2012-35 �1 t ;,� _ Energy Transmission & Distribution Services Company Name City ofCkxtnont _ ! Address where wort: performed: 685 W Ml3N'fROSE STREET (Downtown beantiticatio project) City: Clermont State: FL Zip Code: 34711 Telephone Number :( 352 ) 241 -73 7336 - _ Fax Number. ( 352 394 -2379 Customer Billing' trilling Addretis 685 W Montrose St Lit) Clermont _ - State TI. Zip Code 34711 Description of Services: Sec Sco of Work bebw Contract Amount: (- 1.0 5 � .0 r 7 w hate to be billed: Customer Signature: r% – Date: a cp &a daO / Signal= Name Pnntcd #Z,I19/d .7wedh(I - 2 • Company ros trun Progress Energy Corporation Account Manager. Collier Jones 407- 942 -9390 — on behalf of hereby accepts this offer to perform the work described in this document as set forth above, subject exclusively to the terms and conditions set forth on the reverse side of this document. The following labor rates arc for service within Florida. Customer will reimburse Progress Energy for its direct and indirect costs for materials and replacement parts at cost plus fifteen percent (15%) Rates for services outside Fkn ida can be provided upon request. Scope of Work: Residential sendram Includes all associated labor, matenais including new underground fed meter base and required electrical permitting. This proposal does not Include any cosmetic, roof repairs, or electrical system upgrades that may be required to pass electrical inspection, Total cost per location. 61240.00 Locations inoltide: 688 Mineola Ave 674 Mmneole /We 652 Mmneola Ave 628 Minnsota Ave 612 Mmneota Ave 645 Minneota Ave 655 Mmneola Ave 663 Mmneola Ave 677 Mmneola Ave 685 MInneola Ave 617 - 619 Desoto Street 610 - 748 Desoto Street 647 take ake Aye MB 627 W Osceola St 625 7"•' Street Commerclat Services Includes all associated labor, matenals including new conduct and service entrance conductor as well as new underground tad meter base and required permitting Thir This proposal does not include any cosmetic, site «ork/reppirs, roof repairs, or electrical system upgrades that ' may be required to pass eternal stispechon Total Cost Location 1: 651 Desoto St 64,784.73 Total Cost Location 2: 7400 Lake Blvd 63,70413 Total Coet Location 3: 674 W. Montrose (Church) 68,287.14 - Total Cost Location 4; 650 7" Street (Beauty Shop) 64,908 B7" Total cost location 6: 702 Montrose (Herb Shop) $6,036.28"" ' "Total cost location 6: 712 Montrose (Wine Shop) 50,35503 "Total cost location 7 716 Montrose (Marleek Const) 66,718.52 "Total cost location 6: 720 Montrose (conduit only) 61,260 77 Note' 720 and 716 Montrose have been combined into one on:f and metered at 716 Montrose. We intend to install a spare conduit and stub Lip under the meter base at 716 Montrose for future use Please refer to conbael perms defined on reverse side R« 1 1109 CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS LhotollentnenlAttt6 I, Subject to the condition set forth m the Commit. FLORIDA POWI`R C'.NLPORA1 iI)N D'L3:A PROGRESS FNI RGY J i.ORIPA INC (PL 1'7i ar•.rees to fumise Iatwr, eupenrsian equipment, material and transportatlPn necessary to provide the services descf:t'ed on the front page of this document Noe - metier the' Work "). 1 2 PFI shall be entitled to rely ten the accuracy of any attenuation emestded b) ('uetorner, %birh is hereby warranted by Curtailer to he accurate and oonts,t In the :.sent of any unforeseen coats incurred due to the maceara.y of any such information, the comet- neat:on payable to PEI shad) he equitably ad juste. to sompcn' ate for any, such additional costs 1 3 PEF shall exereeie r: aeoaable eftons to complete the Wnrk in accordance with (be Wit/tried ;thedule specified In this ttenra :t docsmrt bet is net responsible for costs ioctnred b) Customer due W late delivery or completion uf the ' irk_ Nov reeserSe entLI .ill. 111 2 1 Costumer shall pay PEE the ctrntracl price specified on the front side of this Contract (Mc "Contract Price' ) within 30 days teem the date of completion a4 to York If Cu Lunite fails W pay Contract Prue by the due date Cuatumer shat) be hable to PFF lea any attorney fres mewed m convenor' uf an amount due and shall pay Interest to PEE on the amount past due ie the amnant of 1% per month 2 2, Any work beyond the scope of Work described herein requested eland pet by PFI CMdrtIonal Weti ") shall he billed to Clistumer at P11- s then current standard ones, urticas otherwise eared w m writing by the parties 13, The prices for the Work and any Additional Work me exclusive of federal, state, municipal of other sales or use tar If PH is required by applicable Iaw t„ pay or eolleci any such bless co accoiml of Work provided m kindling Um Cuntraet, then such amount of tic and any perteltres and inte,e,1 aemail shad be reimbursed to PFF. Unless aSales'l an C is provided to PEI . the trvotee will include a line than 4u sales tax +fee traAlf Ohl!goorine 3 1. Customer shell be responsible to provide ntces.aa) anima to end around the work rate to enable P1:1• to perform the Services ptupuse! herein P11 ,Mail base the neht to suspend Wort and recover additional noses in the event that there is inadecerate 11.M lo the won. sue or in the event that continuing with the Work might jeopardize die safety of any pc*son or property 3 2 Customer shall provide any necessary plans, tpecificationt drawings, or information that may be necessary or useful m the performance of the Work and any Addiuonal Work at no con to PEI 15ta tad ► rx_itauganneb '1 1 If cemplaance with any laws, mgu l•,ttions or ord nencee of am goit er: merit autboniv nr agency require any changes in the wort or services proposed herein, or should any patties licenses, or approvals be enquired, Customer assumes the risk, and responsibilny for such winplienec or change, or tut se currnp such permits, licenses and approvals from the proper authorities, and for paying any associated costs or {fees, unless spu flea1l3 Ord otherwise wtthtn tins proposal 4 2 The Customer shall be responsible for infornung PT F t•f the presence of any hazardous w po enirull) hw,.udous materials on lee pmlect site, PH will not be responsible f^. r the release. handltne, treatment, storage or doping! of Iretardous met nale, and C'u tomee shall milt dingy. defend, and hold PF1 harmiess from and against any claims related 11' the anv work that mat arise out of the presence of harardnus materials on the C uslomor's property l nfl ra 5 1 I'he remedies set fulfil tit this ( on'rat ate C'ustomer's sole and exclusive remedies Neither P1 I TUX ate en,ptoyeee, Its subeontracton of suppliers shad be liable for any lndirime epecial, modentat, a emplary or avasequenseal loss w damage of any nature anaing out of or rm connection with their performance or non - performance hereunder In no event shall PEF's ltabrl+ty ansiog out of or in canneetwn w oh the performance pr ate'npperformenwe of the Work or any Additional Work exceed the treat Contract Pnee as set forth in PLi 's proposal The pun buns of this Section 5 shall apply whether such liability arises in aatuact (mcludarp iic '.entry, stria hability, or otherss ise Itteieten 6 1 PEE' represtsls and warrants that it has met all requirement% under t1orids Iaw ugh regard to workers' eompepeatien end Automobdc lulled ay cove rage FPrSo i t a t c . l t 4 a t g e s l . e e n . th font 71. In no ceent shall PET be re powtihle for any damages arising nut of any failure to poatomr or delay due to any cause beyond Pr F s reasonable u ntml such as but nth hooted tan acts of gnvenmental or military authorty, oils, wars embargoes. farce, !foods and sets e'f trod Delays due to such coaditions shall be considered reusable delays In such events, PEr shall be entitled W an exteaston atone as necessary to overcome the reuse of the tailure to peribrm or delay 7 2 Notw,thstandmg rot) ihtng hereto to the control). if condruons are auaatteretl at the proiect site which are (i) subaurface or otherwise coi,eealed phs steal -unditiuns -which differ tnatcnalle from t indicated an any coiateaet documents m (ti 1 onknuwn physual conditions of en unusual mire, wheel differ materially from those ordmartly found Woos' and generalle recognized as inherent in t•onetru8un acuities of the ammeter provided for m the contract, then PI I shall provide Customer with prompt written notice thereof before conditions are disturbed and in no evert later than seven (7) calendar days after P.M observance of such conditions Customer shalt promptly investigate such conditions said, if they diner materla!Nv and cause an increase or dLUCase rn PFF s cost o!, or time urqulled for, performance of any part of the work, Leedom will adtrrew ledge and agree to an equitable adjustment to PEF's cost of time of performance, or both Jf Customer determines that the conditions at the site are tut materially different from those indicated in the contract documents or amt of an unusual name, and that no change in the terms of the contract esyustrficd, Customer shall promptly not* I'EI' in writing, stating is reasons ()/r s pemt lolS 8 I PEF shall hall m pem+ined W use subenntraetora to perform the work specified herein. Nolo id stwtdhng the use of eui to niracture, PH shall continue to be nepoaslblr. kin + the quality of the mirk. Naji- MA 9 1, 'Ihe failure of ea1Mt party to insist upon the perturntanto of any term or Condition M this Convert or to mere ne any right hereunder on one or more ow- towns. shall not co naature a waiver or Rltnginshmeni of is right to dernand future, pcxformaaee of such term or u'ndrtton or to eon le such right in the future 1<' 111 /Li 10 I The c la laws of die State of Florida than pima this Contract exmpt that the Honda conflict -of -laws provieions shall not be invoked m order fo apply the Iaw, srf another state or jurisdiction Wan4ity 11 1 PIT only warrants that the Work performed by r t 1 or 115 wbwrtiactors %hall be pert amcd in accordance with generally aetrpted industry practices PIT shall not be responsible for any problenis or defeats atirbutablc to improper operation, maintenance or use of the Work or any Additional Work. or attributable to are, cot-e beyond PEI's reasonable control TILL' WARRANIII S SEI I•UIC'III Ale( WE ARE LXCLLISIVE, AND NOOTHER WARRANT 11-S 011 R; Mi DiTS OF ANY 11N1). WLI11CR ST Al UTORY, WittITIN. CN*AI ,1 XPIthSS. OR IMPI.r1:17, lNCJ,l DIN(i WJ11IOU! LiMIiATION WARRANTILS Of iNi RiNCiMLNT. MERCHANT AiU1.17 Y. AND FITNESS FOR A PAR' ICI it AR PUiRPOSE, OR %ARRANT ILS ARJSIN(r FROM COURSE Of DEALrNC, OR USAGE' OF TRADE IITALI APPLY TO 1IIE MAXIMUM FXTL'NT PERM!ITFD PEI 11FRFt3Y ASSIGNS TO CLFSIOMLR ALL LXPRI'SS AND IMrl IEI) WARRANTILS FROM 1 l Ib MANIJrAC: I UREA OF ANY PARTS AND FQUII'V1i:N r INS'I At I rn BY PLF AS A PART Of THE WORK Nee L TI zta ui r s Warrantee fur Walls) P11" MARLS NO 4DDIFIONA1 W'ARRAUfY,FOR ANY PARTS OR EQt'1P�li•NT S.IPPL1LD RI•pRE.SFN r4T IONS ARI MADF BY PIS WI I II RTSPF..CT 10 TI1T QL'AI 11 Y_ WORMANSHIP OR Still ABU! !IN' OF ANY EQUIPMENT 011 PART S PROVIDED UNDER 11115 CONTRACT Except as' pro%tded in Section 8 P1 F shall not be responsible for any work done try others or for any loss, damage, coat or expense arising oat of ur resulting from such work, apices authorial d by P11' in advance rain Afirt,rpqra 1� I rho Contract embodies die entire agreement between Pt 1' and Customer Any purchase order or acknowledgement issued by Customer 13 issued only for administrative purposes and any additional or conflating terms and condition appcarmg therein +hull be % Ohl and of no cffeet The parties shall not be bound by or liable for any dement wilting, reprcaeatatir+n, premivaii- indueemei:t, or understanding nut set death above Li the went of an) conflict brtseui a proposal letter and the forms of this Contract, !lira CcMract shell controL No changes. madrfcat'on or amendments 10 an terms and condition in this Cerium are %alit or binding unless agreed to by the parties in writing by chair authorized representatives • +1` May8 2012 City of Clermont 685 West Montrose St Clermont, Fl 34711 Attention: Tamara Richardson Reference: Proposal for services associated with Overhead to Underground conversion Dear Ms Richardson, Progress Energy is pleased to be able to provide the City of Clermont with the following proposal to provide services that are associated with the conversion of overhead fed electrical meters to underground fed electrical meters. These services must be paid for in advance by the end user or the city and not Progress Energy. ftesidentlal services: Includes all associated labor. materials including new underground fed meter base and required electrical permitting. This proposal does not include any cosmetic, roof repairs, or electrical system upgrades that may be required to pass electrical inspection. Total cost per location: $1240.00 Locations Include: 688 Minneola Ave 674 Minneola Ave 652 Minneola Ave 625 Minneola Ave 612 Minneola Ave 645 Minneola Ave 655 Minneola Ave 663 Minneola Ave 677 Minneola Ave 685 Minneola Ave 617 - 619 Desoto Street 610 - 748 Desoto Street 647 Lake Ave ABS 627 W Osceola St 6257' Street Commercial Services: Includes all associated labor, materials including new conduit and service entrance conductor as well as new underground fed meter base and required permitting. This proposal does not include any cosmetic, site worklrppairs, roof repairs, or electrical system upgrades that may be required to pass electncat inspection T&D SOMcee • 3300 Exchange Place • Lake Mary, Fonds 32746 • (407) 942-9390 A Progress Energy company l Total Cost Location 1: Desoto St $4,784.73 Total•Cost Location 2: 7400 Lake Blvd $3,706.73 Total Cost Location 3: 574 W. Montrose (Church) $8,287.14 Total Cost Location 4: 680 7 Street (Beauty Shop) $4,908.8r* - Total cost location 5: 702 Montrose (Herb Shop) $6,036.28 ** **Total cost location 6: 712 Montrose (Wine Shop) *9,355.03 **Total cost location 7: 716 Montrose (Marleek Const) $6,798,52 *"Total cost location 8: 720 Montrose (conduit only) $1,260.77 Note: 720 and 716 Montrose have been combined into one unit and metered at 718 Montrose We intend to instal! a spare conduit and stub up under the meter base at 716 Montrose for future use Progress Energy appreciates the opportunity to submit this proposal for the above outlined services and looks forward to working with you in the future. Please feel free to contact me any time to discuss this proposal. Sincerely Progress Energy Collier W Jones 0 Project Manager T&D Services 71D Services • 3300 Exchange Place • take Mary, Florins 32746 • (407) 942 -9390 A Progress Energy Company l