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:"'~--~:, ..~ ,; ... D' y : :~, ; : ' ~ >·~:n·v' : , ~-, , ;¡ :f . , .' .' . ~ ¡; ~ " : Do . '::~W: . ¡: ~ '. . . ORDINA~CE NC. 109 AN OPDINANCE CALLING AN ELEOTICr TO DETER~:HE ~HETHER OR NOT THE CITY OF CLER~~~T SHALL SELL ITS ~~TER ~ORKS PLA~~ AUD BISTRIBUTION SYSTEU A~D GR£NT A DATER DORKS AND GAS FRA:WHISE TO a. H. ROU1~ILLAT, OOI:1';:G BUSIlJESS AS OLER:":C!~T --tJ-'PILITIES 00: 'FAl~Y . --~--------------------------------------------------------- 13E IT ORTAINED "BY THE CITY COUNOJ:L OF THE OITY OF CL:R' ··:)~¡T: Section 1. A special election is hereby called to be held on T~esd~y, ~ugust 9th, 1927, at the City Hall i~ the City dÏ Cler~ont, li'loricì.EI", to ¿'etermine whether or not the Ct ty of Cler.i:ont shall sell I its wéte):' l-V'orks pl&nt and dis~ribution system and gre.nt a ~ranchise to C.H. ROU111illat, doing business éI.S Cler.:',ont Utili ties Compa.ny, ' to conduct and o;er~te e water ~orks and gas plant end distribution system in the Oi ty of Clerl::ont. Section g. All persons who ~re q~alified to vote at the last general election held iri the Ci ty ofCler.:ont a.nd '!\Tho have paid poll tax for the years 1925 and 1926, if liable therefor, shall be en- titled to vote at such election, provided such persons are regis- tered in!the ~urocipel Registratio~ Book. Section 3. The Oity Registr2tio~ Office~ is hereb7 directed to open the ~.i~icipé'~l Registretion Book é'.ne: keep the s&n:e open for registrt.tion of voters during reasonabl€ business hours of the day fro..: Friday, June 27th to 2nd including S,at:lrday" July 23rd, 1927; and all persons not &lready registered and who possess the qUÂlifi- c~tio~s øf voters sh~ll be entitled to register upon taking the preserib(¡ë!. o2th, and s1:a,11 be entitled to vote at this election. Section 4. The City Olerk is hereby Girected to cause to be }JrepB,red a sufficient number of ballots for use at such électio1:l, B.nd s"_:ch ballots sr..é'll be ,in substé.:.ntia1ly the follov.ing form, to I:i t : No. SPEC IAL ~LZCT 1:,1' úITY OF OL~R· ~~T, FLORIDA ilUGUST 9, 1927. OFFIOIAL B.ALLOT. ., ~! : I , " . - " 'itO:pø,S%',tPN " , ,ShaU th. ç~ty ót ClettiYMtl?s11';,:tbè' PtéSen*'~a,~~t·.orks pl&Þ't aø:1 d$.ett1bU,.tiø.n $y$1¡$tU etn4 at t'h$ 'ßa~a ,tittle :pant ·tø 0.. B, R()µcœJ;11at.tO~8 Þ$è1né$$ a,$ Clèrmont 'tlts:¡.,..t-téS-OQlDpanyt a ft'm)hs.$e . to øonauc't, end, opö~a~e ~. 1'ia te; . vtQ~kS 8Øã. ,gas plant a~ , - d~.tJtlbut1on$y~t$m in tÞ-eCit, Of 01-e:~ont:, upon -p't'cee 'and te~: .,:- . ,_ ãii "i'ö1"1óWèí .-- ..:. .. -- ~ - - - ~- .~- - -~----.- --. ~. ;'.: .' '.. --: . .' . · ~ fØ~à' J>.'.~.~ 'ÞJ"ê~ t1$.~~€)...~G>'í:' , ' t4,ØØO~09 Q8êb. _\ft~~fi t'hs.~t, ~.~ ,ått~): ,:ê~e_¢t1~~~ - '10,,000,.00 no~~, (if.. th~_eè yearB aftø,," ~te of áal~_.' . I,. ~. - i . r" ~. . ~ . '.... --. .' . "'àSwnptt()~ ot' '5~$ØOí00 bondé due tn 19&á.. wittJ ß~x' '. .. pet ce't-"'tnte~'eët'¡, " _ " '-- '- " .', '~_.. . ... A'ß$~t'1on of $a4.oØì)-,O.Ø:- ~øn4$ 4u.ê ~n 1900~ wltb 61% p~;r ,eeq't lnte1"ß'Ø:tt " ' , ' ,,: ",.. .. ).-- " . Ap. ~Mèftak1ng w1thß~etY to be :e.p~r,ø"e4. by the 01,1;Y ,OO\m,4.I.. t,o ,,'.\1ï'.$, that gt'antE#~' .111' -de,ø~1t with~the 01. 'bY "featu.re).'. tine .,øm4.'!iI'$nt!~ 1~te:r~&t ten days bß"'i" ,(),. 1ttal1B c!h~.,. Md &f):peø1tl~ sum on ea.øh'Qút- $t$nd~~8bol1(1 .t()~t'ei,t1~lÐg f\U14 $äf;::b ""eat. ' ~. ':.... _ ;. ~ ...... '.\ .' .. '"'1... . -'. ' . , ~ " :. '. .~ , " , , .. ., -'- 'f,: '- -, " , :1 ,." _ .> ", :'.,1\¡J(tíC" C,ì:''Î>' ',.-pí;¡.n>::::,..';~ _ -:~¡¡-:~i·:':~:Ç':.!t;:':,:,-~,;I,,:ql~[, '~t:l, Wi:.:\ "''{,':~~,:~L_..,,~/:;_~-':'':,;:\lf:>\: ;'í:" ,\' . ( ÌI'~;' ", .,~ œ an '":I,.' in sq.'e in :t~ón:f)' of y-ó~ vot'~. .' . -. ~ , \ . . ~ . . . . _, . . 1. .., . ~", ..-' r.\'~~ ~~)1,. ~f.¡~ T_.:~ ::~;, ::"f:(~, '.~.¥I'~~():(~M~-1;:~[JJ.wtii.~~,: jl~(i. ::'1.Ai l::'~,~1.' l(tJ,).,;\~~t) ~~r.~;:...:.?~:.,\'~-~)J ~':·._~:'~-..I~yt, ~-~':~:~~,;¡¡,';::;;,·t ~r(-~j ...~ ... ~'.. ~~,Òi.:~~ - 1'~ ':'. "1,,-- ,--.. -f ;~~!:. . " "{ , ,~1'3 ð~iI. ""n~ ....!)''t ~~ . p,'. ";ä-n·4o'-a~d,Î~t[~i:~I~ a '.. :'¿, , ¡¡¡o'yo ....!-?i(l4""" ,Ç;) ~ VI'~ ~ , (I!"I,I~~.. " ..ç;u¡J~f;¡ ,f!ii>~ ,I _ !"" I " , , ... . ~.... '-.. ...,.... '--' -' , -. ~ .. . ;.. - - ...... , . .-' ",.r:-·n:j:~~' ':'l')I-'I¡U'·,~",:fl\~'¡, ,:'-;':-', r&,<' \ ',.'. ..~I"..' Ot.',;:,,~:~' :~¡(",,'n:;';,\:~ >: ,-:. ~"':,':,\:(~:"·K-;;'~:..!\Ir:;...,·:¥ ,,' , ;:".- . ,,,;i--::,.> ~:.: :,'~' . ~~}'\i,' " . . '... I . j: AGAUSf'$~111ng '~te~ ,p1Mt and t:tf'ðÞ-øl1ie. . I' , _~. _ 'r" ", J. _ ~":i\:'-,If·;,::"'~w,·_ '...,';\~'':''iK...\f :;,\,...,,!\ojI¡:'~: ,:,~.;\,,;\ "/(~\:~I ~f 'i!lII'\'",'Î',::;(',)"!.'..: ¡:.'.\l'¡J;..t::I!:J~ >;:qÖ,,:;:~:!!'< ",: r., '>,.' '','', ~> -';;'. Li~~' , . ., ". - . . . $eot1ofi $.~,fhø t'o11øwStngéfe b~te by naœêd 1népecto1:~~' and' , ,Cletk 01 thlß. eleõt1o'i'U ~ ,- -. ... . , . $.0. a09kJ,.$,le$ ,. ~1n~r~. A'~E~ ,tê$aø$; "nepe~t~rsJ ' .". ..1 ~. '.... . ','. ' 1". .' .' - -' , ._, 'Ð-..S '~. 'r$~3;,Ø~. " ~~e,1fk': tbe p~11e ,~~ll b~ ópðAeél at è,1~~t:~'_;~lOC,k.' ~, . ,.. . ....... "¡ . . .. - !"' - '....~ :.,..~,..- . , " ...,J4,~ stl4 8h6.11; ¢l08e.~$tx ø:toiøck þ,..tJt.j ,!àstøtn ',$~'a~ä~(iTl.'..;' "<-~'.j-\~' ."~~ "':~¡':-"'.-', ....~.,. -. ~-~~ -...:~-.:- ...,':.........¿ ~ $eotion'~ nê ;Ct.ty, ,Council, ø1e11 t!1~et at ø~sht ()~9100k ¡);¡ !1í4 - ~ '.' .~ øn A~at S. 192'l~ .&n4 ~$Cé.j¡vø àtì<!. oanîr,SS tbß :rletur~s f;roIl). th1~ ØleQiÎ lon,*, , , f" . SéQf¡!ori '.¡. the ëÅéP~:1ö~-pr()Vlð.êdf()t Þøreby $hal'1 ~e oondl1c~~(,· âß g~e1'a't !!l\!1ct1ons t(¡,1' :e1~øti~IIO:1' Q1tyQftioe;rs, !!¡¡ë~t aSb"-, heré#J\ p:tov14e4..., , =: ,SéØ't1Qn,S. ihe ,Qlty i01et>k" i$ 'hél'ebY dlre,øted to CI;tU$èto b.ê~:," . ~.",' publ!shed, _a ß.CttiÐß. ,ot'. th,iJSL.eJ.eo.t.i,on.,.. Whloh notioaShall be Pl1'\'.wol , . . '.. ". , . ': . .... . '.~ 'j ..~. :. " 'j.-Î; 4 .,.-.;; , .. "~I "~~' ,.... ~¡:.:," . ,', , " .. ~n ' " .' , lishecl oncs 'ee.,Gh weelYf~X :fo1.U" c~ns'ec~:tivé, ~eekl,Y" ïSèU~S of a , newspe:~.er ,.publ+shed: "in the Oi ty of, Cl~rj~lOIit,'", the' fÜ':~t' pu?li æt ion "." .. ." to be JIÐå.e on June 3!1h. Sectio!1 9. Th~,·:,:<?rd.iné:lnce ,.S1:[·,ll q,~co..:e .eff,ecti 't,te ilr.;:~edi~ tely U1;.9n, its: ~?l:'~sq~e é~çi 8.ª-.;:þtion..., .. . ¿' ~ .....: ... - - .... - - - ..~. I.t ~~~,·-.~·t·~ ~.~ - - ~ - ~7- '- -------- . " F ~s'se'd'a.rÍd c.dopted ~t :the '.::eeting'..of·the~ity 'Council held at the Oi ty:'H~',ll ·in the ·Q,i t:r ·o:f\ile:.'.::ö'~t, ,June 24th, ,1927. , ' ,~~ , .,..Pr.esic1ent, u-i ty Council. . ... ..... ,"\-t .... ------ - - - - ~ -'- '. - - - - - - - - - The fore30i~f,otdinirtce: Ji. D. 1987. I a.::':~;roved þy n:e thie _ dÐ.Y of June, I,¡ayor, Oity of Cler!:1ont. " .! ; .' ~ , " ,." " " . " . , " ;10: