O-27-102 !;:::~~,~!' ORDINANCE HI02. AN ORDINANCE TO PROHIBIT THE MANUFACTURE, SALE, DISTRIBUTION, ORHAVING IN POSSESSION OF ALCOHOLIC LIQUORS FOR BEVERAGE PURPOSES, WHETHER SPIRITUOUS, VINOUS, OR MALT. ~i:.,."....:. !Ii ¡'i' b_ BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT: SECTION I. That it shall be unlawful for any person, association of persons or copporation, or any agent or em~loy.es of any person, association of persons or corporation to manufacture sell, barter, or exchange, or cause to be manufactured, sold, bar- tered or exchanged, or anywise to be concerned in the manufacture, sale, barter or exchange of, or to transport or cause to be trans- ported, or in anywise to be concerned in the transportation of, from any point beyond the corporate 11mits of the 'City of tlermont to any point within the corporate l1mits of the C'1ty of Clermont, or f"rom ·any point wi thin the corporate l1mi ts of the City of Clermont, to any other point wi thin the corporate limits of the City of Clermont, any alcoholic or intoxicating liquors or beverages, whether spirituous, vinous or malt, except as may be permitted by the laws of the United States of America and the State of Florida. SEC'l'!ON II. That it shall be unlawful for an,. person, association of persons or corporation, or any agent or employee or ant person, association of persons or corporation to have in his, her, thetr or its possession,. custody or control, wi thin tm corporate limits of ' the City of Clermont, any alcoholiè or in- toxicating liquors or veverages except such as ~ay be permitted by the laws of the United States of America and the State or .:it!o . ..~ Flol?ida. ,SECTION III. That in any prosecution or other proceeding under any of the provisions of this ordinance, it shall -not be necessary for the City of Clemont or ·.any officer, in pleading or by evidence, to negative the existince in point of fact of any of the exceptions hereinbefore referred to under the laws of the United States of America and the State of Florida, but the .. ¡ existanc. of eny such exceptions in point of fact shall. be defensive matter in any such prosecution or pther proceednga. And - ------r in any such prosecution or other proceedings, it shall not be necessary for the City of Cler.mont or any officer to allege or prove the particular name, kind, Character or contents of an,. alcoholic or other intoxicating liquors or' beverages, whether spirituous, vinous or malt, and other liquors or liquids, but it shall be sufficient to allege generally and to prove that the same are alcoholic and intoxicating liquors or beverages or other ...'....'.:.... ", " ~;.' liquors or liquids within the prohibition of this ordInance. SECTION IV. That all drinks, beverages, or alcoholic liquors for beverage purposes, containing one-half of one per centum (t of l~) of alcohol, or more, by volume, than 60° Fehr., and all intoxicating liquors and beverages, whether spirituous, vinous or malt, shall be deemed and held to be within ,the prohibition of this ordinance. SECTION V. That upon the arrest of an,. person charged with the violation of an,. of the provisions of this ordinance, it shall, be the d~ty of the arresting officer to take into his custod1' all alcoholic or intoxicating liquors or beverages than found in the possession, custody or control of such person; and, upon the conviction of any person so arrested for the violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance, herein made a cr1minal offense, it shall be the. duty of the Kayor of the City of Clermont to issue to the Marshal of the City of Clermont a written order adjudging and declaring such lIquors forfeited, and directing such Marshal to destroy such alcoholic or -:,intoxicating liquors or .- beverages. --, SECTION VI. That anY' person, association of persons, or corporation, and any agent or employee of any person, association of persons or corporation, who shall violate anY' of the fore- going provisions of this ordinance, shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine not exceeding Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment in ths city jail not exceeding sixty (60) days, or by both such fine and 1mprisonment. SECTION VII. All Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in- consistent with the provisions of thi s Ordinance are hereby repealed. e- Passed and adopted this 4th day of January A. D. 1927. #C~ ~resident, Uity Council. - ~. ..;s~.~, . ·.~~~7P".,·" ¡J / / ~",'" ~~ ~/ ~.u-?Þ4k1A ~ oX¿. '6'f?:/þ;O~,.... ~erk. ~ 0 .' O'~ ~Á:;l~ t\ oÎ!:!S ,::. \"~o d:) ~ :.: i ~~t.; t, c'" Ileceg~d and approved this 4th day of January, A. D. 1927. o '" ",Q~ 0- 1/ . ",~ ~#', -..,<I'~~ ",Þ¡;o'ð06~~ '." -~ ~ f/ò"'."~QO\b~ <!¡.s"" "" Ib dr' W'~'''^^-~~f Mayor. .J'.{ t. ~~ :'Jirf,