O-57-159 -. ~ ~ .. r"¡;- l ORDINANCE NOo /52.. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NOo 126, OF TIlE CITY OF CLEIDI0NT, TIlE S'u!E BEING "AN ORDINANCE ESTAßLISIIING ZONING REGULApONS AND PROVIDING FOR THE ADIHNISTRATION AND ENl?Ie.:Þ1ENT THEREOF"; PRO~ VIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED AND ESTABLISHED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA: SECTION A: That Ordinance Noo 126 of the City of Clermont, the same being "An Ordinance Establishing Zoning Regulations and l'roviding for the Administration and Endorsement Thereof" be amended to read as follows: PREAMBLE AND ENACTING CLAUSE: In order to promote the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the inhabitants of the City of Clermont, in the State of ~lorida and in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 19539 (Noo 544~ Laws of Florida, General Acts of 1939 and by Chapter 8926, Laws of Florida, Special Acts of 1921, as amended and affected by Chapter 10432 Laws of l~lorida, Special Acts of 1925, authority is conferred on the City of Clermont to establish districts or zones within the corporate limits, for the purpose of regulating therein the uses of land and construction of buildings and other structures with a view of encouraging the most appropriate use of land in the City, be it hereby ordained by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Florida: SECTION 10 ZONES: For the purpose of th is ordinance, the Ci ty of Clermont Tsdfvided into eight differen~ kinds of zones or districts, as follows: RESIDENTIAL RBS IDENT HL RESIDENTIAL CONUERCIAL C~l Cm1MERCIAL C=2 TRANSIENT COÞlll8RCIAL T-C ÞL~NUFACTURING M-1 UNCLASSIFIED U=Z R=l-A R~l R~2 And the boundaries, as shown on th~Officia1 Zoning Þmp dated De~= ember 7, 1954, signed by tlw "?,::Qr;--the members of the Zoning Committee and the members of the City Council, which has been filed with the City Clerk; and every explanatory note or matter on this map is hereby made an integral part of this Ordinanceo One reduced size reproduction of this map shall be appended to every copy of this Ordinance 0 SECTION 20 ZONE BOU1~DARIES: When uncertainty exists with respect to the boundaries of any of the aforesaid zones, as shown on the zoning mapp the following rules shall apply: (A) ~here zone boundaries are indicated as approximately fOllowing the center lines of the streets or highways, street lines or highway right of way lines, such center lines, street lines, or highway right of way lines shall be construed to be the legal boundarieso (B) Where zone boundaries are so indicated that they approxi,·· mately follow lot lines, such lot lines shall be construed to be ,,¡¡¡¡' . the legal boundarieso . ~ (C) Where zone boundaries are so indicated that they are - approximately parl:ll1e1 top but some distance from the center lil1es of streets or center lines of highway rights of way, such zone boundaries shall be construed as being parallel thereto and at such distance therefrom as indicated on the Zoning Mapo If no dimension /\ ~. :y- ; . is given on the map it should be determined by the use of the scale of the mapo (D) Where the boundaries of a zone follow a lake shorep such boundary shall be construed as following the edge of said lake along the low water marko SECTION 30 USES: In each zone land and structures may be used only for the purposes specified in Section 9 of this Ordin- ance, except as allowed in the following Section 4, or when con- sent is given by the Board of Adjustment and the City Council, as provided in Section 9(A)0 SECTION 40 NON-CONFORMING USES: Any lawful use or structure existing at the time of enactment or subsequent of this Ordinance, which is not in conformity with the provisions may be continued with the following limitations: Any use or structure which does not conform to the Ordinance MAY NOT BE: (A) Chaneed to anotber nonconforming useo (B) Re-estab1ished after discontinuance for six (6) monthso (C) Extended except in conformity to this Ordinanceo (D) Rebuilt after damage exceeding two-thirds of its fair value immediately prior to said damageo SECTION 50 OPEN SPACES AND IIEIC'¡ITS: In each zone each struc= ture, here~fter erected or altered shall be provided with yards specified and shall not exceed the heights specified in this Zoning Ordinance, as set forth in the Zoning Schedule, Section 80 No open space or lot required for a building or structure shall during its life be occupied by or counted as open space for another building or structureo SECTION 60 GROUP HOUSING PROJECT: In the case of a housing project consisting of a group of two (2) or more buildings to be constructed on a plot of ground of at least three (3) acres not subdivided into customary streets and lots, which will not be sub- divided or where the existing or contemplated streets and layout malce it impractical to apply the requirements of this Ordinance to the individual buildings in such housing projects. the application of such requirements to such housing project shall be done by the Board of Adjustment in a manner that will be in harmony with the character of the neighborhood, will insure a density of land use no higher than and a standard of open space at least as high as required by this Ordinance in the zone in which the proposed project is to be 10catedo In no case shall the Board of Adjustment authorize: (l) A group housing project without approval of the City Council, and (2) a use or building height prohibited in the district of zone ~ in which the housing project is to be locatedo vi ~ SECTION 7. OFF-STREET AU'mMOBILE AND VEHICULAR S'fORAGE: ~ Off- street storage or standing space for vehicles shall be provided on any of the following lots on which any of the following uses are hereafter established: =. (A) (B) (C) Dwelling: One (1) parking place for each dwelling unit; Tourist accomodation: One (1) parking place for each- rental unit offered for tourist accomodation; Theatre, stadium! auditorium, or other place of public assembly: One (1) parking place for each twenty (20) seats, based on maximum seating capacity; =2= 1~ere such space cannot be reasonably provided on the same lot with the principal use, the Board of Adjustment may permit such space to be located on other off=street property, provided such space is within five hundred (500) feet of the permitted use, as measured along lines of public accesso _~~_ Such space shall be provided with vehicular access to a street or alley and shall be deemed to be required open space asso- ciated with the permitted use and shall not hereafter be reduced or encroached upon in any mannero (D) Hotels: One (1) parking space for each four (4) guest sleeping rooms; (E) Stores and other establishments in local business districts: One (1) parking space for each two hundred (200) square feet of store space, and adequate loading and unloading space; (F) Office Building: One (1) parking space for each five hundred (500) square feet of office~f100r area; (G) Industrial and manufacturing establishments: One (1) parking space for each five (5) workers, based on peak employment, and adequate loading and unloading space for all vehicles used inc idental to t he operation of the industrial or manufacturing establishmento . w '- . . T-C SAME AS FOR ZONE C-l H=l NO DWELLING EXCEPT BY SPECIAL PERfIITo SECT. 9. NOTE 40 ~FOR USES AND STRUCTURES OTHER THAN DWELLINGS R=l~A C~2 C~l R-2 R-l AREAS FOR RESIDENCE BUILDING SHALL BE SAME AS R-2 ZONEo AREAS FOR CmfHERCIAL BUJGS. ARE NOT LIMITED EXCEPl' REAR CLE...\RA :\CE REQUllID!ENTS SAME AS FOR ZONE C=l REQUIRED MINJMUH FIRST FLOOR F}lCLOSED LIVING AP.EA OF RESIDENTIAL BUILDING MEASURED IN SQUArtE FEET 1000 SQo FT. FOR ONE FAMILY ONE STORY RESIDENCE BUILDING. 650 SQo FTo FOR ONE FAHILY MULTIPLE STORY RESIDENCE BLDo 750 SQo FTo FOR ONE FAHILY, ONE STORY RESIDENCE BLDGo 1125 SQo FT. FOR TIIO FAl.fJLY ONE STORY RESIDENCE BUILDING 600 SQ. FT. FOR ONE FAMH.Y, ~ruLTIPLE STORY RESIDENCE BUJo 900 SQ. FT. FOR Th'O FAMILY, MULTI PLE STORY RESI DF}lCE BLDo 600 SQ. FT 0 FOR O!\'E FAHILY ONE STORY RESIDENCE BUILDING 900 SQo FTo FOR THO FAMILY, ONE STORY RESIDENCE BUILDING. 400 SQ. FT. FOR ONE FAMILY, MULTIPLE STORY RESIDENCE BLD. 450 SQo FT. FOR EACH GROUND FLOOR FAMILY IN A MULTIPLE FAMI LY, }WLTJ PLE STORY RESIDENCE BUILDINGo 7,500 FOR 50 FOR ONE FAMILY ONE FAMILY RESIDENCE. RESIDENCE. 11<250 FOR 75 FOR T¥.O FAMILY THO FAMILY RESIDENCEo RESIDENCE. 5,000 FOR 50 OJl.'E FAlHLY, 3,000 PER FAMILY FOR 2-3 BAMILIES. 1,500 PER FAMILY FOR 4~5 FAMILIES. 1,000 PER FAMILY FOR 6 OR MORE. DWELLINGS DUELJ..INGS SAME AS R-2 SAME AS R-2 COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL NO LIMIT 0 NO LIMIT. SEE NOTE F 0 SAME AS SAME AS ZONE C~l ZONE C,.·l SAME AS SA}!E AS ZONE C-l ZONE C-J. NO LIHITS NO WHITS. :.\:m~:ÌllN SQo FTo 10,000 W11Ÿ1'!! IN F"l'o 75 I , I , I I , · , , I · I · ! ¡ DJiGo · 60% I COMMo ,ALL EXCEPT IREAR 20 FT. , I DJiG, , 60% I COHMo ì ALL EXCEPT ,REAR 20 FT. 160% , I -, , I , ¡ALL E'<CEPT 'REAR 20 FT 0 '-.-- I , I I I , I , --1 , I , I ._-... I , I , I , I , I 30% MAXJ}!UM COVERAGE OF' IJ)'I' BY fI Tf lJl nG~ 50% 40% MINIMUH CLEARAOCE MAXIMù11 (YARD DUIENSIONS) HEIGHT F~n~:'f' !';m¡;: REAR FEET STORIES 35 FT" 9 F'I'o 10 FT 0 35 2 SEE SEE SEE SEE SEE NOTES NOTES NOTE NOTE NOTE mrr. Crd¡;A C. H, H. 30 FTo 7 FT, 10 FT 35 2 SEE SEE SEE SEE SEE NOTES NOTES NOTE NOTE NOm B&C C,D,E C H H 25 FT., 7 FTo 10 Fro 55 4 SEE SEE SEE SEE SEE NO TES NOTES NOTE NOTE NOTE B&:C C,D,E C H H NONE NONE REQ!) 20 FT, 75 ~ REQ'D BUT IF ANY SEE SEE NOT LESS NOTE NOTE THAN 4 FT, C C SEE NOTE (- NONE NONE REQ~ 20 Fr, 75 6t REQ'D BUT IF Am SEE SEE NOT LESS NOTE NOTE THAN 4 FT. C C SEE NOTE ( DWELLINGS AND COJ.!!.IERCIAL 35 2t 7 FTo r~' NOTE C NOTE C OTE C NONE NONE î20 FT 0 1. 10 KOTE C NOTE C NOTE C , I ~ r< ZONE SECTION 80 MINIMUH ZONING SCHEDULE AND SIZE OF LOT AREA REGULATIONS r¡ /J /' . SECTION 80 NOTES ~ERTAINING TO ZONING SCæEDULE AND A~ REGULATIONS: . NOTE A(l)o One (1) buildin/!, and its accessory structures may be erected on any lot which was separately recorded prior to Decem= ber 79 1954, proof of which shall he established only by the Official Zoning Map dated December 7, 1954, with subsequent official changes, or by a plat or diagram of a parcel or subdivision of which the lot is a part, wh ich has been officially accepted by the City Countil and recorded in the office of the City Clerkg or by a deed recorded in the office of the County Clerk of Lake County prior to December 7, 19540 (2). No dwelling shall be erected on a lot which does not abut on at least one (1) street for thirty (30) feeto . NOTE B(l)o In any zone in which the lots are less than 100 feet deepv the front=yard clearance may be reduced one percent (1%) for each foot that the lot depth is less than 100 feeto (2)0 lVhere the dedicated street right of way is less than 50 feet, the prescribed clearance of the front~yard shall be measured from a point which is 25 feet from the center of said street, instead of measuring such depth from the front property lineo NOTE Co Distances of buildings from State and Federal Highways shall be limited as follows: On all lands adjoining the rights of way of State Highway Noo 50 and Uo So Highway Noo 279 within the city limits of Clermont and regardless of zone designation, no building or structure shall be erected, constructed or placed thereon closer than 75 feet from the center lines of such rights of way. NOTE D(l)o Corner lots shall have on the street side a side yard not less than 66 2/3 percent of the front=yard clearance required on tbe lots in the rear of such corner lot; and no accessory struc- ture shall project beyond the front-yard building line of the lots in the rear of such corner 10to (2)0 The location of accèssory buildings on any corner -~.;,. ~ i -' lot shall be as follows: When the rear of any corner lot abuts a lot facing the street 'which is a side street of the corner lot, no accessory building on the corner lot shall be located nearer than ten (10) feet to the rear line of the corner loto . NOTE E(l)o Sideoyard clearance requirements in R=l-A Zones shall be as follows: No side yard shall be less than nine (9) feet, nor shall the sum of both side yards be less than twenty (20) feet, except as set forth in NOTE C of th is Sectiono (2)0 Side~yard clearance requirements in R~l and R-2 Zones shall be as ·fo110ws: The sum of the two (2) side~yards shall not be less than fifteen (15) feet, but no side=yard shall be less than seven (7) feeto (3)0 For each foot by which a lot of official record at the time this Ordinance is enacted is less than the width speci., fied by this Ordinance, two (2) inches may be deducted from each side yard, provided, however, that no side yard shall be less than four (4) feeto (4)0 All residential lot widths shall be measured at the front line of the lot 0 NOTE Fo No minimum lot sizes are prescribed for C-1 and Co2 Commercial Zones, but such lots must be large enough to provide parking and loading areas for the normal operation of the enter- prise and as required in Section 7 of this Ordinanceo NOTE Go Projections on permitted buildings and structures are permissible, as follows: (1) Steps or stoops not exceeding 24 square feet in area, eaves, cornices, window sills, lintels and belt courses may project into any required yard, except in the case of front yards or authorized depths, an open porch, terrace, or veranda, with a width of 14 feet in R-1-A Zone, of l2 feet in R=1 Zone, and of 10 feet in R-2 Zone may be built on the front side of the main buildingo (2) On lots other than those in the fire limits, occupied by a dwelling, not more than 30 percent of the rear yard may be occupied by accessorYouse structures, nor shall any accessory build- ing be higher tllan the main building, nor shall any accessory struc= ture be nearer than 10 feet to the rear line of such loto NOTE Ho Heights of structures are permissible, as follows: (1) In measuring height a habitable basement or attic shall be counted as a story; (2) Chimneys, elevators, poles, spires, tanks, towers and other projections not used for human occupancy may extend above the height limit specified in Section 8, Zoning Schedule and Area Regulations, and, (3) Churches, schools, hospitals, sanitariums and other large public and semi-public buildings may be built to a height of 55 feet or 4 stories, if the minimum depth of front and rear yards and the minimum width of side yards, as required in the zone where they are built, are increased one (l) foot for each five (5) feet . by which the height of such building exceeds the height limit in _ feet prescribed for other structures in that zoneo SECTION 90 USE REGULATIONS: (A) Principal uses: Within each of the Zones, as shown -4c::;:> on the Official Zoning ~rnp, the principal uses permitted are as follows: . Zone R=l~A, Residentia10 Uses specified in Section 9(C), . Group 10 Zone R=l, Residentia10 Uses specified in Section 9(C) , Groups 1 and 20 Zone R=2, Residential. Uses specified in Section 9(C) , Groups 1. 2, and 30 Zone C=l, Commercial. Uses specified in Secti on 9(C), Groups 1 to 4, inclusiveo Zone C=2, CommerciaL Uses specified in Secti on 9(C), Groups 1 to 5, inclusiveo Zone T-C, Transient=Commercia1, Uses specified in Section 9(C), Groups 1 to 6, inc1usiveo Zone M-l, Industria10 Uses specified in Section 9(C), Groups 1 to 7, inclusive; and. in addition, other uses as specified in Group 8, may be condi- tionally a110wedo Such conditional permission may be granted on an individual basis for any of the uses specified in Group 8, prod vided, however, that written application is made to the Board of Adjustment and to the City Council, and a majority of each of these bodies approves such application. (B) Accessory Uses: In all residential zones accessory uses shall be in accordance with Section 9(D), Note 10 In zones other than residential zones, accessory use on the same lot with and customarily incidental to the approved principal use thereof will be permittedo (C) Specific uses, by Groups, for reference in conjunction with Section 9(A): .. (1) Group 1 consists of the following uses: One-family detached dwelling, Public or parochial school, Church, Library, Public park or playground, and Municipal building, structure, or useo (2) Group 2 consists of the following uses: All uses in Group 1, Two-family dwelling, Private educational institution offering general courses, Community center, and Noncommercial recreation building or areao (3) Group 3 consists of the following uses: All uses in Groups 1 and 2, Mu1tiple=family dwelling, apartment, garage apartment, Hotel, rooming and boarding house (not to include motel or trailer park), =5= . (5) .. Nonprofit club or lodge, Hospital, convalescent home, dursing home, sanitarium, Fruit grove, nursery, commercial garden, and Mortuaryo (4) Group 4 consists of the fOllowing uses: All uses in Groups 1 to 3, inclusive, Retail store, manufacturing display room, includ- ing small appliance and equipment repair in conjunction, . New Automobile and automobile-parts sales, Gasoline fiLling stations, retail only, provided that all tanks are underground, that no tank exceeds 5000 gallons in capacity and the total tank capacity does not exceed 25,000 gal10ns9 Restaurant, cafe, catering establishment, not includ- ing drive-in type, Bank, Professional or business office, agency or studio, medical and dental clinic or laboratory, Public utility office, Theatre or place of assembly, not including drive-in type, Personal service shops, including beauty, barber, dressmaking, tailor, áboe repair, jewelry repair, or similar shop, Trade or business school, Bus passenger station, Newspaper publishing or similar establishment, Automatic self-service laundry, dry cleaning receiving agency, And custom shop for making articles to be sold at retail on the premises, provided it does not create objectionable noise, dirt, smoke, odors, or vibra- tion or an occupational hazardo Group 5 consists of the following uses: All uses in Groups 1 to 4, inclusive, Public utility substation, Automobile repair and public garage, Used automobile sales, not including storage of old cars, wrecks, parts, or junk, Indoor amusement parlor, Laundry, dry cleaning or clothes pressing p1ant9 Agricultural supplies and equipment sales and warehouse, Wholesale business establishment, Contractor or general service shop, including plumb- ing, heating, carpentry, cabinet making,furniture repair, upholstery, and similar shop, Frozen food lockers, Distributing, express, carting or hauling station, Machine and appliance repair shops, Building material and manufactured products sales and warehousing or covered storage; and, Light manufacturing, employing not more than five (5) workers and free from objectionable noise, dirt, smoke, odors, vibration or traffic prob1em~o ~6-= (6) . (7) Group 6 consists of the fOllowing uses: All uses in Groups 1 to 5, inclusive, Motels, not including trailer parks, Drive-in or curb service diners, Drive-in theatres, Refreshment stands, Souvenir and handicraft sales, Outdoor amusements, such as shuffleboard, ten~is, miniature golf, bathing pools, playground equ1p- ment on a commercial basis, provided it does not create objectionable noise, dirt, odors, or traffic hazards, Fruit and produce stands, Boat and automobile=trailer sales, not including storage for other than display purposes, Light manufacture of small or novelty products for retail sale on premises. Group 7 consists of the following uses: All uses in Groups 1 to 6, inclusive; Packing and canning plants, Bulk storage of gasoline, oils and grease, Foundry, boiler shop, machine and welding shop, metal working, Saw and planing mills, Storage warehouses not included in any other group, Sand and gravel yards with facilities for mixing and moulding cement or concrete products, Brick and tile plant, potter, Milk depoto (8) Group 8 consists of the following uses: Trailer parks, Junk and salvage yards, Abattoir, Fat rendering, incineration or reduction of garbage, except by, or for, the City of Clermont, Processing of leather, wood or wood pulp, Manufacture of ammonia, asphalt, bleaching powder, cement, chemicals, coke, creosote, dye, explosives, extrine, fertilizer, fireworks, glucose, glue, gypsum, illuminating as in excess of 1000 cubic feet per day. lampblack, lime, linoleum, oilcloth, paint, plaster, pyroxylin or articles thereof (lncludi ng storage in excess of 500 pounds), rubber, starch, tar, turpen- tine, varnish and any other use not otherwise referred to in this section but which is not in conflict with existing Ordinances of the City of C1ermonto (D) Notes pertaining to Use Regulations: NOTE 1~ . The term "accessory uses" as applied to residential ~ones shall be as follows: (a) Structures and uses incidental to and on the same lot with permitted use, such as private garage, boathouse, greenhouse, tool and fuel houses, 'work- shop, quarters for help employed on the premises, summerhouse or bona fide guesthouse, any of which must be located in the rear of the main use or struc= ture and of a height not exceeding that of the main bui1dingo It is permissible to have in the main front _7_ . NOTE 20 NOTE 30 NOTE 40 . building professional offices and rooms for arts and crafts inherent with home life, but using not more than twenty~five (25) percent of the total enclosed living areao (b) The sale of fruits, flowers and produce raised on the premises. (c) Tourist accommodations, without board9 not to exceed one (1) room in Zone R=l-A or two (2) rooms in ?lone R-10 (d)- Advertising signs pertaining only to the sale or lease of a lot or building on which placed and not exceeding 12 square feet in total area; and each family occupying a dwelling on the premises may have not more than 2 signs, each with a total area not exceeding 2 square feet pertaining to the use of the buildinp, or bearing the name of the occupant and authorized occupationo All other sißn~ are prohibltedo The use of front yards in Transient Commercial (T-C) Zones, Commercial Use, shall be as follows: The front yard in a T-C Zone may bè used for off= street parking o~ vehicles and may display markers and other devises to control such parKingo Such front yards shall be 50 designed as to prevent the use of the public highway for maneuvering incidental to parking9 and entrances and exits shall be so arranged as to insure a minimUM of interference with highway traffico These front yards may have trees and shrubbery so far as vision of and from the high- way is not impairedo These front yards may have lighting standards and other lightingdevises which do not present in any way a hazard to highway traffic or interfere with the parking facili tieso Wherever a T=C commercial building or use is adjacent to a residential property, the owner or operator of the commercial premises shall provide a hedge or wall to prevent the lights of parked cars or other vehicles from shining into the windows and porches of adjoin- ing residential propertyo No red or green lights shall be operated within 100 feet of any intersecting road or streeto (, 1 ) . (j No dwelling shall be erected in Zone M-1 except with special permission of the Board of Adjustment and the City Council. If such permission is granted said dwelling shall conform to t he regulations set forth for Zone R-20 No building or structure shall be erected in Unclassified Zone (U-Z); however, any owner of property in this zone may request classification at any ~ime, following which the pertinent zoning regulations and requirements will governo SECTION 10. ADMINISTRATION: It shall be the duty of the Building Inspector to enforce the provisions of this Ordinanceo No land or structure shall be changed in use and no structure shall be erected, altered or moved . -8- . NOTE 20 building professional offices and rooms for arts and crafts inherent with home life, but using not more than twenty-five (25) percent of the total enclosed living areao (b) The sale of fruits, flowers and produce raised on the premiseso (c) Tourist accommodations, without board, not to exceed one (1) room in Zone R=l-A or two (2) rooms in ?lone R-lo (d) Advertising signs pertaining only to the sale or lease of a lot or building on which placed and not exceeding 12 square feet in total area; and each family occupying a dwelling on the premises may have not more than 2 signs, each with a total area not exceeding 2 square feet pertaining to the use of the building or bearing the name of the occupant and authorized occupationo All other sign~ are prohibitedo The use of front yards in Transient Commercial (T=C) Zones, Commercial Use, shall be as follows: The front yard in a T-C Zone may be used for off- street parking off vehicles and may display markers and other devises to control such parkingo Such front yards shall be so designed as to prevent the use of the public highway for maneuvering incidental, to parking, and entrances and exits shall be so arranged as to insure a minimum of interference with highway traffico These front yards may have trees and shrubbery so far as vision of and from the high- way is not impairedo These front yards may have lighting standards and other lightingdevises which do not present in any way a hazard to highway traffic or interfere with the parldng facili tieso Wherever a T-C commercial building or use is adjacent to a residential property, the owner or operator of the commercial premises shall provide a hedge or wall to prevent the lights of parked cars or other vehicles from shining into the windows and porches of adjoin- ing residential propertyo No red or green lights shall be operated within 100 feet of any intersecting road or streeto No dwelling shall be erected in Zone M-1 except with special permission of the Board of Adjustment and the City Council. If such permission is granted said dwelling shall conform to t he regulations set forth for Zone R-Zo NOTE 40 No building or structure shall be erected in Unclassified Zone (U-Z); however, any owner of property in this zone may request classification at any ~ime, fOllowing which the pertinent zoning regulations and requirements will governo NOTE 30 . SECTION 100 ADMINISTRATION: It shall be the duty of the Building Inspector to enforce the provisions of this Ordinanceo No land or structure shall be changed in use and no structure shall be'erected, altered or moved _8e. . until the Inspector has issued a building permit certifying that the plans and intended use of land, buildings and structures are Ìl1 confornúty with this and other Ordinances of the City of Clermont. No land or structure here- after erected, altered or moved shall be used until the Building Inspector has made an inspection and issued a Certificate of Occupancy indicating that the use of said land, or structure is in confornúty with this and other existing Ordinances of the City of Clermont. SECTION 11. ADJUSTMENTS: (A) A Board of Adjustment is hereby established. This Board shall consist of five (5) members appointed by the City Council for a period of three (3) years. When and where there are practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships in the way of abiding to the very letter of this Ordinance the Board of Adjustment shall have the power to interpret and/or grant exceptions to any regulations pf this Ordinance, provided, however, that the spirit of this Ordinance is observed and that public safety, health and welfare are preserved, and justice has been done. (B) Any person with a bona fide intere.l3t (including intent) in a piece of property may subnùt a request for a zoning adjustment or decision to the Board of Adjustment, provided that such request is in writing and is accompanied by pay- ment of ten dollars ($10.00) to cover administrative expenses, which payment shall be made to the City Clerk and will not be returned or refunded subsequently. SECTION 12. PENALTIES: Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate or fail to comply with any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be punished by a fine of not less than Five Dollars ($5.00) nor more than Fifty Dollars ($50.00) or be imprisoned in the City jail for not more than thirty (30) days, or both, in the discretion of the City Judge. Each day that a violation is pernùtted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION B: All Ordinances, or parts of Ordinances, in conflict with or inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION C: This Ordinance shall become effective at núdn1ght on the 10th day after its final passage by the City Council of the said City of Clermont. . SECTION D: After thorough investigation by the Council of the City of Clermont and by its Building Committee many errors, irregularities and discrepancies were found in said Ordinance No. 126 resulting in some cases of a hardship on some property owners, and in other cases a failure in the real intent and purpose of said Ordinance. The Board of Adjustments and mem- bers of the Zoning and Planning Commission were consulted and given a copy of this Ordinance, amending Ordinance No. 126 and have verbally advised the Building Committee that these changes must be made in the interests of all property owners. Therefore, this Ordinance is passed as an emergency measure, and the Council does, by the vote by which this Ordinance is passed, hereby declare that an emergency exists, which makes it imperative that this Ordin- ance should become' effective forthwith in order that the public health, welfare \ , , -9- \ \ '\ . . -" ;. , ',- and safety might most effectively be provided for. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ ~ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _,_ _ . _ _ _ 0 _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ . _ PASSED by the City Councll of the City of Clermont at its Adjourned Regular Meeting held in the City Hall on - If. December!, 1957. 7ZI(!;di V. ~ ,// ~_J ,,' President ~ Q ty Council "",,?~ ",i: "'", -" ,.~. ,t di: ~~,;(. ~ ') " ~ ./ ".. '.': . '.~ " :~ :..!2. . .......~ ~~ '... .......:..,...... -...... ATTEST: ~ . .~ .....--- --".-""-- - - - - ttßCEIVED AND APPROVED by me this December;¡5, 1957. May 'r of the City of Cl.epnoill. Florida - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - ~ -- - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - , I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance N0.Œtwas posted as required by the Charter and/or Ordinances of the City 0;; Clermont, Lake County, Florida. Dated J!,¿ð City - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -10- / / 'u ~ ~ " ~ ~ :t: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " ~ Cl I 1 '/':"\ " , '0 .. ,..0 z IN-' ~ rJZ . .' ~ MINNEHAHA N ---...~'" _------~ I ... ----- sa STIt. T ~~ .~ ~~~o ~ £ ",' 7 E ° ~ . '0 · ¡ ,z. I, ii a1 L ~ SCHOOL _. L - , .. ."'1.1-.......--' ~ 3 : . -~~ ".,-_-.....-.. -. . . " " ... ,. ~ N "'ho......... ~ ~ GROUN DS .. ...~,.,...~~ . . :-' ~~ . . . ! 'OItU1 Cr' ~~/" "'l ~I ~Il. ::.-~fr" a ~4 ,;;~~ . i·.OLe ~ ~ /' /~...,. ¡ -+11 21 -¿-i -" co = -1 · ~t. . OLA _ ;.:- '/ ( '" r ~ ! ... , 10 - .A !- --.-"1,,,.,. Ú-. . . . -.... 1 t 7 f,I./;r,-Çì:JZl!-Li1. . _ T b T ,. p._' ; I·,. ,I..· ·.1... ",..' 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