,000 22,000 3,900,062 3,624,311 7 650,000 2,000,000 692,1 7 650,000 2,663,000 692,128 1,892,000 402,000 22,000 6,563,062 4,316,439 C 779,764 401,148 1,044,303 655,698 160 5 1,249,487 815,156 8,590 3,500 1,000 - 0 - i L 848,550 190,190 773,584 773,584 679,019 L 1, 736, 331 1,736,331 910, 430 403,754 403,754 264,809 L 2,509,915 403,754 6,895,523 3,975,454 7 13,000 33,000 137,533 7 2,509,915 403,754 13,000 6,928,523 4,112,987 7 (617,915) (1,754) 9,000 (365,461) 203,452 7 1,343,756 182,651 148,170 2,930,551 2,639,240 7 725,841 180,897 157,170 2,565,090 2,842,692 -9- 7 i GENERAL REVENUES FY 1989 FUND -90"' 7 $1 charges for Fines Serv ices and Forfeit misc. u res � '" 4 908 1 608 6.00R L h Reserves 3.108 .. .. __ ,,...:.,,___,..,_.. inter_ govern men in i I^ 25 408 - � � . __. 7 l , n 3 r Other Taxes Licenses " 41 4R 1 20% " _ Permits _ s Ad Vabrem i 1 i . , +c 1 r Taxes ;� s L � 16408 GENERAL FUND The General Furrl accounts for all revenues and expend of the City w hich are not required to be accoun for in other f It recei a greater var and number of taxes and other gener revenues than any other ford. ' 7 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES L FY 1989 -90 $1,990,954 L Capttfll Outlay Debt Service r 4.508 . »;: >::: 708 - -_ - I H operating <.� Expenses . s fi 26 608 .� 7 { r 2 i ii 7 " t Persona r • ' Services fits x 7 :ii h .: 'f - 67.208 E . —11- 7 I i - CITY OF CLER ONT, FLORIDA ^� GENERAL FUND J STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES, EXPENDI'IURES, AND CHANGES IN RESERVES 1989 -90 Actual Budget Estimated Budget 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 *. REVENUES TAXES TAXXES 956,383 1,001,600 978,782 1,147,230 LICENSES & PERMITS 29,999 22,500 23,250 24,500 INTERGOVERNMENTAL 518,505 532,767 532,805 502,223 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 85,962 90,810 90,760 96,985 FINES & FORFEITURES 28,742 30,800 28,500 29,000 ^� MISCELLANEOUS 134,475 131,412 123,430 119,124 J SAL REVENUES 1,754,066 1,809,889 1,777,527 1,919,062 TRANSFERS - IN TRANSFER FROM ', RECREATION FUND 54,147 TRANSFER FROM CEMETERY TERY PERPETUAL CARE FUND 10,131 10,000 13,000 13,000 TOTAL REVENUE & TRANSFERS 1,818,344 1,819,889 1,790,527 1,932,062 - EXPENDITURES ADMINISTRATION 339,955 401,148 387,947 439,764 POLICE 525,312 655,698 638,489 719,303 FIRE 49,538 55,504 53,329 50,160 PUBLIC WORKS 765,968 670,333 647,792 678,587 ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT 1,175 3,500 2,500 8,590 HUMAN SERVICES -0- -0- -0- 1,000 - CULTURE /RECREATION 55,086 66,680 66,314 73,550 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,737,034 1,852,863 1,796,371 1,970,954 TRANSFERS -OUT TRANSeER '10 CAPITAL REPLAIORMVT FUND 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 TRANSFER TO TWELFTH ST. PARK FUND 80,241 - 0 - -0- -0- r TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS -CUT 1,837,275 1,872,863 1,816,371 1,990,954 EXCESS OF REVENUES & TRANSFERS -IN CNER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS -OJT (18, 931) (52, 974) (25, 844) (58, 892) " BEGINNING RESERVE 1,207,563 1,158,240 1,188,632 1,162,788 r ENDING RESERVE 1,188,632 1,105,266 1,162,788 1,103,896 -12- ._ - w_ 7 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES 7 1989-90 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1987 -88 1988-89 1988-89 1989-90 r TAXES 01 -310) : ( 311 -1110 Ad Valorem 274,137 285,000 285,000 326,000 312 -1230 County One Cent Gas 42,899 46,700 45,660 49,700 l 312 -1231 State Local Option Gas 147,379 165,300 157,5U7 171,700 313 -1300 Franchise Fees 257,974 263,400 256,806 259,100 7 314 -1400 Utility Service 233,994 241,200 233,809 340,730 TOTAL TAXES 956,383 1,001,600 978,782 1,147,230 7 LICENSES & PERMITS (01 -320) : 321 -2110 Occupational Licenses 18,128 17,000 18,000 19,000 329 -2910 Other Licenses & Permits 11,871 5,500 5,250 5,500 7 TOTAL LICENSES & PERMITS 29,999 22,500 23,250 24,500 7 INTERGOVERNMENTAL (01 -330): 334 -3490 State Grant -Camp Plan 5,271 13,179 13,179 -0- 335 -3510 State Cigarette Tax 32,816 33,100 32,456 34,921 335 -3520 State Revenue Sharing 184,827 179,025 178,965 179,956 r 335 -3530 State Mobile Home Lic. 8,705 9,000 8,500 9,000 ll 335 -3540 State Alcoholic Bev. Lic. 6,508 5,000 6,500 7,000 335 -3550 State Half -Cent Sales Tax 202,445 215,115 214,557 222,346 r 335 -3560 State Mote Fuel Tax 2,641 2,400 2,500 2,500 l 337 -3740 CO my Grant -Canal Dredging 10,000 -0- -0- -0- 337- 3770 County Grant - Recreation -0- 10,248 10,248 -0- n 338 -3810 County Occupational Lic. 13,836 14,500 14,000 14,500 338 -3820 County School Crossing 1,456 1,200 1,900 2,000 L 339 -3910 Lake Apopka Gas Contrib. 50,000 50,000 50,000 30,000 E TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL 518,505 532,767 532,805 502,223 CHARGES FOR SERVICES (01 -340) 7 347-4710 Activity Fees 1,035 1,300 1,250 1,300 347 -4720 Boat Ramp Fees 3,968 3,500 3,500 4,000 347 -4730 S.L Arts Council Tickets -0- 1,000 1,000 2,000 349 -4920 Administrative Services 80,959 85,010 85,010 89,685 l TOTAL CEARGES FOR SERVICES 85,962 90,810 90,760 96,985 7 FINES AND FORFEI1URES (01 -350) 359 -5910 Fines & Forfeitures 27,819 30,000 27,500 28,000 359 -5930 Law Enforces rent Education 923 800 1,000 1,000 7 TOTAL FINES AND FORFEITURES 28,742 30,800 28,500 29,000 MISCELLANEOUS (01 -360) r 361 -6100 Interest 98,795 101,200 89,000 96,000 l 362 -6200 Rentals 12,720 12,112 11,416 10,624 364 -6400 Fixed Assets Sales 2,371 4,500 6,551 2,500 7 366 -6600 Oontrib. & Reirbursement 16,503 8,000 11,463 5,000 369 -6910 Other 4,086 5,600 5,000 5,000 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS -13- 134,475 131,412 123,430 119,124 L TCTpL REVENUE 1,754,066 1,809,889 1,777,527 1,919,062 t 7 CITY OF CLEFMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND ,i ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES 1989 -90 7 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 , 1989 -90 7 CITY AIL (01- 510 -511) g, 300 10, 800 10,800 10,800 1200 Salaries &Benefits 314 1, 500 -0- 1, 500 3140 Prof .Services -Legal 1,176 1,000 1,500 1,500 4000 Travel & Per Dien 280 300 300 300 7 4680 Repair &Maim. - Egtugnent 1,662 662 1, 500 1, 500 1, 500 4900 Other Current Charges TOTAL CITY MUNCIL 12,732 15,100 14,100 15,600 CITY MANAGER (01- 510 -512) 1200 Salaries & Benefits 70,627 75,512 74,992 83,415 2400 Workers Compensation -0- 1,820 1,942 2,525 .. 4000 Travel & Per Diem 1,446 1,300 1,300 1,500 4500 Commercial Insurance 2,350 2,552 2,136 2,563 4620 Repair & Dint.- Vehicles 72 500 500 500 4680 Repair & Maint.- Equipment 1,507 1,200 831 00 4900 Other Current Charges 199 375 375 8 400 5210 Gas & Oil 564 800 800 5220 Tires & Batteries 170 200 200 200 5400 Subscriptions & Dues 1,087 1,000 1,000 1,200 6480 Capital Outlay - Equipment -0- 3,200 3,354 185 TOTAL CITY MANAGER 78,022 88,459 87,430 94,088 FINANCE (01- 510 -513) 1200 Salaries & Benefits 111,579 124,739 117,634 127,412 2400 Workers Compensation 686 803 957 1,244 3130 Prof .Services - Microfilm -0- 2,000 2,000 2,000 3132 Prof.Services- Impact Fee Study -0- -0- -0- 1,500 3200 Audit Fee 8,280 8,280 8,280 9,200 4000 Travel & Per Diem 1,221 1,250 1,200 1,250 -4100 Telephone 3,995 3,500 3,200 3,500 4300 Electric & Gas Service 2,387 2,500 2,136 2,500 4310 Water & Sewer Service 339 300 430 350 4500 Car¢rercial Insurance 4,682 5,110 3,462 4,154 4610 Repair & Maint. Buildings 4,470 5,500 4,800 5,700 4680 Repair & Maint. -Equipment Brent 7, 398 8,696 7,000 7,500 4710 Printing -0- 500 916 1,200 4900 Other Current Charges 233 550 800 600 5100 Office Supplies 5,627 5,600 5,600 6,500 5400 Subscriptions & Dues 945 1,000 1,000 1,000 6480 Capital Outlay -Equ pment 732 150 144 18,050 7091 Debt Service- Canputer 11,198 11,199 11,199 2,800 TOTAL FINANCE 163,772 181,677 170,758 196,460 -14- I 7 CITY OF CLERMONr, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND C ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT L' STAI�'RTP OF BUDGETS) F CPEDDITURES 1989 -90 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET C 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 CITY ATTORNEY (01-510-514) 7, 3140 Prof .Services- Lecgal 9,211 10,800 10,800 10,800 4000 Travel & Per Dien 30 200 200 200 4900 Other Current Charges -0- 50 50 50 r 5400 Subscription & Dues 495 450 450 450 C TOTAL CITY ATTORNEY 9,736 11,500 11,500 11,500 PLANNING AND ZONING (01- 510 -515) 7 1200 Salaries & Benefits 45,500 53,690 52,453 71,970 2400 Workers Canpensation 1,240 1,820 1,941 2,523 3100 Prof.Services- Engineering 9,157 12,000 12,000 12,000 7 3160 Prof.Services -Camp. Plan -0- 14,000 14,000 13,200 4000 Travel & Per Diem 758 1,000 1,000 1,200 4500 Canrercial Insurance 2,350 2,552 2,136 2,563 4620 Repair & Maint. Vehicles 367 300 300 300 4900 Other Current Charges 20 -0- 200 300 5100 Office Supplies 1,178 500 650 -0 5210 Gas & Oil 483 800 600 800 5220 Tires & Batteries 34 200 100 200 5400 Subscriptions & Dues 227 400 400 400 6480 Capital Outlay -Equipment -0- 4,650 4,879 860 - TOTAL PLANNING AND ZONING 61,314 91,912 90,659 106,316 L OTHER GENERAL GOVERNMENT (01-510-519) 3100 Prof.Services- Engineering 3,544 5,000 5,000 5,000 3131 Prof.Services- Software Training -0- -0- -0- 800 7 4800 Advertising 4,234 2,500 2,500 2,500 4900 Other Current Charges 6,601 5,000 6,000 7,500 TOTAL OTHER GENERAL GOVERNMENT 14,379 12,500 13,500 15,800 - TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 339,955 401,148 387,947 439,764 L 7 . 7 7 r -15 1 fl CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND POLICE DEPARTMENT STATEN OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES 1989-90 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 "� POLICE (01- 520 -521) 1200 Salaries &Benefits 430,614 511,070 493,747 578,919 . 2400 Workers Compensation 6,979 12,714 13,568 17,638 - 4000 Travel & Per Diem 390 500 807 1,000 4100 Telephone 1,410 1,500 1,700 1,825 - 4300 Electric & Gas Service 6,256 5,500 5,500 5,750 li 4310 Water & Sewer Service 1,065 850 850 850 .. 4400 Rentals -Eq pment -0- 720 720 720 4500 Canmercial Insurance 16,118 17,509 14,679 17,615 4610 Repair & Maim 3,983 4,000 4,000 4,000 .- Buildings . 4620 Repair & Maint. Vehicles 2,546 5,000 5,000 5,000 4680 Repair & Mai.nt.- Equipment 3,008 2,500 2,500 2,500 4900 Other Current Charges 2,267 2,500 2,500 2,700 4920 Investigative Expenses 1,325 2,000 2,000 2,000 4970 Emergency & Medical Services 503 1,500 1,500 1,500 5100 Office Supplies 3,468 3,000 3,750 3,750 5200 Operating Supplies -0- 1,500 1,500 2,200 5'210 Gas & Oil 15,194 16,000 16,500 17,500 5220 Tires & Batteries 2,619 2,000 2,300 2,600 5230 Uniforms 4,179 5,000 5,000 5,000 5240 Minor Equigrient 1,380 500 500 750 5400 Subscriptions & Dues 60 105 105 105 5410 Law Enforoeirent Education -0- 1,400 1,400 3,000 6420 Capital Outlay Vehicles 21,948 38,581 38,614 26,525 6480 Capital Outlay -Equipment -16 - -0- 19,749 19,749 15,856 TOTAL POLICE DEPARTMENI' 525,312 655,698 638,489 719,303 L CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA r , GENERAL FUND I FIRE DEPARTMENT STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENDrIURES r 1989 -90 L ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET [7 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 FIRE (01- 520 -522) 1 7 1200 Salaries & Benefits 6,580 6,988 6,988 6,997 L 2400 Workers Campensation -0- 2,080 2,220 2,886 4000 Travel & Per Diem 214 500 500 500 L 4100 Telephone 404 450 450 450 l 4500 Commercial Insurance 13,227 14,368 12,053 14,464 7 4610 Repair & Maint.- Buildings 17 200 200 200 4620 Repair & Maint. Vehicles 83 800 800 800 r l 4680 Repair & Maint.- Equipment 716 900 900 1,600 4900 Other Current Charges 194 470 470 470 7 5200 Operating Supplies 91 300 300 300 7 5210 Gas & Oil 132 283 283 400 5220 Tires & Batteries 306 200 200 200 r 5230 Uniforms 823 500 500 500 L 5240 Minor Equipment 297 500 500 500 E 5400 Subscriptions & Dues 170 180 180 180 7 6480 Capital Outlay -Equip rent -0- 500 500 -0- 7070 Debt Service -Fire Truck 26,284 26,285 26,285 19,713 7 'DOTAL FIRE DEPARTMENT' 49,538 55,504 53,329 50,160 7 L, 7 7 -17- 7 . i CITY OF CLEINT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARIMENT STATEMENT OF BUDGETED ECPENDI'IURES 1989-90 7 ACIUAL BUDGET EST HATED , BUDGET 7 1987 -88 1988-89 1988-89 1989-90 OTHER PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT (01 -530 - 539) 1200 Salaries & Benefits 45,331 56,987 44,833 55,517 `" 2400 Workers Compensation 2,387 2,315 2,472 3,214 3100 Prof.Services- Engineering 617 4,000 4,000 4,000 4000 Travel & Per Dien 610 420 400 900 4100 Telephone 1,315 1,450 1,450 1,450 " 4300 Electric & Gas Service 1,473 1,600 1,600 1,600 4310 Water & Sewer Service 617 650 820 650 4500 Ccrnmercial Insurance 6,466 7,022 5,875 7,050 500 4610 Repair & Maint. -Buildings 2,054 2,600 1,000 1, 500 4680 Repair & Maint.- Equigrent 619 220 500 5100 Office Supplies 299 520 520 520 5200 Operating Supplies 695 1,200 1,200 1,200 5210 Gas & Oil 333 400 400 570 5230 Uniforms 180 350 350 350 5240 Mind' Equipment 440 550 550 550 5400 Subscriptions & Dues 90 150 180 180 6480 Capital Outlay -Equipment -0- 6,850 6,850 3,000 TOTAL OTHER PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT 63,526 87,284 73,000 82,751 TRANSPORTATION (01 -540 -541) 1200 Salaries & Benefits 133,133 138,759 135,110 163,327 2400 Workers Compensation 7,852 4,727 5,044 6,557 3100 Prnf.Services- Engineering -0- -0- -0- -0- 4300 Electric & Gas Service 61,130 75,000 75,000 75,000 4400 Rentals- Equipment 85 500 500 500 4500 Commercial Insurance 12,249 13,303 11,128 13,354 4620 Repair & Maint. Vehicles 1,692 3,150 3,150 3,150 4630 Repair & Maint. -Street Signs 5,691 5,800 5,800 5,800 "`4631 Repair & Maint.- Streets -0- -0- -0- 17,500 4680 Repair & Maint. -Equipment 2,866 2,000 2,200 2,200 5210 Gas & Oil 6,738 6,500 7,637 9,295 5220 Tires & Batteries 968 1,045 1,200 1,200 5230 Uniforms 777 770 770 770 5240 Minor Equipment pmrent 1, 383 770 1,000 1,000 5250 Sidewalk Repair 2,258 2,800 2,800 2,800 5300 Road Materials 2,486 8,842 7,000 7,000 6300 Capital Outlay -Sts. & Sidewalks 222,399 51,640 51,640 - 0 - TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 461,707 315,606 309,979 309,453 -18- t 7 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND l PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES E l 1989-90 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 7 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 - 1989 -90 ANIMAL CONTROL (01- 560 -562) L 1200 Salaries &Benefits 9,556 8,069 8,136 11, 948 L 2400 Workers Oanpensation 459 236 252 328 4500 Carurercial Insurance 1,501 1,630 1,363 1,635 � 4620 Repair & Maint. Vehicles 2 200 200 200 LJ 4900 Other Current Charges 465 300 300 300 5210 Gas & Oil 614 650 750 929 7 5230 Uniforms 40 115 115 115 5240 Minor Ec �; Brent 304 125 125 125 5260 Dog Food 81 110 125 125 i n TOTAL ANIMAL COO, 13,022 11,435 11,366 15,705 L PARKS & RECREATION (01- 570 -572) 7 1200 Salaries & Benefits 120,408 155,278 146,131 183,927 2400 Workers Canpensation 3,536 4,585 4,892 6,360 3100 Prof.Services- Engineering 254 -0- -0- 0 7, 4100 Telephone 360 375 400 400 4300 Electric & Gas Service 16,459 17,000 17,000 15,900 4310 Water & Sewer Service 9,373 6,500 7,000 5,500 4400 Rentals-Equipment Brent -0- -0- -0- 500 4500 Caturercial Insurance 9,546 10,370 8,622 10,346 L 4610 Repair & Maint. Buildings 13,860 12,250 12,250 13,100 4620 Repair & Maint. Vehicles 281 1,300 1,300 1,300 � 1 4640 Repair & Maint. -Parks & Trees 5,102 6,000 6,600 6,600 LJ 4680 Repair & Maint. -E uiBrent 2,419 2,000 8,875 2,000 4900 Other Current Charges 253 110 110 110 n 5210 Gas & Oil 3,450 3,000 4,002 4,935 5220 Tires & Batteries 344 400 400 400 5230 Uniforms 1,000 700 700 700 5240 Minos Equipment 873 1,000 1,500 1,500 7 6110 Capital Outlay -Land 6,600 -0- -0- -0- L 6210 Capital Outlay Buildings 13,236 236 11,340 34 0 11,340 34 0 -0- 6310 Capital Outlay - Recreation 4,901 12,000 12,000 -0- 7 6320 Capital Outlay- Landscaping 6,403 5,000 5,000 15,000 6410 Capital Outlay- Cemetery 647 4,800 4,800 2,100 6480 Capital Outlay-Equipment 8,408 2,000 525 -0- E TOTAL PARKS AND RECREATION 227,713 256,008 253,447 270,678 L TOTAL AJBLIC WORKS 765,968 670,333 647,792 678,587 7 7 -19 7 ,. CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL RIND i ECONOMIC ENVIRCNM NT STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENDIgUR S . 1989-90 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED _ BUDGET 1987 -88 1988-89 1988-89 1989-90 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (01 -550 -558) • 4300 Electric & Gas Service -0- -0- -0- 1,100 4310 Water & Sewer Service -0- -0- -0- 200 4610 Repair & Maint. Buildings -0- -0- -0- 1,290 4820 Labor Day Celebration -0- -0- -0- 2,000 1 8200 Contributions - General -0- -0- -0- 1,500 TOTAL GANSER OF O N ERCE -0- -0- -0- 6,090 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (01 -550 -559) 5400 Subscriptions & Dues 1,175 2,500 2,500 2,500 8220 Contributions- Cannittees -0- 1,000 -0- -0- TOTAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1,175 3,500 2,500 2,500 TOTAL EODNCMIC ENVIRONMENT 1,175 3,500 2,500 8,590 i -20- • CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND HUMAN SERVICES STATEMENT OF BUDGETED E 'ED DI'IURES 1989 -90 I � ACTUAL BUDGET ESI' IMATID BUDGET 19 87 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 LAKE COMMTNITY ACT ION PGENCY (01 -560 -569) 8200 Contributions - General -0- -0- -0- 1,000 TOTAL HUMAN SERVICES -0- -0- -0- 1,000 E I E 7 ' - 21- 7 CITY OF CLER ONT, FLORIDA ORAL FUND 7 CULTURE/RECREATION STATEMEN] OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES 1989-90 _ 7 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1987 -88 1988-89 1988-69 1989-90 7 O OPER MEMORIAL LIBRARY (01- 570 -571) -0- -0- -0- 1, 251 7 4310 Water & Sewer Service 4500 Canrrercial Insurance 2,052 2,230 1,864 2,237 4610 Repair & Maint. Buil dings 250 1,275 1,275 4,250 4641 Repair & Maint. Lawns -0- -0- -0- 2,212 7080 Debt Service-Library 8,830 8,600 8,600 8, 400 41,500 47,000 47,000 50,200 8200 Contributions General _' TOTAL COOPER MEMORIAL LIBRARY 52,632 59,105 58,739 68,550 SC TH LAKE ARTS COUNCIL (01- 570 - 573) 3400 Performing Fees -0- 1,000 1,000 1, 2 4810 Promotion Fees 90 1,275 1,275 00 300 150 �. 4900 Other Current Changes -0- 1, -0- 3 3 00 3 00 150 8200 Contributions General TOTAL SOUTH LAKE ARTS COUNCIL 1,848 2,575 2,575 2,000 RECREATION PROGRAMS (01- 570 -579) -0- -0- 3,000 4900 Other Current Charges -0- 8200 Contributions General 606 5,000 5,000 -0- TOTAL RECREATION PROGRAMS 606 5,000 5,000 3,000 TOTAL CULTURE/RECREATION 55,086 66,680 66,314 73,550 TOTAL EXPENDITURES - GENERAL FUND 1,737,034 1,852,863 1,796,371 1,970,954 " -22- I E I E j L , , l [71 IIFRAsr1 JCIURE FUND [7 The Infrastructure Fund accounts for the proceeds of the Local Government Infrastructure Sales Tax approved by the residents of Lake County in 1987. The proceeds and interest approved thereto, are restricted by lady to be u only for the construction, reconstruction or improvement of public facilities. The Local Government Infrastructure Sales Tax proceeds are primarily budgeted for the debt service on a loan obtained to fund the development of �i the Twelfth St. Park and other projects funded out of the Building Construction Fund. �I fl r -23- CITY OF CLER ONT, FLORIDA INFRASTRUCTURE FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN RESERVES 1989 -90 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET .. 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 REVENUES TAXES 207,205 285,000 261,112 300,000 MISCELLANEQJS 1,609 500 9,618 15,000 C p l , ROES 208,814 285,500 270,730 315,000 EXPENDITURES - PUBLIC WORKS 89,620 114,800 114,800 130,900 TRANSFERS - OUT TRANSFER TO 'TWELFTH ST. PARK FUND 74,405 77,510 77,510 -0- TRANSFER TO BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FUND -0- 30,023 30,023 - 0 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS-OUT 164,025 222,333 222,333 130,900 EXCESS OF REVENUES WER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES 44,789 63,167 48,397 184,100 BEGINNING RESERVES -0- 5,075 44,789 93,186 ENDING RESERVES 44,789 68,242 93,186 277,286 -24- I c i i OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA INFRASTRUCIURE FUND STATEMENT OF BUEGE;1W REVENUES 1989 -90 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1987-88 1988-89 1988-89 1989-90 TAXES (12 -310) 312 -1201 Local Option Sales Tax 207,205 285,000 261,112 300,000 TOTAL TAXES 207,205 285,000 261,112 300,000 MISCELLANEOUS (12 -360) 361 -6100 Interest 1,609 500 9,618 15,000 TOTAL MISCEGLANEQJS 1,609 500 9,618 15,000 TOTAL REVENUE 208,814 285,500 270,730 315,000 E E E -25- 7 QTY OF CLEFMONr, FLORIDA J INFRASTRUCTURE FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES . i 1989 -90 ACIUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988-89 1989 -90 7 OTHER GENERAL GOVERNMENT (12- 510 -519) -0- 80, 000 7 7062 Debt Service -1989 Loan -0- -0- TONAL OTHER GENERAL GOVERNMENT - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - 80,000 7 OTHER PHYSICAL ENVIRCNMENr (12- 530 -539) -0- 10,000 6320 Capital Outlay- Landscapping -0- -0- TOTAL OTHER PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT -0- -0- -0- 10,000 TRANSPORTATION (12 -540 -541) 3100 Prof. Services- Engineering -0- 33,658 33,658 - 0 - 6330 Capital Outlay- Sts /Sidewalks 89,620 81,142 81,142 31,000 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 89,620 114,800 114,800 31,000 PARKS AND RECREATION (12- 570 -572) -0- 9,900 6310 Capital Outlay- Recreation - 0 - -0- TOTAL PARKS AND RECREATION -0- -0- -0- 9,900 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 89,620 114,800 114,800 130,900 -26- I ' Ft E L l% E 'IWELFIH ST. PARK FUND The 'It zel f th St. Park Fund accounts for the develogr ent of the 'IWelfth St. Park recreation site. Financing will be obtained fran a canbination of a loan secured by the Local Government Infrastructure Sales Tax Proceeds, donations and grants. r- E E E -27 4 J s CITY OF CLEFMONT, FLORIDA .] I TWELFTH ST. PARK FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHAFES IN RESERVES 1989-90 .] ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED EUEGET 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 REVENUES INr AL 145,365 46,000 46,000 —0— .. NON—REVENUES — — — —0— TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 80,241 —0 0 TRANSFER FROM -0— INFRASTRUCTURE FUND 74,405 77,510 77,510 DEBT PROCEEDS —0— —0— —0— 775,000 TOTAL NON—REVENUES 154,646 77,510 77,510 775,000 TOTAL REVENUE AND NON—REVENUE 300,011 123,510 123,510 775,000 EXPENDI1URES CULTURE/RECREATION 300,011 123,510 123,510 775,000 EXCESS OF REVENUES & NW—REVENUES CNER (UNDER) _ —0 — 1 E�IDI'IURES —0— —0— BEGINNING RESERVE ENDING RESERVE —0 —28— CITY OF CLERMONr, FLORIDA TWELFTH ST. PARK FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGE r i REVENUES �I 1989-90 ACTUAL BUDGET EsrimmED BUDGET 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 INTERGOVERNMENTAL (31 -330) I LI 334 -3491 State Grant - Recreation 145,365 46,000 46,000 -0- 7 TOTAL REVENUES 145,365 46,000 46,000 -0- 1 ` 7 7 L E 1 L E1 -2 9- 4 CITY OF CLERMJNT, FLORIDA TWELFTH ST. PARK FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES 1989-90 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 CULTURE/REcREATION (31- 570 -572) 3100 Prof. Services- Engineering -0- 30,110 30,110 -0- 6110 Capital Outlay -Land 300,011 93,400 93,400 -0- _ 6311 Capital Outlay -Park -0- -0- -0- 775,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 300,011 123,510 123,510 775,000 I I R -30- E r I nI I BUILDING CONSr JCPION FUND The Building Construction Fund accounts for the construction/expansion of major capital facilities. Capital Projects budgeted in the 1989 -90 Fiscal Year include the construction of a new Public Works canplex, ■ [7 expansion of the Police Station and expansion/relccation of City Hall. Financing for these projects will be obtained primarily fran a loan secured by the Local Government Infrastructure Sales Tax. LJ 1 r -31- E 7 , , QTY OF C ERMONT, FLORIDA BUILD= CONSTRUCTION FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND GIANGES IN RESERVES 1989 -90 ACTUAL BUDGET ESP DATED BUDGET .. 198'1 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 19 89-9 0 REVENUES -0- -0- -0-- -0- NON - REVENUES TRANSFER FROM INFRASTRUCTURE FUND -0- 30,023 30,023 - 0 - DEBT PROCEEDS -0- -0- -0- 1,225,000 - TOTAL NON - REVENUES -0- 30,023 30,023 1,225,000 EXPENDITURES ADMINISTRATION -0-- -0- -0- 340, 000 1 POLICE -0- -0- -0- 325,000 PUBLIC WORKS -0- 30, 023 30, 023 440, 000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES -0- 30, 023 30,023 1,105, 000 EXCESS OF NON - REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPEvDITURES -0- -0- -0- 120,000 BEGINNING RESERVE -0- -0- -0- -0- ENDING RESERVE -0- -0- -0- 120,000 . . i -32- I I CITY OF CLERMJNT, FLORIDA BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES 1989-90 ACIUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET C I 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 ADMINISTRATION (33- 510 -519) [7, 6210 Capital Outlay Buildings -0- -0- -0- 340,000 POLICE (33- 520 -521) 6210 Capital Outlay - Buildings -0- -0- -0- 325,000 L � PUBLIC WORKS (33 -530 -539) _ 3100 Prof. Services - Engineering -0- 9,223 9,223 -0- 6210 Capital Outlay Buildings -0- 20,800 20,800 440,000 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS -0- 30,023 30,023 440,000 [7 TOTAL EXPEND IURES -0- 30,023 30,023 1,105,000 rI L 1 E E i r -33- L ' 7; , , 7 7 .._ 7 7 :,� 7 , , 7 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . 1 -34- 1 7 UTILITY FUND REVENUE 7 1989 -90 $2,509,915 [ ^ Transfers —In Reserves « � . 25.90% « < < : : < :f, . <ik > 24.60 7 E. v is"Y+..'`.r^i . ' ,, � aLv2 . y "� ,`• " ,'C . : _ :). i �k -` ti' :•?tic �- r l .. \ O ki i {: ,,,, Miscellaneous � u ,! , f 3 1 tffi: iy1 3 "+v --r_,.,,,_-_.T"'; s 7 • 9 0 / O i f f '."': ..-�- _ ..�s F f 'S-' f y `:-r` .r- a � ti � `" 1 - ', ` ' Y �', �. „,,,,, `- mss... -✓, z Z 1 Ell - ,, .r. , _ , ..,--1- 1 ,--L1- 4 ,__,-..- 5 „ 1. Charges for I -� u z-.,:3 Serv rr � -�, 45.60% L UTILITY FUND 7 The Utility Fund accounts fo the provision of water and sewer services to the residents o the City• All activities necessary 7 t the provision of these services are acco>mted for in this fund, including but not limited to administration, plant and line maintenance. I l UTILITY FUND EXPENDITURES � � 1989 -90 $2,509,915 fl ).Y. Debt �xxx4�; Serv w. . . ,�, < i ,.'i, . t >n #, ^ orate 1 q. M1 2., : 4:' , - 4 , Capital Outlay ' 3 :0: 11,41 12.20% 7 5 6.9 0 , . f. < {„ # .pi '' 11Y,111 ! i iiii I $. t :! ! f � -,41 `..=--- � : .� ,I, 11I i � Ferso nal 7 : ' Mill' _ tip...: . _ 4 s Services i :, � .. :.ill: .� • - °•.._ ,..,._- _` . <i ...: £ iicili r i .i, : l�iiiiii @:: - -c.; n v l: : li ra: : it ' - - = f . - 7 , ..'s 'h 1,: ' vf i lair ia: _- dirt- , . ,i: - - -_- .. +n : Y .L! jil� •i # `l i d: i; - -'- il' 1-i 'i' ` ` ' .`1`t Operating Ex , l� : � lf: �i . 7 2040% 7 —35- 7 71 QTY OF C,ERMONT, FLORIDA UTILITY FUMED STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN RESERVES 1989-90 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 7 1987 -8 8 19 88 -8 9 19 88 -8 9 19 89 -9 0 REVENUES CHARGES FOR SERVICES 1,046,530 064 1,060,800 1, 622 1, 177, 599 1,144,000 98, 000 MISCELLANEQJS TOT AL ROES 1,153, 594 1,182,422 1,273, 599 1,242,000 1 TRANSFERS - IN TRANSFER FROM 1988 LOAN PROCEEDS FUMED -0- 345,000 345,000 - 0 - - TRANSFER FRC I IMPROVEME1 TT, REPAIR & REPLACEMENT FUND -0- 100,291 100,291 -0- _ TRANSFER FROM UTILITY BENEFIT FEE FUND -0- -0- -0- 650,000 TRANSFER FROM CAPITAL IMPRGJ1 r FUND -0- 129,304 129,304 -0- 1 Tarm TRANSFERS -IN -0- 574,595 574,595 650,000 TOTAL REVENUE & TRANSFERS -IN 1,153,594 1,757,017 1,848,194 1,892,000 • EXPENSES WATER 351,014 679,019 668,557 773,584 WATER SEWER 534,144 910,430 883,228 1,736,331 AL EXPENSES 885,158 1,589,449 1,551,785 2,509,915 EXCESS OF REVENUES & TRANSFERS -IN OVER (UNDER) EXPENSES 268,436 167,568 296,409 (617, 915) ym ' BEGINNING RESERVES 778,911 1,193,381 1,047,347 1,343,756 ENDING RESERVES 1,047,347 1,360,949 1,343,756 725,841 -36- 11 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA [7, UTILITY FUND STATEMENT OF BU GE TtO REVENUES 1989 -90 7 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1987 -88 1988 -89 1988 -89 1989 -90 rl ll CHARGES FOR SERVICES (41 -340) 343 -4331 Water Sales 417,655 426,000 450,000 486,000 n 343 -4332 Water Tapping Fees 13,504 13,000 16,000 15,000 L 345 -4533 Sewer Service Sales 615,337 620,000 630,000 642,000 345 -4534 Sewer Connection Fees 34 1,800 -0- 1,000 7 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 1,046,530 1,060,800 1,096,000 1,144,000 MISCELLANEC JS (41 -340) r' 343 -4336 Water -Other 7,897 4,000 6,750 5,000 l / 343 -4350 Water - Interest 43,984 37,000 55,500 36,000 345 -4536 Sewer -Other 2,186 36,622 45,249 8,000 r , 345 -4550 Sewer- Interest 52,997 44,000 70,100 49,000 l � TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 107,064 121,622 177,599 98,000 LIB TOTAL RAE 1,153,594 1,182,422 1,273,599 1,242,000 7 r L 7 7 F , 7 r - 7 L -37- i 7 ..] CITY OF CLERMONr, FLORIDA UTILITY FUND WATER DEPARIVENr STATEMENT OF BUDGE'1'rl) EXPENSES "� 1989-90 J ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED_ BUDGET 7 1987-88 1988-89 1988-89 1989-90 WATER (41- 530 - 533) 1200 Salaries & Benefits 84,090 92,797 82,477 93,663 ak 2400 Workers Canpensation 3,966 1,607 1,715 2,229 3100 Prof.Services- Engineering 4,899 17,050 17,050 57,823 ;13120 Prof.Services- Laboratory 4,609 2,700 6,500 7,000 7 3132 Prof .Services- Impact Fee Study -0- -0- -0- 750 3200 Audit Fees 3,127 2,880 2,880 3,200 4000 Travel & Per Diem 62 1,500 1,200 1,500 4100 Telephone 3,187 3,200 3,151 3,200 4200 Postage & Freight 2,350 2,400 2,182 2,400 4300 Electric & Gas Service 55,157 55,000 56,500 57,000 7 4310 Water & Sewer Service 1,177 800 700 800 4400 Rentals - Equipment -0- 200 -0- 200 4500 Commercial Insurance 17,493 19,000 15,800 18,960 4610 Repair & Maint. Buildings 191 900 34 900 4620 Repair & Maint. Vehicles 701 1,000 828 1,000 4650 Repair & Maint.- Meters 4,887 6,000 8,185 6,000 4660 Repair & Maint. -Tanks -0- 1,000 -0- 1,000 4670 Repair & Maint.- Systems 3,342 3,500 2,801 3,500 4680 Repair & Maint.- Equipment 3,816 8,800 7,000 10,600 4800 Advertising 127 50 50 50 4940 Administrative Services 25,113 26,370 26,370 27,820 4950 Uncollectable Accounts 489 750 750 750 5200 Operating Supplies 1,638 2,300 1,503 2,300 5210 Gas & Oil 2,358 3,500 2,800 3,500 5220 Tires & Batteries 44 500 409 500 5230 Uniforms -0- 500 500 600 5240 Minor Equipment 1,152 2,000 4,000 2,000 5270 chlorine 8,923 9,500 9,200 9,500 5400 Subscriptions & Dues 160 200 330 350 6341 Capital Outlay -Water System 1,500 312,300 312,300 346,500 6420 Capital Outlay Vehicle -0- 8,000 7,711 7,900 6480 Capital Outlay-Equipment 27,823 15,250 12,900 16,100 7030 Debt Service -1976 Bowl 4,829 -0- -0- -0- 7040 Debt Service-1980 Bond 62,741 -0- -0- -0- 7061 Debt Service -1988 Loan 21,063 77,465 80,731 83,989 TOTAL EXPENSES 351,014 679,019 668,557 773,584 " -38- 7 CITY OF C[,ER'tNI', FLORIDA L UTILITY FUN SEWER DEPARTMENT' 7 STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENSES l 1989 -90 7 ACIUAL BUDGET ESr ImTED . BUDGET 1987 -88 1988-89 1988-89 1989-90 7 SEWER (41- 530 -535) 1200 Salaries & Benefits 120,529 136,728 127,965 163,424 2400 Workers Carrpensation 4,390 3,734 3,984 5,179 3100 Prof .Services - Engineering 5,265 91,754 104,148 33,400 7 3120 Prof.Services- Laboratory 11,914 8,000 5,600 8,000 3132 Prof.Services- Impact Fee Study -0- -0- -0- 750 7 3150 Prof .Services -Immunizations -0- 600 600 600 3200 Audit Fee 4,387 4,140 4,140 4,600 4000 Travel & Per Diem 718 1,500 1,200 1,500 4100 Telephone 1,707 1,750 1,611 1,750 7 4200 Etstage & Freight 2,336 2,800 2,268 2,800 4300 Electric & Gas Service 77,546 93,772 78,790 95,000 4310 Water & Sewer Service 1,633 3,000 1,000 3,000 4400 Rentals- Equignent 223 200 -0- 200 4500 Ccmrercial Insurance 17,169 18,570 17,606 21,127 E 4610 Repair & Maint.- Buildings 1,987 1,500 1,000 1,500 I 4620 Repair & Maint. Vehicles 431 1,000 550 1,000 1 4670 Repair & Maint.- Systens 15, 324 21, 200 21, 200 25, 000 4680 Repair & Maint.- Equipment 22,162 25,000 23,800 22,800 4800 Advertising 593 700 600 7C0 7 4940 Administrative Services 37, 669 39, 554 39, 554 41, 729 4950 Uncollectable Accounts 1,195 1,000 1,000 1,000 5200 Operating Supplies 3,203 5,500 4,500 8,700 5210 Gas & Oil 2,126 3,000 2,600 3,000 7 5220 Tires & Batteries 418 600 550 600 L 5230 Uniforms -0- 500 500 500 5240 Minor Equipment pment 2, 059 2,000 2,007 2,100 7 5270 Chlorine 2,806 4,500 3,550 4,500 5280 Sewage Pretreat Chemicals 19,526 12,000 12,000 -0- 5290 Laboratory Supplies 1,272 2,300 1,300 5400 Subscriptions & Dues 2,300 �" l 6110 Capital Outlay-Land 57 200 -0- 1, 120 1,228 1, 200 1,227 -0 - 6210 Capital Outlay - Buildings 9,315 -0- -0- 17,000 7 6340 Capital Outlay -Sewer Systen 6,972 189,085 189,085 1,028,683 6420 Capital Outlay Vehicles -0- -0- -0- 12,000 6480 Capital 'Outlay-Equipment 14,718 14,250 7,142 -0- 7020 Debt Service -1972 Bond 80,375 141,300 141,300 137,700 E ^ 7030 Debt Service -1976 Bowl 4,829 -0- -0- L 7060 Debt Service -1984 Bond 38,227 -0- -0- _ 7061 Debt Service-1988 Loan 89 21, 063 77,465 465 80,731 731 83,9 989 7 TOTAL EXPENSES 534,144 910,430 883,228 1,736,331 7 [7 -39- E rI IL/ i 'L = L r' SANITATION FUND L The Sanitation Elrod accounts for the provision of garbage and trash removal services to the residents of the City. All activities necessary to the provision of these services are accounted for in this fund. f fl L E E- 41- e CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA SANITATION FUND STATEM Nr OF BUDGETED REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN RESERVES 1989-90 ACIUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1987 -88 1988-89 1988 -89 1989-90 REVENUES CHARGES FOR SERVICES 268,989 275,000 275,000 390,000 MISCELLANEQJS 11,218 9,000 12,840 12,000 TOTAL REVENUES 280,207 284,000 287,840 402,000 EXPENSES 250,249 264,809 262,072 403,754 EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENSES 29,958 19,191 25,768 (1,754) BEGINNING RESERVES 126,925 145,124 156,883 182,651 ENDING RESERVES 156,883 164,315 182,651 180,897 I e -42- QTY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA SANITATION FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED REVENUES 1989-90 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1987 -88 1988-89 1988-89 1989-90 L J CUES FOR SERVICES (49 -340) 344 -4435 Sanitation Service Fees 268,989 275,000 275,000 390,000 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 268,989 275,000 275,000 390,000 MISCELLANEOUS (49 -340) r7 344 -4450 Interest 11,218 9,000 12,840 12,000 TO'T'AL MISC'ELLANE70US 11,218 9,000 12,840 12,000 TOTAL REVENUE 280,207 284,000 287,840 402,000 I n L ; 1, L, E -43- 1 i CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA SANITATION FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGETED EXPENSES 1989-90 . AC'ILTAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUEGET 1987 -88 19_ 1988 -89 - 1989 -90 SANITATION (49- 530 -534) 147,389 153,532 143,740 164,509 1200 Salaries & Benef its 7 2400 Workers Ccmpensation 14,649 10,824 11,551 15,016 : 3200 Audit Fee 2,700 2,700 2,700 3,000 7 4200 Postage & Freight 2,329 2,500 2,500 2,800 4500 Oxtmercial Insurance 7,835 8,510 7,118 8,541 4620 Repair & Maint. Vehicles 7,505 7,500 8,250 9,650 4680 Repair & Maint. -Equipment 236 300 300 300 4800 Advertising -0- 50 50 50 4900 Other Current Charges 47 100 250 250 ` 4930 Landfill Charges 35,466 44,880 50,000 160,000 4940 Administrative Services 18,177 19,086 19,086 20,136 4950 Uncollectable Accounts 862 600 600 600 5210 Gas & Oil 9,223 10,000 11,600 14,300 . 5220 Tires & Batteries 2,498 2,750 2,750 3,025 5230 Uniforms 987 1,177 1,177 1,177 ' 5240 Minor gquiprent 346 300 400 400 , AL EXPEND 250,249 264,809 262,072 403,754 -44- E f it n CEMETERY PERPEMAL CARE FUND The Cemetery Perpetual Care Ftiurd accounts for the sale of lots in the City cemetery. The lot sales must be maintained in the Cemetery Fund, however, interest is transferred to the General Fund to defray the oast of cemetery operation and maintenance. E E E L E P -45- CITY OF a EANDNT, FLORIDA CEMETERY PERPETUAL CARE FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGE: 11V REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN RESERVES 1989 -90 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1987 -88 1988-89 1988-89 19.89 -90 REVENUES MIS CE LLANEa1s 18, 381 16, 500 22, 000 22, 000 EXPENDITURES -0- -0- -0- -0- TRANSFERS -CUT TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 10,131 10, 000 13, 000 13, 000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS-CUT 10,131 10, 000 13, 000 13, 000 1DCCESS OF REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES & TRANS1>;RS 8, 250 6, 500 9, 000 9, 000 BEGINNING RESERVE 130,920 137,420 139,170 148,170 ENDING RESET 139,170 143,920 148,170 157,170 1 1 1 -46- QTY OF C LEFMONT, FLORIDA l CEMETEIff FERPE'IAL C7,RE FUND STATEMENT OF BUrX rri) REVENUES 1989 -90 ACIUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1987-88 1988-89 1988-89 19.89 -90 MISCELLANEOUS (61 -360) L 361 -6105 Interest 10,131 10, 000 13, 000 13, 000 L 364 -6411 Cemetery Lot Sales 8,250 6,500 9,000 9,000 'TOTAL REVENUE 18,381 16,500 22,000 22,000 I ' E n E E E - 47- ' r r 1" SCHEDULES r L E Schedules are presented to provide support or additional data for various r components of the budgeted revenue and expenditure statements. The E Schedule of Budgeted Capital Outlay Expenditures provides a detailed description of the approved capital outlay items as well as funding sources. r The Schedule of Job Classification /Pay Grades shows all approved positions l , with corresponding pay ranges. The Schedule of Approved Positions shows the number of approved full -time and part-time positions for each department E for the 1988 -89 and 1989 -90 fiscal years. E r 1", E l 11 r r E. CITY OF C ER4DIW, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND CITY MANAGEMENT SCHEDULE OF BUDGE;1'i CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES 19 89 - 19 90 FUND ITEM ACCOUNT # AMOUNT SOURCE L j Transcriber 01- 510 - 512 -6480 185 GENERAL TOTAL 185 L1 L' II L I I 7 �1 -49- 7 CITY OF CLERMONI', FLORIDA ^� GENERAL FUND J FINANCE SCHEDULE OF BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES 19 89 -19 90 7 FUND _ 7 ITEM ACOOUNI' # AMOUNT SC RC E -- Personal CcRputer 01- 510 - 513 -6480 3,400 GENERAL Printer 01 -510 -513 -6480 700 GENERAL - Software-Accounting Upgrade 01- 510 - 513 -6480 2,840 GENERAL 11 Upgrade GENERAL Software -Payro 01 -510 - 513 -6480 1,160 G L Desk 01- 510 - 513 -6480 450 GENERAL Dopy Machine 01- 510 -513 -6480 9,500 GENERAL TOTAL 18,050 -50- _ i CITY OF CGEI DNT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND PLANNING & ZONING SClEtXJLE OF BUDGelt1) CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDI'IURES rr 19 89 -19 90 FUND ITEM ACCOUNT # AMOUNT SOURCE Filing Cabinet (1) 01- 510 -515 - 6480 300 GENERAL (lair (1) 01 -510 -515 - 6480 160 GENERAL Map Rack 01- 510 -515 - 6480 400 GENERAL 'DOTAL 860 I , L' E I -51- I R: CITY OF CLENI', FLORIDA GENERAL FUND EICE SCHEDULE OF BUDGei ) CAPITAL UPILAY EXPENDITURES 1989 -1990 ` FUND ITEM ACCCUNr # AMOUNT SOURCE Police Vehicles (2) 01- 520 - 521 -6420 26,525 GENERAL TOTAL 26,525 Canputer Terminals (2) 01- 520 - 521 -6480 7,500 GENERAL Software-Accident Records 01 -520- 521 -6480 400 GENERAL Software -Alarm Records 01- 520 - 521 -6480 400 GENERAL Chairs (2) 01- 520 - 521 -6480 416 GENERAL Typewriter Tables (2) 01- 520 -521 -6480 200 GENERAL Dispatcher's Time Clock 01- 520 -521 -6480 625 GENERAL Television Set 01 -520- 521 -6480 300 GENERAL Night Vision Systen 01- 520 - 521 -6480 5,665 GENERAL Rifle w Scope (1) 01- 520 -521 -6480 350 GENERAL TOTAL 15,856 -52- _ 7 CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND R]B(LIC WORKS - OTHER PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT SCHEDULE OF BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES 19 89 - 19 90 I r" FUND = L 1 ITEM ACCOUNT # AMOUNT SOURCE [� Cop Machine 01 -530- 539 -6480 1,500 GENERAL Software 01- 530 - 539 -6480 1,500 GENERAL � TOTAL 3,000 , [7 [ 1 n i �l I '�I 7 , 1 -53- CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND PUBLIC WORKS - PARKS & RECREATION SCHEDULE OF BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES 1989 -1990 1 FUND _ ITEZi ACCOUNT # ANDUNT SOURCE 'General Landscaping 01- 570 - 572 - 6320 5,000 GENERAL `Christmas Decorations 01- 570 -572 - 6320 10,000 GENERAL TOTAL 15,000 CYarnrial Niche 01- 570 - 572 - 6410 2,100 GENERAL -54- CITY OF CLERMJNr, FLORIDA INFRASTRUCTURE FUND BJECIC WORKS - OTHER PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT SCHEDULE OF BUDGETED CAPITAL C YILAY EXPENDI1URES 1989-90 l FUND SaTRCE ITEM ACO�TNI' # �� Highway 50 Median 10,000 INFRASTRUCTURE 12 -530 -539 -6320 10, I . , IL) I 'L L lj l, - 55- ro r, CITY OF C LERMONT, FLORIDA INFRASTRUCTURE FUND PUBLIC WORKS - TRANSPORTATION SCHEDULE OF BUG: i'EV CAPITAL C UTLAY EXPEENDPIURES 19 89 - 19 90 FUND ITIIM ACOJUNT # AMOUNT SOURCE Disston Street Completion 12- 540 - 541 - 6330 25,000 IpiFRASTRUCTURE Sidewalk Completion - Pitt Street 12- 540 - 541 -6330 6,000 INFRASTRUCIURE TOTAL 31,000 -56- CITY OF CLERM ONT, FLORIDA INFRASTRUCTURE FUND PUBLIC WORKS - PARKS AND RECREATION SCHEDULE OF BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES 19 89 -19 90 FUND l ' ITEM ACCOUNT # AMOUNT SCURCE lj Resurfacing of Kehlor Park Tennis Courts 12- 570 - 572 -6310 4,900 INFRASTRUCTURE [71 Kehlor Park Improvements 12- 570 - 572 -6310 5,000 INFRASTRUCTURE L' SAL 9,900 ; [1 i ,7 i Lit , fl -57- J CITY OF CLE1 oNr, FLORIDA BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FUND SCHEDULE OF BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES 1989-90 FUND ITEM ACCOUNT # AMOUNT SOURCE 1 >, , ansion or Relocation of City Hall 33- 510 -519- 6210 34 0, 000 DEBT PROCEEDS Exiiansion of Police Station 33 -520- 521 -6210 325,000 DEBT PROCEEDS construction of New Public Works Complex 33- 530 -539 -6210 440,000 DEBT PROCEEDS -58- CITY OF cumodurn., FLORIDA UTILITY FUND WATER SCHEDULE OF BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDI'IUR.ES 1989 -1990 FUND _ ITEM ACCOUNT # AM7UNr SCURCE E � Water Main Replacement - Phase II 41 530 -533 -6341 346,500 UTILITY l Light Duty Pick -up Truck w/Radio 41- 530 - 533 -6420 r'1 7,900 UTII,I'Iy Pipe Fittings 41 530 - 533 -6480 16,100 UrIL,ITY L ; n n E 1 - 59- CITY OF CLEr DNr, FLORIDA UTILITY FUND SEWER SCHEDULE OF BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES 1989 -19 90 FUND - ITEM ACOJUNI' # ANCUNr SQJRCE Sludge Storage Pad 41- 530 - 535 -6210 17,000 UTILITY Replacement of Lift Station #2 41-530-535-6340 120,000 UTILITY Force Main 41- 530 -535 -6340 183,500 UTILITY Flow Equalization ization Tank 41- 530 -535 -6340 650,000 UTILITY BENEFIT FEES Flow Equalization Tank 41- 530 - 535 -6340 75,183 UTILITY TOTA 1,028,683 Pick -Up Truck 41- 530 -535 -6420 12,000 UTILITY 4 -60- CITY Y CFO ERMaNT, ETORI A SCHEDULE OF JCB CLASSIFICATIONS/PAY GRADES L 1989 -90 HC URLY ANNUAL 7 QASSIFICATTOH GRADE RAGE RMGE I l Service Worker I 5 4.71 -7.53 9,797 - 15,662 C'lerkelypist I 5 4.71 -7.53 9,797 - 15,662 , 7 Service Worker II 6 4.95 -7.92 10,296- 16,474 _ Clerk Typist II 6 4.95 -7.92 10,296-16,474 - r Service Worker III 7 5.18 -8.33 10,774- 17,326 Clerk Typist III 7 5.18 -8.33 10,774- 17,326 7 Animal Control /Street Sign Tech. 8 5.44 -8.74 11,315- 18,179 Comuuications Dispatcher 8 5.44 -8.74 11,315- 18,179 Mechanic I 8 5.44 -8.74 11,315 - 18,179 7 Wastewater Plant Operator 8 5.44 -8.74 11,315- 18,179 Crew C2uef 9 5.73 -9.20 11,918-19,136 I IPM P1anrurg & Zoning Technician 10 6.02 -9.62 12,522 - 20,010 Amounting Clerk 10 6.02 -9.62 12,522- 20,010 Wastewater Plant Operator II 10 6.02 -9.62 12,522- 20,010 Fbre�uan 11 6.31 -10.11 13,125 -21, 029 Agin. Assistant /Secieatary 12 6.66 -10.66 13,853- 22,173 Utility Billing /Service Clerk 13 7.01 -11.19 14,581- 23,275 Chief )Ediaruc 13 7.01 -11.19 14,581- 23,275 Senior Accounting Clerk 13 7.01 -11.19 14,581- 23,275 Chief Wastewater Plant Crerator 13 7.01 -11.19 14,581 - 23,275 7 Maintenance '.fec`nanic 13 7.01 -11.19 14,581-23,275 Code Ehforoer /Inspector 15 7.70 -12.33 16,016- 25,639 7 es Supervis 15 7.70 -12.33 16,016-25,639 L , Police Off>aer 15 7.70 -12.33 16,016- 25,639 1 Police Co 00"1 al 16 7.89-12.92 16,411- 26,874 Police Investigator 17 8.40 -13.53 17,472- 28,142 Police Sargent 17 8.40 -13.53 17,472- 28,142 i 7 1 7 MERIT SYSTEM: Each employee upon evaluation by his Department Head is eleigbble for a merit increase on his or her arvuversari date. In addi t ion, employees ,.d:o } ave been with the City five (5) years are eligible for an additional 1% per year merit in- n crease annually on their anniversary date. E with ten (10) years of service, 2% per year. Employees with fifteen (15) or more years an additional 3% per year increase. Additional merit increases are not awarded when an employee has reached the upper limit of his pay grade. n n -61- k CITY OF CL,EI vNT, FLORIDA SCHEDULE OF APPROVED POSITIONS BY DEPARTMENT 1989 -90 1988 -89 1989 =90 Full -Time General Furd City Manager 2.00 2.00 Finance 4.25 4.00 Planning & Zoning 1.75 2.50 Police - Officers 16.00 16.00 . - Other 5.00 6.00 Public Works - Transportation 6.00 7.00 - Animal Control .50 .50 - Parks & Recreation 8.25 9.25 - Other Physical Environment 2.00 2.50 Total General Fund - Full -Time 45.75 49.75 Utility Fund Water 3.00 4.00 Sewer 6.00 6.00 Total Utility Fund - Full -Tune 9.00 10.00 Sanitation Fund 8.25 8.25 Total Full -Time 63.00 68.00 Part -Time General Fund Finance 1.00 1.00 Planning & zoning 1.00 0.00 Police 2.00 1.00 Public Works -Other Phhsical Environment 1.00 0.00 Total General Fund - Part -Tune 5.00 2.00 Utility Furd Water 1.00 0.00 Total Part -Tune 6.00 2.00 -62-