O-27-108 (- t I I L ORDINANC~ Nm\œE~ 108. ,. Ji.N O¡a)I1{A!:CE authorizing and directing the Mayor and- City Clerk of tha City of Clermoht to execute a lease to the Clermont Womans' Cluò for the certain property . , · . ~·.:-r....'" . ,. ~ 1.1' . . .......'10,';. . I . . : n'':.JL · . "if'?"1I in t"3 City of Clermont. ~ BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCI!' OF THE CITY OF CLERM01~T : , . I' ~ I The Mayor and the City Clerk of the City of Clermont are hereby authorized and directed for and on ~ehalf of the City of Clermont to Section 1. lease to the Cl~r.mont Womans' Clµb: Lots 9 and 10 in Block 73, according to the official .. map of the City of Clel~ont, for a )e!"iod of t':."3nty-five (25) ye~'rs, at an annual rental ~ I ! ' of Onà Dollar peL" ye:; r. , . The ~~yor an~ the City Clerk of the City of Clermont are hereby authorized .and directed to execute the· said lease and to provide therein Section 2. I,,! . j for 'the lessee to assume and agree to pay all State, County, ,and City taxes noVl or her~~afte:' to be assessed or levied on the said proyerty during the life-t~e of the said lease; to pay all assessments heretofore levied or hereaft3r to be levied by the City of Clermont for improvements. . . All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby re- 'pealed so far as such conflict exists; and this ordinance ! Section 3. , . , . ,shall ~ecome e1'f'ectiva upon its !,assaße and appl'oval by ,the ,Mayor. · . 2 :i£ - - - - ---- - ------------ 0' KJþ¿o. .'; · I ~. ~ :1"' I . I " · .;,~..:.. " . Paßsed and a~opted at the meeting of the City Council held on the 4th day of October, 1927. ~~ President City Council. .. ZJ "0, ¡ " ...... 1-~~' " Racei ved and approved by me, this ~ tho c1r...y of Oc to~):er, 1927. W."'~~\~/ ~fuyor Oity o~C1ermon~ p7 . e-