2012-10 lin't TETRA TECH
March 14, 2012
Mrs. Tamara Richardson, P.E.
City of Clermont
685 West Montrose Street, 2nd Floor
Clermont, Florida 34711
Subject: East Side WRF
Reclaimed Water Storage Tank
Tt # 200 -BP Clermont/Eastside WRF
Dear Mrs. Richardson:
Tetra Tech is pleased to furnish this proposal for professional engineering services to
assist the City of Clermont with design, permitting, bidding and construction services for
the proposed project referenced above. A detailed scope of services, compensation
summary, and project schedule are attached hereto.
Tetra Tech looks forward to providing these services to the City of Clermont. If you
should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 407 - 839 -3955.
Very truly yours, APPROVED:
Tetra Te h City of Clermont
D. Fox, P.E. B '
y = t = 4 Aim
Vice President
Date: ,Ei / 3
G:\Administrative1WORDPROC\BP Proposals \General \Clermont \Eastside WTP\Richardson 031412.doc
C: Lauren R. Springer, P.E., Tetra Tech
Sally Alfieri, Tetra Tech
201 East Pine Street. Suite 1000. Orlando, FL 32801
Tel 407.839.3955 Fax 407.839.3790 www.tetratech.com
The City of Clermont (City) owns and operates the East Side Water Reclamation Facility (WRF)
located at 3335 Hancock Road, Clermont, Florida. The WRF includes storage and high service
pumping for distribution of reclaimed water. To support expansion of the reclaimed water
system, the City proposes to construct a 3.0 million gallon (MG) reclaimed water ground storage
tank on the WRF site adjacent to the existing tank. Specific details regarding the contemplated
facilities and services are presented below:
1. Construction of a new 3.0 MG prestressed concrete ground storage tank, site
work, yard piping, and miscellaneous instrumentation.
Tetra Tech will provide engineering services to assist the City with design, permitting bidding
and construction administration services of the proposed ground storage tank project.
A. Design
Design will result in preparation of the bidding and contract documents, engineering
drawings and technical specifications, which will be submitted to the City for review at
90- and 100 - percent completion levels. The 90- percent submittal will include: plan,
section and required details of the ground storage tank, site work, yard piping, and
miscellaneous electrical/instrumentation drawings, project specifications (bidding and
technical), and opinion of project cost. The 100 - percent submittal will include: updated
engineering drawings and specifications (technical and bidding) incorporating the
comments received from the City on the 90- percent submittal, and an updated opinion of
project cost.
Three (3) sets of drawings and specifications will be provided to the City for each review.
A review meeting will be held with the City following the 90- percent submission. To
ensure proper design of the facilities, Tetra Tech will obtain approval from the City for
any substantial changes in the preliminary design prior to incorporation in the final
design. Tasks to be completed during this phase are summarized below:
1. Prepare a comprehensive project manual that contains bidding and contractual
documents (Divisions 0 and 1) and technical specifications for competitive
JDF /sma/Eastside WRF /Scope Clermont Tank
Tt# BP Clermont -1- 121411
bidding (Divisions 2 through 16). The project manual and its contents will be
formatted in accordance with the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI).
2. A preliminary list of drawings is presented below:
Cover Sheet, Location Map, General Notes, and Drawing Index
Legend and Abbreviations
Existing Conditions & Erosion Control Plan
Grading & Geometry Plan
Ground Storage Tank & Yard Piping — Plan and Sections
Ground Storage Tank — Details
B. Permitting
Tetra Tech will prepare and submit the following permit applications and supporting
documentation to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) and the
City of Clermont Planning and Zoning Department as required to obtain permits for
construction and operation of the proposed facilities. Tetra Tech will also respond to
requests for additional information (RAIs) from permitting agencies to clarify the original
applications. All permit application fees will be paid by the City.
1. Prepare and submit FDEP Permit Application for a Minor Revision to a
Wastewater Facility or Activity Permit, Form 62- 620.910(9).
2. Prepare and submit an application for a FDEP Environmental Resource Permit
(ERP) Modification.
3. Prepare and submit an application for site development review to the City's
Planning and Zoning (P &Z) Department. Attend one (1) meeting with the City's
P &Z Staff. Respond to the P &Z's comments and resubmit final documents for
C. Bidding
Upon advertisement of the project by the City, Tetra Tech will assist the City with
bidding of the project and shall complete the following tasks:
1. Provide one (1) copy of the Contract Documents (engineering drawings and
specifications) in PDF format for distribution to potential bidders by the City's
Purchasing Department.
JDF /sma/Eastside WRF /Scope Clermont Tank
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2. Prepare for and administer one (1) pre -bid conference.
3. Respond to questions and prepare addenda as required to interpret, clarify or
expand the bidding documents. The City Purchasing Department will distribute
all addenda.
4. Review and evaluate the apparent low bidder's qualifications for undertaking the
work and make recommendation of the award of the contract.
5. Prepare two (2) copies of a conformed set of Contract Documents for the City and
one (1) reproducible set for the recommended Contractor.
D. Construction Administration
Upon award of the project, Tetra Tech will assist the City with construction
administration and shall complete the following tasks based on a construction duration of
9- months:
1. Prepare for and administer one (1) preconstruction meeting.
2. Attend periodic progress and specially scheduled meetings throughout progress of
work. Progress meetings will be held as needed to coordinate work in progress.
It is anticipated that 6- meetings will be needed at an average duration of two (2)
hours each, followed by a site visit at an average duration of one (1) hour each,
based on an anticipated construction duration of 9- months.
3. Make visits to the site at intervals appropriate to the various stages of construction
in order to observe the progress and quality of the Work. It is anticipated that one
(1) site visit in addition to Item No. D.2 above with an average visit duration of
approximately three (3) hours will be required, based on an anticipated
construction duration of 9- months.
4. Review shop drawings to determine conformance with the design concepts of the
project and compliance with the requirements provided in the contract documents.
5. Review requests for information (RFIs), provide interpretation of construction
documents, and issue written clarifications or interpretations.
6. Review the Contractor's Application for Payment and the accompanying data and
schedules, determine the amounts owed to the Contractor, and advise the City of
the recommended payments to the Contractor.
7. Upon written request by the Contractor, conduct a substantial completion
inspection of the project with the City and distribute a punch list of observed
deficiencies to be completed by the Contractor prior to the final completion date.
The project will be certified substantially complete only if the work is sufficiently
JDF /sma/Eastside WRF /Scope Clermont Tank
Tt# BP Clermont -3- 121411
complete in accordance with the contract documents, so that the work can be
utilized for the purposes for which it is intended. Final completion inspection to
verify that the punch list items have been addressed will be performed by the
8. Review the Contractor's as-built submittals monthly for adequacy and review
listing of deviations from the construction permit and approved construction
documents. Prepare record drawings for City's use from information provided by
the Contractor delineating the dimensions, location, and elevation of all facilities
constructed. Provide the City with one (1) CD -ROM electronic file of record
drawings in PDF format and three (3) sets of prints of the record drawings.
9. Prepare and submit certifications and required supporting documentation to
regulatory agencies having jurisdiction.
E. Survey and Geotechnical
1. During design, Tetra Tech shall provide a topographic survey of the project site
(area adjacent to existing storage tank). Establish horizontal and vertical control
based on Lake County datum NAD83 (2007) Florida East Zone, NAVD 1988.
2. During design, Tetra Tech shall arrange and pay for an independent soils
investigation/testing firm to provide necessary soils data and other pertinent
information required for design of the following. Soil borings logs and
classifications, existing groundwater levels and estimated seasons high levels,
structural foundation requirements, and pipe trench preparation and backfill
requirements will be submitted in report format.
a. For design of the proposed structural element of the WTP, it is estimated
that the investigation will include one (1) SPT boring to a depth of
100 feet, and three (3) CPT borings to a depth of 50 feet.
The total lump sum compensation for the Scope of Services described in Section II is $58,540.
Attachment B presents a detailed breakdown of the estimated compensation for the Scope of
1. Design $21,270
2. Permitting 6,610
3. Bidding 4,005
4. Construction Administration 15,305
5. Geotechnical 10,600
6. Direct Costs 750
TOTAL $58,540
JDF /sma/Eastside WRF /Scope Clermont Tank
Tt# BP Clermont -4- 121411
The anticipated delivery schedule for the project is presented below:
Cumulative Days
Milestone Task Duration in Days After
Notice to Proceed
Notice to Proceed 0 0
90% Design Submittal, Survey 45 45
Geotechnical, Permitting Submission
City 90% Design Review & Meeting 10 40
100% Submittal 10 65
Receive Permits 35 100
JDF /sma/Eastside WRF /Scope Clermont Tank
Tt# BP Clermont -5- 121411
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City of Clermont
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To: Wayne Saunders, City Manager
From: Tamara Richardson, PE, City Engineer
Date: February 9, 2012
Re: Tetratech
Scope of Services
3 MG Reclaimed Water Storage Tank
The St. Johns River Water Management District offered $10 million in funding
assistance for alternative water supply projects with an emphasis on MFL mitigation.
In response, staff requested a scope of services from Tetratech to design, permit
and provide construction services for a 3 million gallon reclaimed water storage tank
to be constructed at the EWRF and requesting funding assistance (approximately
40 percent) from the District for construction. Since the District is giving preference
to "shovel ready" projects, it is imperative that we get the tank designed and ready
for bid as soon as possible.
The attached task order authorizes the engineer to design, permit and provide
construction services for the construction of the 3 MG Reclaimed Water Storage
Tank Project. The scope of services is for $58,540.00.
Since the project was not included in the current fiscal year budget, a budget
amendment would be required.
Staff is requesting authorization for Tetratech to perform professional engineering
services to design, permit and provide construction phase services for construction
of a new 3 MG reclaimed water storage tank for $58,540.00.