O-57-164 r' '"1''' ORDINANCE No. 164 .'- ~~ AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING MINIMUM STANDARDS OR SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ALL STREETS IN THE CITY OF CLERMONT. FLORIDA; AND, PROVIDING OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO AS WELL AS PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF TillS ORDINANCE. ' WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of CIermont, Florida, and its Street Committee have established and adopted minimum standards or specifications for the building of all streets, alleys and public ways within said City; and, streets have been built in accordance therewith; and, the Council desiring to have same in a more permanent form available to the public as well as all amendments thereto, now find it necessary to pass this Ordinance as an emergency measure; therefore, BE IT ORDAINFD AND EST ABLISHFD BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA: SECTION I. PURPOSE. The purpose of this Ordinance is to establish minimum standards or specifications for the construction of all streets within the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, or in adjacent subdivisions which may be annexed tu the said City. It shall be the policy of the City to require construction of such streets, alleys and public ways in accordance with tbese specifications until such time as these specifications are modified or rescinded. SECTION n. GENERAL. The owner of all lands through which any streets, alleys or public ways are to be or are being constructed shall be responsible for the protection of all existing structures and utilities encountered in the project. Any damage caused by the owner or his operations shall be repaired by the owner without cost to the City. If the street grades are such that existing water lines owned by the City of Clermont must be lowered, this work will be done by the City. SECTION lll. APPLICABLE SPECIFlCATIONS. All work to be performed under this Ordinance shall confonn to the requirements of all standard specifications of the City of Clermont and to all applicable specifications of the Florida State Road Department. The latest published edition of the Standard Specifications of the Florida State Road Department is made a part hereof and shall be considered as included herein. SECTION IV. CLEARING AND GRUBBING. The entire area of the street rights-oi-way shall be cleared, except that certain trees. to be designated by the City of Clermont, shall be left _.- in place. It shall be the owner's responsibility to remove and satisfactorily dispose of all large roots, stumps and/or other objectionable or deleterious material encountered during the course of the grading and paving operations. SECTION V. GRADING. The owner shall perform all grading required to construct the street pavement to the grades and typical sections shown on the plans. In all cases, .-,. ".'. " - ..... ·".. , " -",',\ '. grading shall be performed for the full width of the rights~of-way. Where low building areas occur, they may be filled to provide drainage to the street, ->:- if the owner of such area so requests. In all areas, the ground surface shall slope uniformly from the property line to the top of the curb and shall drain to the curb. All surplus excavation shall be disposed of. ..:~ . SECTION VI. SUB-GRADE STABILIZATION. The sub-grade ior the proposed pavement shall be stabilized to a depth of 6 inches below the bottom of the base course by the addition and nùxing of clay with the existing material. The owner shall add to and mix with the existing material sufficient clay to provide a bearing value of the stabilized material of not less than 50 psi. Borings and bearing value tests will be made by the Owner, and the stabilization must be approved before construction of the base course. Stabilization shall be carried to one (1) foot beyond the back of the curbs, and curbs shall be poured on the stabilized sub~grade. SECTION VII. CURB. Street curbs shall be curb and gutter constructed under the minimum requirements or specifications as established by Ordinance by the City of Clermont. All of the provisions of said Ordinance or any and all amendments thereto shall be and are hereby adopted by reference as and made a part of this Section of this Ordinance. SECTION VIll. SAND-CLAY BASE. The owner shall construct on the approved stabilized subgrade a 6-inch compacted sand-clay base course. All work and material shall be in accord- ance with the Florida State Road Department Standard Specifications. SECTION IX. PRIME COAT. Upon completion and approval of the sand-clay base. course, the owner shall apply a prime coat to base. The prime coat shall be cut-back asphalt or tar, applied at the rate of approximately 0.30 gallon-per square yard. After application of the prime coat, the owner shalllighdy sand the surface as may be required to blot up any surplus prime. SECTION X. DOUBLE SURFACE TREATMENT. After the elapse of an adequate curing period, the owner shall apply a second coat of cut-back asphalt or tar, applied at the rate of approximately 0.50 gallon per square yard. Immediately there shall be applied or spread a coat of State Road No. 11 rock, rolled in place with steel roller of not less than 5 ton capacity. Another coat of cut+back asphalt or tar, applied at the rate of approximately 0.50 gallon per square yard shall be immediately spread on which State Road No. 15 rock shall be immediately spread and rolled in place with steel roller of not less than 5 ton capacity. SECTION XI. CROSS-SECTION DRAWING OF MINIMUM SPECIFlCATIONS. . All provisions of Sections V to X, both inclusive, hereinabove are hereby ~ustrated by a typical cross-section designated as Drawing No. I, hereby made a part of this section as well as said Sections V to X, both inclusive, as if fully and at large set forth herein and in said Sections, to-wit: --2-- . . \/C)r(JI I I I.J r. ,_ C, '1- 0\: !_- T :...,..t ! \, L:- 1._, . >="ðQ.. ", -'f-\ <.::, ::' C (."'-' \ /)f\¡ lJ \-< U 'J I..) '_ "J I ! ~_ " THE LAKE CITY OF CLERMONT COUNTY, F'LOR IDA" , ,'/'1 ¡àC'e !r,,"vw;e¡ I os spect(/ecl___, In or-dllle/nce / q ._ __.~, !7 - ~-r: T ,:;?":~7::-:'~'-:;~~-:-'·.. > ,",' ,-. " '. ..)i "', ' . . ~-:?r I_ ÓV.b.bpsP -10 eA'lenq / min, 1-0"· bcyond nurr/ /-5'0/)(;( {'Iml, çJr eC¡Vlv<7it;,¡1 as ,-?Sflecfíed m ordlll1t1l?ce - -- ,¿ .,''''7-r'~-:-:-'- ."",¡~ '~ "'''''( G:- "--- --' ~! - ¡ ~ {.SÚ¿¡ ßqse os S'pec;¡;"ed ¡'r; Ol'(.7/nQI? ae ' 2.4."0" CRGS SEC TIOlv ,. DR AW 'NG 1\\ 91. :.::>ART 01= ORDINA.NCF I\I'? 164 CI,F:RMONT;FLA. --2A-- SECTION XII. DRAINAGE STRUCTURES. The owner shall furnish and install at his expense drainage structures as required by the said City. Pipe shall be reinforced concrete or asphalt coated, corrugated metal, and of the sizes as required by the City. Con- ....... crete pipe shall be tongue and groove with mortar joints. Curb inlets, manholes and headwalls shall be constructed where shown on the owner's plana or as required by the City. All concrete used shall be Class A, ready- mixed concrete. All water so drained shall be carried to a point designated by the City. SECTION XIII. CLEAN-UP. Upon completion of the work, the owner shall clean up the site of his operations as required to remove all roots, trash, forms, excess material and other debris. SECTION XIV. DEFINITIONS. The word stréet shall mean any public street, avenue, road, alley, highway, lane, path, or other public place located in the City of Clermont and established for use of any type of vehicle. The word owner shall mean any person, firm or corporation and their respective agents or contractors, as well as the one responsible for the construction of the street. Words used in the past or present tensemclude the future as well as the past and present. A word imparting the singular number only may extend and be applied to several persons and things as well as to one person and thing. A word imparting the masculine gender only shall extend and be applied to females and to firms, partnerships and corporations as well as to males. SECTION XV. INSPECTIONS. When the work, or any individual section thereof, is complete<;!. the owner may request the City for inspection thereof, which will be made as soon as practicable. All sections of the work must receive a final inspection by the City before the acceptance thereof by the City. However, final inspection and approval or acceptance thereof will in no way constitute approval or acceptance of the street curbs to be or being constructed on either or both sides of the street. ' . , SECTION XVI. STREET CURBS. All required street curbs shall be constructed and designed to meet the minimum standards for same as established by Ordinance by the City of Clermont. . SECTION XVII. GENERAL GUARANTEE. Neither the final acceptance or approval of the street as provided in Section XV above, shall constitute an acceptance of work done in accordance with the owners plana and specifications or relieve the ovmer of any liability for faulty workmanship or materials which shall appear Within one (1) year from the date of final acceptance or approval of the work. In the event defects in the streets is found within said period and same -:'3-- ./ , , v , , is due to faulty materials or workmanship the City shall notify the owner in writing of the observed defects who shall remedy same within a reason- able time at the owner's expense. If not so done the CitY shall remedy same and the owner shall be fully liable for same and the said City shall have a lien upon the lands of the owner enforceable as prescribed by law. . SECTION XIX. STREETS CONSTRUCTED BY CITY OF CLERMONT. Nothing herein shall in any way be interpreted to allow the City of Clermont to construct any streets below the minimum standard or require- ments as required in this Ordinance. SECTION XX. VIOLATIONS. Any person, firm or corporation violating any provisions of this Ordinance shall not receive the final approval or acceptance thereof and the Cily of Clermont will not assume the maintenance of same. SECTION XXI. SEPARABILITY. If any section, sub-section, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not effect the validity of the remaining portions thereof. SECTION XXII. DECLARATION OF EMERGENCY, EFFECTIVE DATE, REPEAL OF CONFLICTING ORDINANCES. The City Council and its Street Committee having heretofore prepared minimum construction requirements for all streets and find there are no further available copies of same and same should also be put into a more permanent form so when amended or altered the public would have full knowledge thereof; and, further finding that streets .have been constructed to conform to said requirements and some are about to be constructed and that it is now necessary that as an emergency this Ordinance be passed. Tnerefore, this Ordinance is passed as an emergency measure and the Council does, by the vote by which this Ordinance is passed, hereby declare that an emergency exists, which makes it imperative that this Ordinance shall become effective forthwith in order that the public health, welfare and safety might most effectively be provided for. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance or any part thereof, are hereby expressly repealed. - ~ - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - ~ - -- - - - - - .. - - - - - - - - - - . ~ PASSFD AND ADOPTED by the cat4.Council of the City of Clermont, .. Florida, at its Adjourned Regular Meetmg held in the City Hall in the City of Clermont, on Friday, December 20, 1957. ..#.77~~~>~~,,;?, ,-' ~¿~ .f~·' ST.;"·:-"\. si~ent. ~ é~uncil ~~.. ..,;- '...... --:. ;: c : :..,r .A.h~: : ; ~ , :,5:- ~~~ ,: :: ~..... ~ ... ~....~-:.... tn, erk <,," .. . "'3. ... -;"........::.... . - ~ - - - - - - - - - - .. .. - ... .. - 1-: 'l'...... - .. -....;.- .. .. ... . .. .. ... -- .. - - - - - - - - - - ~r...~... ".""., ..... 'f'r_' t'" - ~..... ....4-. -"-,.,-:.o.. -~ - . . . , RECEIVED AND APPROVED by me this December 20, 1957. Ma{!f(~rn~nt, " ,. . Florida ~';>-' '\ .." ..... ~- ~ . -:":' <.. \..?~ ~ ...... ~ -::-: . - "'\, - :.-., '::.......... ':"'- :"'=': _~ / ,,0 :.='~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .;.,~ - <.. - - ...... , ..........,...::j -...~ ~........., ~ . ......... ,~ .:- <0. . "':' -;\:. ,...' - . ..-........ .> --5--