WHEREAS, public transportation is an essential element for sustaining a vibrant
business community, fostering a strong economic climate, creating hubs for new business,
cultural and tourism activities, as well as adding in redevelopment efforts; and
WHEREAS, it is more critical than ever to provide the traveling public with
transportation alternatives as gasoline prices are soaring and new federal air quality standards for
ozone put Central Flonda at risk of being declared a non - attainment area which could result in
sanctions being imposed; and
WHEREAS, travel demand in Central Florida is growing and expected to rapidly
increase in the coming decades, and alternative forms of transportation must be provided at the
local, regional and state level to provide a sustainable future for the State of Florida; and
WHEREAS, there is currently a lack of transportation alternatives for commuters in
Orange, Osceola, Seminole, and Volusia Counties in Central Florida; and
WHEREAS, following more than a decade of planning, SunRail, Central Florida's first
passenger rail line, was unanimously approved by the governing bodies of Orange, Osceola,
Seminole, and Volusia Counties, and the City of Orlando ( "Local Government Partners "); and
WHEREAS, the 61.5 mile commuter rail project from Volusia County to Osceola
County provides a transportation alternative for 15 percent of the state's population and direct
connections with two of the region's largest employers; and
WHEREAS, an economic impact analysis of the planned system shows more than $981
million in commercial business sales and 11,523 jobs tied to construction and operation of the
system over the next 30 years; and
WHEREAS, an economic impact analysis of future transit- oriented development plans
along the 61.5 mile system shows such development within a half -mile radius of the station stops
is expected to directly account for an additional 38,310 permanent jobs in Orange, Osceola,
Seminole and Volusia Counties; and
WHEREAS, an economic impact analysis shows a secondary impact, realized when
workers spend earnings in the area, is forecasted to exceed $2.5 billion; and
WHEREAS, financial commitments for SunRail have been made by the Local
Government Partners and state funding is contained in the Five -Year Work Program of the
Florida Department of Transportation; and
WHEREAS, implementation of SunRail will result in overall social and environmental
benefits, improve the quality of life in the state, stimulate economic growth, create new
employment opportunities, and serve as a positive growth management catalyst; and
WHEREAS, SunRail will greatly benefit all of the citizens of and visitors in the region,
and is needed in order to relieve traffic congestion in the 1 -4 corridor; and
WHEREAS, SunRail represents a strong partnership between the local, state, and federal
governments; and
WHEREAS, Congressman Mica and Congresswoman Brown have pledged to secure
more than $300 million in federal funding for SunRail and, if not used for this project, will be
lost to rail transit projects elsewhere in the country; and
WHEREAS, in 2007, the Regional Transit System Vision Concept Plan was amended to
include the U.S. 441 Commuter Rail Corridor running from the City of Eustis in Lake County to
downtown Orlando, along a portion of the Florida Central Railroad right -of -way; and
WHEREAS, SunRail has the potential to contribute significantly to the successful
implementation of Transportation 2035, the Lake - Sumter MPO's Long Range Transportation
Plan, and provide a critical link in the creation of a statewide multi -modal transportation
network; and
WHEREAS, SunRail serves as the backbone for a larger transit plan for the region and
provides a foundation for new passenger rail projects throughout the state's urban areas including
the Orange Blossom Express passenger rail initiative; and
WHEREAS, a connection from Lake County to SunRail would have long -term benefits
to the economy and to the quality of life of Lake County; and
WHEREAS, the Lake—Sumter Metropolitan Planning Organization has established a
partnership with the Florida Central Railroad, which leases and operates rail services along the
U.S. 441 corridor; and
WHEREAS, the Lake - Sumter MPO, the Lake County Board of County Commissioners,
as well as the municipalities of Tavares, Eustis and Mount Dora and the Florida Central
Railroad, are working with FDOT, MetroPlan Orlando, Orange County, the City of Orlando and
the City of Apopka to initiate an Alternatives Analysis for the Orange Blossom Express; and
WHEREAS, the successful implementation of SunRail, along with favorable results
from an Alternatives Analysis conducted for the Orange Blossom Express, could enable a
regional commuter rail connection from SunRail to Lake County, with potential stations in the
cities of Tavares, Eustis and Mount Dora; and
WHEREAS, implementation passenger rail will result in overall social and
environmental benefits, improve the quality of life in the state, stimulate economic group, create
new employment opportunities, and serve as a positive growth management catalyst; and
WHEREAS, implementation of passenger rail service will become an integral part of
Central Florida's balanced transportation system and, with concurrent development of
improvements to roadways and bus transit, will greatly enhance the mobility of the traveling
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of
Clermont, Lake County, Florida that:
The City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida supports the design,
construction, and implementation of the SunRail Commuter Rail Project in the Central Florida
area; and
The City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida requests the Florida
Legislature and Governor continue to work in cooperation with citizens and local governments
throughout Central Florida to finalize the project; and
The City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida requests Governor Scott
to approve releasing the contracts submitted by the Florida Department of Transportation to
begin construction the SunRail Commuter Rail Project and provide much needed jobs in Central
DONE AND RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County,
Florida, this 14 day of June, 2011.
`.'old S. Turville, Jr., ayor
Tracy Ackrof , City Clerk
June 14, 2011
The Honorable Rick Scott Governor
of the State of Flonda Plaza Level
05, The Capitol 400 South Monroe
St. Tallahassee, FL 32399 -0001
Dear Governor Scott:
The City Council of the City of Clermont would like to convey our strong support of SunRail and urge
you to approve the contracts necessary so SunRail may move forward. We believe SunRail will serve as
a spine for a larger regional transit network and the foundation for new passenger rail projects throughout
the state. SunRail will become an integral part of Central Florida's balanced multi -modal transportation
system, greatly enhancing the mobility of the traveling public, improving our quality of life and boosting
our economic growth opportunities.
An efficient transportation network is paramount to sustaining existmg economic activity and is necessary
to attract new business. Traffic flow in Central Florida has long been a major obstacle when businesses
consider our area for either expansion or relocation. Right now, every community of every size across the
country is looking to attract new jobs, especially high paying jobs. We believe that SunRail will provide
an innovative transportation option that will make our region stand out among the competition and help
us draw new jobs and industry to our commumties.
A recent economic impact analysis shows that SunRail will stimulate $981 million in commercial
busmess sales and 11,500 jobs in construction and operation of the system over the next thirty years. The
analysis also estimated the secondary or indirect economic impacts of the workers who spend their
earnings in the area will exceed $2.5 billion.
Governor, this is an opportunity that is desperately needed in Central Flonda. It is critical to Central
Florida's long -term success and will stimulate tremendous economic growth and job creation. Without
SunRail, we face losing our competitive edge to attract new enterprise to our region and weaken our
ability to successfully compete for our share of the global market.
Again, we urge you to move SunRail forward.
Sincerel ,
.4 RP _
Harold S. Turville, Jr., Mayor
City of Clermont
P 0 BOX 120219 CLERMONT, FLORIDA 34712 -0219 PHONE: 352 - 241 -7358 FAX 352 - 394 -4087
www CitvofClermontFL com