03-22-2011 CRA Special Meeting City of Clermont Community Redevelopment Agency Special Meeting March 22, 2011 The Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) met on Tuesday, March 22, 2011 in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Mayor Turville called the meeting to order at 6:35pm with the following CRA members present: Mary Jo Pfeiffer, Bob Bowman, Keith Mullins, Jack Hogan, Rick Van Wagner and Ray Goodgame. Other City officials present were: City Manager Saunders and City Clerk Ackroyd. Approval of Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency meeting minutes of November 30, 2010. Council Member Mullins moved to accept the minutes of November 30, 2010 as written; seconded by Goodgame. The motion passed with all members present voting "aye ". Item No. 1— CRA Facade Improvement Grant Program Village Hair Centre — Barber Shop Planning and Zoning Director Hitt presented the grant request. The applicant is Mike Hoskinson and is requesting approval of painting the building, new windows and doors, and a fabric awning. Three quotes were obtained for the items requested. The total cost of the exterior improvements is $5,436.35. The total request is $4,077.26 and the applicant match is $1,359.09. Staff recommended approval. Mayor Turville opened the public hearing. There were no comments. Mayor Turville closed the public heanng. Council Member Hogan moved to approve; seconded by Council Member Mullins. The motion passed with all members present voting "aye ". Item No. 2 — CRA Facade Improvement Grant Program Jesus Perez Dental /Cheeser's Palace Cafe Planning and Zoning Director Hitt presented the grant request. The applicant is Susan Inez Manning and is requesting approval of painting the building and a dumpster enclosure. Three quotes were obtained for each of the requested items. The total cost of the exterior improvements is $7,909.60. The total grant request is $5,932.20 and the applicant match is $1,977.40. Staff recommended approval. Mayor Turville opened the public heanng There were no comments. Mayor Turville closed the public hearing. Council Member Mullins moved to accept the grant; seconded by Council Member Goodgame. The motion passed with all members present voting " a.' Council Member Goodgame inquired how much of the grant funds have been spent to date. Staff will follow up on the request. Item No. 3 — Information Kiosks City Manager Saunders was asked to place this item on the agenda at the request of CRA Board Member Bowman. The request is to install information kiosks throughout locations along the trail. Examples were placed in the packets for review. If the CRA board is interesting in pursuing, staff could pursue the estimated cost to allocate in the next year's budget. CRA Board Member Bowman suggested having more information by the lake about the businesses in downtown. Mayor Turville suggested the boat parking area. Council Member Mullins questioned whether the manufacturer of the street light directional signs has a kiosk to fit the architectural style. He recommended placing a series of kiosks around the city including the 8` Street pier, Hancock Park, Legends Field and the boat ramp. He suggested asking the Downtown Partnership to help sponsor. City Manager Saunders stated if the CRA Board is interested, staff will acquire the estimated costs and coordinate with the Downtown Partnership on a design and return to the Board for approval. CRA Board Member Pfeiffer recommended purchasing kiosks with lighting. Mayor Turville opened public hearing. Cuqui Whitehead, 837 5 Street, agreed with the request. Council Member Mullins moved to direct staff to look into design and style of kiosks for possible use in the CRA and other spots around town; seconded by Council Member Goodgame. Mike Latham stated the company used to purchase the lighting in downtown also makes signs consistent with the design of the lights. The motion passed with all members present voting "aye ". Mayor Turville suggesting repainting the street lines on Montrose Street. City Manager Saunders noted he would verify if there is funding in the current year budget. Council Member Goodgame requested to also include Oakley Seaver and East Avenue. Adjourn: With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:52pm. APPROVED: = 7S. Turville, Mayor ATTEST: ./ / ( Tracy A 4v oyd, City (- rk