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2011-39 ` 5 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE FLORIDA BUREAU OF FEDERAL PROPERTY ASSISTANCE AND THE Clermont Police Department (LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY) PURPOSE' Nicnorunduin ot Agreement (MOA) rs entered Into between the 1Ionda I)e{ktrtmcnt of Management Services Bureau or federal Property Assistance (hctein.ittei the 'State ) .end the above named I aye Enforcement \gene. (hereniaftei the ' I I- 1' ) to set forth the terns and condition which will he bending with tcspeel to e \eess Department ol Defense (Doi)) petsnrat property 11 tisti red pursuant to 10 t C 2 and to promote the efficient and erpedttious trtnsler of piopetty AU 1110RI'I Y. the Department of Management Sell lees. Bureau of Federal Property \sststanec and the (am einor appointed 'slate ('001hnator Is authorized by Chaplet '_I7 1• t 10 tr.msler to state and local lacy enforcement agencies personal property that Is c\cess to the needs ot the 1)oI) fhe 1)oi) is atithortved to select property ,unable to he used for law entoteement aeue rtes by 10 11"C 2576a Such pioperty must be that which is suitable Iur use he the 1 I:a\ lot late enforcement ,U 1yrties with emphasis on counter -drug and c ounter - ter rot ism aetrvmes under such terms prescribed by the Defense 1 ogislics Agency as delegated by the Secretory Cs S Dcp utntcnt ul Defense the 1 Iii\ tot the purpose or this agreement is defined L. a goy eminent agency whose prnnure function is the enforcement of applicable Federal State Of Iocal taee> and \\ hose compensated law en rot Lenient of liecre hay e porter, of arrest and apprehension IIRIV1S AND' CC)NDI I ICONS the 1)ol). through DL' \. has final ttuthonn to determine the type qu:uluty. and location of excess personal property suitable tor use in lacy enforcement activities, if any that sy'ill be transferred to the State The State yerll promulgate pokey and procedure that Will be consistent with l edetal policy and procedure to transfer property to the LA A Property mailable under this agreement is tor use by the 1 FA not Ion personal use or gain Property shall not be obtained for the purpose of sale. (ease. rent. exchange barter secure a loan or to othenuse supplement normal 1 I A budgets All requests lot propene exist be hascd on Kona fide lacy entoreetnent requirements 1 he requisitioning of propel iv fur the purpose of eannihali anion is not authorwed Arty repair maintenance Insurance or other cspetlse, assouated with these items is the sole responsibility of the I.h_1 Propetty available under, this agreement nnust he pliecd in use within a year of rccclpt and u1ll7ed tor a minimum of one yea'. unless utherwtse .ippimed by 1110 Stale \11cialt. F11ght Salct\ Ct11ical ' \nera11 Parts tl SC AP) and Munitions List Items tIv1LI1 requiting demilitarization may he Iransterrcd to the 1 1 A lor logy euloreement achy roes Such items must he reported to the State. returned to and received by 1)1., ^\ at the closest upprry.:d Defense Rt:elllll /Jl1t717 and MLnftCUng OIliec (1)Riv1U) when no lancer needed fiir laity enforcement .1C1IV11ICS. In cooperation \ctdl the State. the 1, l-A is permitted to c'.change .troop and FSCAP with othet anthem lied I I i\trualt. yyeupoim. armored personnel carrier,. and any other rent identified by 1)1 A as a 'nsyor ucnn r% ill he transferred under ter in and conditions set forth in the ',late . 'Conditional rransfet Document Ihopert\ anatlablc under the agfeement Is not to he stockpiled fur possible futuic use i low ever the IA \ is penntittd to retain reasonable quantities ol aircraft components for future use as determined by the State and 01 the Defense L og,isties Agency I \ceps where otherwise prosidcd to this ! 1O.\ the I 1 A rna\ dsposc of property in accordance rytlh state or !ilea! property disposal laws when it is ttetertutncd h\ the 1J.A and .ippisi cd by the State and 11.SO that the piopert) is 00 longer needed Cut lass enforcement u,C t I e , f 4 3 1ht .,uuu\. head of Ili. 1_1 A as rdrntllird belt.. rtpr.sent, Thal helsh. is authorved h) .ntu into this agr.cnlent on behalf of the 1 I A I he 1 4..1 agrct to pa\ acln inistratnt lees ,lssou lied v uh the a.qutsiuon of I a' ,nlahi. plopert■ as ass•ssul h. till, titan. if the I I:A inatcn'4Ily tails to tomph \vtth an tern of this agi.tmmnt t.shethei stated in a Federal statue or i.gulation or the 1 of A'ure.ment 4.h. slatt tna. s.iihhold 'pproal lor prop.(”, request pending Lon ..110114.1 h ih. 1 1 A kg- .uspuldMt. \II1A 1 t the '.,lent p.rmutul b. slamm_ lass tht I I A ,hall intkmi it% and hold the Stale of 1 lunda harms.'., Iron) .111 tint 111 slut, 841011s demands or .lanes of am n.tluit arlsu Out 4.f the List 01 prupin\ 1 h. State assume, no It thlht. for damagt, or inttirtes to an. person or property tram the us. of the property 1111 1 L\ '.II '411 • \stir. Ihal 11 .. 11 tompl'. ■1111 appll.,ihlc pr rt i,1011 of 4.L. 1.411(1..1111.: 1 tdcr d pub..; prohibiting discrimination • On the basis of tae. Out +r rn national (+1 1.111 in 1 rtk VI of tot l nil Rtehts Act ol 1961 (42 1. SC 2000d tI 1 n, nnpluncntul h\ Dol) i.gulalions of 12 (. 1 R part 19, • On 111k ban of age In the AL,.. I)ls.rnninali+)n \cl al 1' (42 1 6101 .I xq) as inplun.ntul b. 1)4p of 1 L,hli lad 1 iowan S.r. 14..s 1(4.111 )bon at ds (1 It part 1 )0 • On Mt hnsn of h,lndl.,ip ul S.'. {tan s04 td ,114 R.handiralioll . \4.t ol 1071 (30 1 741) as I111plt•lltltttd h\ lh. 1)tp,irtnunl of J1 .114.k rout icon, al 28 ( 1 R part 11 ind 1)o(3 regulation'. a 12 ( FR p 111 16 • Obtain audits a• nu.s,,in du. to Lilt r4.4.up1 Ot 1 .der 11 sin ultras as'.nl,al.t (turn propels. Iransl.rrtd to it in d.und nuk v.11111(1. ‘angle \ Alt A 01 108 is In1u+d.d f 31 1.!'s( 7 -7 • Submit a 1 a.. 1 nluit1lntnt Data Sht.t plo.ldui b, 111. Slate loo paint.lpation 111 this program I h. 1)aia Sixes ..III ht updnitd annual!) or as ofttn ati thang.s otutr in 4.h. I A ill 11 al1.0 the a.tunl.) of the tone • 1 nrw ird r.quLsts lor proptlt, that 1s n..4.., 11 . to 1114..1 tli., lot 1 I \ 1114 .IltOr.eilltlll . Ilan, • . \t-.ret W prm ud. trnnung uut,l.hn1 v. II 1 1 \ polities Ind pro.4.dur., In 4 use of Sp. 1.1 111Au1 .g111n114.01 • Ay.. I.) maintain ul,tit-m.. 111 an amount Lon -a -aki t .. ilh f 1..!. poll.. ind proetdur.k lo .0.. d 11111+(44.. or !mum 110 1 p.rsnns or prepalt. rrlating to Ili. us. ol 4.h. prop.lth • ( o11tr,.1 and mains m1 I.4.UraLC re.onis of all prop.rt. ob11111041 untie, 1111'. AK), Ihes. rt.ords should idtntih iht to, loom of the prapert. Ind ..htr. approprr tic 1114 Ixrson 6,4 the prop4.m n 1"igned including prnptrt. 111 n n trallslur.d to anothtr L1 \ 1 h4. se rt..ordc must hx nallahl. for r..len h. the Stale or 1)LA upon request • \..tire Thai all' .1. iennm.n, 01. i.gul114.11 Impute 1.41151,..'. ' .(1'0 111 a.wrd,m.e..ilh applrtabk 1(deral St at. and tut 11 Id.., 11111 re_ul ltltns • o \s '.urc that tit ..capon, ohiain.d through this program .u. rLrr.tcrul .. 1111 tilt US 1 1t,nur. Ikpnuntnt s Bur. 111 of Alcohol 1oh44u+ ind 1 Ire um, • Suhin11 11141µu nun 14111 554 mow, requ4..t; 111 tot 1011n it 14.411nr4.11 h.+ lh. `1 n4. Ono.. 1.\ecul.d b. holh parts.. 1Jo.. this 111111 and .otrt 1141. pru 1ou. agr.u Am prurient 014‘ 1141151. 14uµ1\ d 111 this I't!)t.'r Ills 1, 1It110.1111111 0V11,1114.1.41 to K. under 1 pro. 1(1.111'. to this Agrctmenr 1 12 MIN A1ION i his 110.\ ina. 111 ternnnalul h. uthu Pouts Into OW the othu part) i.e.nt, (hir. (301 da.s notice 01 .1S talk n‘ ,t stipulated h. public la.. Stith tunnnmon does not nullify tht_ property use restrictions In plait, on prnpert. pre' IOU,) ohtalntd In ihk program l \1 1 N SS 1111 121 -01 the pa1114.s h n. Lsecut.d 'this igre.m.nt - birth ate writ n below I tom/ AP/ ✓ Rita cevedo Signatre Executive ead •f .w Enforcement Agency Program Manager Surplus Property Supervisor s( 6 5 \ ON. f Name Typed t Printed c;)--/y--( Date Lan Enforcement Agency Da I2.. 02 /2007 I � I I � -- _ _ _ _ CLEAR LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY (LEA) APPLICATION FOR PARTICIPATION *This application must be updated and resubmitted within 30 days of any changes or on an annual basis NEW 0 UPDATE SCREENER ID (Update Only) ague AGENCY CLIF_A+ 1o# eoLI Cs b -e - 4 I.aukX PHYSICAL ADDRESS (No P 0 Box) 8 6S a 14/I - oti1TRv MAILING ADDRESS (If different than above) CITY t i o STATE �L ZIP iLa I EMAIL PHONE Ca_ 39 J ‘4E3 FAX 3s2 39(i /6 t/ 1 _____INI MBERQE COM PENSATED OFFICERS WITH ARREST AND APPREHENSION AUTH RITY FULL -TIME PART -TIME 0 RESERVE _ SCREENER(S) POC MUST HAVE AT LEAST ONE *MAIN POC Designated POC for calls and emalls on 1033 Program requests and property pickup C o �Cgei 611-11 n SCREENER/MAIN POC I �� � l �� � �G G(.E.l aP --z<7 SCREENER/POC #2 1 I CN(et 1�'1M�1v1?RSr� =R € SCREENER/POC #3 _ ° SCREENER/POC #4 WEAPON POC (Optional) - D4fiN 6 t qv, AIRCRAFT POC (Optional) INVENTORY CHECK Does the Agency currently have any equipment from the 1208/1033 Program? YES NO Q } WEAPONS YES eiNO0 AIRCRAFT YES0 NOe WATERCRAFT YES0 NO TACTICAL YES C NO OFHER CON I ROLLED YES0 NOG DEMILA 1 YCS0 NO 0- VEHICLES PROPERTY (LESS l HAN A YEAR OLD) *By signing this application, the Chief Executive Official/Head of Agency (Local Field Olfice)as aware of 1208/1033 Property currently in the possession of their department *Upon acceptance into the 1033 Program, 1 understand that 1 have 30 days to familiarize myself with the State Plan of Operation and all 1033 Program guidance that is provided by the State Coordinator and that by signing, I certify that all information contained above is valid and accurate. CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICIAL /: lj �.C\1t? �C\ 1-/1 DATE lCZc� -? / HEAD OF LOCAL AGENCY PRI , • AME f MATURE STATE COORDINATOR - _ R t l +4 ( -ets& DATE 7-5" 1/ (NOT REQUIRED FOR FEDERAL) PRl� ME SIGNA SIGNATURE TURE 1 " 1 Authorization Letter Page 1 of 1 1 , r , „ DLA DISPOSITION SERVICES " 4,„ r ” LAW ENFORCEMENT SUPPORT OFFICE 1 , ` 74 WASHINGTON AVENUE NORTH ,n.n BATTLE CREEK, MICHIGAN 49037 -3084 IVE a J -363 July 6, 2011 MEMORANDUM FOR DLA DISPOSITION SERVICES SITE SPECIALIST SUBJECT Authorization Letter for Property Screening as In accordance with DOD 4160 21-M, Chapter 5, Section B 2 C, screeners may present an authorization on the letterhead of the sponsoring activity, identifying the bearer and indicating the nature of authorization In accordance with the above reference, this office authorizes the following individual(s) to screen excess property at your facilities in support of Law Enforcement Activities (LEAs) under DODAAC H9DEB1 FL CLERMONT POLICE DEPARTMENT 685 W MONTROSE ST CLERMONT, FL 34711 PHONE 352 -394 -5588 FAX 352- 394 -1644 E r i DAN CREIGHTON DGREIGHTON @CLERMONTHFL ORG MICHAEL MCMASTER Weapons POC DAN CREIGHTON Aircraft POC Chief Executive Official STEVE GRAHAM I ` Only two individuals will be authorized to screen per visit, however, additional personnel may assist receiving material previously screened and approved for transfer This letter supersedes all other screening authorization letters for this Law Enforcement Agency for this DLA Disposition Services Site Questions concerning this matter should be directed to your State Coordinator fk.t. Brian A Dombrowski https / /drmsweb dims dla mil/ leeds/ othertnfo /requestors /AuthorizationLetter aspx "requestor 7 /6/2011