2003-50 Xcingular
fits you best'
November 3, 2003
City of Clermont, Flonda
Wayne Saunders
Attn. City Manager
One Westgate Plaza
Clermont FL 34712 -0219
Subject: Notice of Rent Increase for Site ORL DTCLERMT
Dear Lessor:
This letter will serve as notification that effective December 1, 2003, your annual base
rent will increase to $34,728.75. This increase is calculated according to the terms set out
in our Lease Agreement.
You should receive a check for $2,894 06 within the next twenty (20) business days at
the address shown below. This amount represents payment for the period December 1,
2003 through December 31, 2003. Future monthly payments will be in the amount of
$2,894 06.
PO BOX 120219
If you have any questions about this increase, please contact me on our toll -free number,
877- 231 -5447. To expedite processing of your request, please reference the site name as
found on the subject line of this letter on all communications.
J 1 01 .4)2(49
Jill Olbertz
Real Estate Specialist
cc• Cingular Wireless Project Manager
CSCt.,j Y7 /11 j
Cingular Wireless • 6100 Atlantic Boulevard • GANO2 • Norcross, GA 30071